Commit 2577244d authored by Neil Turton's avatar Neil Turton
Browse files

Version RO_3_70 taken

parent cb0fd5d8
......@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ wimpslot -min 1000k
echo amu_machine lib.stubs
|amu_machine lib.stubs
echo amu_machine lib.risc_oslib
|amu_machine lib.risc_oslib
amu_machine lib.risc_oslib
echo amu_machine lib.clib
amu_machine lib.clib
|amu_machine lib.clib
echo amu_machine lib.ansilib
amu_machine lib.ansilib
echo MkLibs: all done
......@@ -657,10 +657,16 @@ void _backtrace(int why, int *address, _kernel_unwindblock *uwb)
{ int *z, i, nargs, *argp;
char *name = 0;
int *fp = (int *) uwb->fp;
_kernel_swi_regs r;
if (lang[0]=='C' && lang[1]==0) {
z = (int *)((fp[0] & 0x03fffffc) - 12);
z = (int *)(fp[0] & 0x03fffffc);
/* Note that when I save pc in a STM instruction it points 12 beyond the */
/* instruction, not just 8! */
/* instruction, not just 8! Unless it's a StrongARM or similar. */
r.r[0] = 0;
if (!_kernel_swi(OS_PlatformFeatures, &r, &r) && (r.r[0] & 8))
z -= 2;
z -= 3;
/* If the word before the STM is itself STM sp!, {a1-a4} that shows */
/* where I should find args, and suggests that there are >= 5. */
/* (this needs to work whether sp is r12 or r13) */
......@@ -681,7 +687,6 @@ void _backtrace(int why, int *address, _kernel_unwindblock *uwb)
/* Print args from the highest one downwards, in hex and decimal */
argp += nargs;
while (nargs!=0) {
_kernel_swi_regs r;
int v = *(--argp);
int carry;
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
GET s.h_stack
GET s.h_workspc
GET s.h_StrongA
EXPORT |_kernel_exit|
EXPORT |_kernel_setreturncode|
......@@ -425,6 +426,12 @@ movne_sl_sla
ADR r5, AEHandlerInDataInitValue
BL CopyHandler
[ StrongARM ;CopyHandler does some dynamic code
;r0,lr are free to use here
MOV r0, #0
SWI XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas
MOV r0, #0
BL InstallHandlers
......@@ -471,6 +478,8 @@ NoMainProgram
FatalError Keep
SWI GenerateError
;StrongARM - there is dynamic code here, but this is sorted in _kernel_init, after
;all calls to CopyHandler
LDMIA r5!, {r6, r7}
STMIA r4!, {r6, r7}
......@@ -766,7 +775,15 @@ Aborted Keep
STMFD r13!, {r14} ; remember the abort pc
BL |_kernel_copyerror|
ADD r14, r12, #O_registerDump
[ SAnaffsilicon
STMIB r14, {r1-r14}^
[ SAnaffsilicon
LDMFD r13!, {r1, r2, r3}
TST r1, #3
LDRNE r1, [r14, #lr * 4]
......@@ -1350,6 +1367,10 @@ ErrorHandler Keep
; we switch back to SWI mode to save the registers.
ADD r14, r0, #O_registerDump
[ SAnaffsilicon
STMIA r14, {r0-r14}^
MOV r12, r0
ADD r0, r0, #O_errorNumber
......@@ -1382,6 +1403,10 @@ EventHandler Keep
STR r0, [r12, #O_eventCode]
ADD r11, r12, #O_eventRegisters
STMIA r11, {r0-r10, r13}
[ SAnaffsilicon
STMDB r11, {r13}^
MOV v6, r12
MOV v2, r11
......@@ -1601,6 +1626,9 @@ ReloadUserState
ADD r14, r0, #pc*4
LDMDB r14, {r0-r14}^
[ SAnaffsilicon
LDMIA r14, {pc}^
......@@ -1715,7 +1743,18 @@ default_unwind_handler Keep
LDR a3, [a4, #frame_entrypc]
BIC a3, a3, #PSRBits
[ StrongARM
STMFD sp!, {a1-a2}
MOV a1, #0
SWI XOS_PlatformFeatures
MOVVS a1, #0
TST a1, #8
LDREQ v1, [a3, #-12]
LDRNE v1, [a3, #-8]
LDMFD sp!, {a1-a2}
LDR v1, [a3, #-12]
; check that the save mask instruction is indeed the right sort of STM
; If not, return indicating stack corruption.
......@@ -1807,6 +1846,25 @@ duh_corrupt
[ StrongARM
MOV ip, sp
STMFD sp!, {a3, a4, v1-v6, fp, ip, r14, pc}
SUB fp, ip, #4
BIC r12, a1, #&80000000
TST a1, #&80000000 ; non-X bit requested?
ORREQ r12, r12, #X
LDMIA r1, {r0-r9}
LDMFD sp!, {ip, lr}
STMIA ip, {r0 - r9}
MOV ip, #0
MOVCS ip, #1
MOVVS ip, #0
STR ip, [lr]
BLVS CopyError
MOVVC a1, #0
LDMDB fp, {v1-v6, fp, sp, pc}^
; Set up a proper frame here, so if an error happens (and not X)
; a sensible traceback can be given.
MOV ip, sp
......@@ -1822,6 +1880,9 @@ duh_corrupt
ORR a1, a1, #&EF000000 ; SWI + Always
ORREQ a1, a1, #X
STMFD sp!, {a1, a4}
[ {TRUE}
SyncStackCode 2
LDMIA a2, {r0 - r9}
MOV pc, sp
......@@ -1835,17 +1896,34 @@ AfterSWI
BLVS CopyError
MOVVC a1, #0
LDMDB fp, {v1-v6, fp, sp, pc}^
MOV pc, ip
[ StrongARM
STMDB sp!, {a3, v1-v6, lr}
BIC r12, a1, #&80000000
TST a1, #&80000000
ORREQ r12, r12, #X
LDMIA r1, {r0-r9}
LDR ip, [sp]
STMIA ip, {r0-r9}
BLVS CopyError
MOVVC a1, #0
LDMIA sp!, {a3, v1-v6, pc}^
STMDB sp!, {a3, v1-v6, lr}
LDR a4, swi_ret_inst
TST a1, #&80000000
ORR a1, a1, #&ef000000
ORREQ a1, a1, #X
STMDB sp!, {a1, a4}
[ {TRUE}
SyncStackCode 2
LDMIA a2, {r0-r9}
MOV ip, pc
MOV pc, sp
......@@ -1854,6 +1932,8 @@ swi_ret_inst
BLVS CopyError
MOVVC a1, #0
LDMIA sp!, {a3, v1-v6, pc}^
LoadStaticBase a1
......@@ -2052,6 +2132,12 @@ CopyUp CMP r14, #0
STMDB v5!, {r0,r2-r4}
CMP r1, v4 ; r1 < %B01 ?
BGT %B01 ; no, so keep going...
[ StrongARM
;in case we are jumping to code we have just copied here (ie not shared Clib)...
CMP v2, #0
MOVNE r0, #0
SWINE XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas
ADD r0, pc, v2 ; ... go to moved image
MOV pc, r0 ; and continue copying up...
01 LDMDB r1!, {r0,r2-r4}
......@@ -2059,6 +2145,9 @@ CopyUp CMP r14, #0
CMP r1, v3 ; src > imageBase ?
BGT %B01 ; yes, so continue
;StrongARM - no need to synchronise for rest of copied code here, since we will not
;be executing it (we have to synchronise later, after copying down)
; ip is the relocated sp.
LDR r0, [ip, #4] ; chain/subr
......@@ -2136,6 +2225,14 @@ CopyDn
STMIA v2!, {r1-r3,ip}
CMP r0, v3 ; copied the copy code?
BLT %B01 ; no, so continue...
[ StrongARM
;in case we are jumping to code we have just copied here (ie not shared Clib)...
MOV r1, r0
CMP v1, #0
MOVNE r0, #0
SWINE XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas
MOV r0, r1
SUB ip, pc, v1 ; yes => copied this far ...
MOV pc, ip ; ... so branch to copied copy loop
01 LDMIA r0!, {r1-r3,ip}
......@@ -2144,6 +2241,11 @@ CopyDn
BLT %B01 ; no, so continue...
[ StrongARM
;you've guessed it
MOV r0, #0
SWI XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas
LDMFD sp!, {r0} ; old memoryLimit
BL InstallHandlers
......@@ -2426,7 +2528,18 @@ alloc_return_block
; v1 is save area in old frame... will be temp sp in old frame
ADD a1, v1, #4*4 ; temp fp in old frame
LDMDA fp, {v3-v6} ; old fp, sp,lr, pc
[ StrongARM
STMFD sp!,{a1-a2}
MOV a1,#0
SWI XOS_PlatformFeatures
MOVVS a1,#0
TST a1,#8
ADREQ v6, StkOvfPseudoEntry+12
ADRNE v6, StkOvfPseudoEntry+8
LDMFD sp!,{a1-a2}
ADR v6, StkOvfPseudoEntry+12
STMDA a1, {v3-v6} ; new return frame in old chunk...
ADR lr, StackOverflowExit
MOV a2, sp ; saved sp in old frame = NEW sp
......@@ -2497,7 +2610,16 @@ DoneArgumentCopy
LDMDA v1!, {a1, a2, v2-v6} ; and the 2nd 7 regs
STMFD sp!, {a1, a2, v2-v6} ; copied to the new frame
; Now adjust the PC value saved in the old chunk to say "no registers"
[ StrongARM
MOV a1,#0
SWI XOS_PlatformFeatures
MOVVS a1,#0
TST a1,#8
ADREQ v2, StkOvfPseudoEntry+12
ADRNE v2, StkOvfPseudoEntry+8
ADR v2, StkOvfPseudoEntry+12
STR v2, [v1, #26*4]
; Set the SP to be FP - requiredFrameSize and return by reloading regs
; from where they were saved in the old chunk on entry to STKOVF/N
......@@ -2911,6 +3033,9 @@ dividebyzero
LDR r14, [ip, #pc * 4]
LDMIB ip, {r1-r14}^
[ SAnaffsilicon
STMDB sp!, {r10, r11, r12}
STMDB sp!, {r14}
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