Machine hung during last check-in; trying again... Apologies for sending out...
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Machine hung during last check-in; trying again... Apologies for sending out such a huge log message *twice*.

Check for WindowManager 3.97 and ensure Unicode$Path is set in all
!Run[D] files, don't set the Alias$@PrintType_FF4 variable, and updated
Customer build ROM obey file variants. Various other changes to
the Run files for new module versions, updated paths to support
new positions of choices, hotlist and histories (see later), etc.

!Sprites[22] files hold small !app icons for some variants, and
an ic_browse sprite. Some variants now have a Sprites and Sprites22
file instead of just Sprites, with the former containing various
mode 12 or 15 specific sprites.

Text files dragged to the URL writable are treated as ANT URL files. This
relies on URLBarWrit (Toolbars.h) being a unique ID, which it should be,
but beware of the Hotlist and Choices numberspaces...

INPUT TYPE=BUTTON supported. Form items without a FORM tag are now shown
(as MSIE 4, but not NN 4).

'*', '-', '@', '_' and '.' are not escaped ...
Name Last commit Last update
About Machine hung during last check-in; trying again... Apologies for sending out such a huge log message *twice*.
Authorise As warned in the last log, pretty much all event codes and component IDs have now changed along with many of the names, to provide a consistent name and numberspace for events and components. This also minimises number clashes (e.g. as was, the Save File origin when opened from a
Bitfields Odd problem with Entries file meant none got checked in last time...
Browser Check for WindowManager 3.97 and ensure Unicode$Path is set in all !Run[D] files, don't set the Alias$@PrintType_FF4 variable, and updated
CSIM This is an intermediate check-in to allow work on Choices for the new table options and History choices as detailed below. Res files are not up to date except where indicated and there are several known bugs that will be fixed before the 'final' v1.27 is created. Any work on resources should only be done for the testbed !Browse.
ChoiceDefs Image history - sizes of images are remembered for future reference (if the sizes aren't specified in the HTML, they can be looked for in the image history instead to minimise reformatting requirements). Choices file options ImageHistoryPath, ImageExpiryAge, ImageMaxSize and
Choices Added max image fetches choice.
Cookies Odd problem with Entries file meant none got checked in last time...
CtrlDefs Now working on source merged with Kevin Bracey's internationalisation support. UNIFONT is undefined in the Make File for now. All Res and
Dialler First commit to CVS, at version 1.16 (Customer build).
DragBox Very long log entry alert - but hey, beats 'Bug fixed' (sorry, Richard) ;-)
Encoding Changed some error handling in Choices, a little bit of reformatting, removed unnecessary tempstring in Main, and played about with the choices Res file objects.
Fetch There are a few known significant problems with this code but it's being checked in so the Choices can be worked on. Note that Res files etc. are not up to date across all builds. Progress is as follows...
FetchHTML Following the last check-in - all build resources brought up to date.
FetchPage Following the last check-in - all build resources brought up to date.
Filetypes Added MimeMap module support. OBJECT routines now use this to determine if the item is an inline image, and if so pass it to the image routines.
Find As warned in the last log, pretty much all event codes and component IDs have now changed along with many of the names, to provide a consistent name and numberspace for events and components. This also minimises number clashes (e.g. as was, the Save File origin when opened from a
FontManage Check for WindowManager 3.97 and ensure Unicode$Path is set in all !Run[D] files, don't set the Alias$@PrintType_FF4 variable, and updated
Forms Check for WindowManager 3.97 and ensure Unicode$Path is set in all !Run[D] files, don't set the Alias$@PrintType_FF4 variable, and updated
Frames Now handles PARAM tags. Sorted out Plug-In bug that was related to Java setting a 0 by 0 graphics window before calling Wimp_Poll (fixed in Java).
FromROSLib fetch_get_raw_data will notice if up->fetching is zero and return a 'finished' status rather than trying to continue reading data for the fetch. Fetches should never fall through that far but at least it will cope if they do.
Global Check for WindowManager 3.97 and ensure Unicode$Path is set in all !Run[D] files, don't set the Alias$@PrintType_FF4 variable, and updated
Handlers Check for WindowManager 3.97 and ensure Unicode$Path is set in all !Run[D] files, don't set the Alias$@PrintType_FF4 variable, and updated
History Image history - sizes of images are remembered for future reference (if the sizes aren't specified in the HTML, they can be looked for in the image history instead to minimise reformatting requirements). Choices file options ImageHistoryPath, ImageExpiryAge, ImageMaxSize and
Hotlist Following the last check-in - all build resources brought up to date.