Programming warehouse link removed from all hotlists - the page has gone.
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Some compile-time hacks in place to use MemLib, a dynamic area based
malloc replacement which shrinks its heap when possible. All builds
have these switched off at the moment. Seemed to work with just Browse,
though there would be problems with message blocks stored in dynamic
areas because of the Wimp's '&3800000' check - however, it failed when
HTMLLib was made to use it, too. Don't know why yet.

ItemInfo.[c/h] source added, with Res file additions for testbed Browse
and Phoenix.

Small fetch windows now work properly regardless of toolbar settings
in the Choices.

Reload now reloads all images too, rather than only reloading them for
as long as the main page was being fetched.

Added a simple 'Find' facility.

Realised that event handlers in eventlib are called in reverse order
of registration, so the miscellaneous event handler is now registered
first rather than last.

Multiuser code added (most only active if SINGLE_USER is undefined). As
part of this, hotlist code now knows about read-only items (done for the
Customer-style 'Resources' file, but works generally anyway).
handle_add_hotlist doesn't try to save the hotlist itself anymore (the
hotlist_add function does all that through hotlist_modified anyway).

Customer build Choices and Controls updated slightly (e.g. ClaimHelp
off, hotlist to save on quit only).

Customer build now uses Phoenix-style buttons. Sprites files which
worked at the time (but will probably be out of date now) and included
most of the original Customer-style sprites are in

Choices, Messages and Res files for all builds now stripped down to only
single user items or single plus multiuser for Customer build and testbed
build. Before, all contained a few multiuser bits in at least the Choices
file if not more.

Grammatical error ("Fetching frames contents" (sic.)) corrected in
default message, Toolbars.c, and all of the Messages files.

Customer build brought back to a servicable level (including
implementation of the Find dialogue box with animation and fixing
up authorisation and 'Stop' state in the tristate). Quite a few
missing #ifndef REMOTE_HOTLIST bits from hotlist code added...

Customer build will not use <Choices$Write> or Boot:Choices for any
file finding now. UseProxy defaults to 'yes', MaxImages to 2. Res
file includes Proxy Address setting (save_save_choices() now writes
the ProxyAddress line).
Name Last commit Last update
About Machine hung during last check-in; trying again... Apologies for sending out such a huge log message *twice*.
Authorise Programming warehouse link removed from all hotlists - the page has gone.
Bitfields Odd problem with Entries file meant none got checked in last time...
Browser Check for WindowManager 3.97 and ensure Unicode$Path is set in all !Run[D] files, don't set the Alias$@PrintType_FF4 variable, and updated
CSIM This is an intermediate check-in to allow work on Choices for the new table options and History choices as detailed below. Res files are not up to date except where indicated and there are several known bugs that will be fixed before the 'final' v1.27 is created. Any work on resources should only be done for the testbed !Browse.
ChoiceDefs Image history - sizes of images are remembered for future reference (if the sizes aren't specified in the HTML, they can be looked for in the image history instead to minimise reformatting requirements). Choices file options ImageHistoryPath, ImageExpiryAge, ImageMaxSize and
Choices Programming warehouse link removed from all hotlists - the page has gone.
Cookies Odd problem with Entries file meant none got checked in last time...
CtrlDefs Now working on source merged with Kevin Bracey's internationalisation support. UNIFONT is undefined in the Make File for now. All Res and
Dialler First commit to CVS, at version 1.16 (Customer build).
DragBox Very long log entry alert - but hey, beats 'Bug fixed' (sorry, Richard) ;-)
Encoding Changed some error handling in Choices, a little bit of reformatting, removed unnecessary tempstring in Main, and played about with the choices Res file objects.
Fetch Programming warehouse link removed from all hotlists - the page has gone.
FetchHTML Following the last check-in - all build resources brought up to date.
FetchPage Following the last check-in - all build resources brought up to date.
Filetypes Added MimeMap module support. OBJECT routines now use this to determine if the item is an inline image, and if so pass it to the image routines.
Find Programming warehouse link removed from all hotlists - the page has gone.
FontManage Check for WindowManager 3.97 and ensure Unicode$Path is set in all !Run[D] files, don't set the Alias$@PrintType_FF4 variable, and updated
Forms Programming warehouse link removed from all hotlists - the page has gone.
Frames Now handles PARAM tags. Sorted out Plug-In bug that was related to Java setting a 0 by 0 graphics window before calling Wimp_Poll (fixed in Java).
FromROSLib fetch_get_raw_data will notice if up->fetching is zero and return a 'finished' status rather than trying to continue reading data for the fetch. Fetches should never fall through that far but at least it will cope if they do.
Global Programming warehouse link removed from all hotlists - the page has gone.
Handlers *Don't* try to load FilterManager 0.18 in !Run[D] files. Requires
History Image history - sizes of images are remembered for future reference (if the sizes aren't specified in the HTML, they can be looked for in the image history instead to minimise reformatting requirements). Choices file options ImageHistoryPath, ImageExpiryAge, ImageMaxSize and
Hotlist Programming warehouse link removed from all hotlists - the page has gone.