Commit 280c51dc authored by Ben Avison's avatar Ben Avison
Browse files

Created cleanroom implementation of 64-bit integer support for licencing...

Created cleanroom implementation of 64-bit integer support for licencing reasons. Tested fairly thoroughly (in fact, this testing showed up a bug in the old code which unbalanced the stack for 50% of cases where you divided a negative long long by 10). Hopefully should work faster than the old code too!

Reapplied all relevant old tags.

Real commit date 2008-03-18.
This diff is collapsed.
// Generate test data for long long support
// Run this on a known good C library
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
uint64_t rand63(void)
// Generate a 63-bit random number
uint32_t a, b;
a = rand();
b = rand();
return 0x4000000000000000 | ((uint64_t) a << 31) | b;
int main(void)
// We want to create pairs of random 64-bit numbers with
// every combination of 1-64 leading 0s and 1-64 leading 1s
assert(RAND_MAX == 0x7FFFFFFF);
bool invertb = false;
bool inverta = false;
for (size_t bbits = 1; bbits <= 64; bbits++)
for (size_t abits = 1; abits <= 64; abits++)
uint64_t a = rand63() >> (abits - 1);
uint64_t b = rand63() >> (bbits - 1);
if (inverta) a = ~a;
if (invertb) b = ~b;
printf("%016llX %016llX\n", a, b);
while (!inverta++);
while (!invertb++);
return 0;
// Test long long support
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
struct udivrem { uint64_t q; uint64_t r; };
struct divrem { int64_t q; int64_t r; };
extern int64_t _ll_from_u(uint32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_from_l( int32_t);
extern uint32_t _ll_to_l ( int64_t);
extern int64_t _ll_add ( int64_t, int64_t);
extern int64_t _ll_addlu( int64_t, uint32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_addls( int64_t, int32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_adduu(uint32_t, uint32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_addss( int32_t, int32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_sub ( int64_t, int64_t);
extern int64_t _ll_sublu( int64_t, uint32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_subls( int64_t, int32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_subuu(uint32_t, uint32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_subss( int32_t, int32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_rsb ( int64_t, int64_t);
extern int64_t _ll_rsblu( int64_t, uint32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_rsbls( int64_t, int32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_rsbuu(uint32_t, uint32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_rsbss( int32_t, int32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_mul ( int64_t, int64_t);
extern int64_t _ll_mullu( int64_t, uint32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_mulls( int64_t, int32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_muluu(uint32_t, uint32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_mulss( int32_t, int32_t);
extern __value_in_regs struct udivrem _ll_udiv (uint64_t, uint64_t);
extern __value_in_regs struct udivrem _ll_urdv (uint64_t, uint64_t);
extern __value_in_regs struct udivrem _ll_udiv10(uint64_t);
extern __value_in_regs struct divrem _ll_sdiv ( int64_t, int64_t);
extern __value_in_regs struct divrem _ll_srdv ( int64_t, int64_t);
extern __value_in_regs struct divrem _ll_sdiv10( int64_t);
extern int64_t _ll_not( int64_t);
extern int64_t _ll_neg( int64_t);
extern int64_t _ll_and( int64_t, int64_t);
extern int64_t _ll_or ( int64_t, int64_t);
extern int64_t _ll_eor( int64_t, int64_t);
extern uint64_t _ll_shift_l (uint64_t, uint32_t);
extern uint64_t _ll_ushift_r(uint64_t, uint32_t);
extern int64_t _ll_sshift_r( int64_t, uint32_t);
int main(void)
FILE *f = fopen("inputs", "r");
while (!feof(f))
int64_t a,b;
fscanf(f, "%016llX %016llX\n", &a, &b);
struct udivrem udr;
struct divrem dr;
printf("%016llX %016llX "
"%016llX %016llX %08X "
"%016llX %016llX %016llX %016llX %016llX "
"%016llX %016llX %016llX %016llX %016llX "
"%016llX %016llX %016llX %016llX %016llX "
"%016llX %016llX %016llX %016llX %016llX ",
a, b,
_ll_from_u(a), _ll_from_l(a), _ll_to_l(a),
_ll_add(a,b), _ll_addlu(a,b), _ll_addls(a,b), _ll_adduu(a,b), _ll_addss(a,b),
_ll_sub(a,b), _ll_sublu(a,b), _ll_subls(a,b), _ll_subuu(a,b), _ll_subss(a,b),
_ll_rsb(a,b), _ll_rsblu(a,b), _ll_rsbls(a,b), _ll_rsbuu(a,b), _ll_rsbss(a,b),
_ll_mul(a,b), _ll_mullu(a,b), _ll_mulls(a,b), _ll_muluu(a,b), _ll_mulss(a,b));
udr = b == 0 ? (struct udivrem) { 0, 0 } : _ll_udiv(a,b);
printf("%016llX %016llX ", udr.q, udr.r);
udr = a == 0 ? (struct udivrem) { 0, 0 } : _ll_urdv(a,b);
printf("%016llX %016llX ", udr.q, udr.r);
udr = _ll_udiv10(a);
printf("%016llX %016llX ", udr.q, udr.r);
dr = b == 0 ? (struct divrem) { 0, 0 } : _ll_sdiv(a,b);
printf("%016llX %016llX ", dr.q, dr.r);
dr = a == 0 ? (struct divrem) { 0, 0 } : _ll_srdv(a,b);
printf("%016llX %016llX ", dr.q, dr.r);
dr = _ll_sdiv10(a);
printf("%016llX %016llX ", dr.q, dr.r);
printf("%016llX %016llX %016llX %016llX %016llX "
"%016llX %016llX %016llX\n",
_ll_not(a), _ll_neg(a), _ll_and(a,b), _ll_or(a,b), _ll_eor(a,b),
_ll_shift_l(a,b&0x3F), _ll_ushift_r(a,b&0x3F), _ll_sshift_r(a,b&0x3F));
return 0;
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