Commit df4efb68 authored by Jeffrey Lee's avatar Jeffrey Lee Committed by ROOL
Browse files

Support RAM banks with high physical addresses

This changes PhysRamTable to store the address of each RAM bank in terms
of (4KB) pages instead of bytes, effectively allowing it to support a 44
bit physical address space. This means that (when the long descriptor
page table format is used) the OS can now make use of memory located
outside the lower 4GB of the physical address space. However some
public APIs still need extending to allow for all operations to be
supported on high RAM (e.g. OS_Memory logical to physical address

OS_Memory 12 (RecommendPage) has been extended to allow R4-R7 to be used
to specify a (64bit) physical address range which the recommended pages
must lie within. For backwards compatibility this defaults to 0-4GB.
parent 402f32c2
......@@ -1035,13 +1035,13 @@ IICBus_Size # 0
InitWsStart # 0
InitIRQHandler # 4 ; pointer to IRQ handler (LDR PC'ed from IRQ HW vector)
InitIRQWs # 16 ; workspace for IRQ handler
InitUsedStart # 4 ; start of used pages (L2PT etc) not to be cleared
InitUsedEnd # 4 ; end of used pages
InitUsedStart # 4 ; start of used pages (L2PT etc) not to be cleared (32bit address)
InitUsedEnd # 4 ; end of used pages (page units)
InitUsedBlock # 4 ; current block in PhysRamTable
InitClearRamWs # 10*4 ; preserve registers during ClearPhysRAM
InitDMABlock # 8 ; block of DMAable memory extracted from PhysRamTable
InitDMAOffset # 4 ; offset+8 into PhysRamTable where memory was taken
InitDMAEnd # 4 ; current DMA alloc pos
InitDMAEnd # 4 ; current DMA alloc pos (32bit address)
AlignSpace 32 ; because we clear 32 at a time
InitWsEnd # 0
......@@ -1147,8 +1147,11 @@ Oscli_CmdHashLists # 4 ;anchor for hashed command lists structure
SkippedTables # 0
PhysRamTable # 0 ; Pairs of words (physaddr, size+flags)
; indicating RAM present in machine
; Unused entries have size of zero
; indicating RAM present in machine. physaddr
; is in units of pages. size is in bytes, with
; the flags in the low 12 bits. Individual
; entries don't cross 4GB barriers. Unused
; entries have size+flags of zero.
VideoPhysAddr # 4 ; Address of video RAM (in the case of DRAM-only machines,
VideoSizeFlags # 4 ; this is actually a chunk out of DRAM)
DRAMPhysAddrA # 4 ; Next the DRAM
......@@ -1345,7 +1348,7 @@ MaxCamEntry # 4 ; maximum index into the cam map, ie
; 511 for 16MByte machines, 383 for 12MBytes
; 255 for 8MBytes, otherwise 127
RAMLIMIT # 4 ; Number of pages of RAM
ROMPhysAddr # 4
......@@ -88,5 +88,6 @@ OSRSI6_VecPtrTab * 85
OSRSI6_CAMFormat * 87 ; 0 = 8 bytes per entry, 1 = 16 bytes per entry
OSRSI6_PhysRamtableFormat * 89 ; 0 = addresses are in byte units, 1 = addresses are in 4KB units
......@@ -468,7 +468,8 @@ AMB_LazyFixUp ROUT
CMP r6,r5
SUBHS r6,r6,r5
ADD r4,r4,r6,LSL #12
ADD r4,r4,r6
MOV r4,r4,ROR #20 ;High address packed into low bits for LongDesc
MOV r1,#DynAreaFlags_PMP
GetPTE r4,4K,r4,r1
......@@ -86,8 +86,9 @@ BangCamUpdate ROUT
BCS %BT10 ; if more than that, go onto next bank
ADD r6, r6, r4, LSR #12 ; put back the ones which were too many
ADD r0, r0, r6, LSL #12 ; move on address by the number of pages left
ADD r0, r0, r6 ; move on address by the number of pages left
LDR r6, [sp] ; reload old logical address
MOV r0, r0, LSL #12 ; convert from page units to bytes
; now we have r6 = old logical address, r2 = physical page number, r0 = physical address
......@@ -407,10 +407,7 @@ ReadDynamicArea ROUT
LDR R10, =ZeroPage
LDR R0, [R10, #Page_Size]
LDR R1, [R10, #RAMLIMIT] ; = total memory size
ADRL R11, PageShifts-1
LDRB R11, [R11, R0, LSR #12]
MOV R1, R1, LSR R11
LDR R1, [R10, #RAMLIMIT] ; = total number of pages
; ************************************************************************
......@@ -867,8 +864,8 @@ DAC_notsparse
LDR r10, =ZeroPage
LDR r11, [r10, #Page_Size]
LDR r10, [r10, #RAMLIMIT] ; get total RAM size
CMP r5, r10 ; if requested maximum size is > total
MOVHI r5, r10 ; then set max to total (NB. -1 passed in always yields HI)
CMP r10, r5, LSR #Log2PageSize ; if requested maximum size is > total
MOVLS r5, r10, LSL #Log2PageSize ; then set max to total. Note no special handling of R5=-1 is needed (R5=-1 will get treated as 4GB-1. If RAMLIMIT < 4GB then R5 will be clamped correctly, if RAMLIMIT >= 4GB then the request will fail regardless because we only have limited logical address space to work with)
SUB r10, r11, #1 ; also round up to a page multiple
......@@ -4591,11 +4588,12 @@ DynArea_AddrLookup_loop
LDR r0, [r5, #InitUsedStart]
ADD r0, r0, #DRAMOffset_FirstFixed - DRAMOffset_PageTables
MOV r1, #0 ; only know 32-bit addresses for now
MOV r1, #0 ; start of init block is always 32bit address
BL PhysAddrToPageNo
MOV r7, r0 ; r7 = page number of start of static chunk
LDR r0, [r5, #InitUsedEnd]
MOV r1, #0 ; only know 32-bit addresses for now
MOV r1, r0, LSR #20
MOV r0, r0, LSL #12
BL PhysAddrToPageNo
SUB r8, r0, #1 ; r8 = page number of last page in statics
ADD r9, r5, #PhysRamTable
......@@ -5678,7 +5676,11 @@ DoTheGrowPagesSpecified ROUT
ADD r3, r3, lr, LSR #12 ; put back what could not be subtracted
ADD r8, r8, r3, LSL #12 ; and add onto base address
ADD r8, r8, r3 ; and add onto base address
! 0, "LongDescTODO 4GB"
CMP r8, #1:SHL:20 ; 4GB limit
BHS DoTheGrowPageUnavailable
MOV r8, r8, LSL #12
STR r8, [r1, #8-12] ; store physical address in page block
SUBS r2, r2, #1
......@@ -5807,7 +5809,10 @@ DoTheGrowPagesSpecified ROUT
MOV r3, r6
BL ppn_to_physical
MOV r10, r8
! 0, "LongDescTODO 4GB"
CMP r9, #0
Pull "r3,r5,r8,r9"
; DREG r6, "Using page number "
......@@ -6406,11 +6411,13 @@ CallPreGrow ROUT
ADD r2,r2,r12,LSR #12 ; advance page number
LDR r12,[r0],#8 ; get next chunk details
LDMIA r0!,{r3,r12} ; get next chunk details
CMP r12,#0
CMP r3,#1:SHL:20 ; stick to lower 4GB for compatibility with old code
; Check the CAM map to see if any pages here are free
MOV r12,r12,LSR #12
......@@ -476,8 +476,18 @@ RISCOS_Start
B %BT31
; Fill in the Kernel's permanent memory table, sorting by speed and DMA ability
; Non-DMAable RAM is preferred over DMAable, as the kernel requires very little DMAable RAM, and we don't want to permanently claim DMAable RAM if we're not actually using it for DMA (in case machine only has a tiny amount available)
; Fill in the Kernel's permanent memory table, sorting by address, speed and DMA ability.
; * Address: All memory that falls in the low 4GB of the physical map
; comes first. This makes it easier for our initial memory allocation
; (no danger of allocating pages which can't be accessed with the MMU
; off), but may also help with wider software compatibility (all low-
; RAM pages occupy the lowest physical page numbers)
; * Non-DMAable RAM is preferred over DMAable, as the kernel requires
; very little DMAable RAM, and we don't want to permanently claim
; DMAable RAM if we're not actually using it for DMA (in case machine
; only has a tiny amount available)
; * Speed: Fastest RAM is listed first, so that we'll prefer to allocate
; it for these important kernel/system areas
ADD ip, v1, #DRAMOffset_PageZero
ASSERT DRAMOffset_PageZero > 0 ; If the workspace block is the block containing the OS_AddRAM list, make sure the two don't overlap otherwise we might corrupt it while we copy it
......@@ -491,12 +501,11 @@ RISCOS_Start
; First put the VRAM information in to free up some regs
ADD v7, ip, #VideoPhysAddr
MOV v4, v4, LSL #12 ; 32bit only for now
! 0, "LongDescTODO VRAM selection doesn't guarantee 32bit address"
STMIA v7!, {v4, v6}
; Now fill in the rest
ASSERT DRAMPhysAddrA = VideoPhysAddr+8
MOV v1, v1, LSR #12
ADDS v2, v2, #4096 ; Store true length
ADDCS v2, v2, #1:SHL:31 ; If it overflowed, must have been 4GB block, so clamp at 2GB (loop below will add the second 2GB)
STMIA v7!, {v1, v2} ; workspace block must be first
......@@ -504,29 +513,31 @@ RISCOS_Start
TEQ v8, a4
LDMIA v8!, {v1, v2}
CMP v1, #1:SHL:20
BHS %BT33 ; skip >4GB addresses for now
MOV v1, v1, LSL #12
ADDS v2, v2, #4096 ; Get true length
ADDCS v2, v2, #1:SHL:31 ; If it overflowed, must have been 4GB block, so split into two 2GB blocks
SUBCS v2, v2, #4096
ADDCS v1, v1, #1:SHL:31
ADDCS v1, v1, #1:SHL:(31-12)
STMCSDB v8!, {v1, v2}
ADDCS v2, v2, #4096
SUBCS v1, v1, #1:SHL:31
SUBCS v1, v1, #1:SHL:(31-12)
ADD a1, ip, #DRAMPhysAddrA
LDMIA a1!, {a2, a3}
TEQ v1, a2
BEQ %BT33 ; don't duplicate the initial block
; Perform insertion sort
; a1-a3, v3-v6, ip, lr free
AND v3, v2, #&F*OSAddRAM_Speed+OSAddRAM_NoDMA
MOV v3, v3, ROR #8 ; Give NoDMA flag priority over speed when sorting
AND v3, v2, #&F*OSAddRAM_Speed
CMP v1, #1:SHL:20
ORRLO v3, v3, #1:SHL:31 ; Low RAM takes priority
ORRNE v3, v3, #1:SHL:30 ; Followed by non-DMA
AND v4, a3, #&F*OSAddRAM_Speed+OSAddRAM_NoDMA
CMP v3, v4, ROR #8
AND v4, a3, #&F*OSAddRAM_Speed
CMP a2, #1:SHL:20
ORRLO v4, v4, #1:SHL:31 ; Low RAM takes priority
ORRNE v4, v4, #1:SHL:30 ; Followed by non-DMA
CMP v3, v4 ; Compare priority value
TEQ a1, v7
LDMNEIA a1!, {a2, a3}
......@@ -554,7 +565,6 @@ RISCOS_Start
ADD a2, a2, v2, LSR #12 ; add on size
TEQ v6, v7
MOV a2, a2, LSL #12
; Work out how much DMAable RAM the HAL/kernel needs
LDR a1, [sp, #8]
......@@ -576,7 +586,8 @@ RISCOS_Start
; Claim it as normal, but set InitDMAEnd to v1+DRAMOffset_LastFixed so
; that the already used bit won't get used for DMA
; We also need to be careful later on when picking the initial v2 value
ADD lr, v1, #DRAMOffset_LastFixed
MOV lr, v1, LSL #12
ADD lr, lr, #DRAMOffset_LastFixed
STR lr, [ip, #InitDMAEnd]
B %FT43
......@@ -588,8 +599,11 @@ RISCOS_Start
CMP v2, a1
CMP v1, #1:SHL:20 ; <4GB only for now
; Make a note of this block
STR v1, [ip, #InitDMAEnd]
MOV lr, v1, LSL #12
STR lr, [ip, #InitDMAEnd]
STR v1, [ip, #InitDMABlock]
STR v2, [ip, #InitDMABlock+4]
......@@ -597,7 +611,7 @@ RISCOS_Start
STR lr, [ip, #InitDMAOffset]
; Now shrink/remove this memory from PhysRamTable
SUB v2, v2, a1
ADD v1, v1, a1
ADD v1, v1, a1, LSR #12
CMP v2, #4096 ; Block all gone?
STMHSDB a4, {v1, v2} ; no, just shrink it
......@@ -609,7 +623,7 @@ RISCOS_Start
SUB v7, v7, #8
; a2 = Total memory size (bytes)
; a2 = Total memory size (pages)
; a3 = PhysRamTable
; v7 = After last used entry in PhysRamTable
; ip -> ZeroPage
......@@ -672,29 +686,29 @@ RISCOS_Start
ADD v1, a3, #DRAMOffset_PageZero - DRAMOffset_PageTables
ADD v2, a3, #DRAMOffset_LastFixed - DRAMOffset_PageTables
STR a2, [v1, #RAMLIMIT] ; remember the RAM size
MOV lr, a2, LSR #12
SUB lr, lr, #1
SUB lr, a2, #1
STR lr, [v1, #MaxCamEntry]
MOV lr, a2, LSR #12-CAM_EntrySizeLog2+12
CMP a2, lr, LSL #12-CAM_EntrySizeLog2+12
ADDNE lr, lr, #1
MOV lr, a2, LSR #12-CAM_EntrySizeLog2 ; no. of pages needed for CAM
CMP a2, lr, LSL #12-CAM_EntrySizeLog2
ADDNE lr, lr, #1 ; round up
MOV lr, lr, LSL #12
STR lr, [v1, #SoftCamMapSize]
STR a3, [v1, #InitUsedStart] ; store start of L1PT
ADD v1, v1, #DRAMPhysAddrA
MOV v2, v2, LSR #12
MOV v3, a3
; Detect if the DMA claiming adjusted the first block
; If so, we'll need to reset v2 to the start of the block at v1
LDR a1, [v1]
ADD lr, a1, #DRAMOffset_LastFixed
ADD lr, a1, #DRAMOffset_LastFixed:SHR:12
TEQ lr, v2
MOVNE v2, a1
; For the next batch of allocation routines, v1-v3 are treated as globals.
; v1 -> current entry in PhysRamTable
; v2 -> next address to allocate in v1 (may point at end of v1)
; v2 -> next address to allocate in v1 (may point at end of v1), in units of pages
; v3 -> L1PT (or 0 if MMU on - not yet)
; Set up some temporary PCBTrans and PPLTrans pointers, and the initial page flags used by the page tables
......@@ -1527,8 +1541,8 @@ ROMDecompAlign * 20
ADD v3, v3, v8
; Work out whether the block was removed or merely shrunk
LDMDB v3, {v4-v5}
ADD v6, v1, v2
ADD v7, v4, v5
ADD v6, v1, v2, LSR #12
ADD v7, v4, v5, LSR #12
STMDB v3, {v1-v2}
TEQ v6, v7
BEQ %FT40 ; End addresses match, it was shrunk
......@@ -1672,19 +1686,19 @@ CountPageTablePages ROUT
; Returns -1 if address is not in RAM.
TEQ a2, #0
BNE %FT90 ; only handle addresses under 4GB for now
; Convert address to 4K addressing
MOV a1, a1, LSR #12
ORR a1, a1, a2, LSL #20
MOV a4, #0
LDR ip, =ZeroPage + PhysRamTable
10 LDMIA ip!, {a2, a3} ; get phys addr, size
MOVS a3, a3, LSR #12 ; end of list? (size=0)
BEQ %FT90 ; then it ain't RAM
SUB a2, a1, a2 ; a2 = amount into this bank
CMP a2, a3, LSL #12 ; if more than size
ADDHS a4, a4, a3, LSL #12 ; increase counter by size of bank
CMP a2, a3 ; if more than size
ADDHS a4, a4, a3 ; increase counter by size of bank
BHS %BT10 ; and move to next
ADD a4, a4, a2 ; add offset to counter
MOV a1, a4, LSR #12 ; convert counter to a page number
ADD a1, a4, a2 ; add offset to counter
MOV pc, lr
90 MOV a1, #-1
......@@ -1754,9 +1768,9 @@ ConstructCAMfromPageTables
; On entry:
; v1 -> current entry in PhysRamTable
; v2 -> end of last used physical page
; v2 -> end of last used physical page (page units)
; On exit:
; a1 -> next free page
; a1 -> next free page (assumed 32bit address)
; v1, v2 updated
; No out of memory check...
......@@ -1764,11 +1778,11 @@ ConstructCAMfromPageTables
MOV a1, v2
LDMIA v1, {a2, a3}
MOV a3, a3, LSR #12
ADD a2, a2, a3, LSL #12 ; ip = end of this bank
ADD a2, a2, a3, LSR #12 ; a2 = end of this bank
CMP v2, a2 ; advance v2 to next bank if
LDRHS a1, [v1, #8]! ; this bank is fully used
ADD v2, a1, #4096
ADD v2, a1, #1
MOV a1, a1, LSL #12 ; Convert to byte address
MOV pc, lr
; Allocate and map in some RAM.
......@@ -1778,7 +1792,7 @@ Init_ClaimPhysicalPage
; a2 = access permissions (see Init_MapIn)
; a3 = length (4K multiple)
; v1 -> current entry in PhysRamTable
; v2 = next physical address
; v2 = next physical address (page units)
; v3 -> L1PT
; On exit:
......@@ -1794,23 +1808,23 @@ Init_MapInRAM ROUT
10 LDMIA v1, {v4, ip} ; v4 = addr of bank, ip = len+flags
MOV ip, ip, LSR #12
SUB v4, v2, v4 ; v4 = amount of bank used
RSBS v4, v4, ip, LSL #12 ; v4 = amount of bank left
RSBS v4, v4, ip ; v4 = amount of bank left (pages)
LDREQ v2, [v1, #8]! ; move to next bank if 0 left
CMP v8, #-1 ; is this the first bank?
MOVEQ v8, v2 ; remember it
CMP v4, v5 ; sufficient in this bank?
CMP v4, v5, LSR #12 ; sufficient in this bank?
MOVHS a4, v5
MOVLO a4, v4 ; a4 = amount to take
MOVLO a4, v4, LSL #12 ; a4 = amount to take
MOV a1, v2 ; set up parameters for MapIn call
MOV a1, v2, LSL #12 ; set up parameters for MapIn call
MOV a2, v6 ; then move globals (in case MapIn
MOV a3, v7 ; needs to allocate for L2PT)
ADD v2, v2, a4 ; advance physaddr
ADD v2, v2, a4, LSR #12 ; advance physaddr
SUB v5, v5, a4 ; decrease wanted
ADD v6, v6, a4 ; advance address pointer
ADD v6, v6, a4 ; advance log address pointer
BL Init_MapIn ; map in the RAM
TEQ v5, #0 ; more memory still required?
......@@ -1835,7 +1849,7 @@ Init_MapInRAM_Clear ROUT ; same as Init_MapInRAM but also
; a2 = access permissions (see Init_MapIn)
; a3 = length (4K multiple)
; v1 -> current entry in PhysRamTable
; v2 = next physical address
; v2 = next physical address (page units)
; v3 -> L1PT
; On exit:
......@@ -1872,12 +1886,12 @@ Init_MapInRAM_DMA ROUT
; Map a range of physical addresses to a range of logical addresses.
; On entry:
; a1 = physical address
; a1 = physical address (32bit)
; a2 = logical address
; a3 = DA flags
; a4 = area size (4K multiple)
; v1 -> current entry in PhysRamTable
; v2 = last used physical address
; v2 = last used physical address (page units)
; v3 -> L1PT (or 0 if MMU on)
Init_MapIn ROUT
......@@ -1955,7 +1969,7 @@ Init_MapIn ROUT
; Map a logical page to a physical page, allocating L2PT as necessary.
; On entry:
; a1 = physical address
; a1 = physical address (32bit)
; a2 = logical address
[ LongDesc
; a3 = high & low page attributes merged into one word
......@@ -1963,7 +1977,7 @@ Init_MapIn ROUT
; a3 = access permissions + C + B bits + size (all non-address bits, of appropriate type)
; v1 -> current entry in PhysRamTable
; v2 = last used physical address
; v2 = last used physical address (page units)
; v3 -> L1PT (or 0 if MMU on)
; On exit:
; a1 = logical address
......@@ -2022,7 +2036,7 @@ Init_MapInPage ROUT
; a1 = virtual address L2PT required for
; a2 = number of bytes of virtual space
; v1 -> current entry in PhysRamTable
; v2 = last used physical address
; v2 = last used physical address (page units)
; v3 -> L1PT (or 0 if MMU on)
; On exit
; a1-a4,ip corrupt
......@@ -321,13 +321,14 @@ UpdateL1PTForPageReplacement ROUT
PageNumToL3PT $pnum,$pnum2,$ptable,$cache0,$cache1,$cache2,$pbits,$pbits2
MOV $pnum2,$pbits2
MOV $pnum2,$pbits2 ; Save $pbits2 so it can be used as cache func in/out
SUB $pbits2,$pnum,$cache0 ; no. pages into block
CMP $pbits2,$cache2
BLHS PageNumToL3PTCache_$ptable._$cache0._$cache1._$cache2._$pbits2
ADD $pnum,$cache1,$pbits2,LSL #Log2PageSize ; physical address of page
ORR $pnum,$pbits,$pnum ; munge in protection bits
ADD $pnum,$cache1,$pbits2 ; physical address of page (in page units)
MOV $pbits2,$pnum2
ORR $pnum2,$pnum2,$pnum,LSR #20 ; High attr + high addr
ORR $pnum,$pbits,$pnum,LSL #12 ; Low attr + low addr
......@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ MemoryConvertNoFIQCheck ROUT
LDMIA r1!, {r3-r4,r8} ; Get next three word entry (PN,LA,PA) and move on pointer.
! 0, "LongDescTODO 4GB"
MOV r9, #0 ; Top half of PA is zero
[ AMB_LazyMapIn
......@@ -183,6 +184,8 @@ MemoryConvertNoFIQCheck ROUT
BL ppn_to_logical ; Else get LA from PN (PA wanted (not given) & LA not given => PN given).
BLCC ppn_to_physical ; And get PA from PN (more accurate than getting PA from LA - page may be mapped out)
! 0, "LongDescTODO 4GB"
CMPCC r9, #1
TST r0, #logical,wanted
STRNE r4, [r1, #-8] ; Store back LA if wanted.
......@@ -485,12 +488,13 @@ physical_to_ppn ROUT
LDR r5, =ZeroPage+PhysRamTable
MOV r3, #0 ; Start at page 0.
MOV r8, r8, LSR #12
ORR r8, r8, r9, LSL #20
CMP r7, r3 ; Stop if we run out of pages
BCC meminfo_returncs_pullr8
LDMIA r5!, {r10,r11} ; Get start address and size of next block.
SUB r10, r8, r10, LSR #12 ; Determine if given address is in this block.
SUB r10, r8, r10 ; Determine if given address is in this block.
CMP r10, r11, LSR #12
ADDCS r3, r3, r11, LSR #12 ; Move on to next block.
......@@ -523,8 +527,9 @@ ppn_to_physical ROUT
SUBHS r3, r3, lr
ADD r8, r8, r3, LSL #12
MOV r9, #0
ADD r8, r8, r3
MOV r9, r8, LSR #20
MOV r8, r8, LSL #12
Pull "r3,pc"
......@@ -536,9 +541,8 @@ ppn_to_physical ROUT
; Shifts to determine number of bytes/words to allocate in table.
BitShift * 10
ByteShift * BitShift + 3
WordShift * ByteShift + 2
ByteShift * 1 ; 2^1 pages per byte
WordShift * ByteShift + 2 ; 2^3 pages per word
; Bit patterns for different types of memory.
NotPresent * &00000000
......@@ -606,8 +610,8 @@ MemoryReadPhys ROUT
LDR r1, [sp, #4] ; Get table address back
MOV r3, r9, LSR #WordShift
LDR r3, [r1, r3, LSL #2]! ; Get first word of block
MOV r4, r9, LSR #BitShift
AND r4, r4, #(1<<(WordShift-BitShift))-1 ; Bit offset of first page in the word
MOV r4, r9, LSL #3
AND r4, r4, #31 ; Bit offset of first page in the word
RSB r4, r4, #32 ; number of bits left to process
MOV r3, r3, LSL r4
......@@ -652,9 +656,9 @@ MemoryReadPhys ROUT
LDR r0, =ZeroPage
LDR r0, [r0, #ROMPhysAddr]
LDR r1, [sp, #4]
ADD r0, r1, r0, LSR #ByteShift
ADD r0, r1, r0, LSR #ByteShift+12
LDR r1, =DRAM_Pattern :OR: NotAvailable
MOV r2, #(OSROM_ImageSize*1024) :SHR: ByteShift
MOV r2, #(OSROM_ImageSize :SHR: 2) :SHR: ByteShift
BL memset
......@@ -698,11 +702,10 @@ MemoryAmounts ROUT
LDR r3, [r1, #VideoSizeFlags]
MOVNE r3, r3, LSR #12 ; Extract size from flags when genuine VRAM
MOVNE r3, r3, LSL #12
MOVEQ r3, #0
LDR r1, [r1, #RAMLIMIT]
SUB r1, r1, r3 ; DRAM = RAMLIMIT - VRAMSize
B %FT97
B %FT98
LDR r1, =ZeroPage
LDR r1, [r1, #VideoSizeFlags]
......@@ -740,6 +743,7 @@ MemoryAmounts ROUT
B %FT97
MOV r1, r1, LSR #12 ; Return as number of pages.
MOV r2, #4*1024 ; Return page size.
......@@ -802,31 +806,59 @@ MemoryIOSpace ROUT
; In: r0 bits 0..7 = 12 (reason code 12)
; r0 bit 8 = 1 if region must be DMAable
; r0 bits 9..31 = 0 (reserved flags)
; r0 bit 9 = 1 if r4-r7 provided
; r0 bits 10..31 = 0 (reserved flags)
; r1 = size of physically contiguous RAM region required (bytes)
; r2 = log2 of required alignment of base of region (eg. 12 = 4k, 20 = 1M)
; r4,r5 = lowest acceptable physical address (inclusive) (if bit 9 of r0 set)
; r6,r7 = highest acceptable physical address (inclusive) (if bit 9 of r0 set)
; Out: r3 = page number of first page of recommended region that could be
; grown as specific pages by dynamic area handler (only guaranteed
; if grow is next page claiming operation)
; - or error if not possible (eg too big, pages unavailable)
; Notes:
; * Default address range in r4-r7 is for the lower 4GB of physical space
; * The high address in r6,r7 is for the end of the memory block, not the start
RecommendPage ROUT
Push "r0-r2,r4-r11,lr"
Entry "r0-r2,r4-r12"
CMP r2,#30
BHI RP_failed ;refuse to look for alignments above 1G
ANDS r11,r0,#1:SHL:8 ;convert flag into something usable in the loop
TST r0,#1:SHL:9 ;If no range specified, limit to lower 4GB
MOVEQ r10,#0
MOVEQ r12,#1:SHL:20
CMP r5,#1:SHL:8
BHS RP_failed ; LPAE/long descriptor format limits us to 40 bit physical addresses (although technically PhysRamTable can store 44 bit addresses)
CMP r7,#1:SHL:8 ; Clamp high address
MOVCS r6,#-1
LDR lr,=4095
ADD r10,r4,lr ; Round up low address
MOV r10,r10,LSR #12
ORR r10,r10,r5,LSL #20
MOV r12,r6,LSR #12 ; Round down high address
ORR r12,r12,r7,LSL #20
ADD r12,r12,#1 ; Make exclusive
ADD r1,r1,#&1000
SUB r1,r1,#1
MOV r1,r1,LSR #12
MOVS r1,r1,LSL #12 ;size rounded up to whole no. of pages
MOV r1,r1,LSR #12 ;size rounded up to whole no. of pages
CMP r2,#12
MOVLO r2,#12 ;log2 alignment must be at least 12 (4k pages)
SUBS r2,r2,#12 ;log2 alignment, in terms of pages
MOVLT r2,#0 ;must be at least zero
MOV r0,#1
MOV r4,r0,LSL r2 ;required alignment-1
MOV r4,r0,LSL r2 ;required alignment, page units
SUB r12,r12,r1
MOV r12,r12,LSR r2
MOV r12,r12,LSL r2 ; Last acceptable block start address
LDR r0,=ZeroPage+PhysRamTable
MOV r3,#0 ;page number, starts at 0
......@@ -838,22 +870,40 @@ RecommendPage ROUT
ADD r3,r3,r8,LSR #12 ;page no. of first page of next chunk
LDMIA r0!,{r7,r8} ;address,size of next physical chunk
; R0 -> PhysRamTable
; R1 = Required length in pages
; R2 = Required log2 alignment-12
; R3 = current phys page no.
; R4 = Required alignment, page units
; R5 -> CAM
; R7,R8 = Current PhysRamTable entry
; R10 = Low address limit
; R11 = Flags
; R12 = High address limit
; R6,R9 = spare
CMP r8,#0
BEQ RP_failed
TST r8,r11 ;ignore non-DMA regions if bit 8 of R0 was set
BNE RP_nextchunk
MOV r8,r8,LSR #12
ADD r6,r7,r4
CMP r7,r10
ADDLO r6,r10,r4
ADDHS r6,r7,r4
MOV r8,r8,LSL #12
SUB r6,r6,#1 ;round up
MOV r6,r6,LSR r2
MOV r6,r6,LSL r2
MOV r6,r6,LSL r2 ;address of first page of acceptable alignment
SUBS lr,r12,r6
BLS RP_nextchunk ;exceeded upper address limit
SUB r6,r6,r7 ;adjustment to first address of acceptable alignment
CMP r6,r8
CMP r6,r8,LSR #12
BHS RP_nextchunk ;negligible chunk
ADD r7,r3,r6,LSR #12 ;first page number of acceptable alignment
SUB r9,r8,r6 ;remaining size of chunk
ADD r7,r3,r6 ;first page number of acceptable alignment
RSB r9,r6,r8,LSR #12 ;remaining size of chunk
CMP r9,lr
ADDHI r9,lr,r1 ;clamp effective chunk length if we're going to hit the upper address limit
;find first available page
......@@ -864,36 +914,48 @@ RP_nextpage
TST r6,#PageFlags_Unavailable :OR: PageFlags_Required
TSTEQ r6,#PageFlags_Reserved
BEQ RP_checkotherpages
CMP r9,r4
BLS RP_nextchunk
ADD r7,r7,r4,LSR #12 ;next page of suitable alignment
ADD r7,r7,r4 ;next page of suitable alignment
SUB r9,r9,r4
B RP_nextpage
; r7 = start page, r6 = page that failed
; No point checking any of r7...r6 again, so skip ahead past r6
SUB r6,r6,r7 ;number of pages to skip (minus 1)
ADD r6,r6,r4
MOV r6,r6,LSR r2
MOV r6,r6,LSL r2 ;number to skip, rounded up by alignment
CMP r9,r6
BLS RP_nextchunk
ADD r7,r7,r6 ;next page of suitable alignment
SUB r9,r9,r6
B RP_nextpage
ADD r10,r7,r1,LSR #12
SUB r10,r10,#1 ;last page required
ADD r6,r7,r1
SUB r6,r6,#1 ;last page required
LDR r6,[r5,r10,LSL #CAM_EntrySizeLog2] ;page flags from CAM
TST r6,#PageFlags_Unavailable :OR: PageFlags_Required
TSTEQ r6,#PageFlags_Reserved
LDR lr,[r5,r6,LSL #CAM_EntrySizeLog2] ;page flags from CAM
TST lr,#PageFlags_Unavailable :OR: PageFlags_Required
TSTEQ lr,#PageFlags_Reserved
BNE RP_nextpagecontinue
SUB r10,r10,#1
CMP r10,r7
SUB r6,r6,#1
CMP r6,r7
BHI RP_checkotherpagesloop
MOV r3,r7
Pull "r0-r2,r4-r11,pc"
MOV r3,#0
ADR r0,ErrorBlock_NoMemChunkAvailable
STR r0,[sp]
Pull "r0-r2,r4-r11,pc"
MakeErrorBlock NoMemChunkAvailable
......@@ -1719,6 +1781,7 @@ DMAPrep_Translate
B %FT30
MOV r8, r4
! 0, "LongDescTODO 4GB"
MOV r9, #0
BL physical_to_ppn ; r7, r8, r9 -> r3
......@@ -224,6 +224,9 @@ SSTENV Push "R0, R1, lr"
LDR R12, =ZeroPage
LDR R2, [R12, #RAMLIMIT] ; this is read-only
CMP R2, #DynArea_PMP_BigPageCount
MOVLO R2, R2, LSL #12
LDRHS R2, =DynArea_PMP_BigByteCount ; more RAM than any Brazil could hope for
MOV R3, #0 ; never any Brazil-type buffering
; m2 tools will complain if there is!
Pull "R0, R1, lr"
......@@ -1590,6 +1593,7 @@ osri6_table
DCD 1 ;87 CAM format: 0 = 8 bytes/entry, 1 = 16 bytes/entry
DCD 1 ;89 PhysRamTable format: 0 = addresses are in byte units, 1 = addresses are in 4KB units
osri6_maxvalue * (.-4-osri6_table) :SHR: 2
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ MassageScreenSize ROUT
LDR r0, =ZeroPage
LDR r0, [r0, #RAMLIMIT]
CMP r0, #512*1024
CMP r0, #(512*1024):SHR:12
MOVEQ r0, #80*1024
MOVNE r0, #160*1024
......@@ -731,9 +731,9 @@ init_other_modules
LDR R0, =ZeroPage
MLA R0, R1, R2, R0 ; convert pages to bytes and add in
ADD R0, R0, R1
MOV R0, R0, LSR #20 ; /(1024*1024) down to megabytes
MOV R0, R0, LSR #20-Log2PageSize ; down to megabytes
LDR R1, =GeneralMOSBuffer
MOV R2, #?GeneralMOSBuffer
SWI XOS_ConvertInteger4
......@@ -359,6 +359,7 @@ UpdateL1PTForPageReplacement ROUT
LDR $ptable,=ZeroPage+PhysRamTable
MOV $cache0,#0
LDMIA $ptable,{$cache1,$cache2}
MOV $cache1,$cache1,LSL #12
MOV $cache2,$cache2,LSR #12
......@@ -373,6 +374,7 @@ PageNumToL2PTCache_r4_r5_r6_r7_r12 ROUT
SUBHS r12,r12,r7
ADDHS r5,r5,r7
MOV r6,r6,LSL #12
EXIT ; r5-r7 = cache entry, r12 = offset into entry
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -86,8 +86,9 @@ BangCamUpdate ROUT
BCS %BT10 ; if more than that, go onto next bank
ADD r6, r6, r4, LSR #12 ; put back the ones which were too many
ADD r0, r0, r6, LSL #12 ; move on address by the number of pages left
ADD r0, r0, r6 ; move on address by the number of pages left
LDR r6, [sp] ; reload old logical address
MOV r0, r0, ROR #20 ; High address bits packed into low, ready for Get4PTE
; now we have r6 = old logical address, r2 = physical page number, r0 = physical address
......@@ -90,8 +90,9 @@ BangCamUpdate ROUT
BCS %BT10 ; if more than that, go onto next bank
ADD r6, r6, r4, LSR #12 ; put back the ones which were too many
ADD r0, r0, r6, LSL #12 ; move on address by the number of pages left
ADD r0, r0, r6 ; move on address by the number of pages left
LDR r6, [sp] ; reload old logical address
MOV r0, r0, LSL #12 ; convert units from bytes to pages
; now we have r6 = old logical address, r2 = physical page number, r0 = physical address
......@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ VduInit ROUT
Push R14
LDR R0, =ZeroPage
LDR R14, [R0, #VideoPhysAddr]
! 0, "LongDescTODO 4GB"
MOV R14, R14, LSL #12
ASSERT (ZeroPage :AND: 255) = 0
STRB R0, [R0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: VDUqueueItems] ;purge queue
STRB R0, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag] ; not blanked
......@@ -299,6 +301,8 @@ InitialiseMode ROUT
; Screen DA is in use
LDR r0, =ZeroPage
LDR r0, [r0, #VideoPhysAddr]
! 0, "LongDescTODO 4GB"
MOV r0, r0, LSL #12
STR r0, [WsPtr, #TrueVideoPhysAddr] ; Point TrueVideoPhysAddr at the base of screen DA
MOV r0, #2
SWI XOS_ReadDynamicArea
......@@ -839,6 +843,8 @@ ModeChangeSub ROUT
LDR r0, =ZeroPage
LDR r0, [r0, #VideoPhysAddr]
! 0, "LongDescTODO 4GB"
MOV r0, r0, LSL #12
STR r0, [WsPtr, #TrueVideoPhysAddr] ; Point TrueVideoPhysAddr at the base of screen DA
MOV r0, #2
SWI XOS_ReadDynamicArea
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