1. 30 Jan, 2010 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Various OMAP3 HAL power management improvements, plus add support for board... · 739f6e9a
      Jeffrey Lee authored
      Various OMAP3 HAL power management improvements, plus add support for board config autodetection via Linux machine ID
        s/board, hdr/board - Add Linux machine ID & available mixer channels to board config table
        s/Top - Add new entry point at offset &64, for booting as a fake Linux kernel. Searches the board config table until it finds a config matching the machine ID passed in R1. Also minor ROM copy optimisation, unsigned pointer comparison fixes
        s/Audio, hdr/Audio - Use board config to lock-out mixer channels that aren't connected to any hardware, to avoid excessive power drain or other problems if the channels get turned on. Also perform many other setting tweaks to tidy up default settings for unused mixer paths/channels.
        s/Video - Fix Video_Init logic when deciding whether to reset DSS, enable DSI PLL drift guard
        s/I2C - Increase I2C timeout values, since the previous values were perhaps a bit low
        s/Audio, s/I2C, s/Interrupts, s/RAM, s/SDMA, s/Timers, s/UART, hdr/UART, s/USB, s/Video - Enable autoidle/smart idle where possible to help save power.
        Tested on rev C2 beagleboard
      Version 0.21. Tagged as 'OMAP3-0_21'
  2. 24 Jan, 2010 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Update OMAP HAL to support different board configs, plus use new YearLOIsGood... · 17e509d7
      Jeffrey Lee authored
      Update OMAP HAL to support different board configs, plus use new YearLOIsGood flag to ensure correct RTC handling, plus other misc tidying
        The OMAP HAL now has multiple entry points, one per board config. See Top.s/board.s for more info.
        audio.s - Moved APLL_CTL value to board config
        board.s - New file to list all the settings for the different board configs
        boot.s - Change HAL_Init to deal with the new board config stuff
        debug.s - Debug UART now specified in board config
        GPIO.s - A few utility functions for handling OMAP/TPS GPIO pins
        I2C.s - Update to use new board config struct
        RAM.s - Disable the beagleboard-specific RAM init code. Instead we'll just rely on u-boot to initialise all our RAM for us.
        RTC.s - Get rid of the magic numbers, and use the YearLOIsGood flag to indicate to RISC OS that YearLO is 2-digit BCD
        Top.s - Got rid of old debug code and rewrote initial flow to handle detecting & storing the board config
        UART.s - Update to use board config struct, support multiple UARTs
        USB.s - Get EHCI PHY power GPIO from board config
        Video.s - Get DVI framer power GPIO and max pixel rate from board config. Add 'PassiveVideo' option, to build a driver that doesn't alter the video output settings - should hopefully result in a usable display on Touch Book, etc.
        board.hdr - Definition of board config table struct
        GPIO.hdr - Add lots of macros for handling OMAP GPIO pins, new constants for OMAP/TPS GPIO
        I2C.hdr - Added I2C transfer block struct, HAL I2C API transfer states (both moved here from other source files)
        omap3530.hdr - Move/remove some unwanted constants, disable DebugChar for now
        StaticWS.hdr - Move I2C transfer block struct to I2C.hdr, add board config struct to HAL workspace, get rid of unused 64K AllocArea
        Timers.hdr - Tidy up constants a bit
        UART.hdr - Add UARTCLK (moved from StaticWS.hdr), UART IRQ #'s
        Makefile - add GPIO.s
        Tested on rev C2 beagleboard. Board configs for other board types may be inaccurate in a couple of places.
      Version 0.19. Tagged as 'OMAP3-0_19'
  3. 28 Nov, 2009 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      OMAP3 DMA support, video device, debugging improvements · e08a228c
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Boot.s - Make FIQDebug work again
        Boot.s - Add support for DMA & video devices
        Interrupts.s, hdr/omap3530 - Add 'ExtraDebugInterrupts' option
        hdr/SDMA, SDMA.s, Makefile - DMA code which presents itself to RISC OS as a set of single-buffered, interrupt-driven DMA channels.
        hdr/StaticWS - Add extra DMA, video & debug entries to workspace
        Interrupts.s - Add 'DebugDisablePrevious' debug option for more flexibility in tracking down noncleared IRQs with ExtraDebugInterrupts
        RAM.s - Use DMA to clear RAM on boot. RAM clear now takes less than 1 second on a rev C board, whereas before it used to take several.
        Video.s - Add simple HAL device to expose information needed by upcoming RISC OS module based video driver.
        Tested on rev C2 beagleboard.
      Version 0.16. Tagged as 'OMAP3-0_16'
  4. 22 Apr, 2009 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      OMAP3 HAL video support, safer RAM initialisation · b10d82fe
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Makefile - Enable compilation of s.video
        hdr/StaticWS - New workspace entries for video support
        hdr/Video - Typo fix, VENC registers
        s/Boot - Change initialisation order for video support
        s/Debug - Added DebugMemDump routine
        s/RAM - Added code to verify RAM config, to avoid crash if a board looks like a revision C but doesn't have the extra RAM
        s/Stubs - Disable stub video functions
        s/Video - Working video code, beginnings of TV-out code
        Tested on rev C2 beagleboard. Video code may only function correctly if kernel is loaded via u-boot.
      Version 0.06. Tagged as 'OMAP3-0_06'
  5. 10 Apr, 2009 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Fix RAM clear in OMAP3 HAL · d9c96b23
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        s/RAM - Added v4 to register list in RAM clear routines to ensure correct amount of RAM is cleared
        Tested on Rev C2 beagleboard
      Version 0.05. Tagged as 'OMAP3-0_05'
  6. 08 Apr, 2009 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      OMAP3 HAL Beagleboard Rev C support, further video work. · 2984ca65
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        s/Boot - Fixes for rev C beagleboard. Added GPIO code.
        s/Debug - DebugHALPrint, DebugHALPrintReg routines
        s/PRCM - PRCM_GetFreqSel added
        s/RAM - Fixes for rev C beagleboard. Sped up RAM clear by using more regs.
        s/Top - Fixes for rev C beagleboard
        s/Video - Video code potentially complete, but full of bugs and so still disabled.
        hdr/GPIO - Added GPIO registers
        hdr/omap3530 - Fixes for rev C beagleboard, GPIO, debug macros, QEMU support for new video code
        hdr/SDRC - Typo fix
        hdr/StaticWS - GPIO, pixel rate entries added
        hdr/Video - DSI PLL registers added
        Tested on rev C beagleboard.
      Version 0.04. Tagged as 'OMAP3-0_04'
  7. 01 Feb, 2009 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Basic OMAP3 HAL · 7a17f465
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Performs startup procedure suitable for any location in ROM or RAM. UART, timer, counter, interrupt & debug functionality implemented. Video support incomplete and nonfunctional.
        Tested with HALTester & RISC OS kernel under qemu-omap3
      Version 0.01. Tagged as 'OMAP3-0_01'