Commit c2535776 authored by Jeffrey Lee's avatar Jeffrey Lee
Browse files


  Sources/CFSI-JPEG - Add an extra GET for mode flag definitions used by jdcolor
  c/rojpeg - Use standard 555 TBGR colour conversion function when producing 16bpp output for CFSI-JPEG
  ChangeFSI JPEG output tested on RISC OS 3.7, 5.17, 5.21
  3.7 works fine, but 5.XX fails to convert JPEGs correctly for <256 colour output - to be investigated

Version 1.52. Retagged as 'SprExtend-1_52'
parent d0127bc4
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
GET Hdr:CPU.Arch
GET Hdr:ColourTran
GET Hdr:Sprite
GET Hdr:VduExt
IMPORT do_jpeg_scan_file_16
IMPORT do_jpeg_scan_file_32
......@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ int do_jpeg_scan_file_16(char *space, int space_size, const JOCTET *file_image,
cinfo->workspace_size = space_size;
cinfo->error_code = -1; /* force total reset */
cinfo->convert_block_16 = asm_get_convert_block_16_func(65535,0); /* Only traditional 16bpp output for now */
return jpeg_scan_file(cinfo, file_image, image_length, 0, 0x7fffffff, -1, -1, jopt_OUTBPP_16);
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