- 09 Sep, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Only the Browse resources are currently valid. Added Utils.Icons - has a few archives inside containing the resources (well, some of them) used to build various UI sprites for various builds. Archived because these are unlikely to change much, and putting them on CVS was a move to, well, archive the stuff... SaveDBox objects vanquished and requirements in !Run[D] files removed. The data save code fits much more neatly in amongst the data load protocol stuff now (with the slight exception of having to split the SaveObject source into SaveObject and SaveFile - the former handles multiple persistent dialogues for Shift+Click on links and the like, the latter handles 'one at a time' transient dialogues for save source and similar). Export Link is now supported, too, and writes a 'proper' version URI file. You'll find that double-clicking on old URI files will work as the URI handler picks them up, whilst new version ones don't; however, dragging onto the browser will only work with new version files. Note that support for saving and loading URL files (ANT suite stuff) is present too, so old URI files can be typed as URL files if you want to keep them working without modification - the URI handler itself will hopefully support the defined URI file format soon; double-clicking on old URI files will stop working at that point. Note there are *lots* of changes in every Res file to support all this. This may all seem a bit pointless to some, but the changes do in fact make it very easy to add new save dialogues all over the place. Certainly much easier than with the previous system, anyway. In fact, post script, image 'save as sprite' took about half an hour, which I hope proves the worth of the new system. Merged in newer hotlist code with support for drag cancelling with Escape (all relevant Res files appropriately updated) and cancelling scrolling when you've reached the window scroll limit. Had to move some of the Wimp message handling stuff to the central Protocols source, as clashes were occuring, and also the hotlist routines were using independent saving code - a lot of duplicated effort. This was fair enough as at the time the Hotlist code was written, the Save code couldn't be used in the way it is now. New Save Source and Print buttons on the toolbar of some builds. Phoenix Sprites file made more efficient - the Acorn base section has been split from the animated upper region. Browse build has a new grey fade sprite at the back, which is less grainy than the previous one and only uses 16 colours (with a 16 greyscale palette). Not really a bug, bug the routine to start an image fetch for INPUT TYPE=IMAGE forms items only did so if the src field (or equivalent, for this tag type) was non-NULL. In fact, you should always call image_new_image and let that handle the rest, otherwise other sections of the code will fail as they try to obtain an image number for a given HStream and get -1 back. This problem only generally manifested itself when loading an HTML file to the browser straight from an application, as many src fields become NULL when the relativisation routines find nothing to relativise to... Authentication got broken somewhere along the line - this has been fixed (in HTMLLib and the browser). Ctrl+Click on a cross referenced image updates *all* copies, not just the one with the image data attached. Next big step: Rip up TBEvents.h and rebuild that whole approach somewhat. To all those working on the code, my apologies but this means all Res files will receive a very large number of alterations and there will be extensive code changes too (mostly naming convention stuff), in more or less all source files. I am endeavouring to ensure that the new numberspace convention does not clash with the work being done by Kevin on internationalisation.
- 28 Aug, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Open URL implementation more or less complete, though may undergo UI revision at a later date to allow named frames to be targetted. Hope to use the ideas in this code as the foundation for other general dialogues. In token stream dump for TRACE builds, table head items were not indented as far as they should have been - this is fixed; and manual toolbar redraw routines have been removed. They never worked, were commented out, and would never be used in that form anyway. DragBox source added, but it isn't at all complete and won't work - this is an 'in spare time' thing. We need custom drag boxes constrained to windows for the hotlist, and unconstrained for frame border resizing... Hey ho. Ancestor window extents match visible areas if there are frames (no more scrolling framesets...!). Frame resizing works whilst new documents fetch without pulling the extent down now. However, frame horizontal extents never shrink until a reload which is nasty, and this is all due for a rewrite. Frames border redrawing routine moved out of Redraw.c and into Frames.c. Bug regarding the mouse rectangle and frame border widths (rectangle was too large, so you could squash the edges) for edge-drag frame resizes fixed. Window width change reformat tolerance fixed; you could creep the window width down or up forever without any reformat, and centred objects would move but not be redrawn (thereby giving rise to subsequent redraw errors). Filetype on objects saved through Shift+Click correct. Save Source dialogue recognises if that source is plain text, rather than assuming HTML. A browser that fetches a file remembers the old store size it had before the save, so even though the data is now ditched, it reports the same amount of data fetched afterwards (looked awful when this could, for example, suddenly say '0' after a file save). Progress indicator is now fully aware of one or many file saves inside a frameset and reports the number of saves, a colon, and the cumulative saved data count, instead of reporting the sum total of fetched data in all frames, including non-file save stuff (note that for just 1 save, '1:' is not shown as a special case for the most common condition). A bug related to this, where you could in fact only do one fetch per frame*set*, has been corrected (only one fetch allowed per frame still, this is unlikely to ever change). Hotlist support added (D.Brown's source), with various bits of integration and modification still in progress there. Note additions to the Messages files. On the subject of Messages, the whole mucky business about what goes in Messages or Choices (and a few bugs where lookup_choice was used instead of lookup_token or vice versa) has been sorted out. Messages contains, more or less, just that. Choices contains user configurable stuff which generally can't mess things up too badly. A new file, Controls, is a Messages file holding the non-user configurable choices, which can generally make things go badly wrong if misused. A lot of these are tied to the Res file. StrongED users can get these to automatically fold out the various sections (EMail me for details). Sorry, but at the time of writing, Zap doesn't do folding... =8*P Two bugs with images. Asking for images to be shown in browser B when browser A uses the same ones and was loaded first didn't work correctly, and now does (a bit weird - browser A does the fetch and browser B does the display...). Second one occurred when the background image was also used on the page as a foreground image. This has been fixed by flagging background images in the image_info structure, and checking this before cross referencing. This bit also allowed the image_restart_fetches API to be extended, so that just background or foreground images may be fetched if they weren't already and the user asked the browser to show them. Before, the whole lot had to be fetched together (so turning on 'display backgrounds' will now kick off an image fetch if required, you don't need to reload the page anymore). Makefile copy options tweaked to be 'newer' (so if you're testing with some temporary Choices file or something, it won't write over it at the end of every export), and REMOTE_HOTLIST flag added for Customer builds - means the Hotlist.c functions aren't needed; the old, hotlist-by-file method is used. Added support for Customer build (see later), though there were very few additions needed in practice. Table printing fixed - in many ways it wasn't broken, it was image printing causing the oddities ever since the global image pool was introduced (this is, again, fixed). The 'reformat to fit page' option didn't work as coded any more; tables store cell addresses in the HStreams, so you can't then do a background reformat in a different browser. Hence, it now has to reformat to the page width, print, then put the page back again, all in the actual displayed browser. This doesn't feel as slow in use as it perhaps should, considering what is going on... Note that a line of a defined fraction (see Print.h) of page height will now split over page boundaries, so tall images or tall tables don't cause problems now (aside from the obvious problem of having the line split over a page at all!). There was a bug in the routine to print from a given start point until 'n' pages had been filled, in that it always filled 'n + 1' - now fixed. Finally, as part of the printing tweaks, a new dialogue exists - PrintStyle - with a similarly named source file added to deal with it. Global history auto save / load done, but only to the Choices file path - the whole browser is still strictly single user at present, with all the extra work for a multiuser Customer environment yet to be done. This has shown up a global history corruption problem which I haven't fixed yet. Rationalising TBEvents.h - things are migrating out of it, and into more appropriate sources (e.g. definitions relating to the Open URL dialogue are going into OpenURL.h, etc.). Event codes were at one stage deliberately diverged in numberspace from the component IDs of typical gadgets raising the events, to avoid anyone getting confused and thinking the IDs and event codes must match. However, this is in fact unlikely and it is much easier to remember the fewer numbers that result from tying the two together where possible. This has resulted in changes to event codes raised in the following objects of all Res files: Authorise, Find, OpenURL, and PrintStyle. And finally - !Run[D] files for all variants updated to require the latest toolbox and fetcher modules. All Res files updated for hotlists etc. and sprites files updated appropriately. All Messages, Choices and Controls files brought in sync., and an Customer build has been added (based on the Desktop build binary with different resources). That's all for now...
- 18 Aug, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Limits.h, and ensured consistent comment styling throughout all sources. Fetch.c/h split to Fetch, FetchHTML and URLveneer. URLstat.c/h produced to cope with this. OpenURL and Find sources created from bits in the Windows source file that shouldn't have been there... These will get filled out shortly. Note that a few functions in Fetch are due to be renamed and moved; probably to Tokenutils.
- 12 Aug, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Quite a few general source changes throughout many files to sort out swapped toolbars. There will be more work on this shortly. svcprint.c has been modified to allow it to output to a file in PipeFS, so TML-less machines can still use the standard browser debug routines (albeit in a less than elegant fashion). Comments in that source file give more details. Plus a few more bug fixes.
- 08 Aug, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
(adding up to a greater whole), which include removal of the dastardly 'invalid image number' errors that trace builds would raise from time to time. Frame highlights are now better controlled (releaseably so). Generally, this build represents the first genuinely promising version of the browser for quite some time, despite the known library problems with comment handling etc.
- 18 Jul, 1997 1 commit
Ben Laughton authored