Jeffrey Lee authored
Detail: hdr/board, s/board, s/Boot - Linux machine IDs are now defined via constants in hdr/board instead of magic numbers on a per-use basis s/Boot - Added video fix for BB-xM rev A3. s/Boot - Added code to enable tablet battery charging on TouchBook. s/Boot - Added support for power-off on TouchBook s/GPIO - Fixed bug in GPIOx_SetAsOutput that would prevent LEDs from being disabled properly s/I2C - Updated code to ignore BF interrupts. Added debugging code to help track down unexpected errors, and to check that IIC_DoOp_Poll is being called with interrupts disabled. s/SDMA - Call HAL_IRQClear when resetting the DMA controller device. This fixes the "previous IRQ not cleared" loop that would occur during RISC OS's pre-reset sequence Admin: Tested on rev C2 beagleboard, C1 touchbook, A3 BBxM. Resets should now work reliably on all machines, except TouchBook, which still seems to hang. But on the bright side, the TouchBook is currently the only machine to support soft-off. Version 0.33. Tagged as 'OMAP3-0_33'