Commit 02ca29e9 authored by Robert Sprowson's avatar Robert Sprowson
Browse files

Collapse old switches.

Removed braces selecting code from 0.47 0.50 and 0.55, this is over 80
versions ago and just confusing.
Binary the same, not tagged.
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ SpriteExtend_SWIDecode
Debug gs,"R12 = ",R12
Debug gs,"R11 = ",R11
CMP r11, #2 ; JPEG_PlotScaled ?
CMPNE r11, #3 ; JPEG_plotFileScaled ?
CMPNE r11, #3 ; JPEG_PlotFileScaled ?
CMPNE r11, #4 ; JPEG_PlotTransformed ?
CMPNE r11, #5 ; JPEG_PlotFileTransformed ?
BNE NonPrinterSWI
......@@ -826,9 +826,7 @@ stack_masko # 4 ; copy
stack_calladdr # 4 ; copy
stack_calladdr2 # 4 ; copy
stack_returnaddr # 4
[ Module_Version >= 047
stack_maskword # 4 ; = (2^outlog2bpp)-1 ROR outlog2bpp
stack_maskinptr # 4 ; destroyable copy for inside loop
stack_maskinshift # 4 ; destroyable copy for inside loop
stack_temp1 # 4 ; for temp saving of registers inside loop
......@@ -876,9 +874,7 @@ save_xftimesyf # 4
save_xmag # 4
save_ymag # 4
[ Module_Version >= 047
save_inflags # 4
save_inlog2bpp # 4
save_inlog2bpc # 4
save_inbpp # 4
......@@ -3021,8 +3017,6 @@ cantdoinOS
LDR R6,save_calladdr2
LDR R9,save_maskinptr
LDR R10,save_maskinshift
[ Module_Version >=047
MVN R8,#0 ;fixes for 32bpp, amg
CMP R0,#32
......@@ -3031,9 +3025,6 @@ cantdoinOS
Debug cn,"maskword ",R8
Push "R0-R12" ; R7 = space for stack_returnaddr
Push "R0-R11" ; R7 = space for stack_returnaddr
ADR R14,save_block
LDMIA R14,{R0-R9} ; R10 irrelevant, R12 set up already
......@@ -3283,8 +3274,6 @@ checktrans Entry
LDR R9,BPP ; R9 = output depth
MOV R10,#0 ; R10 = index / counter
[ Module_Version >= 047
CMP LR,#16
BCC checktrans1 ; branch if input is 8bpp or below
......@@ -3463,7 +3452,6 @@ mungeGCOL8to16
EOR R0,R0,R1,LSL #4
SUBS R8,R8,#1 ; loop until -ve value
......@@ -4017,23 +4005,6 @@ do_fillins
Debug mb,"composite word to store",R14
[ Module_Version >= 055
; no longer needed here - outoffset is pulled from the stack
ADR R14,pc_outoffset0
LDR R11,thisslot
LDR R11,[R14,R11]
LDR R0,save_outoffset
Debug mb,"Save offset = ",R0
LDR R14,pmt_outoffset
Debug mb,"pmt_outoffset = ",R14
SetImm R14,R0 ; don't convert_ROR it!!!
Debug mb,"Modified instruction = ",R14
Debug mb,"pc_outoffset for this routine ",R11
STR R14,[R11]
LDR R11,pc_ecflimit
CMP R11,#0
......@@ -4043,15 +4014,6 @@ do_fillins
SetImm R14,R0,NE
STRNE R14,[R11]
[ Module_Version >= 055
; no longer needed here - outoffset is pulled from the stack
LDR R11,pc_outoffset
LDR R0,save_outoffset
LDR R14,pmt_outoffset
SetImm R14,R0 ; don't convert_ROR it!!!
STR R14,[R11]
[ multibuffer
......@@ -4094,8 +4056,6 @@ convert_ROR
; ############################## code fragments for newword
[ Module_Version >= 047
pm_newword_ext LDR im1,[inptr,masko]
MOVS im1,im1,LSR #xxx ; inbpp
MOVCS im2,#0
......@@ -4127,7 +4087,6 @@ tm_newword_ext LDR im1,stack_masko
MOVCS im2,#0
tm_newword_extend LDRCC im2,stack_maskword ; (2^outbpp-1) ROR outbpp
ASSERT (tm_newword_extend -tm_newword_ext) = (tm_newwordend -tm_newword)
; ### plot mask, old format mask
......@@ -4289,7 +4248,6 @@ asm_newword
TST R11,#mc_hasmask
[ Module_Version >= 047
MOVS R2,R11,LSR #mcb_sprtype
......@@ -4319,13 +4277,6 @@ asm_newword
PutAsm pm_newword, LT
PutAsm pm_newword_ext, GE
GetAsm pm_newword,NE
SetLsr R2,vv_inbpp,NE
SetImm R4,vv_outbpptop,NE
PutAsm pm_newword,NE
TST R11,#mc_hasmask
......@@ -4364,7 +4315,6 @@ asm_newword
TST R11,#mc_hasmask
[ Module_Version >= 047
MOVS R1,R11,LSR #mcb_sprtype
......@@ -4390,13 +4340,6 @@ asm_newword
PutAsm tm_newword,LT ; always modify based on input bpp and write instructions
PutAsm tm_newword_ext,GE
GetAsm tm_newword,NE
SetLsr R3,vv_inbpp,NE
SetImm R5,vv_outbpptop,NE
PutAsm tm_newword,NE
TST R11,#mc_hasmask
MOVNES R1,R11,LSR #mcb_sprtype
......@@ -4740,8 +4683,6 @@ t_newpixel3end MOV in2,in2,LSR #8
; adjustment needed
[ Module_Version >= 047
pt_newpixel_ext MOVS im1,im1,LSR #xxx ; inbpp
MOVCS im2,#0
pt_newpixel_extend LDRCC im2,stack_maskword ; (2^outbpp-1) ROR outbpp
......@@ -4790,8 +4731,6 @@ t_newpixel232end NOP
m_newpixel2_ext MOVCC in2,#0
m_newpixel2_extend LDRCS in2,stack_maskword ; (2^outbpp-1) ROR outbpp
ASSERT (m_newpixel2_extend -m_newpixel2_ext) = (m_newpixel2end -m_newpixel2)
Label l_newpixel
......@@ -4822,7 +4761,6 @@ asm_newpixel
B %FT02
TST R11,#mc_hasmask
[ Module_Version >= 047
MOVS R1,R11,LSR #mcb_sprtype
......@@ -4846,13 +4784,6 @@ asm_newpixel
PutAsm pt_newpixel,LT
PutAsm pt_newpixel_ext,GE
GetAsm pt_newpixel,NE
SetLsr R1,vv_inbpp,NE
SetImm R3,vv_outbpptop,NE
PutAsm pt_newpixel,NE
Debug cn,"adding two words for ttr"
;if doing 16->32 or 32->16
......@@ -4884,7 +4815,6 @@ asm_newpixel
Branch BLEQ,l_newword
TST R11,#mc_plotmask
[ Module_Version >= 047
Debug cn,"newpixel2"
......@@ -4894,14 +4824,6 @@ asm_newpixel
PutAsm m_newpixel2,LT
Asm m_newpixel2_ext,GE
GetAsm m_newpixel2,NE
SetImm R2,vv_outbpptop,NE
PutAsm m_newpixel2,NE
[ Module_Version >= 047
TST R11,#mc_ttr ; is there a translation table?
......@@ -4976,12 +4898,6 @@ asm_newpixel
SetLsr R2,vv_outbpp,LE
PutAsm t_newpixel2,LT
PutAsm t_newpixel216,EQ
TST R11,#mc_ttr
GetAsm t_newpixel2,NE
SetLsr R2,vv_outbpp,NE
PutAsm t_newpixel2,NE
......@@ -5065,16 +4981,10 @@ m_ecflimit CMP ecfptr,#xxx ; ecflimit
AND ecfora,ecfora,outword
m_putmanyend AND ecfeor,ecfeor,outword
[ Module_Version >= 55 ; Merged from 0.62 (GPS)
pmt_putmany22 STR R14,[outptr] ; "
LDR R14,stack_outoffset ; "
SUB outptr, outptr, R14 ; "
pmt_putmany22end SUBS vcount,vcount,#1 ; "
| ; "
pmt_putmany2 STR R14,[outptr],#-xxx ; outoffset
pmt_putmany2end SUBS vcount,vcount,#1
pmt_outoffset * pmt_putmany2
] ; Merged from 0.62 (GPS)
m_putmany2 LDR ecfptr,stack_ecfptr
m_putmany2end * m_putmany2
......@@ -5119,13 +5029,8 @@ asm_putmany
STR R10,pc_outoffset ; remember for later
[ Module_Version >= 55 ; Merged from 0.62 (GPS)
; new version to get over implicit limit in old code
Asm pmt_putmany22 ; Merged from 0.62 (GPS)
| ; Merged from 0.62 (GPS)
Debug cp,"pmt_putmany2"
Asm pmt_putmany2
] ; Merged from 0.62 (GPS)
Debug cp,"branch on NE to l_vloop+4"
Branch BNE,l_vloop+4 ; allow for R14 on stack
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