Ben Avison
Detail: Makefiles/CApp: * Naming of object file variables rationalised in line with CModule * Noted that INSTAPP_VERSION files must also be present in INSTAPP_FILES for compatibility with GNUmakefiles - requires changes to individual top-level makefiles, but not BuildSys Makefiles/CLibrary: * Naming of object file variables rationalised in line with CModule Makefiles/CModule: * Removed unused variable OBJS_ Makefiles/StdTools: * Retired TIDYDESC GNUmakefiles/AppLibs: * Add CONLIB, RMVSN, SYNCLIB GNUmakefiles/CApp: * Default definition of INSTAPP * Naming of object file variables rationalised in line with CModule * CLEAN_DEPEND removed, clean made a double-colon rule (it's worth noting that such additional clean rules are now only executed from the component's top-level directory: this was not true for the old extra_clean rules that this replaces, in the GNUmakefiles case) * Rename of INSTALLAPPFILES to INSTAPP_FILES * Rename of INSTALLAPP_DEPEND to INSTAPP_DEPENDS * Insertion of component version into Desc files now done using AwkVers script rather than the C preprocessor (note, will require editing of Desc files to comply). Also supports versions in Messages and !Run files, controlled by new variable INSTAPP_VERSION GNUmakefiles/CLibrary: * Naming of object file variables rationalised in line with CModule * clean rules now only executed from the component's top-level directory, as with CApp GNUmakefiles/StdTools: * Added INSERTVERSION (AwkVers), retired TIDYDESC * Perl scripts now explicitly passed to perl - no need to chmod +x the scripts in RiscOS/Library * asasm/objasm include paths and APCS/Machine/UserIF predefines set to match Makefiles Admin: Tested in a CTools build Version 6.32. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_32'