- 12 Dec, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
There are a few known significant problems with this code but it's being checked in so the Choices can be worked on. Note that Res files etc. are not up to date across all builds. Progress is as follows... Bug report prompted me to do this - now ignore <p> tags straight after <li> tags, so '<ul><li><p>Some text' works as the author (or automatic generator, more commonly) intended. A <p> tag before a table will be acted upon now (it was ignored before). Something like <li><p><table...> will give a line break and paragraph space after the <li> despite the changes mentioned above, as in other browsers. Both browsers differ from Navigator, where the table appears alongside the <li> tag. Multiple BR tags work as in MSIE / Navigator (they don't collapse to zero height anymore). For the above, line height (and so, <br><br> or <p> spacing) is now calculated inside reformat_text_line_height, and is used with either a token to get the text height at a given size (e.g. for general line spacing or multiple BR tags) or NULL for normal size text (e.g. for P spacing, though this value is in practice later scaled by 7/8ths in reformat_check_height). Note this behaviour is exhibited by MSIE 4; v3 gave two BRs the same spacing as one P (i.e. not font size dependent). Save dialogues can have an option button or couple of radios to switch between various formats (e.g. URI or URL, sprite or original format). See 'Docs.Notes' for more. The back-end to this is now implemented (i.e. at the moment, save as URI or URL, save as original image format). Note that when saving background images, a leafname based on the original fetch URL is now offered rather than a generic 'Background'. Internal URL scheme changed to be all lower case, so relativisation through URL_Fetcher still makes sense... :-/ Holding down 'shift' when clicking on stop reverses the interpretation of the Controls file 'StopWebServe' entry. Fixed row / column count for exporting tables as text; fixed a few bits and pieces of internal URL scheme stuff which got broken when HTMLLib started using URL_Fetcher's relativisation.
- 24 Oct, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Various fixes in the code required for Shockwave support (many invalid assumptions about the OBJECT tag structure). Not finished yet though. Played around with signal handling 'n' all that to try and get sensible errors reported for aborts etc. using code by KBracey. Need a ROM patch for _swix on RISC OS 3.7 upwards (or a local fixed copy of _swix), otherwise should sort out most of the problems seen (mostly 'no stack for trap handler' errors and a distinct lack of a register dump). Plug-In view on redraw / ASAP choices now work as they should (ASAP was previously broken). Version numbers in Messages incremented to 1.25 (23 Oct 1997). For Plug-In support, created new source file RMA.c/h to handle RMA claims and releases, in an attempt to ensure leakage never happens. As such, this source is *slightly* more advanced than that in the 1.25 AW '97 build, though functionally identical. Well, that is, at least you can confirm zero RMA leakage with '-debug LMem' in TRACE builds now! Intend to do a consistency check on comment syntax in all sources shortly - I need to rebuild my StrongHelp manuals; can't keep track of all of these new functions...
- 07 Oct, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Added MimeMap module support. OBJECT routines now use this to determine if the item is an inline image, and if so pass it to the image routines. At present, support relies on a (correct) content type.