1. 16 Apr, 1998 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      All !Run[D], Choices, Messages, Controls and Res files are up to date. · c55f6452
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      RefoKeep and RefoHold options added to, respectively, try and maintain
      the line at the top of the visible area when reformatting, and not shrink
      the vertical extent at the start of a reformat to try and avoid flicker
      to the top of the page and back down again when RefoKeep is on. Choices
      front-end implemented, which also allows RefoWait and RefoTime to be set.
      Unfortunately for various reasons this doesn't help the page jumping when
      unsized images come in (but RefoHold can improve matters...) - roll on
      the image history.
      DragToScroll and NoScrollBars options added for frames; included new
      pointer type, Mouse_Shape_DTS, so relevant Controls file entries done
      and Sprites[22] files updated as required. Noticed some builds have
      a low-res ptr_link with a mask - mask removed.
      Named anchor following fixed up somewhat - anchors near the bottom of
      the page shouldn't be displayed, and then pulled down when the fetcher
      releases null polls and ensures the y extent is correct (this through
      implementing the min_height field in the browser_data structure).
      RefoHang was never implemented and there seems little point to it now,
      so the entry for it has been removed from the global choices structure
      and all Choices files.
      Markers menus should work properly now (in last check-in they would not
      update correctly if Adjust was used on the entries).
      URI handler usage now a lot more sensible, with configuration of how the
      browser uses the module from both a Utils menu submenu (sic) and the
      Choices dialogue.
      Slightly dodgy 'hang around waiting for user input' stuff for the Cookies
      dialogue box: All fetches are suspended; the fetcher remembers some info
      about its state at the time the cookie came in, and restores it later; it
      will only do this for one fetch at a time. It's necessary to single-thread
      the fetcher at this point anyway, since other fetches may have a
      dependency on the cookie that is hanging in mid-air at that point. As part
      of this, some of the fetcher code has been split out into separate
      functions (to try and 'black box' the code a bit). Anyway, Cookie Query
      dialogue box now implemented with appropriate Choices file entry and
      UI work in the Choices dialogue box.
      Phoenix build Choices rearranged. Can now choose when the image history
      is saved from the front end. Added also MSIE 4-style table option menu
      for JPEG support (OS only, OS if it can handle it, internal only).
      Should be a bit faster at loading the history - though 95% of the time
      is spent in SWI URL_ParseURL. URL descriptions are stored more
      efficiently as part of this - one malloc block instead of several
      small blocks. The minimum block size for malloc blocks typically leads
      to a significantly smaller startup wimpslot depending on the visit
      history size.
      Nasty bug in image system fixed. If an image size came in and a reformat
      was to take place, the line the image lies in is found and the reformat
      progresses from there. Unforunately, this didn't check to see if the
      token can't be found in the line list, so it'd reformat from the top
      of the page...! This would happen if, for example, an image halfway down
      the page came in whilst a reformat for an image higher up had just begun.
      In Choices.c, made choices_set_timetype_field, choices_set_uri_field,
      choices_set_plugin_field, choices_set_cookie_field, and
      choices_set_jpeg_field static (so they're not declared in Choices.h now).
      Two memory leaks plugged in URL comparison routines in URLutils.c
      (calling free() url_description instead of urlutils_free_descripton()).
      Client pull reload handler was setting the reload flag if reloading
      the same page, but forgetting to turn on reload_lock so
      fetchpage_postprocessed was clearing the reload state... Similarly,
      Ctrl+Shift+SELECT-Click on a link when the Controls file 'UseSmall'
      entry is 'no' would not have reloaded as it should. Both fixed.
      Frames shouldn't be so keen on acquiring horizontal scroll bars and never
      letting them go when their width is decreased now. Frames set up for
      'scrolling="yes"' will not start with no scroll bars and then gain them
      shortly afterwards, causing flicker and two reformats - they'll start
      with, and continue to hold, both scroll bars.
      Pointer shouldn't flicker when over a frame border whilst other fetches
      are progressing now.
  2. 26 Mar, 1998 2 commits
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      One day, probably far into the future, I'll actually remember to 'cvs add' new... · 3018e00c
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      One day, probably far into the future, I'll actually remember to 'cvs add' new source files before checking everything in.
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      This is NOT a 'final' version of anything in particular. I'm checking it in as... · e0b9653a
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      This is NOT a 'final' version of anything in particular. I'm checking it in as I'm about to start playing around with low level window handling
      (as part of the thing mentioned at the bottom of this log) - this could
      screw things up quite badly if it goes wrong! =8*P
      Consequently, I advise you not to check this out over your working sources,
      and preferably not to check this out at all.
      Markers system - events defined in MiscEvents.h will make Browse remember
      where it is on the page. This position can be jumped back to later.
      Some builds will have defined keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+F5 through
      F8 to set a marker, and Ctrl+F5 through F8 to jump to a marker.
      The front-end for the above now has gadgets 0x80 upwards on the Toolbar or
      a set of menus (see Menus.h). Noticed an omission in copy_toolaction_info()
      (didn't copy the gadget state) in passing; fixed.
      browser_top_line() now works properly, as part of the above, but it'll be
      slower than before. If flagged to only find a complete line, it'll do just
  3. 20 Mar, 1998 3 commits
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Forgot this, too... · c5ee1772
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Forgot to add SetPBoxes.c/h last time. · 7816ede0
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Programming warehouse link removed from all hotlists - the page has gone. · 76dfaa46
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Some compile-time hacks in place to use MemLib, a dynamic area based
      malloc replacement which shrinks its heap when possible. All builds
      have these switched off at the moment. Seemed to work with just Browse,
      though there would be problems with message blocks stored in dynamic
      areas because of the Wimp's '&3800000' check - however, it failed when
      HTMLLib was made to use it, too. Don't know why yet.
      ItemInfo.[c/h] source added, with Res file additions for testbed Browse
      and Phoenix.
      Small fetch windows now work properly regardless of toolbar settings
      in the Choices.
      Reload now reloads all images too, rather than only reloading them for
      as long as the main page was being fetched.
      Added a simple 'Find' facility.
      Realised that event handlers in eventlib are called in reverse order
      of registration, so the miscellaneous event handler is now registered
      first rather than last.
      Multiuser code added (most only active if SINGLE_USER is undefined). As
      part of this, hotlist code now knows about read-only items (done for the
      Customer-style 'Resources' file, but works generally anyway).
      handle_add_hotlist doesn't try to save the hotlist itself anymore (the
      hotlist_add function does all that through hotlist_modified anyway).
      Customer build Choices and Controls updated slightly (e.g. ClaimHelp
      off, hotlist to save on quit only).
      Customer build now uses Phoenix-style buttons. Sprites files which
      worked at the time (but will probably be out of date now) and included
      most of the original Customer-style sprites are in
      Choices, Messages and Res files for all builds now stripped down to only
      single user items or single plus multiuser for Customer build and testbed
      build. Before, all contained a few multiuser bits in at least the Choices
      file if not more.
      Grammatical error ("Fetching frames contents" (sic.)) corrected in
      default message, Toolbars.c, and all of the Messages files.
      Customer build brought back to a servicable level (including
      implementation of the Find dialogue box with animation and fixing
      up authorisation and 'Stop' state in the tristate). Quite a few
      missing #ifndef REMOTE_HOTLIST bits from hotlist code added...
      Customer build will not use <Choices$Write> or Boot:Choices for any
      file finding now. UseProxy defaults to 'yes', MaxImages to 2. Res
      file includes Proxy Address setting (save_save_choices() now writes
      the ProxyAddress line).
  4. 23 Feb, 1998 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      The '3F6C0' abort fixed; reformat_left_margin didn't cope with a NULL cell... · 2d2d3caf
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      The '3F6C0' abort fixed; reformat_left_margin didn't cope with a NULL cell pointer. This only happened if the image library tried to deal with an image in a table cell which wasn't properly dealt with by the table systems yet, for whatever reason. Rare, but persistent once it started happening because it depended on the value of the FIQ vector!
      Put function header comments in SaveFile.c, at last.
      Messages files now read version 2.01, 23 Feb 1998.
  5. 19 Feb, 1998 4 commits
  6. 13 Feb, 1998 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      RefoSingle option added to Controls. · 8d7d65dd
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Precautions taken in table code to avoid divide by zero errors.
      Framesets defining more frames than the frameset implies, for whatever
      reason, should never cause a crash now - just report a 'Frames definition
      is badly nested' error (if STRICT_PARSER defined). Along the same lines,
      in a single document defining a set of nested frames, two /FRAMESETs in
      succession could cause a fairly nasty crash. Fixed.
      TIFFs do not get loaded by double-click now.
      If holding down SHIFT to save a link contents to disc, you can also hold
      down CTRL to bypass the cache (sets the browser's reloading flag). Noticed
      when testing this that windows_create_browser didn't take account of the
      Controls file 'UseSmall' entry when adjust-shift-clicking on links. It
      does now.
      There is now a complete and up to date set of interactive help messages
      built into the Ursula, Customer and Phoenix build Res files.
  7. 06 Feb, 1998 2 commits
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      *Don't* try to load FilterManager 0.18 in !Run[D] files. Requires · 4c272928
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      WindowManager 3.98. Sets URI handler environment variables for
      http, ftp and gopher.
      Fixed 'doesn't reformat for unsized images' bug - only happens when the
      deferred reformatter is enabled, hadn't remembered to check this in my
      debug build where this is turned off. Oops.
      Caret position in forms could get left behind despite attempts to rectify
      this in v1.31 - now fixed (and faster, fortunately).
      Hourglass + percentage displayed for History and Image History when
      loading - it can take a while for very big histories, though in
      practice you only see the visit history loading (has to do a lot
      more work, and is thus quite a bit slower than the image history).
      POST forms worked when targetted to frames, but were broken when
      not targetted! (Forms data inherited from one browser to the same
      browser; ended up freeing the flex block...). Fixed.
      Now support 303 response code (redirect to GET). Treated as 301, i.e.
      not support if STRICT_PARSER is defined, otherwise drops through to
      the 302 handling code.
      Pointer shouldn't get stuck in odd shapes when going to a new page now;
      it gets reset to a standard shape every time the null handler that
      checks the position is called, though (whether or not the handler thinks
      the pointer is over a different token, if that token is NULL, it sets
      the standard shape). A possible work around would be for a browser to
      remember the pointer shape too; that's for the future, though.
      Early stage table formatting functions could blow themselves apart if
      tables_count_table decided there were no rows, columns or both. A
      net table size of zero cells is now dealt with; slow, partial table
      fetches in multiple windows with image loading turned on will now
      *hopefully* be stable, where v1.31 would have bombed out repeatedly.
      A nested frameset within one document will now inherit the border
      width (frame spacing) and border colour of its parent. This is done
      by copying the maxlen and indent fields of the parent token over
      the child, and note it's done in the browser (fetch_preprocess_token),
      not HTMLLib.
      Border colour on a FRAMESET now used, with the first colour on any
      FRAME within it overriding, as in NN 4 and MSIE 4.
      <LI> bullets really do stick to the text next to them now (I'd done
      that in an experimental piece of code and forgotten to merge it back
      before the last check-in).
      Browse$HotlistURL/URIFile and Browse$HomeURL/URIFile now work from
      _TaskName in the Messages file, and are thus of the generic form
      <App>$HotlistURL etc. - Docs.Notes and Docs.User updated appropriately.
      Event 0x11d00 through to 0x11d7f will make the browser look up Controls
      file entries 'JumpTo00' through to 'JumpTo7f' and read a URL from them.
      This will be fetched in the ancestor window of the source of the event,
      or a new window if such an ancestor can't be found [for Daytona demo].
      NB: Nasty frames-related crash at http://www.teledanmark.dk/menu/start.htm
      is *not* fixed in this source. NOBR is not supported.
  8. 02 Feb, 1998 2 commits
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Machine hung during last check-in; trying again... Apologies for sending out... · 59a01676
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Machine hung during last check-in; trying again... Apologies for sending out such a huge log message *twice*.
      Check for WindowManager 3.97 and ensure Unicode$Path is set in all
      !Run[D] files, don't set the Alias$@PrintType_FF4 variable, and updated
      Customer build ROM obey file variants. Various other changes to
      the Run files for new module versions, updated paths to support
      new positions of choices, hotlist and histories (see later), etc.
      !Sprites[22] files hold small !app icons for some variants, and
      an ic_browse sprite. Some variants now have a Sprites and Sprites22
      file instead of just Sprites, with the former containing various
      mode 12 or 15 specific sprites.
      Text files dragged to the URL writable are treated as ANT URL files. This
      relies on URLBarWrit (Toolbars.h) being a unique ID, which it should be,
      but beware of the Hotlist and Choices numberspaces...
      INPUT TYPE=BUTTON supported. Form items without a FORM tag are now shown
      (as MSIE 4, but not NN 4).
      '*', '-', '@', '_' and '.' are not escaped when submitting forms now. The
      Web interface to the IMDb now works.
      INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN items will not affect the line height anymore - so
      http://www.hotmail.com/ now has correctly aligned writable icons, for
      example. Similarly, TAG_FORM and TAG_FORM_END items could push up
      line height and don't anymore.
      HRs with a specified pixel width will now influence the size of a table
      cell (they didn't before).
      BRs now checked by tagno field when the browser needs to know something
      was an actual BR tag rather than just a line break signal, and by the
      style bit entry when only the indication of a line break is required.
      Table widths of 0 or 0% are ignored.
      Trace.c updated to report height and background fields in a table_stream.
      fm_putsl() writes a terminator into the string; the Forms.c routines were
      calling this for displaying INPUT TYPE=PASSWORD fields using the FE_PassCode
      literal string (a line of stars). This write into a read only data area
      would make the debugger fault the access. A local char array is now used
      instead, to get round this (note the use of var[]=literal rather than
      var[sizeof(literal)]; strcpy(var, literal) due to some weird compiler bug
      that copies the wrong thing into 'var' under some (undefined...)
      Text areas don't scroll back to the top line when clicked in anymore;
      single line writables don't scroll back to the left either. When
      reentering a text area from 'above', the caret appears at the top line
      rather than 'somewhere further down'...
      ARROWS_MOVE_OUT compile time option at the top of Forms.c defines whether
      you must press Tab/Shift+Tab to move between writable fields in forms or
      if up/down will drop out of them, though if keyboard control is on this
      is enforced (or you get trapped inside the form!).
      urlutils_filetype_from_url now uses MimeMap module.
      If fetcher is told a page is text, it'll check for a filename extension and
      may choose to use this instead (e.g. it may find it's HTML instead). This
      is to try and get around duff servers... (e.g. http://www.batalarms.co.uk/).
      Save dialogues shouldn't flicker when options that don't change the
      filetype are selected (before, the draggable sprite was always reset for
      each selection). Noticed the erroneous setting of a static variable in
      SaveFile.c by a call to this by SaveObject.c, and so added a flag to
      savefile_set_filetype to deal with this - would have been possible to get
      the wrong filetype sent to applications or at best the wrong filetype
      sprite in the dialogue without that.
      The caret shouldn't jump out of a form back to the URL writable if the page
      reformats now.
      Table background colours now supported (as in the colour you see in the
      border space if the cellspacing is large enough; this is as in MSIE, not
      as in Navigator). Drawfile output routines updated accordingly.
      Corrected erroneous use of wimpt_dx() / wimpt_dy() in a couple of places
      in Images.c, which meant that (say) 1x1 images didn't work correctly in
      medium resolution display modes.
      Now have support for save as text (component ID and event 0x12) and save
      as Draw (component ID and event 0x13) buttons. Dubious conditions for
      greying and ungreying the print, save source and view source buttons and
      menu options sorted out as part of implementing the same for the two new
      buttons; added greying out of their associated menu items in passing.
      Turned kerning on in draw file objects (does mean a rather heinous
      increase in file size, but this is the only way to ensure the draw file
      matches the visible page).
      Comments before functions in SaveDraw.c are now complete and up to date.
      Image and visit histories now generate a crude hash number to speed up
      searching for items. It does give a speed increase, though it's a
      disappointingly small one.
      Issue of left/right margins and cellpaddings sorted out. Now have
      redraw_left/right_margin for finding out the basic gap you must leave.
      redraw_left/right_gap then gives any extra indentation for LI, BLOCKQUOTE
      or whatever. The last two can be subtracted from the display width to
      get an available page width for any section of text. Note that
      redraw_left_gap replaces redraw_margin. The redraw_start_x function
      uses the above to work out where a line's left hand edge should be,
      taking account of left/right/centre alignment. HRs have been fixed now
      (they were quite broken in v1.30, I think) based on this new model and
      the behaviour of MSIE/NN 4.
      Fixed width of cells with no contents - cell padding values wouldn't
      have worked properly as the reformatter returns 0 rather than the left
      hand margin size if given no stream.
      Removed FM_Absolute flags for Font_Paint (spotted by DBrown) - sets bit
      2, which is reserved...?
      IMG width and height in % terms now works correctly; a % of available
      width (after margins and indents) or height on the main page or for
      a table cell, if the image lies in one. Because of the chicken-and-egg
      problem with the latter, the cell must specify a width and/or height
      for things to work properly. If this is not done, you'll usually end
      up with a 1:1 scaled image (as in Navigator 4, rather than ending up
      with no image or even no cell (!), as in MSIE 4).
      HEIGHT attribute on a TABLE tag is supported, but only in a crude
      fashion; the extra height (if there is any) is distributed over the
      rows in a linear fashion. This is probably all you have to do in
      practice, but I haven't checked. To maintain a notion of min/max
      height as well as width would of course require a great deal more
      If using client pull to reload a page with a fragment ('...#name')
      specified, then the reload wouldn't work on the same page; it'd just
      jump to the fragment position. This won't happen if b->reloading is
      set now (so works in conjunction with client pull on the same page
      forcing a non-cached fetch). Similarly, if POSTing to such a URL,
      a fetch will proceed (both these fixes done originally for
      browser_inherit split to browser_inherit and browser_inherit_post_data;
      the code for the latter didn't clear any post_data in the child before
      copying from the parent either, and could cause flex errors (now fixed).
      Res file for Ursula ('Desktop' Browse) build tweaked - bits in the
      font choices dialogue renamed, and button bar rearranged to hold the
      new Save As Draw button. Other builds have had Save As Draw and
      Save As Text buttons added, or not, depending upon availability of
      suitable sprites, required UI simplicity, etc.
      Now have:
      (the last two are new) for loading and saving of the Choices or Controls
      files. If unset, <App$Dir>.Choices or <App$Dir>.Controls will be set.
      E.g., you could set Browse$ChoicesFile to be:
      for loading and
      for saving. (The browser never saves Controls at the moment, so the
      relevant variable above isn't effectively implemented, but could be
      in future). Similarly, to support asymetric loading/saving of the Hotlist,
      there are HotlistSave, HistorySave and ImageHistorySave entries in Choices
      to complement HotlistPath, HistoryPath and ImageHistoryPath (which are used
      for loading). save_save_choices will create directories as needed to obtain
      the given path (and has also been fixed in various areas that hadn't been
      tested out until now; e.g. zero termination of the AppName$ChoicesFile
      variable expansion...). !Run[D] files updated appropriately.
      Table widthing code rewritten. Slower, but a lot better on the whole.
      Still has some problems - still needs a final 'make sure nothing is
      below minimum width' scan, which it should be possible to do without.
      No time to fix this at present!
      The reformatter will now 'glue together' an LI token followed by any
      non-LI token; so a bullet point followed by an item should not be able to
      have a line break inserted after the bullet because of very tight width
      constraints (it could before - yuk...).
      'about:' brings up a page about the browser and any Plug-Ins, as with
      Navigator (for example).
      URI files support titles, as per spec. version 8. Saving a current
      location to the Hotlist will thus give a sensible title now (unless
      you're in a frame, so there's no title to get...). Of course, v1.00
      files without a title still work.
      Note that NOBR is *not* supported in this build and this combined with
      the new table widther may cause problems on some sites (e.g. Microsoft's
      home page!).
  9. 31 Jan, 1998 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Check for WindowManager 3.97 and ensure Unicode$Path is set in all !Run[D]... · ebd74985
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Check for WindowManager 3.97 and ensure Unicode$Path is set in all !Run[D] files, don't set the Alias$@PrintType_FF4 variable, and updated
      Customer build ROM obey file variants. Various other changes to
      the Run files for new module versions, updated paths to support
      new positions of choices, hotlist and histories (see later), etc.
      !Sprites[22] files hold small !app icons for some variants, and
      an ic_browse sprite. Some variants now have a Sprites and Sprites22
      file instead of just Sprites, with the former containing various
      mode 12 or 15 specific sprites.
      Text files dragged to the URL writable are treated as ANT URL files. This
      relies on URLBarWrit (Toolbars.h) being a unique ID, which it should be,
      but beware of the Hotlist and Choices numberspaces...
      INPUT TYPE=BUTTON supported. Form items without a FORM tag are now shown
      (as MSIE 4, but not NN 4).
      '*', '-', '@', '_' and '.' are not escaped when submitting forms now. The
      Web interface to the IMDb now works.
      INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN items will not affect the line height anymore - so
      http://www.hotmail.com/ now has correctly aligned writable icons, for
      example. Similarly, TAG_FORM and TAG_FORM_END items could push up
      line height and don't anymore.
      HRs with a specified pixel width will now influence the size of a table
      cell (they didn't before).
      BRs now checked by tagno field when the browser needs to know something
      was an actual BR tag rather than just a line break signal, and by the
      style bit entry when only the indication of a line break is required.
      Table widths of 0 or 0% are ignored.
      Trace.c updated to report height and background fields in a table_stream.
      fm_putsl() writes a terminator into the string; the Forms.c routines were
      calling this for displaying INPUT TYPE=PASSWORD fields using the FE_PassCode
      literal string (a line of stars). This write into a read only data area
      would make the debugger fault the access. A local char array is now used
      instead, to get round this (note the use of var[]=literal rather than
      var[sizeof(literal)]; strcpy(var, literal) due to some weird compiler bug
      that copies the wrong thing into 'var' under some (undefined...)
      Text areas don't scroll back to the top line when clicked in anymore;
      single line writables don't scroll back to the left either. When
      reentering a text area from 'above', the caret appears at the top line
      rather than 'somewhere further down'...
      ARROWS_MOVE_OUT compile time option at the top of Forms.c defines whether
      you must press Tab/Shift+Tab to move between writable fields in forms or
      if up/down will drop out of them, though if keyboard control is on this
      is enforced (or you get trapped inside the form!).
      urlutils_filetype_from_url now uses MimeMap module.
      If fetcher is told a page is text, it'll check for a filename extension and
      may choose to use this instead (e.g. it may find it's HTML instead). This
      is to try and get around duff servers... (e.g. http://www.batalarms.co.uk/).
      Save dialogues shouldn't flicker when options that don't change the
      filetype are selected (before, the draggable sprite was always reset for
      each selection). Noticed the erroneous setting of a static variable in
      SaveFile.c by a call to this by SaveObject.c, and so added a flag to
      savefile_set_filetype to deal with this - would have been possible to get
      the wrong filetype sent to applications or at best the wrong filetype
      sprite in the dialogue without that.
      The caret shouldn't jump out of a form back to the URL writable if the page
      reformats now.
      Table background colours now supported (as in the colour you see in the
      border space if the cellspacing is large enough; this is as in MSIE, not
      as in Navigator). Drawfile output routines updated accordingly.
      Corrected erroneous use of wimpt_dx() / wimpt_dy() in a couple of places
      in Images.c, which meant that (say) 1x1 images didn't work correctly in
      medium resolution display modes.
      Now have support for save as text (component ID and event 0x12) and save
      as Draw (component ID and event 0x13) buttons. Dubious conditions for
      greying and ungreying the print, save source and view source buttons and
      menu options sorted out as part of implementing the same for the two new
      buttons; added greying out of their associated menu items in passing.
      Turned kerning on in draw file objects (does mean a rather heinous
      increase in file size, but this is the only way to ensure the draw file
      matches the visible page).
      Comments before functions in SaveDraw.c are now complete and up to date.
      Image and visit histories now generate a crude hash number to speed up
      searching for items. It does give a speed increase, though it's a
      disappointingly small one.
      Issue of left/right margins and cellpaddings sorted out. Now have
      redraw_left/right_margin for finding out the basic gap you must leave.
      redraw_left/right_gap then gives any extra indentation for LI, BLOCKQUOTE
      or whatever. The last two can be subtracted from the display width to
      get an available page width for any section of text. Note that
      redraw_left_gap replaces redraw_margin. The redraw_start_x function
      uses the above to work out where a line's left hand edge should be,
      taking account of left/right/centre alignment. HRs have been fixed now
      (they were quite broken in v1.30, I think) based on this new model and
      the behaviour of MSIE/NN 4.
      Fixed width of cells with no contents - cell padding values wouldn't
      have worked properly as the reformatter returns 0 rather than the left
      hand margin size if given no stream.
      Removed FM_Absolute flags for Font_Paint (spotted by DBrown) - sets bit
      2, which is reserved...?
      IMG width and height in % terms now works correctly; a % of available
      width (after margins and indents) or height on the main page or for
      a table cell, if the image lies in one. Because of the chicken-and-egg
      problem with the latter, the cell must specify a width and/or height
      for things to work properly. If this is not done, you'll usually end
      up with a 1:1 scaled image (as in Navigator 4, rather than ending up
      with no image or even no cell (!), as in MSIE 4).
      HEIGHT attribute on a TABLE tag is supported, but only in a crude
      fashion; the extra height (if there is any) is distributed over the
      rows in a linear fashion. This is probably all you have to do in
      practice, but I haven't checked. To maintain a notion of min/max
      height as well as width would of course require a great deal more
      If using client pull to reload a page with a fragment ('...#name')
      specified, then the reload wouldn't work on the same page; it'd just
      jump to the fragment position. This won't happen if b->reloading is
      set now (so works in conjunction with client pull on the same page
      forcing a non-cached fetch). Similarly, if POSTing to such a URL,
      a fetch will proceed (both these fixes done originally for
      browser_inherit split to browser_inherit and browser_inherit_post_data;
      the code for the latter didn't clear any post_data in the child before
      copying from the parent either, and could cause flex errors (now fixed).
      Res file for Ursula ('Desktop' Browse) build tweaked - bits in the
      font choices dialogue renamed, and button bar rearranged to hold the
      new Save As Draw button. Other builds have had Save As Draw and
      Save As Text buttons added, or not, depending upon availability of
      suitable sprites, required UI simplicity, etc.
      Now have:
      (the last two are new) for loading and saving of the Choices or Controls
      files. If unset, <App$Dir>.Choices or <App$Dir>.Controls will be set.
      E.g., you could set Browse$ChoicesFile to be:
      for loading and
      for saving. (The browser never saves Controls at the moment, so the
      relevant variable above isn't effectively implemented, but could be
      in future). Similarly, to support asymetric loading/saving of the Hotlist,
      there are HotlistSave, HistorySave and ImageHistorySave entries in Choices
      to complement HotlistPath, HistoryPath and ImageHistoryPath (which are used
      for loading). save_save_choices will create directories as needed to obtain
      the given path (and has also been fixed in various areas that hadn't been
      tested out until now; e.g. zero termination of the AppName$ChoicesFile
      variable expansion...). !Run[D] files updated appropriately.
      Table widthing code rewritten. Slower, but a lot better on the whole.
      Still has some problems - still needs a final 'make sure nothing is
      below minimum width' scan, which it should be possible to do without.
      No time to fix this at present!
      The reformatter will now 'glue together' an LI token followed by any
      non-LI token; so a bullet point followed by an item should not be able to
      have a line break inserted after the bullet because of very tight width
      constraints (it could before - yuk...).
      'about:' brings up a page about the browser and any Plug-Ins, as with
      Navigator (for example).
      URI files support titles, as per spec. version 8. Saving a current
      location to the Hotlist will thus give a sensible title now (unless
      you're in a frame, so there's no title to get...). Of course, v1.00
      files without a title still work.
      Note that NOBR is *not* supported in this build and this combined with
      the new table widther may cause problems on some sites (e.g. Microsoft's
      home page!).
  10. 23 Jan, 1998 2 commits
  11. 15 Jan, 1998 1 commit
  12. 06 Jan, 1998 2 commits
  13. 05 Jan, 1998 2 commits
  14. 18 Dec, 1997 3 commits
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      At the last check-in RCS said there was no space left on the device, but · 86f601a4
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      CVS carried on anyway. It seems not all files that had changed locally
      were checked in just from the srcnotify messages - so, I'm trying again...
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Not all resources are up to date in this check-in, and documentation both... · 169c398a
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Not all resources are up to date in this check-in, and documentation both within source and stuff in 'Docs' is out of date or missing - I was very pushed for time on this one... Hopefully will do another 'tidy up' check-in before close on Friday; until then, beware of anything other than the Ursula (Desktop browser) build. Anyway...
      Export As Draw done. As part of this, FONT SIZE and SUP / SUB adjustment
      of font size is done in fm_token_font_info rather than fm_find_token_font.
      Bullets and switches are plotted as indirected sprite items, rather than
      indirected text + sprite items - this relied on being in a redraw loop to
      pick the sprites up from the local pool (failed during printing).
      URI files now have a LF line ending rather than CR... '*' recognised
      as an empty field when loading via. RAM transfer now (only worked for
      loading from disc before).
      Gave placeholder bounding boxes 4 OS units more minimum extra gap
      vertically and reduced horizontal addition to this value * 1.5, rather
      than * 2 (see reformat_get_placeholder_size).
      Background image tiling starts at ymax - h + 4, rather than ymax, so
      there isn't the bottom line of pixels from the top tile always present
      at the top of the window. The '+4' is for caution's sake.
      Can now save a frame's HTML source, that of its parent or its ancestor,
      and the same for the URI pointing to those documents - see Menus.h for
      the relevant component IDs that should lead to the SaveFile dialogue.
      Have hopefully fixed timeout = 0 values (i.e. 'forever') on things
      like LinkTo; before, image fetches could override the state (so you'd
      only ever see brief flickers of a given URL as the pointer went over
      a link).
      Save File dialogue will remember the state of option or radio buttons
      for a given parent component origin and restore that state when the
      dialogue is next opened from the same place (stops turning on saving
      as a URL file also turning on 'save background images' for Draw file
      export, etc.).
      Use of a META tag to reload the *same* page now sets the 'reloading'
      flag in the browser so that it doesn't go through a proxy - otherwise
      pages which are meant to update periodically through client pull
      don't work, as they keep coming out of the cache.
      Can now handle images specifying just a width or height in the HTML
      (other dimension is scaled accordingly, but note that the placeholder
      size must still be 'dumb' until the image data comes in). An image
      will now override an image history size entry for the same entry
      with a different size.
  15. 12 Dec, 1997 4 commits
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Note that the 'Docs' documentation (possibly contrary to previous log... · f56c7002
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Note that the 'Docs' documentation (possibly contrary to previous log messages) still hasn't been updated with the new SaveFile stuff, and function header comments have yet to be written for
      Fixed urlutils_pathname_to_url - OS_GSTrans doesn't like the same
      input buffer as output buffer (fairly obvious, but I was living in
      the hope of not having to duplicate the input path string).
      Image history will not cache scrap file images anymore. Browser's
      image handling library won't cross reference them either.
      When dragging a single item from the hotlist to a Filer window, the
      code now checks Ctrl - if held down, a URL file is written, else a
      URI file. The state of any option buttons or radios in the last
      Save File dialogue that was opened is no longer relevant...!
      history_save_as_html could write out broken files when titles
      for items in the History were not present. Fixed.
      Hourglass switched on for hotlist and history saving as HTML;
      hotlist_save_entries no longer closes the output file on error
      (it should be done by the caller, since the caller is responsible
      for opening the file and passing the FILE * pointer to
    • David Brown's avatar
      Implemented Launch Proxy option. · b2dfeb54
      David Brown authored
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Bug report prompted me to do this - now ignore <p> tags straight after <li>... · 0fd2c158
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Bug report prompted me to do this - now ignore <p> tags straight after <li> tags, so '<ul><li><p>Some text' works as the author (or automatic generator, more commonly) intended.
      A <p> tag before a table will be acted upon now (it was ignored before).
      Something like <li><p><table...> will give a line break and paragraph
      space after the <li> despite the changes mentioned above, as in other browsers.
      Both browsers differ from Navigator, where the table appears alongside
      the <li> tag.
      Multiple BR tags work as in MSIE / Navigator (they don't collapse to
      zero height anymore).
      For the above, line height (and so, <br><br> or <p> spacing) is now
      calculated inside reformat_text_line_height, and is used with either
      a token to get the text height at a given size (e.g. for general line
      spacing or multiple BR tags) or NULL for normal size text (e.g. for
      P spacing, though this value is in practice later scaled by 7/8ths in
      reformat_check_height). Note this behaviour is exhibited by MSIE 4;
      v3 gave two BRs the same spacing as one P (i.e. not font size
      Save dialogues can have an option button or couple of radios to
      switch between various formats (e.g. URI or URL, sprite or original
      format). See 'Docs.Notes' for more. The back-end to this is now
      implemented (i.e. at the moment, save as URI or URL, save as original
      image format). Note that when saving background images, a leafname
      based on the original fetch URL is now offered rather than a generic
      Internal URL scheme changed to be all lower case, so relativisation
      through URL_Fetcher still makes sense... :-/
      Holding down 'shift' when clicking on stop reverses the interpretation
      of the Controls file 'StopWebServe' entry.
      Fixed row / column count for exporting tables as text; fixed a few
      bits and pieces of internal URL scheme stuff which got broken when
      HTMLLib started using URL_Fetcher's relativisation; this includes
      automatic expansion of system variables in pathnames, in
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      There are a few known significant problems with this code but it's being... · b36c2bb4
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      There are a few known significant problems with this code but it's being checked in so the Choices can be worked on. Note that Res files etc. are not up to date across all builds. Progress is as follows...
      Bug report prompted me to do this - now ignore <p> tags straight after
      <li> tags, so '<ul><li><p>Some text' works as the author (or automatic
      generator, more commonly) intended.
      A <p> tag before a table will be acted upon now (it was ignored before).
      Something like <li><p><table...> will give a line break and paragraph
      space after the <li> despite the changes mentioned above, as in other browsers.
      Both browsers differ from Navigator, where the table appears alongside
      the <li> tag.
      Multiple BR tags work as in MSIE / Navigator (they don't collapse to
      zero height anymore).
      For the above, line height (and so, <br><br> or <p> spacing) is now
      calculated inside reformat_text_line_height, and is used with either
      a token to get the text height at a given size (e.g. for general line
      spacing or multiple BR tags) or NULL for normal size text (e.g. for
      P spacing, though this value is in practice later scaled by 7/8ths in
      reformat_check_height). Note this behaviour is exhibited by MSIE 4;
      v3 gave two BRs the same spacing as one P (i.e. not font size
      Save dialogues can have an option button or couple of radios to
      switch between various formats (e.g. URI or URL, sprite or original
      format). See 'Docs.Notes' for more. The back-end to this is now
      implemented (i.e. at the moment, save as URI or URL, save as original
      image format). Note that when saving background images, a leafname
      based on the original fetch URL is now offered rather than a generic
      Internal URL scheme changed to be all lower case, so relativisation
      through URL_Fetcher still makes sense... :-/
      Holding down 'shift' when clicking on stop reverses the interpretation
      of the Controls file 'StopWebServe' entry.
      Fixed row / column count for exporting tables as text; fixed a few
      bits and pieces of internal URL scheme stuff which got broken when
      HTMLLib started using URL_Fetcher's relativisation.
  16. 08 Dec, 1997 1 commit
  17. 04 Dec, 1997 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Fixed some glitches in the modified status bar code (e.g. status inference... · dff9a8ae
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Fixed some glitches in the modified status bar code (e.g. status inference wasn't working properly).
      Shift+Toggle size always opened to not obscure the icon bar. If CMOS is
      set to always show the icon bar, then Shift+Toggle size is meant to
      reverse sense and open to absolute full size. It now does this.
      !Run[D] files now require URL 0.22, HTTP 0.64, FTP 0.22, Gopher 0.08
      and File 0.32.
      Minor overhaul of 'Docs.Notes' (with 'Docs.User' similarly updated) to
      include a few new bits and pieces.
      Timeout values of 0 now mean 'forever'. Plug-in status messages now have
      their own timeout setting. New Messages token 'Actv' for extra info when
      a status message times out and the status line drops to 'Viewing' or
      'Ready' when there is still a Busy state registered by the Plug-in.
      Small Fetch windows don't become visible briefly for Plug-in fetches
      when the fetch is complete (for SeeFetches:no, where these windows
      should be hidden all the time).
      WebServe may be controlled through the Browse front-end via.
      Wimp_MAppControl reason code 4 (Wimp_MAppControl_Configure). Note the
      renaming internally of 'WebServ' or 'WebServe' has been changed to
      'Proxy' (with lower case equivalents where relevant); proxy name
      and starting details come from the Messages file 'ProxyName' and
      'ProxyComm' tokens. More in 'Docs.Notes'.
      Res files updated for image history and PRE/TT font aspect ratio
      choices. 'Don't expire' labels changed to 'Expire' (oops, didn't
      notice the change in the development Browse's Res file when I
      updated all of the others until now...).
      When printing, Wimp_PlotIcon appears to ignore R4 and R5, plots
      'somewhere' on the page, and tries to get the sprite from the global
      pool. This latter part normally causes an error to be raised; though
      on my machine I just get a corrupted error message. The Desktop font
      gets lost at this point too. All have yet to be fixed; as an
      interim work around, Wimp_PlotIcon objects are never drawn at all
      if the global 'printing' flag is set.
  18. 03 Dec, 1997 2 commits
  19. 02 Dec, 1997 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Implemented Message_PlugIn_ReshapeRequest, Message_PlugIn_Status and · 960e879c
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Message_PlugIn_Busy. Plug-in code more robust when given invalid
      browser instance handles by the plug-in.
      Line spacing is now calculated on the basis of the normal style base serif
      font, with all other fonts being forced into that line height. This does
      mean that an unusually tall (say) sans serif font may get clipped. It
      appears to be the only way to get around wildly different baseline
      depths returned from the font metrics - you can't work out line spacing
      based on each different font style; the line spacing will vary.
      Table heighting (as opposed to widthing...) improved considerably; rowspan
      can no longer cause very tall cells in odd places. Having trouble getting
      rid of the single pixel breaks between vertically adjacent cells, though
      I've not tried too hard. Widthing, though, seems fairly badly broken at
      present... :-/
      Set/clear of page_is_text flag made more robust (it looked as though there
      was the potential for this to get stuck in a set state, though I've never
      see the front-end behave in a manner which indicates this is the case).
      The reformatter will now decrease leading if this flag is set (plain text
      pages look daft with a line spacing that is OK for 'rich' text pages).
      No reformatting is done if the page width changes by dragging on the
      resize icon, though toggle size / full screen will still reformat even
      if the contents are only text (browser needs to sort out various width
      flags at this point).
      Cut down on excessive redrawing when reformatting due to a change in
      window dimensions is not done. If display_width hasn't changed, then no
      redraw is needed. If this causes redraw problems, then whatever is
      changing display_width needs investigating. It shouldn't be kludged
      (basically) by forcing a redraw instead of a reformat.
      TT/PRE/etc. text can now have a non-100% aspect ratio. 80-90% looks
      best (ArcWeb, for example, uses 86%). New option 'TTAspect' in
      the Choices files.
      Debug builds link to a non-debug Unicode library now; stops stderr
      being dumped to the bottom left of the screen if you've not redirected
      it in the Run file.
      RISC OS 3.1 seems to need more initial WimpSlot than later OS versions.
      The 64 deep nested table set gives a 'No stack for trap handler' error
      (which it really means in this case!) without 800K, even though 3.71
      is happy with just 640K. So, the !Run file checks if Boot$OSVersion
      is exactly 300, 310 or 311, and sets the WimpSlot accordingly.
      !Run[D] files now require latest fetcher module versions (URL 0.21,
      File 0.31, HTTP 0.58).
  20. 01 Dec, 1997 1 commit
    • David Brown's avatar
      Implemented size and age expiry of image history. There are two ways of achieving this. · 7a90c692
      David Brown authored
      i)  There can be two sets of gadgets, one set for page history and another set
          for image history.
      ii) There can be one set of gadgets for both settings and two radio buttons to
          select between them.
      Only one of these may be present at the same time.  Currently the radio button
      version is the one that is in place.  To change to the other version delete the
      radio buttons and copy the gadgets from the ChoicesTMP window into the
      appropriate window.
  21. 28 Nov, 1997 1 commit
  22. 27 Nov, 1997 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Image history can be emptied from the History menu. · 499a3422
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Significant reduction in number of times reformatter is called during
      a table widthing session results in a dramatic speed increase for nested
      tables (e.g. 64 deep with a paragraph of text in the deepest table takes
      about two seconds to load with near-instantaneous subsequent reformats,
      as opposed to taking optimistically 28 days for a 32 deep table!).
      This code relies on a very big stack of assumptions...
      Save as plain text implemented.
      Choices, Messages and Res files brought up to date where necessary.
      Version number taken to 1.28, 04-Dec-97 (so I don't forget later,
  23. 26 Nov, 1997 1 commit