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; Copyright 2010 Castle Technology Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
        GET     Hdr:ListOpts
        GET     Hdr:Macros
        GET     Hdr:System
        GET     Hdr:Machine.<Machine>
        GET     Hdr:ImageSize.<ImageSize>

        GET     Hdr:OSEntries
        GET     Hdr:HALEntries
        GET     Hdr:Proc

        GET     hdr.omap3530
        GET     hdr.StaticWS
        GET     hdr.GPIO

        AREA    |Asm$$Code|, CODE, READONLY, PIC

        EXPORT  NIC_Init
        EXPORT  NIC_GPMC_Config_IGEP
        EXPORT  NIC_GPMC_Config_DevKit
        EXPORT  NIC_DM9000

        IMPORT  GPMC_Enable
        IMPORT  memcpy
        IMPORT  GPIOx_SetAndEnableIRQ

        ; This macro should really go in a header somewhere!
        CallOS  $entry
        ASSERT  $entry <= HighestOSEntry
        MOV     lr, pc
        LDR     pc, OSentries + 4*$entry

        ; a1 = GPMC CS
        ; a2 = GPMC configuration
        ; a3 = GPIO IRQ
        ; a4 = HAL device template
        ; v1 = amount of memory to map in
        Entry   "v2"
        ; First copy the HAL device template into our workspace
        Push    "a1-a3"
        ADRL    v2, NICWS
        MOV     a1, v2
        MOV     a2, a4
        MOV     a3, #NIC_DeviceSize
        BL      memcpy
        STR     sb, [v2, #:INDEX:NICWorkspace]
        Pull    "a1-a3"
        STRB    a1, [v2, #HALDevice_Location+1] ; Might as well fill in the GPMC CS #
        STR     a3, [v2, #:INDEX:NICGPIO]
        ; Work out what IRQ that GPIO corresponds to
        GPIO_GetIRQR a3, a3
        ORR     a3, a3, #1:SHL:31
        STR     a3, [v2, #HALDevice_Device]
        ; Set up the GPMC bus
        BL      GPMC_Enable
        ; We now have a2=base addr, a3=size
        ; Map it in, but using the supplied size (v1), since no NIC is going to need 16MB of address space
        MOV     a1, #0
        MOV     a3, v1
        CallOS  OS_MapInIO
        STR     a1, [v2, #HALDevice_Address]
        ; Now register the HAL device
        MOV     a1, #0
        MOV     a2, v2
        CallOS  OS_AddDevice

; These boards use the same GPMC config values
        DCD     &00001000 ; GPMC_CONFIG1
        DCD     &001E1E01 ; GPMC_CONFIG2 note - DevKit version of u-boot has CSONTIME of 0, but DevKit code in mainline u-boot has CSONTIME of 1.
        DCD     &00080300 ; GPMC_CONFIG3
        DCD     &1C091C09 ; GPMC_CONFIG4
        DCD     &04181F1F ; GPMC_CONFIG5
        DCD     &00000FCF ; GPMC_CONFIG6
        DCD     &00000F6C ; GPMC_CONFIG7 (16mb CS @ &26000000)

; HAL device template for SMSC NIC
        DCW     HALDeviceType_Comms + HALDeviceComms_EtherNIC
        DCW     HALDeviceID_EtherNIC_SMSC9221
        DCD     HALDeviceBus_Peri + HALDevicePeriBus_GPMC
        DCD     0               ; API version
        DCD     SMSCDesc        ; Description
        DCD     0               ; Address - filled in later
        %       12              ; Reserved
        DCD     NICActivate
        DCD     NICDeactivate
        DCD     NICReset
        DCD     NICSleep
        DCD     0               ; Device - filled in later
        DCD     NICTestIRQ      ; TestIRQ
        DCD     NICClearIRQ     ; ClearIRQ
        %       4
        ASSERT  (.-NIC_SMSC) = HALDeviceSize
        DCD     0               ; HAL workspace
        DCD     0               ; GPIO IRQ #
        DCD     GPIO_LEVELDETECT0_FLAG ; SMSC9221 uses active-low IRQ by default
        ASSERT  (.-NIC_SMSC) = NIC_DeviceSize

; HAL device template for DM9000 NIC
        DCW     HALDeviceType_Comms + HALDeviceComms_EtherNIC
        DCW     HALDeviceID_EtherNIC_DM9000
        DCD     HALDeviceBus_Peri + HALDevicePeriBus_GPMC
        DCD     0               ; API version
        DCD     DM9000Desc      ; Description
        DCD     0               ; Address - filled in later
        %       12              ; Reserved
        DCD     NICActivate
        DCD     NICDeactivate
        DCD     NICReset
        DCD     NICSleep
        DCD     0               ; Device - filled in later
        DCD     NICTestIRQ      ; TestIRQ
        DCD     NICClearIRQ     ; ClearIRQ
        %       4
        ASSERT  (.-NIC_DM9000) = HALDeviceSize
        DCD     0               ; HAL workspace
        DCD     0               ; GPIO IRQ #
        DCD     GPIO_LEVELDETECT0_FLAG ; DM9000 uses active-low IRQ by default
142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154
        ASSERT  (.-NIC_DM9000) = NIC_DeviceSize

        =       "SMSC LAN9221 NIC", 0
        =       "DAVICOM DM9000 NIC", 0

        ; Configure GPIO IRQ
        Entry   "sb"
        LDR     sb, NICWorkspace
        LDR     a2, NICGPIO_Mode
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Jeffrey Lee committed
        LDR     a1, NICGPIO
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197
        BL      GPIOx_SetAndEnableIRQ
        MOV     a1, #1

        ; Disable GPIO IRQ
        Entry   "sb"
        LDR     sb, NICWorkspace
        LDR     ip, NICGPIO
        GPIO_PrepareR a2, a3, ip
        STR     a3, [a2, #GPIO_CLEARIRQENABLE1]

        ; What should we do here?
        MOV     pc, lr

        ; Nothing we can do
        MOV     a1, #0
        MOV     pc, lr

        LDR     ip, NICGPIO
        MOV     a3, #1
        LDR     a4, NICWorkspace
        MOV     a2, ip, LSR #5
        ADD     a2, a4, a2, LSL #2
        LDR     a2, [a2, #:INDEX:L4_GPIO_Table]
        LDR     a1, [a2, #GPIO_IRQSTATUS1]
        AND     a1, a3, a1, ROR ip
        MOV     pc, lr

        Entry   "sb"
        LDR     ip, NICGPIO
        LDR     sb, NICWorkspace
        GPIO_PrepareR a1, a2, ip
        STR     a2, [a1, #GPIO_IRQSTATUS1]
