1. 15 Feb, 2014 1 commit
  2. 08 Feb, 2014 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Change VFPSupport type & source location. Add export to CTools. · 7ec0be2a
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        ModuleDB - Changed VFPSupport to a C module located in the mixed folder; required for VFPSupport-0_06
        Components/ROOL/CTools - Add VFPSupport export; required for building Debugger-1_86
        Tested with Raspberry Pi & OMAP3 ROMs
      Version 6.36. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_36'
  3. 01 Dec, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Add BASIC[64] to the !System archive · a8288e52
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Add RTC as an export on the Disc components (for NetTime)
      Retire BASICTrans, placing alphabetically pleasing BlendTable in its slot
      Version 6.35. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_35'
  4. 28 Nov, 2013 1 commit
  5. 20 Nov, 2013 1 commit
  6. 11 Nov, 2013 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Changes to keep GNUmakefiles and Makefiles compatible · 3542e171
      Ben Avison authored
        * Naming of object file variables rationalised in line with CModule
        * Noted that INSTAPP_VERSION files must also be present in INSTAPP_FILES for
          compatibility with GNUmakefiles - requires changes to individual top-level
          makefiles, but not BuildSys
        * Naming of object file variables rationalised in line with CModule
        * Removed unused variable OBJS_
        * Retired TIDYDESC
        * Default definition of INSTAPP
        * Naming of object file variables rationalised in line with CModule
        * CLEAN_DEPEND removed, clean made a double-colon rule (it's worth noting
          that such additional clean rules are now only executed from the component's
          top-level directory: this was not true for the old extra_clean rules that
          this replaces, in the GNUmakefiles case)
        * Insertion of component version into Desc files now done using AwkVers
          script rather than the C preprocessor (note, will require editing of Desc
          files to comply). Also supports versions in Messages and !Run files,
          controlled by new variable INSTAPP_VERSION
        * Naming of object file variables rationalised in line with CModule
        * clean rules now only executed from the component's top-level directory, as
          with CApp
        * Added INSERTVERSION (AwkVers), retired TIDYDESC
        * Perl scripts now explicitly passed to perl - no need to chmod +x the
          scripts in RiscOS/Library
        * asasm/objasm include paths and APCS/Machine/UserIF predefines set to match
        Tested in a CTools build
      Version 6.32. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_32'
  7. 09 Nov, 2013 1 commit
  8. 29 Oct, 2013 1 commit
  9. 06 Oct, 2013 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add BlendTable to ModuleDB & ROM images. Add BlendTable & InverseTable to Disc exports. · 08cfcd00
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        ModuleDB - Added BlendTable
        Components/ROOL/BCM2835, IOMD32, OMAP4, OMAP4, S3C2440, S3C6410, Tungsten - BlendTable added to all ROMs for use by SpriteExtend
        Components/ROOL/Disc - BlendTable & InverseTable added to export stage in order to allow CFSI-JPEG to build
        OMAP3 ROM tested on BB-xM
        CFSI-JPEG tested on Iyonix
      Version 6.29. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_29'
  10. 29 Sep, 2013 1 commit
  11. 21 Sep, 2013 1 commit
  12. 25 Aug, 2013 1 commit
  13. 11 Aug, 2013 1 commit
  14. 03 Aug, 2013 1 commit
  15. 30 Jul, 2013 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Update BuildHost for GCC 4 · 85317293
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Makefiles/GCCRules - Makefile containing rules for building tools with GCC 4. These rules are intended to replace the rules in StdRules for when GCC is in use.
        ModuleDB - Added libgnu4
        Components/ROOL/BuildHost - Build libgnu4 instead of libgnu
        Building BuildHost now requires a GCC4-based setup (Env-1_25, Modules-0_26, Library-1_63, etc.)
      Version 6.23. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_23'
  16. 24 Jul, 2013 1 commit
  17. 20 Jul, 2013 1 commit
  18. 15 Jul, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Shared makefile enhancements · 6b4a70b4
      Robert Sprowson authored
       Comments sync'd with implementation
       Add the RMVersion library
       Now APP_OBJS and APP_DBG_OBJS don't need the '.o' suffix in common with OBJS and DBG_OBJS
       Changed insertion of version numbers to be common for Messages/Obey/Desc files through new 'INSTAPP_VERSION' dummy rule
       INSTALLAPP_DEPEND renamed to INSTAPP_DEPENDS to match other INSTAPP_stuff
       Use addprefix'd APP_OBJS
       Default SQUISHFLAGS now set
      Version 6.20. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_20'
  19. 08 Jul, 2013 1 commit
  20. 01 Jun, 2013 1 commit
  21. 13 May, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Relocate !Patch within Utilities directory · 535cd8ff
      Robert Sprowson authored
      The application called !Patch isn't OS version specific so can just be classed as a normal utility. Patched modules & 3rd party applications might be OS specific so could go in N00.Patches, but there aren't currently any of those supplied.
      Version 6.17. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_17'
  22. 06 May, 2013 1 commit
  23. 05 May, 2013 1 commit
  24. 04 May, 2013 1 commit
  25. 06 Apr, 2013 1 commit
  26. 03 Apr, 2013 1 commit
  27. 04 Mar, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Add NetI to modules database · ce78a237
      Robert Sprowson authored
      * Include in disc image (needed by InetSetup when TCP/IP is enabled)
      * Remove portable from the IOMD module listing (demoted to export only)
      Version 6.11. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_11'
  28. 03 Mar, 2013 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Move VCHIQ out of disc image and into BCM2835 ROM · 048d5bf1
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Components/ROOL/BCM2835 - Insert VCHIQ into ROM, just before BCMSound (the first module that uses it)
        Components/ROOL/Disc - Removed VCHIQ softload, it's both no longer necessary and no longer supported by the makefile
        Tested on Raspberry Pi
        BCM2835 changes require VCHIQ-0_05, and will require relatively recent firmware at runtime
      Version 6.10. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_10'
  29. 02 Feb, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Add DMAManager to IOMD components file · 06e5a56f
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Ditch GameModes dummy module in line with other 5.xx series ROMs it's unlikely that any games pre dating the Risc PC would not need more extensive work to become 32 bit than a simple RMEnsure of a dummy module.
      Version 6.09. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_09'
  30. 31 Jan, 2013 1 commit
  31. 27 Jan, 2013 1 commit
  32. 14 Jan, 2013 1 commit
  33. 22 Dec, 2012 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Retire NetUtils · 46c0a1af
      Robert Sprowson authored
      The only reference to NetUtils is where !InetSetup attempts to load it (silently ignoring any fail).
      It also outputs this command into "Internet.Startup" but after an RMEnsure of NetFS 5.79.
      Since these are ROM components files, and in every case NetFS 5.79 is present, NetUtils is redundant. !InetSetup should continue as before since it is part of the universal boot sequence and may find itself on a machine with an older NetFS.
      Also - moved RTCAdjust up into alphabetical order (this handily keeps the module numbering the same for Tungsten & IOMD as a side effect).
      Version 6.05. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_05'
  34. 27 Nov, 2012 1 commit
  35. 21 Nov, 2012 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add BatMgrHAL to ModuleDB & OMAP3 ROMs · fda274b4
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        ModuleDB - Added BatMgrHAL. Point BatMgr at released souces instead of private ones.
        Components/ROOL/OMAP3, Components/ROOL/OMAP3Live - Added BatMgrHAL to ROM
        Tested on BB-xM, Pandora, TouchBook
      Version 6.04. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_04'
  36. 26 Oct, 2012 1 commit
  37. 13 Oct, 2012 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Improvements to C tools build. · 34c706e3
      Ben Avison authored
        It is sensible for the autogenerated swis.h that's included with the
        C tools to include the maximum number of SWI definitions (normally it only
        contains definitions for modules that are included in the build). This adds
        all the necessary exports, except for Hdr:ARM3Cache, which is from an
        obsolete module that hasn't been publicly released.
        Tested in a C tools build.
      Version 6.02. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_02'
  38. 09 Oct, 2012 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Removed three libraries from Disc build · 279f8e34
      Ben Avison authored
        Lib.ModuleTask, Lib.AcornNC and Lib.HTMLLib don't build at present because
        their makefiles depend upon the Makatic suite that we don't distribute.
        However, no binaries in the disc build actually require these libraries,
        so to remove the build errors, the simplest thing is to exclude the
        libraries from the build.
        Tested in a clean-from-CVS disc build
      Version 6.01. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_01'
  39. 08 Oct, 2012 1 commit
    • Steve Revill's avatar
      Moved BootFX one module later in the ROM. · 893a0e72
      Steve Revill authored
      BootFX happened to be the module _before_ Squash, which was an ironic
      choice when it came to adding support for squashed sprite files. Now
      it's just _after_ Squash.
      Version 6.00. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_00'
  40. 03 Oct, 2012 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Correction to case of Iconbar toolbox component · fef50df1
      Robert Sprowson authored
      The component name had an uppercase 'B' which, through the use of the shared TBoxMake makefile in turn became its directory name in resourcefs.
      However, with non UK territory the string collation rules would not match this and the Iconbar module would die on init.
      Fixes ticket #318.
      Version 5.99. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_99'