Commit 1f934ab9 authored by Robert Sprowson's avatar Robert Sprowson
Browse files

Add skeleton hook directory for RISC OS 4.39

Largely a clone of the RO400Hook.
* Update RO400Hook/ResetCMOS to have the right OS version at the end
* In each 'Desktop' file only Filer_Boot the utilities of the same major version number
* BootRun accepts RISC OS Adjust's extra default library prefix, but outputs a corrected Run$Path (where the CSD is checked before the Lib)
* Makefile and docs updated

Tested on RISC OS 4.39, booting to the desktop with no errors.

Version 1.13. Tagged as 'Boot-1_13'
parent 6587c8ae
......@@ -46,17 +46,13 @@ CallASWI and CMOSUtils have moved into !System, previously the !System directory
VProtect has been retired as the commercial half of the virus protector is no longer available.
NetChoices and SetChoices have been combined into one.
UnplugTBox has been retired - unplugging ROM modules caused more trouble than it solved, now !System just RMEnsures a reasonable working set of Toolbox modules when the C Library is updated. This must be done reasonably early on because clients of the toolbox can't be passed from one set of toolbox modules to another at runtime (error "Toolbox task(s) active").
PatchApp has been retired - it is assumed any StrongARM incompatible apps have been updated now.
PatchApp is now in Sys:370.Modules - it patches StrongARM incompatible apps, it is only loaded for versions prior to RISC OS 5.00 on the assumption that if StrongARM didn't kill you 32 bit probably will have.
Merging with RISC OS 4.02
In RO400Hook.Boot.PreDesktop change
-Path BootResources Boot:RO370Hook.Res.,Boot:RO360Hook.Res.,Boot:RO350Hook.Res.,Boot:RO310Hook.Res.,<BootResources$Dir>.
-If Boot$OSVersion >= 400 Then PrepPath BootResources$path Boot:RO400Hook.Res.
+Path BootResources Boot:RO400Hook.Res.,Boot:RO370Hook.Res.,Boot:RO360Hook.Res.,Boot:RO350Hook.Res.,Boot:RO310Hook.Res.,<BootResources$Dir>.
Merging with RISC OS 4.0x/4.39
Skeleton support exists for these ROM releases.
The configure plugins (from RO400Hook.Res and RO430Hook.Res) will need to be copied over the top of the empty ones provided, these are not supplied for copyright reasons.
In RO400Hook.Boot.Desktop change
\ No newline at end of file
Merging with RISC OS 3.xx
Merge (using the !SysMerge obey file) the 26 bit !System resources with those already in !Boot, this adds a few missing modules that are in ROM from RISC OS 4 onwards. At some point this could be automated by combining ZIP files.
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ FILESUNIVERSAL = \
${FILES360} \
${FILES370} \
${FILES400} \
${FILES430} \
${FILES500} \
${FILES510} \
......@@ -79,6 +80,12 @@ FILES400 = \
RO400Hook.Boot.PreDesk.Configure.BandLimit \
RO400Hook.Boot.Tasks.~CDReinit \
# Files required by a 4.3x machine
FILES400 = \
RO430Hook \
RO430Hook.Boot.PreDesk.Configure.BandLimit \
RO430Hook.Boot.Tasks.~CDReinit \
# Files required by a 5.0x machine
FILES500 = \
RO500Hook \
......@@ -208,6 +215,7 @@ clean:
${XWIPE} RO360Hook.Boot.Tasks.~CDReinit ${WFLAGS}
${XWIPE} RO370Hook.Boot.Tasks.~CDReinit ${WFLAGS}
${XWIPE} RO400Hook.Boot.Tasks.~CDReinit ${WFLAGS}
${XWIPE} RO430Hook.Boot.Tasks.~CDReinit ${WFLAGS}
${XWIPE} Source.CDReinit.o ${WFLAGS}
${XWIPE} RO350Hook.Boot.PreDesk.*ROMPatch ${WFLAGS}
${XWIPE} RO360Hook.Boot.PreDesk.*ROMPatch ${WFLAGS}
......@@ -216,6 +224,7 @@ clean:
${XWIPE} Source.ROMPatch.Install.ROMPatch.!RunImage ${WFLAGS}
${XWIPE} RO370Hook.Boot.PreDesk.Configure.BandLimit ${WFLAGS}
${XWIPE} RO400Hook.Boot.PreDesk.Configure.BandLimit ${WFLAGS}
${XWIPE} RO430Hook.Boot.PreDesk.Configure.BandLimit ${WFLAGS}
${XWIPE} Source.BandLimit.Source.o.BandLimit ${WFLAGS}
@echo ${COMPONENT}: cleaned
......@@ -263,7 +272,7 @@ Utils.FreePool: Source.FreePool.Source.FreePool
${LD} ${LDFLAGS} -bin -o $@ Source.FreePool.o.FreePool
${SETTYPE} $@ Utility
RO310Hook RO350Hook RO360Hook RO370Hook RO400Hook RO500Hook RO510Hook:
RO310Hook RO350Hook RO360Hook RO370Hook RO400Hook RO430Hook RO500Hook RO510Hook:
${MKDIR} ${INSTAPP}.$@.Apps
${MKDIR} ${INSTAPP}.$@.Boot
${MKDIR} ${INSTAPP}.$@.Res
......@@ -301,13 +310,13 @@ RO350Hook.Boot.PreDesk.ROMPatch RO360Hook.Boot.PreDesk.ROMPatch RO370Hook.Boot.P
${SQZ} Source.ROMPatch.Install.ROMPatch.!RunImage
${CP} Source.ROMPatch.Install $@.^ ${CPFLAGS}
RO360Hook.Boot.Tasks.~CDReinit RO370Hook.Boot.Tasks.~CDReinit RO400Hook.Boot.Tasks.~CDReinit:
RO360Hook.Boot.Tasks.~CDReinit RO370Hook.Boot.Tasks.~CDReinit RO400Hook.Boot.Tasks.~CDReinit RO430Hook.Boot.Tasks.~CDReinit:
${MKDIR} Source.CDReinit.o
${AS} ${ASFLAGS} -o Source.CDReinit.o.CDReinit Source.CDReinit.s.CDReinit
${LD} ${LDFLAGS} -bin -o $@ Source.CDReinit.o.CDReinit
${SETTYPE} $@ Utility
RO370Hook.Boot.PreDesk.Configure.BandLimit RO400Hook.Boot.PreDesk.Configure.BandLimit: Source.BandLimit.Source.c.BandLimit
RO370Hook.Boot.PreDesk.Configure.BandLimit RO400Hook.Boot.PreDesk.Configure.BandLimit RO430Hook.Boot.PreDesk.Configure.BandLimit: Source.BandLimit.Source.c.BandLimit
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o Source.BandLimit.Source.o.BandLimit Source.BandLimit.Source.c.BandLimit
${LD} ${LDFLAGS} -o $@ Source.BandLimit.Source.o.BandLimit ${CLIB}
${SQZ} $@
......@@ -21,10 +21,6 @@ Repeat Filer_Run Choices:Boot.Tasks -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.400 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.400 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.370 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.370 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.360 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.360 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.350 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.350 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.310 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.310 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Printing Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Printing -Applications -Tasks
No preview for this file type
| See PreDesktop for details on the 'Start' and 'End' markers
|Start RISCOS !ThemeDefs 0.05 Deferred
| Load any deferred theme resources now the WimpMode is set
If "<ThemeDefs$ToBeIcons>"<>"" Then IconSprites <ThemeDefs$ToBeIcons>
If "<ThemeDefs$ToBeIcons>"<>"" Then /BootResources:Configure.IconChange
If "<ThemeDefs$ToBeTools>"<>"" Then ToolSprites <ThemeDefs$ToBeTools>
Unset ThemeDefs$ToBe*
|Start RISCOS !Boot 0.26 Auto tasks
Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:RO430Hook.Res -Applications -Tasks
Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:RO400Hook.Res -Applications -Tasks
Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:RO370Hook.Res -Applications -Tasks
Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:RO360Hook.Res -Applications -Tasks
Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:RO350Hook.Res -Applications -Tasks
Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:RO310Hook.Res -Applications -Tasks
Repeat Filer_Boot <BootResources$Dir> -Applications -Tasks
Filer_Boot <Boot$Dir>
Repeat Filer_Run Choices:Boot.Tasks -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.430 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.430 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.400 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.400 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Printing Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Printing -Applications -Tasks
|Start RISCOS !Internet 5.04 Resolver
If "<Alias$InetLoadResolver>" <> "" Then InetLoadResolver
Unset Alias$InetLoadResolver
|Start RISCOS !Boot 0.26 completion
| This line turns the hourglass off at the end of the boot sequence:
if "<Wimp$Font>" <> "" then /BootResources:Configure.FontChange
IfThere BootResources:Configure.!InetSetup Then Filer_Boot BootResources:Configure.!InetSetup
IfThere BootResources:!Configure Then Set Alias$@LoadType_FF2 /LoadCMOS %*0 Else Set Alias$@LoadType_FF2 Error 0 You cannot reconfigure this machine using %0
IfThere BootResources:!Configure Then Set Alias$@RunType_FF2 /LoadCMOS %*0 Else Set Alias$@RunType_FF2 Error 0 You cannot reconfigure this machine using %0
WimpSlot -next 640k
| Setup ARMovie configuration variables
Set ARMovie$PrefBigMode x240y352c32kex1ey0;x384y288c32kex2ey2;x480y352c32kex0ey0;x384y288c32kex0ey0
| The four cases suggested here for full-screen Replay video are as follows:
| 240 x 352 at 16 bit per pixel, the usual choice for VGA monitors
| 384 x 288, the usual choice for non-VGA monitors
| 480 x 352, providing a large logical area for VGA monitors (for very large movies)
| 384 x 288 at a different magnification, to provide a big play area for non-VGA movies.
/<Obey$Dir>.BandLimit 38000 76000 152000 80000
|oadModeFile BootResources:Configure.Monitors.Acorn.AKF60
WimpMode X1024 Y768 C256
File added
LoadModeFile BootResources:Configure.Monitors.Acorn.AKF60
WimpMode X800 Y600 C256
IfThere Resources:$.Resources.ShareFS.!Boot then Run Resources:$.Resources.ShareFS.!Boot
|Start RISCOS !Boot 0.26 comments
| Pre Desktop setup activities. This file gets Obeyed before the desktop starts.
| When modifying the file by adding a section of lines it is recommended that
| the lines be bracketed by lines which start with |Start and |End. In this way
| it is easy to identify sections of line which shouldn't be broken up. For
| application writers who want to install a section of lines we advise that
| your company, application, version and section be identified. This enables
| a future install or update program to easily identify the section of lines
| which needs changing.
|Start RISCOS !ThemeDefs 0.04 Loading
| ------------------------------------------
| Theme variables
| ------------------------------------------
| Look ahead to any user theme setup so that the Wimp$IconTheme can be known
| prior to doing the numerous AddApp operations below (which uses *ICONSPRITES).
IfThere Choices:Boot.PreDesk.ThemeSetup Then /Choices:Boot.PreDesk.ThemeSetup
If "<Wimp$IconTheme>"="" Then Set Wimp$IconTheme Ursula.
IfThere <BootResources$Dir>.!ThemeDefs Then /<BootResources$Dir>.!ThemeDefs
|Start RISCOS !Boot 0.26 Aliases
| -------------------
| Aliases
| -------------------
| Add more command aliases here.
| Here are some examples that might be added:
| Alias Basic Basic64 %%*0
| Alias Mode Echo |<22>|<%%0>
Set Alias$Alias Set Alias$%%0 %%*1
Alias UnAlias Unset Alias$%%0
Alias Path Set %%0$Path %%1
Alias PathMacro SetMacro %%0$Path %%1
Alias Logon SafeLogon %%*0
Alias Desktop_SetPalette ||%%*0
|Start RISCOS !Boot 0.26 Paths
| -------------------
| Paths
| -------------------
| Add more paths here.
| The macros Path and PathMacro are available:
| Path <name> <path> sets <name>$Path to <path> GSTransed.
| PathMacro <name> <path> sets <name>$Path (macro) to <path> un-
| GSTransed
| Here are some example paths that might be useful:
| Set CLib$Dir ADFS::HardDisc.$.CLib
| PathMacro CLib <CLib$Dir>.
| Path BASIC ADFS::MyDisc.$.BasicLib.
Path BootResources Boot:RO430Hook.Res.,Boot:RO400Hook.Res.,Boot:RO370Hook.Res.,Boot:RO360Hook.Res.,Boot:RO350Hook.Res.,Boot:RO310Hook.Res.,<BootResources$Dir>.
|Start RISCOS !Boot 0.26 Options
| -------------------
| Options
| -------------------
| Add/change options here. This is for options which don't have other places
| to be set up.
| Here are some example options which might be useful:
| Set NFS$TruncateLength 999999
| Set Copy$Options "A ~C ~D F N L ~P Q R ~S ~T ~V"
IfThere Boot:Utils.BandLimit Then Run Boot:Utils.BandLimit
|Start RISCOS KbdSetup 0.11 Options
Country UK
Set Key$Acorn Filer_OpenDir Resources:$.Apps
Set Key$CAcorn <Boot$Dir>
Set Key$Menu Help_On
Set Key$SMenu Help_Off
|Start RISCOS !Boot 0.26 ResApps
| -------------------
| ResApps
| -------------------
| More applications to appear in Resources can be added here.
IfThere Boot:^.Apps then AddApp Boot:^.Apps.!*
IfThere Boot:RO430Hook.Apps Then AddApp Boot:RO430Hook.Apps.!*
IfThere Boot:^.Printing.!Printers Then AddApp Boot:^.Printing.!Printers
|Start RISCOS !Boot 0.26 Miscellaneous options
| -------------------
| Misc
| -------------------
| Put other things which need setting up here.
PinboardOptions -ITTR -ISV -TTTL
Backdrop -T BootResources:Configure.Textures.T1 -Colour &77777700
File added
......@@ -22,11 +22,6 @@ Repeat Filer_Run Choices:Boot.Tasks -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.500 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.500 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.400 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.400 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.370 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.370 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.360 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.360 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.350 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.350 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.310 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.310 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Printing Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Printing -Applications -Tasks
......@@ -24,11 +24,6 @@ Repeat Filer_Run Choices:Boot.Tasks -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.510 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.510 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.500 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.500 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.400 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.400 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.370 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.370 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.360 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.360 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.350 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.350 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Utilities.310 Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Utilities.310 -Applications -Tasks
IfThere Boot:^.Printing Then Repeat Filer_Boot Boot:^.Printing -Applications -Tasks
......@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ FX 247 2_10101010
FX 229 1
If "<Run$Path>" = ",%." Then Set Run$Path <Boot$Dir>.Library.,<Boot$Dir>.Utils.,,%.
If "<Run$Path>" = "Resources:$.Library.,%.," Then Set Run$Path Resources:$.Library.,<Boot$Dir>.Library.,<Boot$Dir>.Utils.,,%.
RMEnsure BootCommands 1.30 RMLoad System:Modules.BootCmds
RMEnsure BootCommands 1.30 Error This !Boot structure requires BootCommands version 1.30 or later
Set Boot$ProgressLoad -progress 0,50
/* (1.12)
/* (1.13)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
* Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 1.12
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 1.13
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 23 Mar 2013
#define Module_Date_CMHG 24 Mar 2013
#define Module_MajorVersion "1.12"
#define Module_Version 112
#define Module_MajorVersion "1.13"
#define Module_Version 113
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "23 Mar 2013"
#define Module_Date "24 Mar 2013"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "23-Mar-13"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "24-Mar-13"
#define Module_ComponentName "Boot"
#define Module_ComponentPath "castle/RiscOS/Sources/SystemRes/Boot"
#define Module_FullVersion "1.12"
#define Module_HelpVersion "1.12 (23 Mar 2013)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "1:12"
#define Module_FullVersion "1.13"
#define Module_HelpVersion "1.13 (24 Mar 2013)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "1:13"
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