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Timothy E Baldwin
28 years ago
Neil Turton
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* *
* Project: RiscOS *
* *
* Module: RISC_OSLib *
* *
* Created: Wed 24-Oct-90 By: Ran Mokady *
* *
* First version: 4.16 *
* *
* Copyright: (C) 1990, Acorn Computers Ltd., Cambridge, England. *
* *
C application support library for Risc OS.
Change Log:
Version: 4.16 Wed 24-Oct-90 Ran Mokady
Version: 4.17 Wed 07-Nov-90 Jonathan Roach
* Add wimp_spritearea #define to wimp.h
* Add dragasprite (dragasprit.h and dragasprit.c)
* Use dragasprite for xfersend
* Improve generation of save dbox icon to set ptr_hand over it
Version: 4.18 Wed 16-Jan-91 enevill
* Stack extension / event interaction bug fixed
* 4.18 needed for DDE
* C library sources now under source control (DDE 3.69)
Version: 4.19 Fri 01-Mar-91 philip colmer
* longjmp in SVC mode fixed
* IDJs edit bug fixes
Version: 4.20 Mon 11-Mar-91 Philip Colmer
* support for BASIC tokenising/detokenising added to txtedit, txtfile
and saveas
Version: 4.21 Sun 17-Mar-91 Ran Mokady
(Log entries by RM)
Philip Colmer :- Fixed bug, old versions of !Edit confused by new BASIC code.
Ran Mokady :- Fixed stubs, and changed font.c to initialise zero data.
Version: 4.22 Mon 18-Mar-91 Ian Johnson
* bug fix in c.dbox, dbox_fillin_fixedcaret and dbox_fillin
Version: 4.23 Thu 11-Apr-91 Philip Colmer
* bug fix in c.txtfind, c.font
* removed BASIC support from c.saveas, changed BASIC support in c.txtedit,
added support for new font menu in c.txtoptmenu
Version: 4.24 Fri 12-Apr-91 ENevill
* Text extraction & message lookup in C library
Version: 4.25 Sat 13-Apr-91 ENevill
* C locale stuff + lookup for RISC_OSLib messages file
Version: 4.26 Sat 13-Apr-91 Jonathan Coxhead
* New arguments to wimp_taskinit are expected if (and only if)
*version >= 300, new header:
os_error *wimp_taskinit (char *name, int *version /*inout*/,
wimp_t *t /*out*/, ...);
/* Name is the name of the program. Used instead of wimp_initialise,
returns your task handle. *Version should be at least 200 on entry,
and will return the current wimp version number. If *version >=
300, a wimp_MCLOSEDOWN-terminated list of message numbers must be
* A new function wimpt_messages, as follows:
/* ------------------------ wimpt_messages --------------------------
* Description: Tell wimpt which WIMP messages you understand.
* Parameters: action, ... - a list of message numbers, terminated
* by wimp_MCLOSEDOWN (which every task must respond
* to)
* Returns: void.
* Other Info: Call this routine before calling wimpt_init, if you
* know about the message-masking feature of the WIMP
* present in version 3.00+. This list will be passed
* to SWI Wimp_Initialise. If you call this function
* without calling wimpt_version(), wimpt_init() will
* assume you know about WIMP 3.00.
void wimpt_messages (wimp_msgaction, ...);
Version: 4.28 Wed 01-May-91 ENevill
* Improved error handling in C library kernel
Version: 4.29 Fri 21-Jun-91 ENevill
* _kernel_raise_error now unwinds stack and returns error to original caller
if called from SVC mode.
* Now complains when trying to get a message from its message file and you
have overloaded an old version (< 3.80).
* Calls TaskWindow_TaskInfo in _postmortem to see if this is a 'command'
Version: 4.30 Tue 02-Jul-91 Ian Johnson
* fixed wimpt_messages to not ignore first message
* added three entries back in for Draw and paint
* added help handlers for dboxtcol and magnifier
* removed window limit
* most other fixes detiled in version 1.31 of Edit
Version: 4.31 Fri 19-Jul-91 Ian Johnson
* new messages file
* fileicon now supports directory and application icons
* txtfile.c fixed for large BASIC file saving
* new cl.messages
* stop looking up error token twice
* remove arguments to _armsys_libinit
* replaced quick sort with shell sort
Version: 4.32 Mon 05-Aug-91 Ian Johnson
* new functions dboxquery_close and dboxquery_quit to implement style
guide behaviour for quit and close
* new rl_spare and rl_entries for above changes
* new s.bastxt, c.txtedit, c.txtfile, h.verintern.messages for changes
listed in Edit change list
* new messages file
Version: 4.33 Tue 27-Aug-91 ENevill
* RISC OS 2.18 release
Version: 4.34 Wed 04-Sep-91 ENevill
* Fixed out by 1 buffer size problem in system()
* Use &FF0 as workspace pointer so loading grungy old clib works.
Version: 4.35 Mon 16-Sep-91 ENevill
* Generate zero init stubs$$data in ROMStubs and ROMCStubs
Version: 4.36 Mon 23-Sep-91 ENevill
* Fix RMA memory leakage bug.
Version: 4.37 Thu 26-Sep-91 RISC OS Build
* Return to 4.35 version for Amber RISC OS.
Version: 4.38 Tue 05-Nov-91 RISC OS Build
* Change wimpt_messages so it takes a pointer to a block of messages
rather than a variadic argument list. Much neater.
Version: 4.39 Tue 19-Nov-91 ENevill
* RP-0367: Tidied up edit menus.
* Added new SWI veneers
Jonathan Coxhead
* Threw away msgs_, now uses MessageTrans
* Added msgtrans_ (new module, header file only!)
Version: 4.40 Mon 25-Nov-91 ENevill
* New swis.h. Removed SWI defs from c files
Version: 4.41 Tue 03-Dec-91 ENevill
* Fixed bug in os_read_var_val which caused bytes to be chopped off the
end of system variables
Version: 4.42 Mon 20-Jan-92 ENevill
RP-0484: 3.92 - Resets __icnt in __filbuf in case ESC happens in read
- Allow malloc(0)
G-RO-8405: - Fixed sscanf("123", "%d %d %d", ...)
- Changed ROMStubs so they call ROM SWI directly for
applications as well as modules so !Configure works with
an overloaded C library.
- Separated stubs into module stubs and application stubs
so a module or application need only link with the
appropriate stubs thus saving space.
RP-0750: - Changed txtedit so click on save opens save dbox with
untitled file.
- Added Cancel icon to "not tokenised BASIC" error
Version: 4.43 Mon 17-Feb-92 ENevill
Bug fix: fopen now closes the file if it gets an error trying to set the
file extent when opening a locked file for writing.
Performance: template loading speeded up be using Wimp_LoadTemplate to find
the buffer size required for indirected data instead of reading
the file and determining this itself.
Performance: Sprite file loading. If the sprite file is held in ResourceFS
the file is not loaded. A direct pointer to the file data is
used instead.
Version: 4.44 Thu 20-Feb-92 ENevill
Bug fix: _kernel_RMAextend previously freed the block it had just
extended by falling through to _kernel_RMAfree.
Bug fix: wording for error messages changed.
Version: 4.45 Thu 20-Feb-92 ENevill
Bug fix: More error messages changed.
Version: 4.46 Thu 12-Mar-92 ENevill
* Added SIGOSERROR to signals intercepted by wimpt_init.
Prevents Postmortems being generated from RISCOS_Lib Apps
* Return error from _kernel_moduleentry if error claiming workspace.
Allows DOSFS initialisation to fail gracefully
* Generate UpCall NewApplication in modulewrap before changing exit handler.
Allows Obey module to free its workspace correctly
Version: 4.47 Fri 13-Mar-92 Owen Smith
* Added resspr_readfile() function - same as resspr_init() but you pass
in the pathname of the Sprites file eg. "Configure:Sprites". This allows
the ROM apps to have their directories split in half, which fixes
* New module_wrap from Edward - it was missing an instruction or something.
Version: 4.48 Thu 02-Apr-92 ENevill
* Module wrap now kills all instantiations but one on soft reset
* Module wrap preserves error after *WimpSlot for FilerAct
* New call wimpt_install_signal_handlers prevents postmortems before wimpt_init
* Read "Width" string from messages file in !Edits menu
Version: 4.48 Fri 03-Apr-92 Jonathan Coxhead
* New argument added to xfersend_print(). Not implemented yet though.
Version: 4.49 Mon 06-Apr-92 Jonathan Coxhead
* Implemented as follows, in two parts: (j) if the Message_PrintSave is not
acknowledged by a Message_PrintFile, xfersend_print() calls the printing
argument. (Then, if there is a printer driver module loaded, printing will
happen; otherwise, a call to PDriver_Info at some point in the printing
code will cause a 'Printer driver not loaded' error to be reported to the
user.) (ij) If Printers replies with Message_PrintTypeOdd, the same
happens and xfersend_print() replies with Message_PrintTypeKnown. If a
printing argument of NULL is supplied, Printers will try again with a
Message_DataSaveAck and then the saving argument or sending argument will
be used.
* Also, xfersend() does the same. Neither of these functions now responds to
Message_PrintFile under any circumstances.
Version: 4.49 Thu 23-Apr-92 ENevill
RP-2240 Don't print "Internal error (<error>) for SIGOSERROR, just print
A-RO-7016c Fixed wimpt1 message lookup.
Check return code from dbox_new in magnify
RP-2385 Fix gmtime - subtract timezone and DST from local time
RP-2483 Return errors from _kernel_oswrch so printf returns an error if
OS_WriteC fails.
Version: 4.49 Fri 24-Apr-92 JRoach
RP-2621 Don't address exception, but return error instead in ModuleWrap
if module was entered, but wasn't enough RMA to get workspace.
Version: 4.50 Fri 30-Jul-93 ENevill
* Fix timezone bug, where negative timezones went wrong.
* Support use of characters other than '.' as decimal point in scanf, printf etc
* Support indirected menu titles when title is longer than 12 chars
* Extend fixed size text buffers in txtedit from 20 to 40
* Look up word "Selection"
* Removed assumptions about alphabetic chars in dbox
Version: 4.51 Thu 26-Aug-93 Owen Love
* Improvement in the wording of the error messages stored in the message
file as part of the Libra project.
Version: 4.52 Thu 02-Sep-93 Steve Cormie
* No longer assumes the size of application space or the position/size
of the RMA.
Version: 4.53 Tue 21-Sep-93 ENevill
* Changed fclose so it allows fclose(0), returning -1 to indicate an error
Version: 4.54 Mon 04-Oct-93 ENevill
* Fixed prehistoric register corruption bug in _kernel_unwind
Version: 4.55 Thu 11-Nov-93 Jonathan Roach
* MED-00925: with just the right amount of free memory, !Edit will fail to
convert a BASIC proggy when it's shift-double-clicked, but open an empty
window with the file's name - not safe! Bug was in txtfile.
Version: 4.56 Thu 11-Nov-93 Jonathan Roach
MED-01175: No error message when printer status Inactive. RISC_OSLib was
failing to respond to PrintError messages in xfer_send.
MED-01173: Corrupt error message from !Edit when printer status inactive.
The txt part of RISC_OSLib was respoinding to PrintError messages, but
indexing to the wrong position to print the error.
MED-02078: as MED-01173.
Version: 4.56 Wed 19-Jan-94 Jonathan Roach
Bring SharedCLibrary version up to SrcFiler version.
Version: 4.57 Fri 21-Jan-94 JCoxhead
dboxtcol.c - make colour model persistent
menu.c - various bugs fixed courtesy of Lionel Haines
wimp.c - pass TRUE to Wimp_ReadPalette, do not scale by 17/16
xfersend.c - only report a printer error if one is provided
Version: 4.58 Thu 10-Feb-94 William Stoye
txtar.c,wimpt.c - bug fix so that Edit notices EVERY mode change,
not just the ones that happen when it has windows open.
MEDUSA - RISC OS 3.50 build
* *
* Project: Black *
* *
* Module: RISC_OSLib *
* *
* Created: Mon 01-Aug-94 By: Aideen McConville *
* *
* First version: 4.58 *
* *
* Copyright: (C) 1994, Acorn Computers Ltd., Cambridge, England. *
* *
Change Log:
Version: 4.58 Mon 01-Aug-94 Aideen McConville
Moved to new source tree.
Version: 4.59 Fri 19-Aug-94 Alan Glover
Fix bug MED-03572 (c.txtedit) Quitting edit from the task window whilst
there's a modified file causes the whole desktop to shut down when the
file is discarded
Version: 4.60 Tue 30-Aug-94 Alan Glover
Fix bug MED-03067 (c.txtedit, again). Was framing an error block and
not bothering to fill in an error number. Result was that spurious
fatal program errors sometimes occurred.
(AMcC) (30-Sep-94) also small change to c.txtfile (error reporting)
Version: 4.61 Tue 06-Sep-94 Aideen McConville
* Makefile: added rom_link rule (needed for final stage of ROM Image build).
* s.version: updated to 4.61
Version: 4.62 Mon 26-Sep-94 Steve Cormie
* Fixed MED-03708:
s.initmodule: Messages "Stub data size = " and
"Library data size = " now looked up in
Messages file.
clib.Resources.UK.Messages: Above messages added as C67, C68.
kernel.s.k_body: Sorted out _kernel_getmessage (could return
error pointer with no V set, also works for
"registers at:" message only required for
clib.s.cl_body: "Postmortem" message only required for
rlib.c.txtar: Debugging error removed.
Makefile: Now builds lib.Clib (SharedCLibrary RAM module)
Version: 4.63 Fri 28-Oct-94 Aideen McConville
* Updated generation of swis.h (for Aquarius)
hdr.SharedCLib: (new) contains SWI definitions (now included in swis.h)
s.makeswis: Generates SWI name defs for all SWIs listed in 3.50 PRM
Generates swis.h suitable for Aquarius
* s.modulewrap: Looks for ResFiles in directory 's'.
* Makefile: Exports hdr.SharedCLib (SWI defs)
Exports some files from rlib.h.EditIntern (needed by !Edit)
Generates o.c_abssym (c symbols only) as well as o.abssym -
some RISC_OSLib symbols clashed with symbols used by modules
that don't normally link with RISC_OSLib (e.g. RemPrnSpt).
Version: 4.64 Fri 28-Oct-94 Aideen McConville
* Reinstated the following in the ROM library (needed by !Paint)
- rlib.c.colourtran (colourtran_return_colourformode)
- rlib.c.sprite (sprite_get_given_rp)
- rlib.c.wimp (wimp_ploticon, wimp_which_icon)
- (win_read_eventhandler)
- rlib.s.rl_entries (reinstated above symbols)
Version: 4.65 Mon 31-Oct-94 Steve Cormie
* s.modulewrap: Make Filer_Action look up help/syntax in its own message file.
* Messages: Added directed comments for message tokenisation.
Version: 4.66 Fri 25-Nov-94 Steve Cormie
* s.modulewrap: Other apps using modulewrap need to look up help and syntax
for *Desktop_<AppName>.
Version: 4.67 Fri 25-Nov-94 Aideen McConville
* Compatibility changes for 500 Series compiler:
__rt_ symbols defined and exported as needed
Changed files:
Version: 4.68 Fri 25-Nov-94 Aideen McConville
* Create a 'special' Entries file (syms.A_Entries) that doesn't include
swi and swix entries. This is necessary for ROM components that define
their own versions of swi and swix (e.g. ShareFS)
Changed files:
syms.A_Entries (new)
Version: 4.69 Wed 30-Nov-94 Aideen McConville
* Updated some CLib.h files in line with Aquarius versions:
* s.makeswis: Added Hdr:DragAnObj
* Makefile: Now exports ansilib
Fixed typo: (o.rl.swi: --> o_rl.swi) to ensure that the correct
definitions are copied to asmdefs before assembling swi
Version: 4.70 Mon 05-Dec-94 Steve Cormie
* Fixed MED-03597: s.modulewrap used ANDNV instructions as NOPs.
Version: 4.71 Fri 09-Dec-94 Steve Cormie
* Fixed MED-03777: s.initmodule and kernel.s.k_body used banked registers
after a processor mode change.
Version: 4.72 Tue 03-Jan-95 Aideen McConville
* s.makeswis: Added CDROM and SCSI SWIs (as requested by SPalmer)
Version: 4.73 Mon 09-Jan-95 Aideen McConville
* s.makeswis: Added #defines for INR(..) and OUTR(..) and Usage comment
(for Aquarius)
Version: 4.74 Wed 11-Jan-95 Steve Cormie
* s.initmodule, kernel.s.k_body: Fixed fixes made in version 4.71.
* clib.s.cl_body: Fixed MED-04254, pow(0,0) should have returned 1.
* c.stdio: Fixed MED-04294, setvbuf followed by getc failed to allocate a
system buffer and hence crashed the machine.
Version: 4.75 Wed 18-Jan-95 Aideen McConville
* MED-03784 - part of Fix (for !Edit) - look up Version/Date in Messages
file and use to fill in ProgInfo template. Change in rlib.c.txtedit - part of
RISC_OSLib but used only by !Edit (IJ).
* Moved rlib.h.EditIntern.editv to !Edit (not required by RISC_OSLib)
* Makefile: uptodate list of dynamic dependencies
no longer exports rlib.h.EditIntern.editv
Version: 4.76 Wed 15-Feb-95 Steve Cormie
* h.hostsys, s.h_workspc, kernel.s.k_body, c.stdio - Fixed MED-04611:
Function tmpnam() now uses byte in zero page as a counter and checks
that the file name generated is not that of an existing file.
Same version: Fri 17-Feb-95 AMcC - s.makeswis - changed Hdr:CDROMFS to Hdr:CDFS
Version: 4.77 Mon 27-Feb-95 Steve Cormie
* kernel.s.k_body - Fix made in version 4.76 prevented ansilib from being built.
Version: 4.78 Tue 28-Feb-95 JCoxhead
* Fixed typo in dbox.c. (MED-04747)
AMcC: 29-Feb-95: Updated s.Version
Version: 4.79 Wed 01-Mar-95 Aideen McConville
* Reinstated the following in the ROM library (needed by !Draw)
- (bbc_gwindow)
- rlib.s.rl_entries (reinstated above symbol)
- s.Version
AMcConville (04-Apr-95): No new version
* Makefile - export rule divided into two phases: export_hdrs, export_libs
swis.h is created during the second phase (export_libs)
This ensures that all components have exported their hdr files
before any attempt is made to create swis.h
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