Updated Hotlists - USNA HTML resources and 6025 TV room pages had moved,
MIDI themes is unreachable, Hensa has been restructured. For table cells where the line or chunk data totals less than Flex_256_Point bytes (see top of Memory.c, current value is 8192) there would be an over- allocation of 1 byte per cell due to a (now fixed) bug in the granular allocator. This would translate into 4 bytes wastage of course, and may represent a small speed penalty depending on how flex works out block word alignment. Several entries in the Choices file were missing from save_save_choices in its new form (see last check-in). Added back in. Ursula and Phoenix Res files contained an incorrect component ID in pane 3 that was stopping the 'no scroll bars' option in pane 7 working correctly (duplicate component ID). Res files corrected; TRACE builds will now spot such errors and give a warning when they occur (in choices_find_component). Table widthing code fixes: * Very wide table cell specifiers (e.g. TD WIDTH="2000") were ignored, but this isn't what Navigator / MSIE 4 do. This code was present because of other bugs in the widther, long since fixed. The code has been commented out - if the problem reappears the use of the code can be re-investigated, but as far as I can tell it isn't needed. * If two pixel specified cells appear one above the other, the first would always have been taken for use in the final width calculation even if it specified a smaller width than the second. The check was made to ensure that pixel specifiers were chosen in preference to other cells, which is OK, but it didn't notice if the current cell was also a pixel specifier! Fixed; you now get the widest. * The TRACE build 'Colspan cell xxx would have been width yyy, below minimum width of zzz' error should no longer happen. In a manner similar to the bug mentioned above, two cells above each other spanning the same columns with the lower cell narrower than the upper would end up with the narrower width. The code that trapped and corrected the error was not compiled out of release builds, even though the error message generation was, because the rendering would fail otherwise. The widther has now been fixed not to make this mistake and the final check is now strictly TRACE build only, thereby speeding up table widthing for non-TRACE builds. * Another use of MSIE4StyleTables option, for cellspacing; it's based on the actual used cells, rather than the maximum cell width caused by COLSPAN etc. So if you've a cell with a big COLSPAN but as a heading but the rest of the table only uses, say, 4 columns, you won't get a gap to the right which adds up to the spacing for all of the cells that the COLSPAN attribute in the heading implied. The option was actually intended as 'bad things when switched on', and though in this case it makes for a better rendering, it does hide an error in the HTML. Note Navigator 4 acts as Browse with MSIE4StyleTables off in this particular case. Oh, it works in both ways of course, so the table height routine had to be updated too. A new function, tables_find_actual_size, exists to support the feature in general. Messages files updated to v2.05 (21-Apr-98). Help menu items renamed a bit in Ursula, Phoenix and Customer Res files, but entries still point to the same URLs. Phoenix button bar markers have been brought closer together to stop them being visible when only the URL bar is meant to be present.
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