Commit 1985952b authored by Robert Sprowson's avatar Robert Sprowson
Browse files

A few extra fsfunc symbols

Add fsfunc_Opt subreasons, fsfunc_DirIs subreasons.
Expand tabs on fsargs_IOCtl.
No code change, retagged as FileSwitch-2_84.
parent d183fb9c
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ fsinfo_notforMultiFS * :NOT: fsinfo_flushnotify ; Anything other than fl
fsextra_dirinformation * 1 :SHL: 0 ; filing system supports fsfunc_DirIs
fsextra_FSDoesCat * 1 :SHL: 1 ; filing system does Cat rather than FileSwitch
fsextra_FSDoesEx * 1 :SHL: 2 ; filing system does Ex rather than FileSwitch
fsextra_IOCtl * 1 :SHL: 3 ; filing system does IOCtls
fsextra_IOCtl * 1 :SHL: 3 ; filing system does IOCtls
; bits 4-31 unused (yet)
; Offsets from start of IFS information block in a IFS (MultiFS) module
......@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ IFS_file # 4
IFS_func # 4
IFS_size * @-IFS_info
; Reason codes passed to fscb^.File
fsfile_Load * &FF
......@@ -219,7 +220,8 @@ fsargs_EnsureSize # 1 ; ARGS 6 7 All fs
fsargs_WriteZeroes # 1 ; internal 8 Only buffered fs
fsargs_ReadLoadExec # 1 ; internal 9 All fs
fsargs_ImageStampIs # 1 ; ARGS 8 10 Only
fsargs_IOCtl # 1 ; ARGS 9 11
fsargs_IOCtl # 1 ; ARGS 9 11
; Reason codes passed to fscb^.Func
......@@ -232,6 +234,8 @@ fsfunc_LCat # 1 ;4 FSC 7
fsfunc_LEx # 1 ;5 FSC 8
fsfunc_Info # 1 ;6 FSC 9
fsfunc_Opt # 1 ;7 FSC 10
fsfunc_Opt_Default * 0
fsfunc_Opt_Boot * 4
fsfunc_Rename # 1 ;8 FSC 25
fsfunc_Access # 1 ;9 FSC 24
fsfunc_Bootup # 1 ;10 FSC 15
......@@ -259,6 +263,10 @@ fsfunc_NameDisc # 1 ;31 for naming a disc
fsfunc_StampImage # 1 ;32 for image stamping control
fsfunc_ObjectAtOffset # 1 ;33
fsfunc_DirIs # 1 ;34 for NetFS (and others if they want)
fsfunc_DirIs_CSD * 0
fsfunc_DirIs_PSD * 1
fsfunc_DirIs_URD * 2
fsfunc_DirIs_Lib * 3
fsfunc_ReadFreeSpace64 # 1 ;35 for reading the free space in 64 bit (FSC 55)
fsfunc_DefectList64 # 1 ;36 for obtaining the image's defect list (two words per defect)
fsfunc_AddDefect64 # 1 ;37 for adding a defect expressed in two words
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