Commit fef39aba authored by Jeffrey Lee's avatar Jeffrey Lee
Browse files

Merge over some changes from the Cortex branch

  hdr/ARMops - Reserve OS_PlatformFeatures 0 bit 20 for indicating whether high processor vectors are in use
  s/Kernel - Add local definitions of BYTEWS, LDROSB, STROSB, VDWS macros (previously in Hdr:Macros)
  s/MoreComms - Fix potential buffer overflow when filling error buffer (although GSTrans shouldn't overflow the buffer in the first place?)
  s/Arthur2 - GSRead number detection fix
  s/ArthurSWIs - Updated OS_ReadUnsigned to support reading 64bit numbers
  Docs/ReadUnsigned - Docs for the updated OS_ReadUnsigned interface
  Needs HdrSrc 1.86

Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_120'
parent 61428ee7
(SWI &21)
On entry
R0 bits 0-7 = base in the range 2-36 (else 10 assumed)
bits 8-27 reserved, should be 0
bit 28 set => read a 64-bit value to r2,r3
bit 29 set => restrict range to 0 - R2 (or if bit 28 set, R2+(R3<<32))
bit 30 set => restrict range to 0- 255
bit 31 set => check terminator is a control character or space
R1 = pointer to string
R2 = least significant word of maximum value if R0 bit 29 set
R3 = most significant word of maximum value if R0 bits 28 and 29 both set
R4 = &45444957 ("WIDE") if this API applies, otherwise see PRM 1-448
On exit
R0 preserved
R1 = pointer to terminator character
R2 = least significant word of value
R3 = most significant word of value if R0 bit 28 set on entry
R4 = bitmask of R0 flags understood by current kernel (currently &F0000000)
Suggestions for future flag uses:
* permit "0x" (hexadecimal), "0" (octal) and "0b" or "%" (binary) prefixes
* signed numbers
* floating point numbers
* negative bases
......@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
GBLS Module_ComponentPath
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.35"
Module_Version SETA 535
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "04 Aug 2011"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "04-Aug-11"
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "07 Aug 2011"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "07-Aug-11"
Module_ComponentName SETS "Kernel"
Module_ComponentPath SETS "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Kernel"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.35 ("
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.35 (04 Aug 2011)"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.35 ("
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.35 (07 Aug 2011)"
......@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.35
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 04 Aug 2011
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 07 Aug 2011
#define Module_MajorVersion "5.35"
#define Module_Version 535
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "04 Aug 2011"
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "07 Aug 2011"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "04-Aug-11"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "07-Aug-11"
#define Module_ComponentName "Kernel"
#define Module_ComponentPath "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Kernel"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.35 ("
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.35 (04 Aug 2011)"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.35 ("
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.35 (07 Aug 2011)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "5:35"
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ CPUFlag_NoWBDrain * 1:SHL:16 ; CPU does not support Drain Wri
CPUFlag_AbortRestartBroken * 1:SHL:17 ; Aborts do not correctly follow documented abort model
CPUFlag_XScale * 1:SHL:18 ; it's an XScale, so weird debug etc
CPUFlag_XScaleJTAGconnected * 1:SHL:19 ; JTAG has been connected
CPUFlag_HiProcVecs * 1:SHL:20 ; High processor vectors are in use
; The macro to do an ARM operation. All ARM operations are expected
; to corrupt a1 only
......@@ -632,6 +632,7 @@ GSREAD_XPandGetNextByte
STRB R1, [R12, #-1] ; terminate it
SUB R1, R12, R11 ; pointer to name or number
Push "R0"
MOV R0, #10
SWI XOS_ReadUnsigned ; check for number
Pull "R0"
BVS GSREAD_AngledThingAintNumber ; silly - has to be name
......@@ -28,28 +28,45 @@
; 'Number too big' is given if the result overflowed a 32-bit word
; In r1 -> string
; r0 = base to read number in (0 means any based number allowed)
; r0 = bits 0-7: base to read number in (0 means any based number allowed)
; bit 31 set -> check term chars for ok-ness
; bit 30 set -> restrict range to 00..FF
; bit 29 set -> restrict range to 0..R2 (inclusive)
; (overrides bit 30)
; bit 28 set -> read 64-bit value to R2,R3 and
; if applicable, range is in R2,R3
; r4 != &45444957 ("WIDE") -> legacy mode: bits 8-28 are considered part of the base
; Out VC : r1 -> first unused char, r2 = number
; VS : r1 unchanged, r2 = 0, current error block set
; either way, R4 = mask of flag bits supported
ReadUnsigned_Routine Entry "r0-r1, r3-r4, r9"
ReadUnsigned_Routine Entry "r0-r1, r3-r6, r9"
WritePSRc SVC_mode, r9
LDR lr, =&45444957
CMP r4, lr
MOVEQ r4, #(2_1111 :SHL: 28)
MOVNE r4, #(2_111 :SHL: 29)
STREQ r4, [stack, #3*4]
AND r11, r0, r4 ; Remember the input flags
ANDEQ r12, r0, #255 ; r12 := base
BICNE r12, r0, r4
; first set range limit
MOV r9, r2 ; limit value
TST r0, #3 :SHL: 29
MOV r9, r2 ; limit value lo word
TST r11, #1 :SHL: 28
MOVEQ r6, #0 ; limit value hi word
MOVNE r6, r3
TST r11, #3 :SHL: 29
MOVEQ r9, #-1 ; used unsigned; allows anything
TSTNE r0, #1 :SHL: 30
MOVEQ r6, #-1
TST r11, #1 :SHL: 30
MOVNE r9, #&FF
MOVNE r6, #0
MOV r11, r0 ; Remember the input flags
BIC r12, r0, #(2_111 :SHL: 29) ; r12 := base
CMP r12, #2 ; If base nonsensical, default to 10
RSBGES r14, r12, #36 ; ie. try to match most generally
MOVLT r12, #10
......@@ -62,8 +79,11 @@ ReadUnsigned_Routine Entry "r0-r1, r3-r4, r9"
TEQ r0, #"&" ; '&' always forces hex read
MOV r4, #16
BL ReadNumberInBase
TST r11, #1 :SHL: 28
ADR lr, %FT09
BEQ ReadNumberInBase
BNE Read64BitNumberInBase
09 BVS %FT95
10 STR r1, [sp, #4] ; Update string^
TST r11, #(1 :SHL: 31) ; Was the termcheck flag set ?
......@@ -72,8 +92,11 @@ ReadUnsigned_Routine Entry "r0-r1, r3-r4, r9"
CMP r0, #" " ; CtrlChar + space all ok
BGT %FT85 ; For bad term errors
15 CMP r2, r9
15 CMP r9, r2
SBCS lr, r6, r5
TST r11, #1 :SHL: 28
STRNE r5, [stack, #4*2]
ExitSWIHandler ; VClear already in lr
......@@ -83,11 +106,10 @@ ReadUnsigned_Routine Entry "r0-r1, r3-r4, r9"
BL ReadNumberInBase
MOVVS r4, r12 ; If we failed to read a decimal number
BVS %FT30 ; then use the one supplied (r12). r1 ok
LDRB r0, [r1] ; Is it base_number ?
LDRB r0, [r1], #1 ; Is it base_number ?
CMP r0, #"_" ; If not based, use supplied base
MOVNE r1, r10 ; to read from given start of string (spaces !)
MOVNE r4, r12 ; restore supplied base!
ADDEQ r1, r1, #1 ; Skip the '_'
MOVEQ r4, r2 ; Use this as new base
; Reading number in base r4
......@@ -95,8 +117,11 @@ ReadUnsigned_Routine Entry "r0-r1, r3-r4, r9"
30 CMP r4, #2 ; Is base valid (2..36) ?
RSBGES r0, r4, #36 ; LT -> invalid
BL ReadNumberInBase ; Read rest of number
TST r11, #1 :SHL: 28
ADR lr, %FT39
BEQ ReadNumberInBase ; Read rest of number
BNE Read64BitNumberInBase
39 BVS %FT95
B %BT10
......@@ -127,8 +152,10 @@ ReadUnsigned_Routine Entry "r0-r1, r3-r4, r9"
STR r2, [stack] ; Go set the current error
MOV r2, #0 ; Defined to return 0 on error
TST r11, #1 :SHL: 28
STRNE r2, [stack, #4*2] ; return MSB=0 on error too, if 64-bit read reqd
MakeErrorBlock BadBase
......@@ -140,18 +167,23 @@ ReadUnsigned_Routine Entry "r0-r1, r3-r4, r9"
; In r1 -> string, r4 = base (valid)
; Out VC : Number read in r2, r1 updated. r3 = number of chars used
; Out VC : Number read in r2, r1 updated. r3 = number of chars used, r5 = 0
; VS : r1 preserved, r2 -> error block
ReadNumberInBase Entry "r0, r1, r12"
MOV r2, #0 ; Result
MOV r3, #0 ; Number of valid digits read
MOV r5, #0
10 BL GetCharForReadNumber
BNE %FT50 ; Finished ?
MOV r12, r4
TST r2, #&F8000000 ; If EQ, can't possibly overflow in any base up to 26
MLAEQ r2, r4, r2, r0
MOV r12, r4
MOV r14, #0 ; Multiply by repeated addition. Base <> 0 !
20 ADDS r14, r14, r2
BCS %FT90 ; Now checks for overflow !
......@@ -192,6 +224,45 @@ ReadNumberInBase Entry "r0, r1, r12"
MakeErrorBlock NumbTooBig
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Read64BitNumberInBase
; =====================
; In r1 -> string, r4 = base (valid)
; Out VC : Number read in r2 (lo) and r5 (hi), r1 updated. r3 = number of chars used
; VS : r1 preserved, r2 -> error block, r5 corrupted
Read64BitNumberInBase ALTENTRY
MOV r2, #0 ; Result lo
MOV r3, #0 ; Number of valid digits read
MOV r5, #0 ; Result hi
10 BL GetCharForReadNumber
BNE %BT50 ; Finished ?
[ :LNOT: NoARMv4
TST r5, #&F8000000 ; If EQ, can't possibly overflow in any base up to 26
MULEQ r5, r4, r5 ; r0,r5 = new_digit + (old_msw * base)<<32
UMLALEQ r0, r5, r4, r2 ; r0,r5 += old_lsw * base
MOVEQ r2, r0
; Multiply by repeated addition. Base <> 0 !
SUBS r12, r4, #1 ; Final iteration has r2,r5 as dest, so one fewer main iterations
MOV r14, #0 ; r0,r14 is accumulator, initialised to new_digit,0
20 ADDS r0, r0, r2
ADCS r14, r14, r5
SUBS r12, r12, #1
ADDS r2, r0, r2
ADCS r5, r14, r5
B %BT90 ; Checks for overflow here too!
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; GetCharForReadNumber
......@@ -89,6 +89,40 @@ $l MOV $tmp, #32*1024 ; assume stack ends at next 32K boundary
; **************************************
; *** BYTEWS - Point to OsbyteVars ***
; **************************************
$label BYTEWS $reg
$label LDR $reg,=ZeroPage+OsbyteVars
; ***************************************
; *** LDROSB - Load Osbyte variable ***
; ***************************************
$label LDROSB $reg, $var, $cond
$label LDR$cond $reg, =ZeroPage
LDR$cond.B $reg, [$reg, #OsbyteVars+$var-OSBYTEFirstVar]
; ****************************************
; *** STROSB - Store Osbyte variable ***
; ****************************************
$label STROSB $reg, $var, $temp, $cond
$label LDR$cond $temp, =ZeroPage
STR$cond.B $reg, [$temp, #OsbyteVars+$var-OSBYTEFirstVar]
; ****************************************************
; *** VDWS - Point to our new VduDriverWorkSpace ***
; ****************************************************
$label VDWS $reg
$label LDR $reg, =ZeroPage+VduDriverWorkSpace
; one that builds a module command table entry:
; set Module_BaseAddr to module base before use.
......@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ Error_Code ROUT
; Ensure 0-terminated
MOV r0, #0
CMP r2, #252
MOVHI r2, #252
CMP r2, #251
MOVHI r2, #251
STRB r0, [r1, r2]
MOV r0, r3
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