1. 01 Oct, 2014 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Fix some tool build issues · b4dd6974
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Components/ROOL/BuildHost - Enable Squash export phase now that the sources are public (plus, it's needed for building stuff). Tweak 'xpand' and 'do' option strings so that they'll build properly (previously, errored out due to looking for bad makefile rules)
        BuildHost build now completes without error
      Version 6.52. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_52'
  2. 30 Jul, 2013 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Update BuildHost for GCC 4 · 85317293
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Makefiles/GCCRules - Makefile containing rules for building tools with GCC 4. These rules are intended to replace the rules in StdRules for when GCC is in use.
        ModuleDB - Added libgnu4
        Components/ROOL/BuildHost - Build libgnu4 instead of libgnu
        Building BuildHost now requires a GCC4-based setup (Env-1_25, Modules-0_26, Library-1_63, etc.)
      Version 6.23. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_23'
  3. 31 Aug, 2012 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Additions to BuildHost and Disc builds · 786888ba
      Ben Avison authored
        * Added RemotePrinterSupport modules to BuildHost, so disc builds build
        * Added ScreenFX module to Disc build
        * Added components required by the above: USBDriver and PRISMLib
        Tested in respective builds
      Version 5.86. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_86'
  4. 27 Feb, 2012 1 commit
  5. 10 Mar, 2011 1 commit
  6. 12 Jul, 2009 1 commit
  7. 26 Jun, 2009 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Added CTools disc build, and various supporting changes · 13d9ef8b
      Ben Avison authored
        * Updates to CModule makefile fragment to reduce the number of OS-specific
          rules in main Makefiles:
          + Added (RAM|ROM)(C|ASM)DEFINES variables. These allow the calling makefile
            to specify additional defines for RAM or ROM builds of C or assembler
            source files respectively. Traditionally this was done by having separate
            object files for RAM and ROM corresponding at least to whichever source
            file was responsible for interfacing with ResourceFS, but this requires
            messy additional rules. With this new approach, it is necessary to clean
            the component when switching between RAM and ROM builds, but I don't
            think this will affect many people's workflows.
          + Added CMHGDEPENDS. This should be used to specify which object files need
            a static dependency upon the h file autogenerated from the cmhg file.
            It should be specified in the usual form for object files passed to
            CModule - with neither an o. prefix nor a .o suffix.
        * Added TBOXINTLIB to ModuleLibs makefile fragment.
        * AsmUtils, HdrSrc, TCPIPheaders, ToolboxLib and UnicodeLib all upgraded in
          ModuleDB from EXP to ASM or C components, to permit them to be built in the
          install phase. As a result, those other Components files that didn't
          already do so now need to override this back to -type EXP.
        * BuildHost Components file edited to reflect the fact that binaof, binasm,
          modgen and ResGen now have separate install phases for executables and
          Docs files.
        The new Components file uses various components that are not publicly
        released, so it can only sensibly be used internally by ROOL. However, it's
        more convenient for us to keep it alongside the other Components files - and
        it also serves as an illustration of how to do a disc build.
      Version 4.77. Tagged as 'BuildSys-4_77'
  8. 09 Jun, 2009 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Updated BuildHost component file and ModuleDB · 71430b75
      Ben Avison authored
        Reinstated CLX (actually the cut-down version, CLXLite) and 9 tools that
        depend upon it: chmod, diff, find, modsqz, srcbuild, squeeze, romlinker,
        unmodsqz and xpand
        Tested - verified these 9 tools can be used to rebuild themselves
      Version 4.74. Tagged as 'BuildSys-4_74'
  9. 03 Dec, 2008 1 commit