PlingSystem 6.56 KB
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# Components file for !System and modules for pre RISC OS 5 users
%BaseAddress   0x00000000
%Image         Build$ImageName
%Log           Build$ImageName
%Messages      Sources.Internat.Messages
%Joiner        BigSplit2
%JoinerFormat  BigSplit
%sigstr        Univ

# Fundamental components for header export...
HdrSrc                  -type EXP
Kernel                  -type EXP

# Required for Hdr:SWIs (and swis.h) generation...
ATAPI                   -type EXP       
BASICTrans              -type EXP       
BufferManager           -type EXP       
CDFS                    -type EXP       
CDFSDriver              -type EXP       
ColourPicker            -type EXP       
ColourTrans             -type EXP       
DDEUtils                -type EXP       
DDT                     -type EXP       
DHCP                    -type EXP       
Debugger                -type EXP       
DeviceFS                -type EXP       
DMAManager              -type EXP       
DOSFS                   -type EXP
DragAnObj               -type EXP       
DragASprite             -type EXP       
DrawMod                 -type EXP       
FileCore                -type EXP       
Filer_Action            -type EXP       
FileSwitch              -type EXP       
FilterManager           -type EXP       
FontManager             -type EXP       
FPEmulator              -type EXP       
Free                    -type EXP       
FSLock                  -type EXP       
HostFS                  -type EXP       
Hourglass               -type EXP       
IIC                     -type EXP       
PortManager             -type EXP       
Joystick                -type EXP       
MessageTrans            -type EXP       
ParallelDeviceDriver    -type EXP       
PDriver                 -type EXP
Podule                  -type EXP       
Portable                -type EXP       
ADFS                    -type EXP # After FileCore to allow FileCoreErr generation
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57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
RamFS                   -type EXP       
ResourceFS              -type EXP       
ScreenBlanker           -type EXP       
ScreenModes             -type EXP       
SCSIDriver              -type EXP       
ShellCLI                -type EXP       
SoundDMA                -type EXP       
SoundChannels           -type EXP       
SoundScheduler          -type EXP       
Squash                  -type EXP       
SuperSample             -type EXP       
TaskManager             -type EXP       
TaskWindow              -type EXP       
TerritoryManager        -type EXP       
WindowManager           -type EXP

# RISC_OSLib, or the Shared C Library...
SharedCLibrary          -type EXP -options SCL_APCS="-APCS 3/26bit"

# Libraries...
AsmUtils                -type EXP
TCPIPheaders            -type EXP
86 87
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88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
ConfigLib               -type EXP
# 26 bit only
CallASWI                -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules
SharedCLibrary          -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules INSTTYPE= SCL_APCS="-APCS 3/26bit" 
Config2Installer        -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules OPTIONS="-DNO_INTERNATIONAL_HELP" 
Config2Installer        -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.360.Modules
TaskWindow              -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules CMDHELP=None 
TinyStubs               -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules
FilterManager           -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules CMDHELP=None 
FrontEnd                -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules
ColourPicker            -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules OPTIONS="-DNO_INTERNATIONAL_HELP" 
DrawFile                -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules INTERNATIONAL_HELP=NO
UnSqzAIF                -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.370.Modules
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114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
# 26/32 neutral
System                  -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System                     USERIF=None
RedrawManager           -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules
DDEUtils                -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules
DragASprite             -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules
DragAnObj               -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules
TaskWindow              -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.350.Modules CMDHELP=None MACHINE=ALL32

# FPEmulators for processors and kernels of varying capability
FPEmulator              -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.400.Modules MACHINE=32    FPE_APCS=3/32bit 
FPEmulator              -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules MACHINE=RO310 FPE_APCS=3/26bit 
FPEmulator              -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.350.Modules MACHINE=RO350 FPE_APCS=3/26bit 
# Toolbox'y
Toolbox                  -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
Window                   -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
ToolAction               -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
Scale                    -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
SaveAs                   -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
ProgInfo                 -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
PrintDbox                -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
Menu                     -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
IconBar                  -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
Gadgets                  -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
FontMenu                 -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
FontDbox                 -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
FileInfo                 -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
DCS_Quit                 -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox TARGET=DCS_Quit 
ColourMenu               -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
ColourDbox               -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox
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# Wrap for web