Commit 1b44a876 authored by Robert Sprowson's avatar Robert Sprowson
Browse files

Add some more usbdevs from the NetBSD sources.

In particular, the SMSC ethernet controller and hub on the Beagleboard
Changed pointer assignments & comparisons with 0 to be NULL for clarity.
Implement a left trim function for any printed out strings obtained from
the device (to mirror usbd_trim_spaces) so that when dopey manufacturers
use a space instead of their company name everything lines up still.

Version 0.68. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_68'
parent 742b7410
/* (0.67)
/* (0.68)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
* Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 0.67
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 0.68
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 05 Feb 2012
#define Module_Date_CMHG 18 Feb 2012
#define Module_MajorVersion "0.67"
#define Module_Version 67
#define Module_MajorVersion "0.68"
#define Module_Version 68
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "05 Feb 2012"
#define Module_Date "18 Feb 2012"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "05-Feb-12"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "18-Feb-12"
#define Module_ComponentName "NetBSD"
#define Module_ComponentPath "mixed/RiscOS/Sources/HWSupport/USB/NetBSD"
#define Module_FullVersion "0.67"
#define Module_HelpVersion "0.67 (05 Feb 2012)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "0:67"
#define Module_FullVersion "0.68"
#define Module_HelpVersion "0.68 (18 Feb 2012)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "0:68"
......@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@
#define EHCIDriverModule_Module_Date_CMHG 18 Dec 2011
#define EHCIDriverModule_MajorVersion_CMHG 0.21
#define USBDriverModule_Module_Date_CMHG 10 Dec 2011
#define USBDriverModule_MajorVersion_CMHG 0.55
#define USBDriverModule_Module_Date_CMHG 18 Feb 2012
#define USBDriverModule_MajorVersion_CMHG 0.56
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ struct device* attach_keyboard (struct device* parent, void* aux)
/* If so, allocate memory for the device and attach ourselves. */
softc = malloc (sizeof *softc);
if (softc == 0) {
if (softc == NULL) {
return NULL;
......@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ struct device* attach_hub (struct device* parent, void* aux)
/* If so, allocate memory for the device and attach ourselves. */
softc = malloc (uhub_uhub_ca.ca_devsize);
if (softc == 0) {
if (softc == NULL) {
hdprintf ("Couldn't allocate memory for hub device\n");
return NULL;
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ struct device* attach_keyboard (struct device* parent, void* aux)
/* If so, allocate memory for the device and attach ourselves. */
softc = calloc (sizeof *softc, 1);
if (softc == 0) {
if (softc == NULL) {
dprintf (("", "Couldn't allocate memory for keyboard device\n"));
return NULL;
......@@ -425,8 +425,19 @@ _kernel_oserror *module_final(int fatal, int podule, void *pw)
static const char *ltrim(const char *string)
if (string == NULL) return "";
while (*string == ' ')
return string;
_kernel_oserror* RegisterNewDevice(struct ugen_softc * softc,int no)
static _kernel_oserror* RegisterNewDevice(struct ugen_softc * softc,int no)
struct dev_struct * dev = &softc->mydev;
sprintf (dev->name, "USB%d", no);
......@@ -459,6 +470,7 @@ _kernel_oserror* RegisterNewDevice(struct ugen_softc * softc,int no)
return e;
void module_services(int service_number, _kernel_swi_regs *r, void *pw)
......@@ -486,7 +498,7 @@ void module_services(int service_number, _kernel_swi_regs *r, void *pw)
dev->dv_unit = maxdev_no = usbdev_no++;
dprintf(("","registering %d \n",dev->dv_unit));
dprintf(("","registering %d \n",dev->dv_unit));
RegisterNewDevice( ((struct ugen_softc*) dev),dev->dv_unit);
......@@ -501,7 +513,7 @@ dprintf(("","registering %d \n",dev->dv_unit));
if (dev)
dprintf(("","forgetting %d \n",dev->dv_unit));
dprintf(("","forgetting %d \n",dev->dv_unit));
dev->dv_unit = 0;
......@@ -669,8 +681,9 @@ _kernel_oserror* command_reset (int n)
_kernel_oserror* command_dev_info (int n)
char string[127];
struct device* dev = get_usbdev (n);
char string[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
struct device *dev = get_usbdev (n);
if (dev == NULL)
return uerror (E_NoDevice);
......@@ -688,13 +701,10 @@ _kernel_oserror* command_dev_info (int n)
printf ("Vendor ID : %04X\n", UGETW(ddesc->idVendor));
printf ("Product ID : %04X\n", UGETW(ddesc->idProduct));
printf ("Device ID : %04X\n", UGETW(ddesc->bcdDevice));
printf ("Manufacturer : '%s'\n",
usbd_get_string (udev, ddesc->iManufacturer, string)? string: "");
printf ("Product : '%s'\n",
usbd_get_string (udev, ddesc->iProduct, string)? string: "");
printf ("Serial number : '%s'\n",
usbd_get_string (udev, ddesc->iSerialNumber, string)? string: "");
printf ("# of configs : %d\n", ddesc->bNumConfigurations);
printf ("Manufacturer : '%s'\n", ltrim (usbd_get_string (udev, ddesc->iManufacturer, string)));
printf ("Product : '%s'\n", ltrim (usbd_get_string (udev, ddesc->iProduct, string)));
printf ("Serial number : '%s'\n", ltrim (usbd_get_string (udev, ddesc->iSerialNumber, string)));
return NULL;
......@@ -703,8 +713,9 @@ _kernel_oserror* command_dev_info (int n)
_kernel_oserror* command_conf_info (int n)
char string[127];
char string[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
struct device* dev = get_usbdev (n);
if (dev == NULL)
return uerror (E_NoDevice);
......@@ -720,8 +731,8 @@ _kernel_oserror* command_conf_info (int n)
printf ("# of interfaces : %d\n", cdesc->bNumInterface);
printf ("Config value : %d\n", cdesc->bConfigurationValue);
printf ("Name : '%s'\n",
usbd_get_string (udev, cdesc->iConfiguration, string)? string: "");
printf ("Name : '%s'\n", ltrim (usbd_get_string (udev, cdesc->iConfiguration, string)));
printf ("Attributes : ");
int f = 0;
if (cdesc->bmAttributes & UC_BUS_POWERED)
......@@ -753,13 +764,14 @@ _kernel_oserror* command_conf_info (int n)
usb_interface_descriptor_t * d = (usb_interface_descriptor_t *) ptr;
printf ("\nInterface %d.%d class %d.%d:%d '%s'\n",
usbd_get_string (udev, d->iInterface, string)? string: "");
ltrim (usbd_get_string (udev, d->iInterface, string)));
......@@ -1317,7 +1329,7 @@ struct device* attach_hub (struct device* parent, void* aux)
/* If so, allocate memory for the device and attach ourselves. */
softc = malloc (uhub_uhub_ca.ca_devsize);
if (softc == 0) {
if (softc == NULL) {
dprintf (("", "Couldn't allocate memory for hub device\n"));
return NULL;
......@@ -1678,7 +1690,7 @@ struct device* attach_device (struct device* parent, struct usb_attach_arg* aux,
/* If so, allocate memory for the device and attach ourselves. */
softc = calloc (sizeof *softc, 1);
if (softc == 0) {
if (softc == NULL) {
dprintf (("", "Couldn't allocate memory for device\n"));
return NULL;
......@@ -1806,7 +1818,7 @@ void usb_needs_explore_callback (void* h) {
void bufrem (void* dma, void* priv_id, int size)
if (priv_id == 0)
if (priv_id == NULL)
dprintf (("", "Stream has been closed\n"));
......@@ -1870,7 +1882,7 @@ void usbd_devinfo_vp(usbd_device_handle dev, char* v, size_t vl, char* p, size_t
_kernel_oserror* e = NULL;
usb_device_descriptor_t *udd = &dev->ddesc;
char *vendor = 0, *product = 0;
char *vendor = NULL, *product = NULL;
if (dev == NULL) {
v[0] = p[0] = '\0';
......@@ -1882,8 +1894,12 @@ void usbd_devinfo_vp(usbd_device_handle dev, char* v, size_t vl, char* p, size_t
if (usedev)
vendor = usbd_get_string(dev, udd->iManufacturer, v);
product = usbd_get_string(dev, udd->iProduct, p);
char string[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
vendor = usbd_get_string(dev, udd->iManufacturer, string);
strncpy(v, ltrim(string), vl);
product = usbd_get_string(dev, udd->iProduct, string);
strncpy(p, ltrim(string), pl);
if (vendor == NULL) {
......@@ -2662,14 +2678,14 @@ _kernel_oserror* create_buffer
if ((str->pipe->endpoint->edesc->bmAttributes & UE_XFERTYPE) == UE_ISOCHRONOUS)
p = usbd_alloc_buffer (str->isoc[0].xfer, *size / 2);
if (p == 0) return uerror (E_NoMem);
if (p == NULL) return uerror (E_NoMem);
p = usbd_alloc_buffer (str->isoc[1].xfer, *size / 2);
if (p == 0) return uerror (E_NoMem);
if (p == NULL) return uerror (E_NoMem);
p = usbd_alloc_buffer (str->xfer, *size);
if (p == 0) return uerror (E_NoMem);
if (p == NULL) return uerror (E_NoMem);
e = _swix (Buffer_Register, _INR(0,3)|_OUT(0),
......@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ struct device* attach_mouse (struct device* parent, void* aux)
/* If so, allocate memory for the device and attach ourselves. */
softc = malloc (sizeof *sc);
if (softc == 0) {
if (softc == NULL) {
dprintf (("", "Couldn't allocate memory for mouse device\n"));
return NULL;
......@@ -395,6 +395,7 @@ vendor PROLIFIC2 0x0b8c Prolific Technology Inc
vendor O2MICRO 0x0b97 O2 Micro
vendor USR 0x0baf U.S. Robotics
vendor AMBIT 0x0bb2 Ambit Microsystems
vendor HTC 0x0bb4 HTC
vendor REALTEK 0x0bda Realtek
vendor ADDONICS2 0x0bf6 Addonics Technology
vendor FSC 0x0bf8 Fujitsu Siemens Computers
......@@ -430,6 +431,7 @@ vendor RIM 0x0fca Research In Motion
vendor DYNASTREAM 0x0fcf Dynastream Innovations
vendor QUALCOMM 0x1004 Qualcomm
vendor HP3 0x103c Hewlett Packard
vendor MOTOROLA 0x1063 Motorola
vendor CCYU 0x1065 CCYU Technology
......@@ -460,6 +462,7 @@ vendor HUAWEI 0x12d1 Huawei Technologies
vendor AINCOMM 0x12fd Aincomm
vendor MOBILITY 0x1342 Mobility
vendor DICKSMITH 0x1371 Dick Smith Electronics
vendor NETGEAR3 0x1385 Netgear
vendor BALTECH 0x13ad Baltech
vendor CISCOLINKSYS 0x13b1 Cisco-Linksys
vendor SHARK 0x13d2 Shark
......@@ -500,6 +503,7 @@ vendor QUALCOMMINC 0x19d2 Qualcomm, Incorporated
vendor WINCHIPHEAD2 0x1a86 QinHeng Electronics
vendor DLINK 0x2001 D-Link
vendor PLANEX2 0x2019 Planex Communications
vendor DLINK3 0x2101 D-Link
vendor ERICSSON 0x2282 Ericsson
vendor MOTOROLA2 0x22b8 Motorola
vendor PINNACLE 0x2304 Pinnacle Systems
......@@ -711,12 +715,14 @@ product APPLE EXT_KBD 0x020c Apple Extended USB Keyboard
product APPLE OPTMOUSE 0x0302 Optical mouse
product APPLE MIGHTYMOUSE 0x0304 Mighty Mouse
product APPLE MAGICMOUSE 0x030d Magic Mouse
product APPLE BLUETOOTH_HIDMODE 0x1000 Bluetooth HCI (HID-proxy mode)
product APPLE EXT_KBD_HUB 0x1003 Hub in Apple Extended USB Keyboard
product APPLE SPEAKERS 0x1101 Speakers
product APPLE IPHONE 0x1290 iPhone
product APPLE IPOD_TOUCH 0x1291 iPod Touch
product APPLE IPHONE_3G 0x1292 iPhone 3G
product APPLE IPHONE_3GS 0x1294 iPhone 3GS
product APPLE IPHONE_3GS 0x1294 iPhone 3GS
product APPLE IPAD 0x129a Apple iPad
product APPLE ETHERNET 0x1402 Apple USB to Ethernet
/* ArkMicroChips products */
......@@ -1291,12 +1297,17 @@ product HP RNDIS 0x1c1d Generic RNDIS
product HP 640C 0x2004 DeskJet 640c
product HP 4670V 0x3005 ScanJet 4670v
product HP P1100 0x3102 Photosmart P1100
product HP V125W 0x3307 v125w
product HP 6127 0x3504 Deskjet 6127
product HP HN210E 0x811c Ethernet HN210E
/* HP products */
product HP3 RTL8188CU 0x1629 RTL8188CU
product HP2 C500 0x6002 PhotoSmart C500
/* HTC products */
product HTC ANDROID 0x0ffe Android
/* Huawei Technologies products */
product HUAWEI MOBILE 0x1001 Huawei Mobile
product HUAWEI E220 0x1003 Huawei E220
......@@ -1380,6 +1391,8 @@ product IODATA USBWNB11 0x0922 USB Airport WN-B11
product IODATA ETGUS2 0x0930 ETG-US2
product IODATA USBRSAQ 0x0a03 USB serial adapter USB-RSAQ1
product IODATA USBRSAQ5 0x0a0e USB serial adapter USB-RSAQ5
/* I-O DATA(2) products */
product IODATA2 USB2SC 0x0a09 USB2.0-SCSI Bridge USB2-SC
/* Iomega products */
......@@ -1517,6 +1530,9 @@ product LOGITEC LDR_H443U2 0x00b3 DVD Multi-plus unit LDR-H443U2
product LOGITEC LAN_GTJU2 0x0102 LAN-GTJ/U2
product LOGITEC LANTX 0x0105 LAN-TX
product LOGITEC RTL8187 0x010c RTL8187
product LOGITEC RT2870_1 0x0162 RT2870
product LOGITEC RT2870_2 0x0163 RT2870
product LOGITEC RT2870_3 0x0164 RT2870
/* Logitech products */
product LOGITECH M2452 0x0203 M2452 keyboard
......@@ -1921,6 +1937,7 @@ product PHILIPS DSS150 0x0471 DSS 150 Digital Speaker System
product PHILIPS CPWUA054 0x1230 CPWUA054
product PHILIPS SNU5600 0x1236 SNU5600
product PHILIPS DIVAUSB 0x1801 DIVA USB mp3 player
product PHILIPS RT2870 0x200f RT2870
/* Philips Semiconductor products */
product PHILIPSSEMI HUB1122 0x1122 hub
......@@ -2008,6 +2025,7 @@ product PUTERCOM UPA100 0x047e USB-1284 BRIDGE
product QCOM RT2573 0x6196 RT2573
product QCOM RT2573_2 0x6229 RT2573
product QCOM RT2573_3 0x6238 RT2573
product QCOM RT2870 0x6259 RT2870
/* Qtronix products */
product QTRONIX 980N 0x2011 Scorpion-980N keyboard
......@@ -2102,8 +2120,11 @@ product SAITEK CYBORG_3D_GOLD 0x0006 Cyborg 3D Gold Joystick
/* Samsung products */
product SAMSUNG MIGHTYDRIVE 0x1623 Mighty Drive
product SAMSUNG RT2870_1 0x2018 RT2870
product SAMSUNG ML6060 0x3008 ML-6060 laser printer
product SAMSUNG ANDROID 0x6863 Android
product SAMSUNG GTB3710 0x6876 GT-B3710 LTE/4G datacard
product SAMSUNG ANDROID2 0x6881 Android
product SAMSUNG GTB3730 0x689a GT-B3730 LTE/4G datacard
/* SanDisk products */
......@@ -2114,6 +2135,7 @@ product SANDISK SDDR12 0x0100 ImageMate SDDR-12
product SANDISK SDDR09 0x0200 ImageMate SDDR-09
product SANDISK SDDR86 0x0621 ImageMate SDDR-86
product SANDISK SDDR75 0x0810 ImageMate SDDR-75
product SANDISK SANSA_CLIP 0x7433 Sansa Clip
/* Sanwa Supply products */
product SANWASUPPLY JYDV9USB 0x9806 JY-DV9USB gamepad
......@@ -2275,6 +2297,25 @@ product SMC 2202USB 0x0200 10/100 ethernet adapter
product SMC 2206USB 0x0201 EZ Connect USB Ethernet Adapter
product SMC 2862WG 0xee13 EZ Connect g Wireless USB Adapter
product SMC2 2020HUB 0x2020 USB Hub
product SMC2 SMSC9500 0x9500 SMSC9500 Ethernet device
product SMC2 SMSC9505 0x9505 SMSC9505 Ethernet device
product SMC2 SMSC9500A 0x9e00 SMSC9500A Ethernet device
product SMC2 SMSC9505A 0x9e01 SMSC9505A Ethernet device
product SMC2 SMSC9514 0x9514 SMSC9514 USB 4 port hub
product SMC2 SMSC9512_14 0xec00 SMSC9512/9514 Ethernet device
product SMC2 SMSC9500_SAL10 0x9900 SMSC9500 Ethernet device (SAL10)
product SMC2 SMSC9505_SAL10 0x9901 SMSC9505 Ethernet device (SAL10)
product SMC2 SMSC9500A_SAL10 0x9902 SMSC9500A Ethernet device (SAL10)
product SMC2 SMSC9505A_SAL10 0x9903 SMSC9505A Ethernet device (SAL10)
product SMC2 SMSC9512_14_SAL10 0x9904 SMSC9512/14 Hub & Ethernet Device (SAL10)
product SMC2 SMSC9500A_HAL 0x9905 SMSC9500A Ethernet Device (HAL)
product SMC2 SMSC9505A_HAL 0x9906 SMSC9505A Ethernet Device (HAL)
product SMC2 SMSC9500_ALT 0x9907 SMSC9500 Ethernet Device
product SMC2 SMSC9500A_ALT 0x9908 SMSC9500A Ethernet Device
product SMC2 SMSC9512_14_ALT 0x9909 SMSC9512 Hub & Ethernet Device
product SMC2 LAN9530 0x9530 LAN9530 Ethernet Device
product SMC2 LAN9730 0x9730 LAN9730 Ethernet Device
product SMC2 LAN89530 0x9e08 LAN89530
product SMC3 2662WV1 0xa001 EZ Connect 11Mbps
product SMC3 2662WUSB 0xa002 2662W-AR Wireless Adapter
......@@ -2306,6 +2347,7 @@ product SONY CLIE_NX60 0x00da Sony Clie nx60
product SONY PS2EYETOY4 0x0154 PlayStation2 EyeToy v154
product SONY PS2EYETOY5 0x0155 PlayStation2 EyeToy v155
product SONY CLIE_TJ25 0x0169 Sony Clie tj25
product SONY PS3CONTROLLER 0x0268 Sony PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller
product SONY GPS_CS1 0x0298 Sony GPS GPS-CS1
/* SOURCENEXT products */
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