• ROOL's avatar
    Add runtime hooks for C++ applications · a9f447f5
    ROOL authored
      Hooks for constructors and destructors using weak symbols referenced by
      cpplib when starting C++ applications. The weak symbols in the stubs are
      placed after the kernel init block, and a new "magic word" marker denotes the
      block is of 5 word length rather than 3 (since the block has historically
      been followed by the literal pool which can have function offset-like
      addresses in it). The top 16b of the word is an unlikely opcode, bottom 16b
      is table size.
      armsys.c, hostsys.h, clib/cl_entries.s
      * Move the init flags from stdlib.c into an _init_flags struct.
      * Move the finalisation function from stdlib.c into armsys namespace.
      * Save a word of workspace by moving the error recursion flag their too.
      * Call the new runtime functions for C++ if present.
      * Library finalisation and flags moved to armsys.c
      clib/cl_stub.s, h_workspace.s
      * Add magic word and 2x weak symbols to block
      kernel/k_body.s, kernel/k_data.s
      * Capture image descriptor pointer from stubs for later use
      * Pass the image descriptor to the init procs for their information
      * Pass the image descriptor on to _clib_initialise()
      * Inspect the image descriptor, if all 5 words are valid, copy into the
        function pointers for use by armsys C code
      clib/clibdata.s, clib/cl_spare.s, clib/cl_data.s
      * Adjust data size by 2 words for new entries, give back 1 word of flags
      Tested with a simplistic 'hello world' type application (test/cppprog.c).
      ANSILib isn't expected to be used with C++ so is unchanged.
stdlib 7.76 KB