1. 22 Nov, 2000 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      * Merged South African resource changes made on Bethany branch. · c359fc77
      Simon Forrest authored
        * (As above.)  It would perhaps be a worthwhile change to use LocalRes
          type functionality in future to allow the UK resources to be chosen
          when no locale-specific resources exist.
        * Changes first applied to Bethany branch version.  Resources are
          copied from UK -> SAfrica.
      Version 5.24. Tagged as 'RISC_OSLib-5_24'
  2. 02 Oct, 2000 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Uses SYMDEFS files to avoid xtentries(app) and symgen. · 5810d878
      Stewart Brodie authored
        Fixed bug in getenv() relating to macro and numeric system variables.
        Uses SYMDEFS file to avoid messing around with generating little text
          files, generating assembler source, assembling it etc.  abssym et al
          are construct as symbol definition template files and then updated
          directly by the linker ready for export.  The linker can use these
          files directly without needing them to be assembled into AOF format.
        Fixed getenv so that it can read macro and numeric variables.  With these
          variable types, R2 does not equal -length of the variable value, so
          trying to obtain a variable with a larger value than any previously
          read variable would fail.  This is now fixed.
        This module will refuse to build without link 5.19 or later.
        Requires Library 0.54 or later.
        This component will not build with Library 0.53 or earlier.
      Version 5.16. Tagged as 'RISC_OSLib-5_16'
  3. 15 Aug, 2000 1 commit
  4. 20 Jun, 2000 1 commit
    • Justin Fletcher's avatar
      Support for additional SCL resources in multi-language builds. · fa104f17
      Justin Fletcher authored
        * Copied UK resources to Italy, Germany (excepting where already
          present), France and Turkey for multi-language builds.
          LocalRes: cannot be used here, because of the clib/rlib prefixes on
          the resource paths.
          Note: These languages will need translating at some point, but are not
          generally user visible.
        Required for multiple language build of Bethany.
      Version 5.08. Not tagged
  5. 09 May, 2000 1 commit
  6. 14 Jan, 2000 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      * Further message changes for the Lazarus project. · f7997a5f
      Simon Forrest authored
        * More minor message alterations: removed "Network Computer" and replaced
          this with "system", since this is generic.  Also brought the
          other resources up-to-date by including messages missing from the
          non-UK resources.
        * Checked but untested.  (These additional changes made after having
          discovered the phrase "Network Computer" within "rlib" during a
          search across the whole of the Lazarus sources; hopefully, I have
          found them all this time!)
      Version 5.01. Tagged as 'RISC_OSLib-5_01'
  7. 20 Jan, 1999 1 commit
  8. 06 Dec, 1998 1 commit
  9. 29 Oct, 1998 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      New Japanese NC crash messages. · 1eb62d43
      Kevin Bracey authored
      A feeble hack to get Edit to display Japanese, plus a more serious attempt
      that doesn't work, compiled out.
      Version 4.91. Tagged as 'RISC_OSLib-4_91'
  10. 01 Oct, 1998 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Ursula branch merged. · 9081a0dc
      Kevin Bracey authored
      StrongARMfudge flag removed.
      StrongARM compatibility set according to AMBKernel flag in Hdr:RISCOS
      strftime %U and %W specifiers fixed for week 0.
      Version 4.89. Tagged as 'RISC_OSLib-4_89'
  11. 11 Sep, 1998 1 commit
  12. 27 Aug, 1998 2 commits
  13. 21 Jan, 1997 1 commit
  14. 05 Nov, 1996 2 commits