Commit b1bc3052 authored by Jeffrey Lee's avatar Jeffrey Lee
Browse files

Add new OS_ReadSysInfo 6 items codes. Change naming of PublicWS values.

  s/Middle - Added some new OS_ReadSysInfo 6 items which are needed by the zero page relocation kernel. Also duplicated some existing entries to avoid conflicts with ROL's allocations.
  hdr/OSRSI6, Makefile - New header listing OS_ReadSysInfo 6 items
  hdr/PublicWS - Duplicated the workspace definitions for &0-&4000, but with a 'Legacy_' prefix to their names. Also added some new entries as needed by the zero page relocation kernel. Once existing modules have been updated to use OS_ReadSysInfo & the Legacy_ definitions, the old defs will be removed.
  hdr/KernelWS - Removed 'Export_' prefix from all the exported workspace values, since the kernel can now use the original names directly
  hdr/Options - Dummy HiProcVecs option so merging things will be a bit cleaner
  Tested in ROM softload on Iyonix

Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_118'
parent 7f86b773
......@@ -66,11 +66,13 @@ EXPORTS = ${EXP_HDR}.EnvNumbers \
${EXP_HDR}.HALEntries \
${EXP_HDR}.HALDevice \
${EXP_HDR}.OSEntries \
${C_EXP_HDR}.HALEntries \
${C_EXP_HDR}.HALDevice \
${C_EXP_HDR}.OSEntries \
${C_EXP_HDR}.Variables \
# Generic rules:
......@@ -168,6 +170,9 @@ ${EXP_HDR}.HALDevice: hdr.HALDevice
${EXP_HDR}.OSEntries: hdr.OSEntries
${CP} hdr.OSEntries $@ ${CPFLAGS}
${CP} hdr.OSRSI6 $@ ${CPFLAGS}
${PERL} Build:Hdr2H hdr.RISCOS $@
......@@ -188,6 +193,10 @@ ${C_EXP_HDR}.Variables: hdr.Variables
${PERL} Build:Hdr2H hdr.Variables $@
${PERL} Build:Hdr2H hdr.OSRSI6 $@
o.Global.h.HALDevice: hdr.HALDevice
${MKDIR} o.Global.h
dir o
......@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
GBLS Module_ComponentPath
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.35"
Module_Version SETA 535
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "01 Aug 2011"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "01-Aug-11"
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "04 Aug 2011"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "04-Aug-11"
Module_ComponentName SETS "Kernel"
Module_ComponentPath SETS "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Kernel"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.35 ("
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.35 (01 Aug 2011)"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.35 ("
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.35 (04 Aug 2011)"
......@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.35
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 01 Aug 2011
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 04 Aug 2011
#define Module_MajorVersion "5.35"
#define Module_Version 535
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "01 Aug 2011"
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "04 Aug 2011"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "01-Aug-11"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "04-Aug-11"
#define Module_ComponentName "Kernel"
#define Module_ComponentPath "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Kernel"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.35 ("
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.35 (01 Aug 2011)"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.35 ("
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.35 (04 Aug 2011)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "5:35"
......@@ -231,7 +231,11 @@ DANode_NodeSize # 0
; The addresses below are only temporary; eventually most of them will be allocated at run time (we hope!)
[ HiProcVecs
ZeroPage * &FFFF0000
ZeroPage * &00000000
; Sort out 26/32 bit versions
......@@ -819,20 +823,18 @@ TextExpandArea_Size * (8*1024)
# 2*4 ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now)
;ScreenBlankFlag # 1 ; 0 => unblanked, 1 => blanked
ScreenBlankFlag # 1 ; 0 => unblanked, 1 => blanked
Export_ScreenBlankFlag # 1
ASSERT Export_ScreenBlankFlag = ScreenBlankFlag
ASSERT ?Export_ScreenBlankFlag = ?ScreenBlankFlag
ASSERT ScreenBlankFlag = Legacy_ScreenBlankFlag
ASSERT ?ScreenBlankFlag = ?Legacy_ScreenBlankFlag
;ScreenBlankDPMSState # 1 ; 0 => just blank video
; 1 => blank to stand-by (hsync off)
; 2 => blank to suspend (vsync off)
; 3 => blank to off (H+V off)
ScreenBlankDPMSState # 1 ; 0 => just blank video
; 1 => blank to stand-by (hsync off)
; 2 => blank to suspend (vsync off)
; 3 => blank to off (H+V off)
Export_ScreenBlankDPMSState # 1
ASSERT Export_ScreenBlankDPMSState = ScreenBlankDPMSState
ASSERT ?Export_ScreenBlankDPMSState = ?ScreenBlankDPMSState
ASSERT ScreenBlankDPMSState = Legacy_ScreenBlankDPMSState
ASSERT ?ScreenBlankDPMSState = ?Legacy_ScreenBlankDPMSState
[ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
......@@ -840,13 +842,13 @@ Export_ScreenBlankDPMSState # 1
AlignSpace 64
Export_FgEcfOraEor # 4*16 ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor
ASSERT Export_FgEcfOraEor = FgEcfOraEor
ASSERT ?Export_FgEcfOraEor = ?FgEcfOraEor
FgEcfOraEor # 4*16 ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor
ASSERT FgEcfOraEor = Legacy_FgEcfOraEor
ASSERT ?FgEcfOraEor = ?Legacy_FgEcfOraEor
Export_BgEcfOraEor # 4*16 ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor
ASSERT Export_BgEcfOraEor = BgEcfOraEor
ASSERT ?Export_BgEcfOraEor = ?BgEcfOraEor
BgEcfOraEor # 4*16 ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor
ASSERT BgEcfOraEor = Legacy_BgEcfOraEor
ASSERT ?BgEcfOraEor = ?Legacy_BgEcfOraEor
BgEcfStore # 4*16 ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor to store background
......@@ -999,7 +1001,9 @@ VDWSSize # 0
; locations used during reset only. Not cleared by ClearPhysRAM, but
; cleared later (just before DEFHAN).
^ ZeroPage+&80 ; steer clear of FIQ code
; Note that these are all relative to ZeroPage!
^ &80 ; steer clear of FIQ code
InitIRQHandler # 4 ; pointer to IRQ handler (LDR PC'ed from IRQ HW vector)
InitIRQWs # 16 ; workspace for IRQ handler
InitUsedStart # 4 ; start of used pages (L2PT etc) not to be cleared
......@@ -1011,33 +1015,36 @@ InitWsEnd # 0
; Basic kernel space - defined locations for external modules
^ ZeroPage+&100
^ &100
IRQ1V # 4 ; &100
Export_ESC_Status # 1 ; &104
ASSERT Export_ESC_Status = ESC_Status
ASSERT ?Export_ESC_Status = ?ESC_Status
ESC_Status # 1 ; &104
ASSERT ESC_Status = Legacy_ESC_Status
ASSERT ?ESC_Status = ?Legacy_ESC_Status
Export_LatchBSoftCopy # 1 ; &105
ASSERT Export_LatchBSoftCopy = LatchBSoftCopy
ASSERT ?Export_LatchBSoftCopy = ?LatchBSoftCopy
LatchBSoftCopy # 1 ; &105
ASSERT LatchBSoftCopy = Legacy_LatchBSoftCopy
ASSERT ?LatchBSoftCopy = ?Legacy_LatchBSoftCopy
IOCControlSoftCopy # 1 ; &106
Export_CannotReset # 1 ; &107
ASSERT Export_CannotReset = CannotReset
ASSERT ?Export_CannotReset = ?CannotReset
CannotReset # 1 ; &107
ASSERT CannotReset = Legacy_CannotReset
ASSERT ?CannotReset = ?Legacy_CannotReset
Export_IRQsema # 4 ; &108
ASSERT Export_IRQsema = IRQsema
ASSERT ?Export_IRQsema = ?IRQsema
IRQsema # 4 ; &108
ASSERT IRQsema = Legacy_IRQsema
ASSERT ?IRQsema = ?Legacy_IRQsema
MetroGnome # 4 ; &10C
ASSERT MetroGnome = Legacy_MetroGnome
ASSERT ?MetroGnome = ?Legacy_MetroGnome
MemorySpeed # 4 ; &110
Export_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy # 4 ; &114
ASSERT Export_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy = MEMC_CR_SoftCopy
ASSERT ?Export_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy = ?MEMC_CR_SoftCopy
MEMC_CR_SoftCopy # 4 ; &114
ASSERT MEMC_CR_SoftCopy = Legacy_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy
ASSERT ?MEMC_CR_SoftCopy = ?Legacy_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy
ResetIndirection # 4 ; &118
......@@ -1273,7 +1280,16 @@ ProcVecPreVeneers # ProcVecPreVeneersSize
ASSERT @ <= &300
# (&300-@)
Export_DebuggerSpace # 16*8 ; Debugger module needs some zero page
[ :LNOT: HiProcVecs
DebuggerSpace # 16*8 ; Debugger module needs some zero page
DebuggerSpace_Size * ?DebuggerSpace
ASSERT DebuggerSpace = Legacy_DebuggerSpace
ASSERT ?DebuggerSpace = ?Legacy_DebuggerSpace
DebuggerSpace * &2000 ; Debugger gets a page all to itself!
DebuggerSpace_Size * &1000
; NVRAM support
......@@ -1469,13 +1485,13 @@ PFIQasIRQ_Chain # 4
EnvTime # 5
Export_RedirectInHandle # 1
ASSERT Export_RedirectInHandle = RedirectInHandle
ASSERT ?Export_RedirectInHandle = ?RedirectInHandle
RedirectInHandle # 1
ASSERT RedirectInHandle = Legacy_RedirectInHandle
ASSERT ?RedirectInHandle = ?Legacy_RedirectInHandle
Export_RedirectOutHandle # 1
ASSERT Export_RedirectOutHandle = RedirectOutHandle
ASSERT ?Export_RedirectOutHandle = ?RedirectOutHandle
RedirectOutHandle # 1
ASSERT RedirectOutHandle = Legacy_RedirectOutHandle
ASSERT ?RedirectOutHandle = ?Legacy_RedirectOutHandle
MOShasFIQ # 1
FIQclaim_interlock # 1
......@@ -1613,6 +1629,8 @@ CachedErrorBlocks # 4 ; pointer to sysheap node holding the er
^ &FE8
CLibCounter # 1 ; Counter for Shared C Library tmpnam function
ASSERT CLibCounter = Legacy_CLibCounter
ASSERT ?CLibCounter = ?Legacy_CLibCounter
......@@ -1622,18 +1640,26 @@ CLibCounter # 1 ; Counter for Shared C Library t
; ROM libraries. They cannot use the private word since the block pointed
; to by this will be freed.
RISCOSLibWord # 4
CLibWord # 4
ASSERT CLibWord = Legacy_CLibWord
ASSERT ?CLibWord = ?Legacy_CLibWord
FPEAnchor # 4
ASSERT FPEAnchor = Legacy_FPEAnchor
ASSERT ?FPEAnchor = ?Legacy_FPEAnchor
Export_DomainId # 4 ; SKS added for domain identification
ASSERT Export_DomainId = DomainId
ASSERT ?Export_DomainId = ?DomainId
DomainId # 4 ; SKS added for domain identification
ASSERT DomainId = Legacy_DomainId
ASSERT ?DomainId = ?Legacy_DomainId
Modula2_Private # 4 ; MICK has FFC and uses it it in USR mode
Export_VduDriverWorkSpace # VDWSSize
ASSERT Export_VduDriverWorkSpace = VduDriverWorkSpace
ASSERT ?Export_VduDriverWorkSpace = ?VduDriverWorkSpace
VduDriverWorkSpace # VDWSSize
ASSERT VduDriverWorkSpace = Legacy_VduDriverWorkSpace
ASSERT ?VduDriverWorkSpace = ?Legacy_VduDriverWorkSpace
ASSERT (VduDriverWorkSpace :AND: 63) = 0 ; For Tim (VDU5)
......@@ -1809,7 +1835,11 @@ SvcTable |#| &400
ASSERT SvcTable = &01F033FC ; Required for SVC table pokers, 1.20 compatible
[ No26bitCode
[ ZeroPage = 0
SWIDespatch_Size * 32*4
SWIDespatch_Size * 33*4
SWIDespatch_Size * 30*4 ; can save 2 instructions if 26-bit (no Thumb)
; Copyright 2011 Castle Technology Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; OS_ReadSysInfo 6 values
OSRSI6_CamEntriesPointer * 0
OSRSI6_MaxCamEntry * 1
OSRSI6_PageFlags_Unavailable * 2
OSRSI6_PhysRamTable * 3
OSRSI6_ARMA_Cleaner_flipflop * 4 ; Unused in HAL kernels
OSRSI6_TickNodeChain * 5
OSRSI6_ROMModuleChain * 6
OSRSI6_DAList * 7
OSRSI6_AppSpaceDANode * 8
OSRSI6_Module_List * 9
OSRSI6_ModuleSHT_Entries * 10
OSRSI6_ModuleSWI_HashTab * 11
OSRSI6_IOSystemType * 12
OSRSI6_L1PT * 13
OSRSI6_L2PT * 14
OSRSI6_SysHeapStart * 17
; These are used by ROL, but conflict with our allocations
OSRSI6_ROL_KernelMessagesBlock * 18
OSRSI6_ROL_ErrorSemaphore * 19
OSRSI6_ROL_MOSdictionary * 20
OSRSI6_ROL_Timer_0_Latch_Value * 21
OSRSI6_ROL_FastTickerV_Counts_Per_Second * 22
OSRSI6_ROL_VecPtrTab * 23
OSRSI6_ROL_SWIDispatchTable * 26 ; JTABLE-SWIRelocation?
OSRSI6_ROL_SWIBranchBack * 27 ; DirtyBranch?
; Our allocations which conflict with the above
OSRSI6_Danger_SWIDispatchTable * 18 ; JTABLE-SWIRelocation (Relocated base of OS SWI dispatch table)
OSRSI6_Danger_Devices * 19 ; Relocated base of IRQ device head nodes
OSRSI6_Danger_DevicesEnd * 20 ; Relocated end of IRQ device head nodes
OSRSI6_Danger_IRQSTK * 21
OSRSI6_Danger_SoundWorkSpace * 22 ; workspace (8K) and buffers (2*4K)
OSRSI6_Danger_IRQsema * 23
; Safe versions of the danger allocations
; Only supported by OS 5.19+, so if backwards compatability is required code
; should (safely!) fall back on the danger versions
OSRSI6_SWIDispatchTable * 64 ; JTABLE-SWIRelocation (Relocated base of OS SWI dispatch table)
OSRSI6_Devices * 65 ; Relocated base of IRQ device head nodes
OSRSI6_DevicesEnd * 66 ; Relocated end of IRQ device head nodes
OSRSI6_SoundWorkSpace * 68 ; workspace (8K) and buffers (2*4K)
OSRSI6_IRQsema * 69
; New ROOL allocations
OSRSI6_DomainId * 70 ; current Wimp task handle
OSRSI6_OSByteVars * 71 ; OS_Byte vars (previously available via OS_Byte &A6/VarStart)
OSRSI6_FgEcfOraEor * 72
OSRSI6_BgEcfOraEor * 73
OSRSI6_DebuggerSpace * 74
OSRSI6_DebuggerSpace_Size * 75
OSRSI6_CannotReset * 76
OSRSI6_MetroGnome * 77 ; OS_ReadMonotonicTime
OSRSI6_CLibCounter * 78
OSRSI6_CLibWord * 80
OSRSI6_FPEAnchor * 81
......@@ -356,6 +356,9 @@ GetMessages SETS "GET s.MsgCode"
GetMessages SETS ""
GBLL HiProcVecs ; Relocate processor vectors and first 16K of workspace to &FFFF0000
HiProcVecs SETL {FALSE} ; Coming soon!
GBLL DebugForcedReset ; debug forced hard resets
DebugForcedReset SETL {FALSE}
......@@ -31,6 +31,16 @@ OldOpt SETA {OPT}
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Memory map values: (in address order)
; These old definitions will be gone soon.
GBLL OldKernelWorkSpace
[ :DEF: AssemblingArthur
OldKernelWorkSpace SETL :LNOT: AssemblingArthur
OldKernelWorkSpace SETL {TRUE}
[ OldKernelWorkSpace :LAND: {TRUE}
^ &00000104
ESC_Status # 1
......@@ -75,6 +85,69 @@ DomainId # 4 ; domain identification
^ &00001000
VduDriverWorkSpace # &3000
; New 'legacy' definitions
^ &00000104
Legacy_ESC_Status # 1
^ &00000105
Legacy_LatchBSoftCopy # 1
^ &00000107
Legacy_CannotReset # 1
^ &00000108
Legacy_IRQsema # 4
^ &0000010C
Legacy_MetroGnome # 4
^ &00000114
Legacy_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy # 4
^ &00000300
Legacy_DebuggerSpace # 8*16
^ &0000047C
Legacy_ScreenBlankFlag # 1 ; 0 => unblanked, 1 => blanked
^ &0000047D
Legacy_ScreenBlankDPMSState # 1 ; 0 => just blank video
; 1 => blank to stand-by (hsync off)
; 2 => blank to suspend (vsync off)
; 3 => blank to off (H+V off)
^ &00000480
Legacy_FgEcfOraEor # 4*16 ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor (from Vdu Driver Workspace)
^ &000004C0
Legacy_BgEcfOraEor # 4*16 ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor (from Vdu Driver Workspace)
^ &00000AE1 ; RedirectInHandle
Legacy_RedirectInHandle # 1
^ &00000AE2 ; RedirectOutHandle
Legacy_RedirectOutHandle # 1
^ &00000FE8
Legacy_CLibCounter # 1
^ &00000FEC
Legacy_RISCOSLibWord # 4
^ &00000FF0
Legacy_CLibWord # 4
^ &00000FF4
Legacy_FPEAnchor # 4
^ &00000FF8
Legacy_DomainId # 4 ; domain identification
^ &00001000
Legacy_VduDriverWorkSpace # &3000
^ &00004000
ScratchSpace # &4000
......@@ -1825,30 +1825,63 @@ MachineAddressNVRAMError
DCD CamEntriesPointer ;0
DCD MaxCamEntry ;1
DCD ZeroPage+CamEntriesPointer ;0
DCD ZeroPage+MaxCamEntry ;1
DCD PageFlags_Unavailable ;2
DCD PhysRamTable ;3
DCD ZeroPage+PhysRamTable ;3
DCD 0 ;4 (was ARMA_Cleaner_flipflop)
DCD TickNodeChain ;5
DCD ROMModuleChain ;6
DCD DAList ;7
DCD AppSpaceDANode ;8
DCD Module_List ;9
DCD ModuleSHT_Entries ;10
DCD ModuleSWI_HashTab ;11
DCD IOSystemType ;12
DCD ZeroPage+TickNodeChain ;5
DCD ZeroPage+ROMModuleChain ;6
DCD ZeroPage+DAList ;7
DCD ZeroPage+AppSpaceDANode ;8
DCD ZeroPage+Module_List ;9
DCD ZeroPage+ModuleSHT_Entries ;10
DCD ZeroPage+ModuleSWI_HashTab ;11
DCD ZeroPage+IOSystemType ;12
DCD L1PT ;13
DCD L2PT ;14
DCD SysHeapStart ;17
; **DANGER** - this block conflicts with ROL's allocations
; ROL use:
; 18 = kernel messagetrans block
; 19 = error semaphore
; 20 = OS_PrettyPrint dictionary
; 21 = Timer 0 latch value
; 22 = FastTickerV counts per second
; 23 = Vector claimants table
; 24 = Number of vectors supported
; 25 = IRQSTK
; 26 = JTABLE-SWIRelocation
; 27 = Address of branch back to OS after SWIs
DCD JTABLE-SWIRelocation ;18 - relocated base of OS SWI despatch table
DCD DefaultIRQ1V+(Devices-DefaultIRQ1Vcode) ;19 - relocated base of IRQ device head nodes
DCD DefaultIRQ1V+(DevicesEnd-DefaultIRQ1Vcode) ;20 - relocated end of IRQ device head nodes
DCD IRQSTK ;21 - top of the IRQ stack
DCD SoundWorkSpace ;22 - workspace (8K) and buffers (2*4K)
DCD IRQsema ;23 - the address of the IRQ semaphore (may move if zero page is protected)
DCD ZeroPage+IRQsema ;23 - the address of the IRQ semaphore
% (256-(.-osri6_table))
; Use 64+ for a repeat of the danger zone, and our new allocations
DCD JTABLE-SWIRelocation ;64 - relocated base of OS SWI despatch table
DCD DefaultIRQ1V+(Devices-DefaultIRQ1Vcode) ;65 - relocated base of IRQ device head nodes
DCD DefaultIRQ1V+(DevicesEnd-DefaultIRQ1Vcode) ;66 - relocated end of IRQ device head nodes
DCD IRQSTK ;67 - top of the IRQ stack
DCD SoundWorkSpace ;68 - workspace (8K) and buffers (2*4K)
DCD ZeroPage+IRQsema ;69 - the address of the IRQ semaphore
; New allocations
DCD ZeroPage+DomainId ;70 - current Wimp task handle
DCD ZeroPage+OsbyteVars-&A6 ;71 - OS_Byte vars (previously available via OS_Byte &A6/VarStart)
DCD ZeroPage+VduDriverWorkSpace+FgEcfOraEor ;72
DCD ZeroPage+VduDriverWorkSpace+BgEcfOraEor ;73
DCD DebuggerSpace ;74
DCD DebuggerSpace_Size ;75
DCD ZeroPage+CannotReset ;76
DCD ZeroPage+MetroGnome ;77 - OS_ReadMonotonicTime
DCD ZeroPage+CLibCounter ;78
DCD ZeroPage+RISCOSLibWord ;79
DCD ZeroPage+CLibWord ;80
DCD ZeroPage+FPEAnchor ;81
osri6_maxvalue * (.-4-osri6_table) :SHR: 2
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