Commit 2dcbdbbe authored by Neil Turton's avatar Neil Turton
Browse files

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parents 0ca1c4b3 d15e3696
StrongARM changes to be made
Sources.PutScaled, around line 415ish, flush the caches before
entering the newly generated code. Alternatively, do it in the
find_or_compile C routine - that way the memory space taken up
by the generated code is more cleanly known, making an IMBRange
SWI easier to implant.
Sources.SprTrans around physical line 2287 (label trns_compiling_complete)
flush the caches after generating the transformation code. AFAICT,
this is a simple compilation into a memory block, rather than using
a set of buffers like the PutScaled routine.
\ No newline at end of file
; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
EXPORT |_swix|
EXPORT |_swi|
; Construct a stack frame that looks something like this:
; LDMIA r12!, {r0..rn} ; Or NOP if no input regs
; ADD Rb, R12, #Nout * 4 ; Or NOP if no parameter block
; SWI xxxxxx
; MOV R0, Rn ; Use ADD because Rn is correct bitfield
; B SWIReturn
; saved r4-r11,lr
; saved r1
; saved input values (r2...rn)
STMFD sp!, {r2-r3} ; Save r1 and put 1st two variadic args on stack
STMDB sp!, {r1, r4-r9, lr}
ADR r6, SWIReturn-4
B swix0
ORR r0, r0, #&20000
STMDB sp!, {r2-r3}
STMDB sp!, {r1, r4-r9, lr}
ADR r6, SWIXReturn-4
ORR r3, r0, #&ef000000 ; Construct SWI instruction
MOV r0, r1, LSL #22 ; Construct LDMIA R12!, {regs} instruction
MOVS r0, r0, LSR #22 ; {regs} = {} (IE no input regs) we must not
ORRNE r0, r0, #&e8000000 ; use an LDMIA R12!, {} instruction as this is an
ORRNE r0, r0, #&00bc0000 ; invalid instruction, we use a suitable NOP instead.
MOV r5, r1, LSR #16
AND r5, r5, #&f
ORR r5, r5, #&e1000000
ORR r5, r5, #&a00000
ANDS r2, r1, #&800
BLNE BuildBlockInst
SUB r6, r6, sp
MOV r6, r6, LSR #2
BIC r6, r6, #&ff000000
ADD r6, r6, #&ea000000
STMDB sp!, {r0,r2,r3,r5,r6}
ADD r12, sp, #(5+8)*4 ; Point R12 at input regs on stack.
[ StrongARM
;oh my gawd ...
;in case we are running on StrongARM, have to synchronise with respect to modified code
;this is all highly inefficient, and the mechanism needs sorting properly later
STMDB sp!,{r0-r2,lr} ;don't know whether any of these are trashable
MOV r0,#1 ;means range specified in r1,r2
ADD r1,sp,#4*4 ;start address (allowing for stacked r0-r2,lr)
ADD r2,r1,#4*4 ;end address (inclusive) for 5 words of code
SWI XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas ;do the necessary
LDMIA sp!,{r0-r2,lr}
MOV pc, sp ; Call routine on stack
STR pc, [sp, #4*4]! ; no PC+12/PC+8 problem (old/new ARM) since only condition codes used
LDR lr, [sp, #1*4]
MOVS lr, lr, ASL #1 ; Shift out setting C if R0 to be written, N
LDRCS lr, [r12], #4 ; if R1 to be written.
STRCS r0, [lr]
LDRMI lr, [r12], #4
STRMI r1, [lr]
LDR lr, [sp, #1*4]
B ReturnTail
STR pc, [sp, #4*4]! ; no PC+12/PC+8 problem (old/new ARM) since only condition codes used
LDR lr, [sp, #1*4]
BVS VSetReturn
MOVS lr, lr, ASL #1 ; Shift out setting C if R0 to be written, N
LDRCS lr, [r12], #4 ; if R1 to be written.
STRCS r0, [lr]
LDRMI lr, [r12], #4
STRMI r1, [lr]
LDR lr, [sp, #1*4]
TST lr, #&f0000
MOVEQ r0, #0
MOVS lr, lr, ASL #3 ; Shift 2 bits each time for the next 2 regs
LDRCS r1, [r12], #4
STRCS r2, [r1]
LDRMI r1, [r12], #4
STRMI r3, [r1]
AND lr, lr, #&ff000000
MOVS lr, lr, ASL #2
LDRCS r1, [r12], #4
STRCS r4, [r1]
BEQ VSetReturn ; Typically saves 16S - (3S + 1N)
LDRMI r1, [r12], #4
STRMI r5, [r1]
MOVS lr, lr, ASL #2
LDRCS r1, [r12], #4
STRCS r6, [r1]
LDRMI r1, [r12], #4
STRMI r7, [r1]
MOVS lr, lr, ASL #2
LDRCS r1, [r12], #4
STRCS r8, [r1]
LDRMI r1, [r12], #4
STRMI r9, [r1]
MOVS lr, lr, ASL #2
LDRCS r9, [sp]
LDRCS r1, [r12], #4
STRCS r9, [r1]
ADD sp, sp, #2*4
LDMIA sp!, {r4-r9,lr}
ADD sp, sp, #2 * 4
MOVS pc, lr
MOV r4, #6
AND r2, r1, #&f000
ORR r2, r2, #&e2000000
ORR r2, r2, #&008c0000
MOVS r1, r1, ASL #2
ADDCS r2, r2, #4
ADDMI r2, r2, #4
SUBS r4, r4, #1
BNE BuildBlockInst1
MOVS pc, lr
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