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/* Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
  Title:        alloc - Storage management (dynamic allocation/deallocation)
  Copyright:    (C) 1987, Acorn Computers Ltd., Cambridge, England.
  Revision: 4.2  LDS, LH 03-Nov-89
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#ifndef __alloc__h
#define __alloc__h

#ifndef __stddef__h
#include <stddef.h>

/* #define CAMEL */
/* #define GC */
/* #define STATS */
/* #define DEBUG */
/* #define STACKCHECK */
/* #define VERBOSE */
/* #define ANALYSIS prints +No on allocate and -No on deallocate */
/* #define MEMDUMP gives a memory dump to screen and $.memdump when corrupt */
 * if the OSStorage can not be depended upon to allocate areas of the
 *   heap in consistently increasing address order then the following
 *   constant must be set to FALSE.

typedef struct BlockStruct {
  unsigned int guard; /* guard word should contain GuardConstant if all ok */
  size_t size; /* block size (not including header) in address units. */
               /* The bottom 2 bits of size hold the flags declared below */
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  struct BlockStruct *next; /* next and previous are used internaly in */
  struct BlockStruct *previous; /* coalescing and managing free blocks. */
                                /* next is the first word of the user block */
} Block, *BlockP;

#define OK       0
#define FAILED  -1
#define CORRUPT -2
#define MINHEAPERROR -2 /* ensure you update this if you add any new errors */
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#define SIZEMASK      0xfffffffc /* all except bottom two bits, when applied */
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62 63
                                 /* to block.size yields no of address units */
                                 /* of user space in this block. */
64 65
#define FREEBIT       (1U<<0) /* if set, indicates that the block is free */
#define HEAPHOLEBIT   (1U<<1) /* block used for marking start of heap hole */
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#define GUARDCONSTANT 0x3E694C3C /* not a legal word pointer */
#define BYTESPERWORD  sizeof(int)
/* offset from Block (in words) */
#define FIRSTUSERWORD ((sizeof(Block)-sizeof(BlockP)*2) / BYTESPERWORD)

extern void _init_alloc(void);
 * Initialise allocate (not to be called by anyone outside the M2Core!)

typedef void FreeProc (BlockP block);
/* block = pointer to start of header of block to be freed */

extern size_t _byte_size(void *p);
 * Return an approximation to the allocated size of the object pointed
 * to by p. The only guarantee is that:-
 *   requested_size(p) <= _byte_size(p) <= allocated_size(p).

extern void *_sys_alloc(size_t n);
 * A paranoid variant of malloc used by the C compiler.

extern int __coalesce(void);
 * Perform a colesce step on the heap. Returns OK or Corrupt.

/* ---------------------------- Debug aids --------------------------------- */

extern void __heap_checking_on_all_deallocates(int on);
 * If on = TRUE, the structure of the heap is checked on every deallocate

extern void __heap_checking_on_all_allocates(int on);
 * If on = TRUE, the structure of the heap is checked on every allocate

/* ------------------------- Statistics reporting --------------------------*/
112 113 114 115 116 117
typedef enum {
} Event;

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typedef struct StorageInfoStruct {
  BlockP heapLow; /* heap base */
  BlockP heapHigh; /* heap top */
  unsigned int userHeap; /* user part of heap = heapHigh-heapLow-gcbitmaps */
  unsigned int maxHeapRequirement; /* max storage actually requested by user */
  unsigned int currentHeapRequirement;  /* current user requested storage */
  unsigned int coalesces; /* number of coalesces performed, includes number
                             of garbage collections cos a coalesce is done
                             after every garbage collection. */
  unsigned int heapExtensions;    /* number of times that heap is extended */
  unsigned int blocksAllocated;   /* total number of allocates requested */
  unsigned int blocksDeallocated; /* total number of deallocates requested */
  unsigned int bytesAllocated;    /* total number of bytes allocated */
  unsigned int bytesDeallocated;  /* total number of bytes deallocated */
} StorageInfo, *StorageInfoP;

typedef struct EventInfoStruct {
  Event event;
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  size_t blockThatCausedEvent; /* size of allocate that caused event */
  unsigned int totalFree;  /* amount of heap that user can actually write to,
                              does not include bitmaps and block overheads */
  unsigned int userHeap;   /* user part of heap = heapHigh-heapLow-gcbitmaps */
  /* the following are changes from previous event */
  unsigned int allocates;        /* number of allocates requested */
  unsigned int bytesAllocated;   /* number of bytes allocated */
  unsigned int deallocates;      /* number of deallocates requested */
  unsigned int bytesDeallocated; /* number of bytes deallocated */
} EventInfo, *EventInfoP;

#ifdef STATS
extern void _GetStorageInfo(StorageInfoP info);
 * Get statistics on the current state of the storage manager

extern int _GetLastEvent(void);
 * returns the number of the last event to happen in the storage manager.

extern int _GetEventData(int event, EventInfoP info);
 * get the record which describes the state of the storage manager for the
 * given event. Returns FALSE if no more records available. All records can
 * be read from GetLastEvent() downwards until FALSE is returned.

extern void _NextHeapElement(
  BlockP *nextBase,         /* updated to point to start of next block */
  unsigned int *guard,      /* value of guard word */
  size_t *size,             /* size of user block in bytes */
  int *free,                /* if true, block is free */
  int *heapHole,            /* if true, block is a heap hole */
  int *bitmap,              /* if true, block is a gc bitmap */
  unsigned int *firstWord); /* first word of the user block */
 * Get data describing the heap block pointed at by nextBase (first block is
 * accessed by nextBase = NIL) nextBase is set to NIL when the last block has
 * been read (not on the attempt to read the last block)
#endif /* stats */

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#define BITSIZE(bytes) ((bytes)<<3)
#define BITSPERWORD  BITSIZE(sizeof(int))
 * The following constants are all in address units
/* MAXBYTES should be something outrageously big */
#define MAXBYTES     0x40000000

/* the following constants are tunable */
/* multiple of required block size needing to be free before coalesce done */
#define BINRANGE     (BYTESPERWORD * 1) /* see assumptions */
#define NBINS        16
#define LARGEBLOCK   512

 * Code macros.
#define SIZE(block) ((size_t)((block)->size & SIZEMASK))
#define ADDBYTES(bp, bytes) (BlockP)((char *)bp + (bytes))
#define ADDBYTESTO(bp, bytes) bp = (BlockP)((char *)bp + (bytes))
#define PTRDIFF(hi, lo) ((char *)hi - (char *)lo)
#define FREE(block) (FREEBIT & ((BlockP)block)->size)
#define HEAPHOLE(block) (HEAPHOLEBIT & block->size)

#define INVALID(block) (((BlockP)block)->guard != GUARDCONSTANT)
#define INVALID(block) (0)
                            || FREE(ADDBYTES(block,-OVERHEAD)))

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