1. 20 Mar, 1998 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Programming warehouse link removed from all hotlists - the page has gone. · 76dfaa46
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Some compile-time hacks in place to use MemLib, a dynamic area based
      malloc replacement which shrinks its heap when possible. All builds
      have these switched off at the moment. Seemed to work with just Browse,
      though there would be problems with message blocks stored in dynamic
      areas because of the Wimp's '&3800000' check - however, it failed when
      HTMLLib was made to use it, too. Don't know why yet.
      ItemInfo.[c/h] source added, with Res file additions for testbed Browse
      and Phoenix.
      Small fetch windows now work properly regardless of toolbar settings
      in the Choices.
      Reload now reloads all images too, rather than only reloading them for
      as long as the main page was being fetched.
      Added a simple 'Find' facility.
      Realised that event handlers in eventlib are called in reverse order
      of registration, so the miscellaneous event handler is now registered
      first rather than last.
      Multiuser code added (most only active if SINGLE_USER is undefined). As
      part of this, hotlist code now knows about read-only items (done for the
      Customer-style 'Resources' file, but works generally anyway).
      handle_add_hotlist doesn't try to save the hotlist itself anymore (the
      hotlist_add function does all that through hotlist_modified anyway).
      Customer build Choices and Controls updated slightly (e.g. ClaimHelp
      off, hotlist to save on quit only).
      Customer build now uses Phoenix-style buttons. Sprites files which
      worked at the time (but will probably be out of date now) and included
      most of the original Customer-style sprites are in
      Choices, Messages and Res files for all builds now stripped down to only
      single user items or single plus multiuser for Customer build and testbed
      build. Before, all contained a few multiuser bits in at least the Choices
      file if not more.
      Grammatical error ("Fetching frames contents" (sic.)) corrected in
      default message, Toolbars.c, and all of the Messages files.
      Customer build brought back to a servicable level (including
      implementation of the Find dialogue box with animation and fixing
      up authorisation and 'Stop' state in the tristate). Quite a few
      missing #ifndef REMOTE_HOTLIST bits from hotlist code added...
      Customer build will not use <Choices$Write> or Boot:Choices for any
      file finding now. UseProxy defaults to 'yes', MaxImages to 2. Res
      file includes Proxy Address setting (save_save_choices() now writes
      the ProxyAddress line).
  2. 31 Jan, 1998 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Check for WindowManager 3.97 and ensure Unicode$Path is set in all !Run[D]... · ebd74985
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Check for WindowManager 3.97 and ensure Unicode$Path is set in all !Run[D] files, don't set the Alias$@PrintType_FF4 variable, and updated
      Customer build ROM obey file variants. Various other changes to
      the Run files for new module versions, updated paths to support
      new positions of choices, hotlist and histories (see later), etc.
      !Sprites[22] files hold small !app icons for some variants, and
      an ic_browse sprite. Some variants now have a Sprites and Sprites22
      file instead of just Sprites, with the former containing various
      mode 12 or 15 specific sprites.
      Text files dragged to the URL writable are treated as ANT URL files. This
      relies on URLBarWrit (Toolbars.h) being a unique ID, which it should be,
      but beware of the Hotlist and Choices numberspaces...
      INPUT TYPE=BUTTON supported. Form items without a FORM tag are now shown
      (as MSIE 4, but not NN 4).
      '*', '-', '@', '_' and '.' are not escaped when submitting forms now. The
      Web interface to the IMDb now works.
      INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN items will not affect the line height anymore - so
      http://www.hotmail.com/ now has correctly aligned writable icons, for
      example. Similarly, TAG_FORM and TAG_FORM_END items could push up
      line height and don't anymore.
      HRs with a specified pixel width will now influence the size of a table
      cell (they didn't before).
      BRs now checked by tagno field when the browser needs to know something
      was an actual BR tag rather than just a line break signal, and by the
      style bit entry when only the indication of a line break is required.
      Table widths of 0 or 0% are ignored.
      Trace.c updated to report height and background fields in a table_stream.
      fm_putsl() writes a terminator into the string; the Forms.c routines were
      calling this for displaying INPUT TYPE=PASSWORD fields using the FE_PassCode
      literal string (a line of stars). This write into a read only data area
      would make the debugger fault the access. A local char array is now used
      instead, to get round this (note the use of var[]=literal rather than
      var[sizeof(literal)]; strcpy(var, literal) due to some weird compiler bug
      that copies the wrong thing into 'var' under some (undefined...)
      Text areas don't scroll back to the top line when clicked in anymore;
      single line writables don't scroll back to the left either. When
      reentering a text area from 'above', the caret appears at the top line
      rather than 'somewhere further down'...
      ARROWS_MOVE_OUT compile time option at the top of Forms.c defines whether
      you must press Tab/Shift+Tab to move between writable fields in forms or
      if up/down will drop out of them, though if keyboard control is on this
      is enforced (or you get trapped inside the form!).
      urlutils_filetype_from_url now uses MimeMap module.
      If fetcher is told a page is text, it'll check for a filename extension and
      may choose to use this instead (e.g. it may find it's HTML instead). This
      is to try and get around duff servers... (e.g. http://www.batalarms.co.uk/).
      Save dialogues shouldn't flicker when options that don't change the
      filetype are selected (before, the draggable sprite was always reset for
      each selection). Noticed the erroneous setting of a static variable in
      SaveFile.c by a call to this by SaveObject.c, and so added a flag to
      savefile_set_filetype to deal with this - would have been possible to get
      the wrong filetype sent to applications or at best the wrong filetype
      sprite in the dialogue without that.
      The caret shouldn't jump out of a form back to the URL writable if the page
      reformats now.
      Table background colours now supported (as in the colour you see in the
      border space if the cellspacing is large enough; this is as in MSIE, not
      as in Navigator). Drawfile output routines updated accordingly.
      Corrected erroneous use of wimpt_dx() / wimpt_dy() in a couple of places
      in Images.c, which meant that (say) 1x1 images didn't work correctly in
      medium resolution display modes.
      Now have support for save as text (component ID and event 0x12) and save
      as Draw (component ID and event 0x13) buttons. Dubious conditions for
      greying and ungreying the print, save source and view source buttons and
      menu options sorted out as part of implementing the same for the two new
      buttons; added greying out of their associated menu items in passing.
      Turned kerning on in draw file objects (does mean a rather heinous
      increase in file size, but this is the only way to ensure the draw file
      matches the visible page).
      Comments before functions in SaveDraw.c are now complete and up to date.
      Image and visit histories now generate a crude hash number to speed up
      searching for items. It does give a speed increase, though it's a
      disappointingly small one.
      Issue of left/right margins and cellpaddings sorted out. Now have
      redraw_left/right_margin for finding out the basic gap you must leave.
      redraw_left/right_gap then gives any extra indentation for LI, BLOCKQUOTE
      or whatever. The last two can be subtracted from the display width to
      get an available page width for any section of text. Note that
      redraw_left_gap replaces redraw_margin. The redraw_start_x function
      uses the above to work out where a line's left hand edge should be,
      taking account of left/right/centre alignment. HRs have been fixed now
      (they were quite broken in v1.30, I think) based on this new model and
      the behaviour of MSIE/NN 4.
      Fixed width of cells with no contents - cell padding values wouldn't
      have worked properly as the reformatter returns 0 rather than the left
      hand margin size if given no stream.
      Removed FM_Absolute flags for Font_Paint (spotted by DBrown) - sets bit
      2, which is reserved...?
      IMG width and height in % terms now works correctly; a % of available
      width (after margins and indents) or height on the main page or for
      a table cell, if the image lies in one. Because of the chicken-and-egg
      problem with the latter, the cell must specify a width and/or height
      for things to work properly. If this is not done, you'll usually end
      up with a 1:1 scaled image (as in Navigator 4, rather than ending up
      with no image or even no cell (!), as in MSIE 4).
      HEIGHT attribute on a TABLE tag is supported, but only in a crude
      fashion; the extra height (if there is any) is distributed over the
      rows in a linear fashion. This is probably all you have to do in
      practice, but I haven't checked. To maintain a notion of min/max
      height as well as width would of course require a great deal more
      If using client pull to reload a page with a fragment ('...#name')
      specified, then the reload wouldn't work on the same page; it'd just
      jump to the fragment position. This won't happen if b->reloading is
      set now (so works in conjunction with client pull on the same page
      forcing a non-cached fetch). Similarly, if POSTing to such a URL,
      a fetch will proceed (both these fixes done originally for
      browser_inherit split to browser_inherit and browser_inherit_post_data;
      the code for the latter didn't clear any post_data in the child before
      copying from the parent either, and could cause flex errors (now fixed).
      Res file for Ursula ('Desktop' Browse) build tweaked - bits in the
      font choices dialogue renamed, and button bar rearranged to hold the
      new Save As Draw button. Other builds have had Save As Draw and
      Save As Text buttons added, or not, depending upon availability of
      suitable sprites, required UI simplicity, etc.
      Now have:
      (the last two are new) for loading and saving of the Choices or Controls
      files. If unset, <App$Dir>.Choices or <App$Dir>.Controls will be set.
      E.g., you could set Browse$ChoicesFile to be:
      for loading and
      for saving. (The browser never saves Controls at the moment, so the
      relevant variable above isn't effectively implemented, but could be
      in future). Similarly, to support asymetric loading/saving of the Hotlist,
      there are HotlistSave, HistorySave and ImageHistorySave entries in Choices
      to complement HotlistPath, HistoryPath and ImageHistoryPath (which are used
      for loading). save_save_choices will create directories as needed to obtain
      the given path (and has also been fixed in various areas that hadn't been
      tested out until now; e.g. zero termination of the AppName$ChoicesFile
      variable expansion...). !Run[D] files updated appropriately.
      Table widthing code rewritten. Slower, but a lot better on the whole.
      Still has some problems - still needs a final 'make sure nothing is
      below minimum width' scan, which it should be possible to do without.
      No time to fix this at present!
      The reformatter will now 'glue together' an LI token followed by any
      non-LI token; so a bullet point followed by an item should not be able to
      have a line break inserted after the bullet because of very tight width
      constraints (it could before - yuk...).
      'about:' brings up a page about the browser and any Plug-Ins, as with
      Navigator (for example).
      URI files support titles, as per spec. version 8. Saving a current
      location to the Hotlist will thus give a sensible title now (unless
      you're in a frame, so there's no title to get...). Of course, v1.00
      files without a title still work.
      Note that NOBR is *not* supported in this build and this combined with
      the new table widther may cause problems on some sites (e.g. Microsoft's
      home page!).
  3. 12 Dec, 1997 2 commits
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Note that the 'Docs' documentation (possibly contrary to previous log... · f56c7002
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Note that the 'Docs' documentation (possibly contrary to previous log messages) still hasn't been updated with the new SaveFile stuff, and function header comments have yet to be written for
      Fixed urlutils_pathname_to_url - OS_GSTrans doesn't like the same
      input buffer as output buffer (fairly obvious, but I was living in
      the hope of not having to duplicate the input path string).
      Image history will not cache scrap file images anymore. Browser's
      image handling library won't cross reference them either.
      When dragging a single item from the hotlist to a Filer window, the
      code now checks Ctrl - if held down, a URL file is written, else a
      URI file. The state of any option buttons or radios in the last
      Save File dialogue that was opened is no longer relevant...!
      history_save_as_html could write out broken files when titles
      for items in the History were not present. Fixed.
      Hourglass switched on for hotlist and history saving as HTML;
      hotlist_save_entries no longer closes the output file on error
      (it should be done by the caller, since the caller is responsible
      for opening the file and passing the FILE * pointer to
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      There are a few known significant problems with this code but it's being... · b36c2bb4
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      There are a few known significant problems with this code but it's being checked in so the Choices can be worked on. Note that Res files etc. are not up to date across all builds. Progress is as follows...
      Bug report prompted me to do this - now ignore <p> tags straight after
      <li> tags, so '<ul><li><p>Some text' works as the author (or automatic
      generator, more commonly) intended.
      A <p> tag before a table will be acted upon now (it was ignored before).
      Something like <li><p><table...> will give a line break and paragraph
      space after the <li> despite the changes mentioned above, as in other browsers.
      Both browsers differ from Navigator, where the table appears alongside
      the <li> tag.
      Multiple BR tags work as in MSIE / Navigator (they don't collapse to
      zero height anymore).
      For the above, line height (and so, <br><br> or <p> spacing) is now
      calculated inside reformat_text_line_height, and is used with either
      a token to get the text height at a given size (e.g. for general line
      spacing or multiple BR tags) or NULL for normal size text (e.g. for
      P spacing, though this value is in practice later scaled by 7/8ths in
      reformat_check_height). Note this behaviour is exhibited by MSIE 4;
      v3 gave two BRs the same spacing as one P (i.e. not font size
      Save dialogues can have an option button or couple of radios to
      switch between various formats (e.g. URI or URL, sprite or original
      format). See 'Docs.Notes' for more. The back-end to this is now
      implemented (i.e. at the moment, save as URI or URL, save as original
      image format). Note that when saving background images, a leafname
      based on the original fetch URL is now offered rather than a generic
      Internal URL scheme changed to be all lower case, so relativisation
      through URL_Fetcher still makes sense... :-/
      Holding down 'shift' when clicking on stop reverses the interpretation
      of the Controls file 'StopWebServe' entry.
      Fixed row / column count for exporting tables as text; fixed a few
      bits and pieces of internal URL scheme stuff which got broken when
      HTMLLib started using URL_Fetcher's relativisation.
  4. 20 Nov, 1997 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Following the last check-in - all build resources brought up to date. · cc9d8863
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Adjust-click on forwards/backwards buttons did not work in the intermediate
      build, and now does.
      Adjust-click on form submission buttons where the submit method is POST
      will now work correctly, as the new view inherits the extradata block
      of the old. Failure of this is signalled through
      make_no_fetch_memory_error, code 16 (see updated Errors file in Docs).
      Note the name change of extradata in this context; more details below.
      The passing of forms POST data and extra headers for sending in an
      HTTP request via. the URL module was all done through pointers into
      flex blocks, and was therefore very unsafe. All relevant functions now
      use pointers to pointers to the data.
      To remove confusion on the umpteen uses of the word 'extradata', the field
      in browser_data has been renamed to 'post_data'. The 'extradata' parameters
      used within FetchPage.c were all disconnected from the extra header info /
      form POST data stuff that extradata is usually associated with, and have
      thus also been renamed, in this case to 'appnddata' (Append Data).
      As well as X-NoProxy, the browser sends the 'proper' HTTP headers
      Pragma:no-cache and Cache-Control:no-cache.
      A redirection from a POST request was not handled correctly; despite
      what HTTP specs say, you're supposed to use GET for the new URL. The
      browser was, but when it chopped off the redundant header data in the
      request didn't terminate it and left Content-Type in anyway...! Fixed.
      Ctrl+Tab implemented - URL completion. Comes from the hotlist URLs,
      hotlist titles, history hosts, paths, full URLs and lastly titles.
      See code comments for more (history_find_match, hotlist_find_match).
      TableSupport option added to Choices; it is read, can be set by the
      front-end, but doesn't actually do anything else yet.
      Reversed Choices' semantics on 'don't expire by...' for History. Added
      'needs_redraw' flag to choices_get_contents so that, for example, if the
      table border types change, browsers get redrawn.
  5. 19 Nov, 1997 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      This is an intermediate check-in to allow work on Choices for the new table... · 7caf92e2
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      This is an intermediate check-in to allow work on Choices for the new table options and History choices as detailed below. Res files are not up to date except where indicated and there are several known bugs that will be fixed before the 'final' v1.27 is created. Any work on resources should only be done for the testbed !Browse.
      Client side image maps implemented. There is code to draw highlighted
      borders in CSIM.c, but this is not wired in yet; other than that,
      the implementation is functionally complete. As part of this, centralised
      the fetching of a targetted URL taking into account user request of a
      new view and full screen mode, in fetchpage_fetch_targetted. The forms
      library now uses this too, so form buttons respond to both adjust-clicks
      and TARGET attributes.
      Fixed APPLET handling where '.class' isn't present in the CODE attribute.
      Paragraphs squashed at the top of cells/pages - browser would insert white
      space before.
      Now append a ' ' to the end of History menu items to prevent the Wimp
      thinking the end of entries represents a keyboard shortcut (e.g. 'Home').
      Netscape's handling of 'meta http-equiv="refresh"' is to start counting
      when the fetch has completed and everything else has died down. The browser
      will now not start counting until the animation handler is deregistered
      (so formatting is complete) to show similar behaviour (note that this
      checks the main handler, not the 'idle but returning to first frame'
      drift handler).
      URLs from requests for fetches by Plug-Ins are now relativised.
      Page width change tolerance prior to reformat upped from 16 to 32 OS
      units. Hoping to provoke a loosely connected bug with this change!
      TableOuter, TableInner and SeeFetches choices added to all Choices
      files, with appropriate loading and saving code in Main.c and Save.c.
      AuthorFTP and AuthorFSh messages added for FTP authentication, and
      dialogue handling code (the component in FetchHTML.c) updated to
      recognise an FTP fetch and alter the dialogue presentation
      All Messages file version numbers taken up to 1.27 (20 Nov 1997).
      Following a UseNet suggestion, Ctrl+Toggle Size will increase the window
      size to fill the screen vertically only; horizontal size/positioning is
      not changed.
      Shift+Tab in the URL writable will cycle through alternative fetcher
      protocols (from both the Controls file and checking the fetcher modules
      are actually present).
      Hotlist doesn't require '://' in URLs when loading HTML, just ':/' - so
      'file:/' URLs now will be reloaded correctly.
      History system rewritten completely. GHistSize and VHistSize options
      removed, and replaced by MaxSize and ExpiryAge. Now have global history
      menus with most recently visited items at the top, and local history
      menus which reflect the path that forward/back buttons would take.
      Browsers are robust to background expiry of the History though this is
      not implemented - date expiry and size checks are carried out on
      history_record only. This does mean that with two windows open one could
      have the history expired underneath it whilst another fetched, though;
      the code handles this and update toolbars (greying items) as necessary.
      It is possible to have the history limits so tight that even one entry
      will not fit and again the code copes with this, though values read
      from Choices are limit checked to ensure rather more useful results!
      Implemented 'Save' button in save dialogues. Remembers pathnames and just
      replaces the leaf now (hard coded exceptions for <Wimp$Scrap>... and
      <Wimp$ScrapDir>...) - it did before, but only if you'd typed the path
      in. Not many people did, given that you couldn't press Return or click on
      a Save button to use that path...
      In a similar vein, files of type Data or DOS will be checked for a '/xxx'
      type extension and the MimeMap module will be used to find a more meaningful
      filetype. If this can be handled, the file is loaded. This only works for
      files dragged to the browser - the behaviour with inline data in web pages
      will depend on the File module, and similarly, if File doesn't spot what is
      going on and claims that the object is data, the browser will just open a
      save dialogue for it.
      !RunD files taken up to 3072K WimpSlot.
      Hotlist's saved HTML page title wasn't internationalised - is now. This
      opened up a significant can of worms; on file write error, the file would
      never be closed, and if a caller of the save or load functions passed
      in a filename held in the global Messages lookup buffer then subsequent
      lookups in the callees would corrupt that filename. All sorted out now.
      Local (not very useful) or global (useful) histories can be saved as HTML,
      which opens up the possibility of sending your history to the hotlist
      by saving to it. Local and global histories can also be emptied, though
      this is probably not a feature that current release Desktop browsers need.
      Inheritance of local history and certain UI features is now done more or
      less for all cases where one browser window spawns another, too.
      Vertical alignment on images is rather less ropey than it was (e.g.
      ALIGN=TOP stands half a chance of working) but is still far from perfect.
      This was part of fixing a nasty little bug in Redraw.c's setting of
      an image position via. image_set_token_image_position, which was making
      (amongst possibly many other things) client side image maps fail.
      Image update where images had large borders was affected by a similar
      problem too (more cans with more worms...).
      Fixed image background filler functions; two problems. When cross
      referenced images were replaced by base images in a browser because the
      original owner was closing down, the original owner browser would stay
      registered with ImageLib. Fixed; secondly, when images were deleted from
      the image array causing those above to be renumbered, images registered
      with ImageLib did not have their numbers updated (this was the one that
      lead to the visible drop out of background images with PNGs on the Acorn
      Internet home page when there were two views of the page and the first
      was closed). This is now also sorted out.
  6. 16 Oct, 1997 2 commits
    • David Brown's avatar
      Altered new directory handler to create new directories at the end of the list... · b8e8bb1f
      David Brown authored
      Altered new directory handler to create new directories at the end of the list if the pointer was past the end of the list of items.
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Now handles PARAM tags. Sorted out Plug-In bug that was related to Java... · 2093c108
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Now handles PARAM tags. Sorted out Plug-In bug that was related to Java setting a 0 by 0 graphics window before calling Wimp_Poll (fixed in Java).
      Implemented queue for Plug-Ins so multiple broadcasts aren't sent for
      several Objects in one data chunk.
      Added Docs directory with some documentation in it. More things to keep
      checking for stylistic consistency, horray ;-)
      Corrected !Run[D] for Ursula build to need AcornURI but not TaskModule
      (URI handler needed for !Mail to pick up mailto: links).
      Added display_height field to browser_data, analogous to display_width,
      to cope with % sized objects by width and height (see how HRs are
      handled in Redraw.c for an example of how it was always fairly easy
      with width, but not height until this addition). Though you do have
      to reload to get a new size; reformat isn't enough. Must see to this
      some time...
      Fixed bug where basic typefaces were claimed *before* the Choices file
      had been read. For unusual Choices settings, this could create some
      'interesting' problems now and again. This was part of narrower scope
      work in the Choices code to allow font changing without leaking font
      handles (now done; fm_shutdown only ditches fonts, it keeps internal
      structures - must then call  fm_lose_fonts for all browsers to get the
      bitfields up to date, then rewrite the typeface definitions and reclaim
      basic fonts). Noticed that fm_claim_basic_typefaces would claim multiple
      instances of the same font if there were several cases of the same font
      mapped to different typeface styles - fixed.
      Implemented PlugInControl settings, but not SupportObject (fully).
  7. 03 Oct, 1997 1 commit
  8. 29 Sep, 1997 1 commit
  9. 26 Sep, 1997 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Added support for HTMLLib HttpEndParse call. · 8c9a9091
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Text items with no VALUE specified in the HTML were not cleared on
      hitting a Reset button as the text field of the token is NULL; fixed.
      SELECT lists with no default selection item were not being changed
      on hitting a Reset button; fixed. In radio groups with no default
      selection specified, no item will be selected. This goes against
      the HTML 2 spec but allows broken Navigator-esque forms behaviour.
      In consequence, radios can be deselected by clicking on the same
      one twice. I'd fixed the flickering experienced when doing this
      recently, but that, now, is irrelevant, since the state of a radio
      must always change.
      Reformatter's new 'find width of a SELECT field' didn't account for
      the width of <none> and <many> items, and now does (particularly
      important for broken items with no OPTION contents).
      Under certain circumstances, illegally named targets would open in the
      ancestor rather than a new window - a deliberate decision in the code,
      but now reversed due to a test suite failure; they'll open in a new
      window instead.
      Altered the left hand indent handling for lists so that headings and
      body text follow the Navigator 48 pixel indent and the bullet point
      items drop to the left of the left hand margin, rather than sitting
      on the margin with the text indented to the right.
      Tightened up the hotlist_load_directory checking of URLs, so that
      only those with '://' in - i.e. look fully specified - are accepted.
      HTML files are loaded into a new directory now.
      Items without a descriptive title in hotlist_new_url will have the URL
      substituted in instead. White space before and after descriptions and
      after URLs is stripped. Directories with zero length names or null
      strings (after white space is stripped) will still be created, with a
      generic name (see Messages, token 'HotlistUntitled').
  10. 24 Sep, 1997 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Tidied up Hotlist source a bit more, mostly so PSI can use the automatic · 26e079aa
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      StrongHelp generator on it. Revealed a spurious toolbox_hide_object call
      that would always fault and never do anything, and a few heinous uses
      of show_error which have all been removed.
      When dragging hotlist items, directories will now be highlighted whenever
      the item would be added to them, rather than just over the sprite. In
      practice this only changes if the item is open and has contents...
      Drag box selections had broken in the hotlist; fixed (uninitialised
      variable in hotlist_select_box). Adjust-drags now close the window on
      completion. Minor problem with Shift+Drag (copy) reversing order of items
      sorted out. Added hotlist_add_html_file and implemented loading of HTML.
      DO NOT add broken HTML files, this has not been coded for and URLs of the
      form http:///this/that (no host name) will hang the machine (bug in the
      cookie code of the HTTP module up to at least version 0.39).
      Made SELECT list items only as wide as the widest entry actually appears
      (using fm_get_string_width), rather than as wide as the widest character
      BBox in the font multiplied by the string length of the longest entry.
      Updated !Run[D] files to require HTTP 0.39, FTP 0.12 and File 0.23.
  11. 22 Sep, 1997 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Now working on source merged with Kevin Bracey's internationalisation support.... · f61afadd
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Now working on source merged with Kevin Bracey's internationalisation support. UNIFONT is undefined in the Make File for now. All Res and
      Choices files updated appropriately.
      Having sorted out the old Choices and Messages to form Choices, Controls
      and Messages, this build has had the same cleaning up done internally.
      This includes greater consistency in naming schemes and the removal of
      the inconsitent choices items - e.g. Choices file entries saying 'delay
      images' and 'plain backgrounds' where internally all the flags say 'show
      images' and 'show backgrounds'. ChoiceDefs.h and CtrlDefs.h added to
      clarify the meaning of some fields, though usage of these is not 100%
      in the source (there are cases where parameters are passed through to
      functions as ints, and those functions still check these against hard
      coded values rather than the #define stuff).
      Fetcher status return bits (connected, sent request, etc.) now reflected
      in status bar. Progress during fetchs to files are reported by %, where
      the size of the object is known. Exceeding 100% drops back to a byte
      counter, in case the estimated size was wrong. The progress counter
      may be updated after specific delays, rather than 'as often as possible',
      to reduce flicker (as requested by D.Brown some time ago).
      I've done a small rewrite of the fetch prioritisation scheme in FetchPage.c;
      how well this performs in general use across different processor speeds
      remains to be tested, but certainly it has some advantages. For each small
      fetch window before the rewrite, a 4cs tight loop was entered - this gave a
      noticable and substantial drain to the Desktop performance if more than one
      was opened. Now, several can be up at once with little hit. The actual file
      fetch is on half the priority it was before, with all others taken back
      just a bit - e.g. from 20cs per poll to 15cs per poll for flat out
      reformatting. You don't seem to lose much time on the format in practice,
      and the Desktop feels quite a bit lighter at the same time. There's the
      potential for smoother frameset loading in this scheme, too.
      When Shift+Clicking on a link meant you still fetched inside the main
      browser window, several fetches could occur in a frameset - one per frame.
      However, now that you can only do this by clicking on a link that leads to
      non-displayable data - or by turning off the small fetch windows by
      setting UseSmall to 'no' in Choices - a bug where fetchpage_preprocessed
      would stop such fetches as new ones were started was revealed.
      The API to frames_abort_fetching has now been extended to include a
      'stop file spooling too' flag, allowing a fix to be made by having
      fetchpage_preprocess's calls not set this (and it doesn't check the
      savelink flag is unset before proceeding, since frames_abort_fetching
      does that implicitly now).
      Had left the RAM transfer buffer at 16 bytes (from testing) accidentally...
      Oops. Upped it to 4K. In addition, when loading data by RAM transfer,
      the browser didn't notice if a RAMFetch bounced during the transfer. It
      would be treated as a 'first' RAMFetch bounce, basically, and try to go to
      file transfer - oops. Fixed.
  12. 18 Sep, 1997 3 commits
  13. 17 Sep, 1997 1 commit
  14. 16 Sep, 1997 1 commit
  15. 15 Sep, 1997 1 commit
  16. 12 Sep, 1997 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      As warned in the last log, pretty much all event codes and component IDs have... · e6b771f8
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      As warned in the last log, pretty much all event codes and component IDs have now changed along with many of the names, to provide a consistent name and numberspace for events and components. This also minimises number clashes (e.g. as was, the Save File origin when opened from a
      Hotlist menu with an already-used component ID). To get full details on
      this, please carefully read through TBEvents.h.
      Res files, Sprites files and Messages files have been updated again both
      due to the above, and routine additions (e.g. message support for a few
      Hotlist bits and pieces). !Run[D] files updated for FTP 0.11 and
      HTTP 0.36.
      In the Makefile, the Customer objects list was missing Save - must have
      moved something when I should've copied it, when adding in SaveFile or
      SaveObject in all probability. Now fixed. Couple of other bits and bobs
      fixed in the build environment (e.g. stuff saying !Argo instead of
      !Customer). Oh, and I've altered the MakeFile copy options again to the
      best compromise I can come up with. Newer is turned on for everything
      except !Run[D] and !RunImage, since both of those change between debug
      builds - otherwise if you'd built debug and non-debug versions, it was
      not possible to switch between them - one version would have the newer
      timestamp and thus never get overwritten.
      The default hotlist has had a few items added - that'll be about the end
      of it, I think; there's more than enough stuff in there now.
      Saving of the hotlist from the document menu and of URI files,
      directories and selections from the hotlist menu tree is now implemented
      - this new save system rocks... Oh, and you can save all images and
      backgrounds as sprites.
      Saving of items with Shift+Click to other applications directly now
      works, and is robust. Unique Scrap filenames are used, with data load
      bounces (e.g. if some pra - er, person quits the app they're sending
      to) working correctly - that is, give an error, keep the file, rename
      it to something safe, and open the directory it lies in. As opposed
      to normal app-to-app bounces, where the scrap file is deleted (see
      PRM 3-254). This means you can now look at README files in FTP
      sites, say, without using a disc intermediate. Or you can send pictures
      straight to ChangeFSI, fetch HTML links into editors, and so-on, and
      so-on - it's all very funky. Known problems include the ambiguous
      'invalid component ID' instead of 'file open' for *normal* (straight to
      disc) shift+click saves, and I think I'll introduce a unique name
      guarantee of some sort to stop 'file open' in the first place. Odd
      that the really tricky part (app-to-app) should be least likely to
      suffer from this!
  17. 09 Sep, 1997 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      First a minor warning - the various Res files are out of sync in this build. · 7656a1b3
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Only the Browse resources are currently valid.
      Added Utils.Icons - has a few archives inside containing the resources
      (well, some of them) used to build various UI sprites for various builds.
      Archived because these are unlikely to change much, and putting them on
      CVS was a move to, well, archive the stuff...
      SaveDBox objects vanquished and requirements in !Run[D] files removed. The
      data save code fits much more neatly in amongst the data load protocol
      stuff now (with the slight exception of having to split the SaveObject
      source into SaveObject and SaveFile - the former handles multiple persistent
      dialogues for Shift+Click on links and the like, the latter handles 'one at
      a time' transient dialogues for save source and similar). Export Link is now
      supported, too, and writes a 'proper' version URI file. You'll find that
      double-clicking on old URI files will work as the URI handler picks them up,
      whilst new version ones don't; however, dragging onto the browser will only
      work with new version files. Note that support for saving and loading URL
      files (ANT suite stuff) is present too, so old URI files can be typed as URL
      files if you want to keep them working without modification - the URI
      handler itself will hopefully support the defined URI file format soon;
      double-clicking on old URI files will stop working at that point. Note
      there are *lots* of changes in every Res file to support all this. This may
      all seem a bit pointless to some, but the changes do in fact make it very
      easy to add new save dialogues all over the place. Certainly much easier
      than with the previous system, anyway. In fact, post script, image
      'save as sprite' took about half an hour, which I hope proves the worth
      of the new system.
      Merged in newer hotlist code with support for drag cancelling with Escape
      (all relevant Res files appropriately updated) and cancelling scrolling
      when you've reached the window scroll limit. Had to move some of the
      Wimp message handling stuff to the central Protocols source, as clashes
      were occuring, and also the hotlist routines were using independent saving
      code - a lot of duplicated effort. This was fair enough as at the time the
      Hotlist code was written, the Save code couldn't be used in the way it is
      New Save Source and Print buttons on the toolbar of some builds.
      Phoenix Sprites file made more efficient - the Acorn base section has been
      split from the animated upper region. Browse build has a new grey fade
      sprite at the back, which is less grainy than the previous one and only
      uses 16 colours (with a 16 greyscale palette).
      Not really a bug, bug the routine to start an image fetch for INPUT
      TYPE=IMAGE forms items only did so if the src field (or equivalent, for
      this tag type) was non-NULL. In fact, you should always call image_new_image
      and let that handle the rest, otherwise other sections of the code will fail
      as they try to obtain an image number for a given HStream and get -1 back.
      This problem only generally manifested itself when loading an HTML file to
      the browser straight from an application, as many src fields become NULL
      when the relativisation routines find nothing to relativise to...
      Authentication got broken somewhere along the line - this has been fixed
      (in HTMLLib and the browser).
      Ctrl+Click on a cross referenced image updates *all* copies, not just the
      one with the image data attached.
      Next big step: Rip up TBEvents.h and rebuild that whole approach somewhat.
      To all those working on the code, my apologies but this means all Res files
      will receive a very large number of alterations and there will be extensive
      code changes too (mostly naming convention stuff), in more or less all
      source files. I am endeavouring to ensure that the new numberspace
      convention does not clash with the work being done by Kevin on
  18. 05 Sep, 1997 2 commits
  19. 03 Sep, 1997 3 commits
    • David Brown's avatar
      Canceling of drags implemented · 37aa211c
      David Brown authored
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      File fetches now set DEADDEAD during the fetch, Data if it is aborted, or an... · bece97ef
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      File fetches now set DEADDEAD during the fetch, Data if it is aborted, or an appropriate filetype when finished. If the fetcher routines return a zero or data filetype, the browser looks at a set of hard coded filename extensions to try and determine if there's a better filetype to use
      (urlutils_filetype_from_url) - since this is a centralised routine it can
      use a Mime mapping system (or be removed entirely) as and when one becomes
      You can now drag URI / URL files to the Hotlist window to add them to the
      list. They are added roughly where dragged to. (NB, note that I renamed
      the function to return the window ID - just being picky; it matches other
      similar functions now). Oh, and hotlist_add_position actually works now ;-)
      The global history will save when titles are added, as well as when a URL
      is added. Before, a browser crash could mean a title got dropped out
      of the history file even if SaveHistory was set to 'always'.
      SaveObject sources have been added but nothing references them or links
      them in yet - they're not finished. Mostly checking this one in because
      of the hotlist changes.
    • David Brown's avatar
      Extended API and fixed window opening bug · 1c84dd99
      David Brown authored
  20. 02 Sep, 1997 2 commits
  21. 01 Sep, 1997 1 commit
  22. 31 Aug, 1997 1 commit
    • Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
      Created Protocols source file and moved a lot of message handling from... · f3e8124f
      Andrew Hodgkinson authored
      Created Protocols source file and moved a lot of message handling from handle_messages - the latter now serves as a high level distributor to lower level functions in Protocols. Incidentally, URL files (as used by the ANT suite) can be loaded by dragging to the browser in the same way as URI files - Not A Lot Of People Know That, etc.
      Merged new hotlist display type Res file to existing resources, added
      support for DataSave message so items can be dragged from the hotlist
      to a specific window (RAM transfer for URI and URL files; ScrapFile for
      HTML and Text but deleted afterwards and there are appropriate guards
      to stop Reload just saying 'not found'; images run through ScrapFile and
      there is no choice but to leave them there and do a conventional fetch).
      All !RunD files now give a WimpSlot of 2304K. Some small changes to
      the Argo and Ursula build Res files to make the menu trees more sensible.
      Controls files now take 'file:/' instead of 'file://' in Protocols
      section. Definitions at top of URLutils.c *not* altered, as then you
      end up with invalid URLs - so it will accept 'file:/', but always generate
      'file://'. This is because some browsers exports 'file:/'. Sigh.
      make_no_[..._]memory_error functions now return a _kernel_oserror * rather
      than void. It's always &erb returned, but it enables users to use a more
      elegant 'return make_no_memory_error(1);', say, rather than something
      like 'make_no_memory_error(1); return &erb;'. I obviously should've written
      it like that at the outset, but never mind. All callers have been
      appropriately updated.
      The urlutils_leafname_from_url function now replaces illegal characters
      (A7000 Welcome Guide p54...) in the leaf with legal alternatives.
      Internal URL scheme is now a bit cleaner, with everything properly defined
      in URLutils.h. All references to http:, file: and ftp:, with or without
      a following '//' use the definitions in here now.
      More tidying and some reorganising of Hotlist source. Auto-open delay is
      now a Choices item. Some dependencies on statics removed (e.g. the
      counting functions don't accumulate into the global item_number now).
      The redraw functions used Wimp_TextOp - oops, so this has been amended
      to use whatever is supported on your Wimp. This is now in a new function
      (utils_text_width()), which the History menu routines also use (there was
      a bug in the width routine there anyway, which is therefore fixed in
      passing). Several other routines used Wimp_TextOp directly too, and
      they have been altered to use the new function as well.
      In hotlist code, one of the larger changes is in the API to hotlist_draw_r()
      (formerly _hotlist_draw()) which now takes item widths and heights as
      parameters - discovering these is quite slow, so doing it every time the
      function calls itself recursively is a little less efficient than
      passing the values in from elsewhere. Note that underscore prefixed
      functions are being slowly renamed to _r suffixed functions, to match
      the convention established by Tony Cheal with is table routines. This
      makes it much more obvious when something is recursive, as the same
      naming convention is used in every browser source file.
      Finally, note that I intend to ditch SaveDBox and use an alternate window
      with manual control of the messaging in Protocols.c. This will allow
      various improvements which at present the SaveDBox operational methods
      preclude. I'm going to have to do at least an alternate Window object for
      the SaveDBox module to use soon in any case. Getting rid of SaveDBox will
      help reduce, if only slightly, demands on the RMA.
  23. 29 Aug, 1997 2 commits
  24. 28 Aug, 1997 2 commits
  25. 27 Aug, 1997 2 commits