Commit 6ff9e19e authored by Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar Andrew Hodgkinson
Browse files

Another intermediate version, rather more stable than the last I hope.

Lazy clearing of backgrounds - pages with the same background image or
colour won't be cleared to grey when going from one to the next anymore.

BODY element onLoad script attribute implemented properly (beyond the
Customer hackery).

Images use independent flex blocks for URL and transient fetch data;
greatly improved data throughput in image system as a result. Image
renumbering implemented - speeds up closing of pages / frames with
many images. Image xref is still rather slow though and images with
a 0 width or height specified in the HTML still cause an incorrectly
formatted page to appear.

Have, I think, fixed the "stops anti-aliasing" bug. Noticed that some
background images are not being processed as Fast (e.g. at the
Fibblesnork Lego Guide) - that old problem has reappeared, then.

Background images would cross reference when two pages had the same
background colour set in <body> elements but one was configured to use
document colours and one wasn't (so xref should not occur). Code was
looking at b->background_colour; corrected to call redraw_backcol(b).

Titles were added to the history according to the fetch URL not the
display URL, though the former is more likely to be in the history due
to the code execution order in the fetcher; changed to see whether this
improves upon the rather hit and miss addition of titles.

The 'about:' page now gets entered into the history (makes for much more
sensible behaviour if it is configured as a Home page, for example).
parent d78a1df8
......@@ -224,6 +224,35 @@ PlugInControl:asap
# Image garbage collection
# ========================
# CollectAfter - If 'yes', garbage collection occurs after a new page
# fetch is completed (free memory etc. permitting). This may
# mean higher transient memory requirements of course. If
# 'no', garbage collection occurs the moment a page is
# cleared ready for a new one to fetch. This will affect how
# high you might want to set UnusedImageLimit.
# FreeRAMLimit - If free memory falls below this amount when a new image is
# to be created, the garbage collection system is run to try
# and get more RAM. The amount is specified in kilobytes.
# Only as many images as need to be deleted to maintain the
# required free memory, are deleted. So, use 0 for unlimited
# (UnusedImageLimit becomes the only constraint).
# UnusedImageLimit - If the number of images a browser is holding ready for
# garbage collection exceeds the value given here, get rid
# of an unused image - so this number of unused images will
# be reached and thereafter maintained, since for each image
# created, one pending garbage collection is removed. Use
# zero to effectively disable image garbage collection;
# images from a current page are discard the moment that
# browser window goes to a new location. Use -1 for
# unlimited (FreeRAMLimit becomes the only constraint).
# Hotlist controls
# ================
......@@ -1266,12 +1266,15 @@ void fetch_preprocess_token(browser_data * b, HStream * tptr)
/* Try adding this title to the history, ignoring any errors */
history_add_title(browser_fetch_url(b), p);
history_add_title(browser_current_url(b), p);
if (tptr->tag == BODY)
int bg_set = 0;
int fg_set = 0;
/* The BODY tag. All sorts of exciting stuff in here... */
if (HtmlBODYbgcolour(tptr) != NULL_COLOUR)
......@@ -1292,6 +1295,8 @@ void fetch_preprocess_token(browser_data * b, HStream * tptr)
if (b->background_image < 0) b->antialias_colour = b->background_colour;
browser_update_bottom(b, 0);
bg_set = 1;
/* Background images */
......@@ -1302,19 +1307,31 @@ void fetch_preprocess_token(browser_data * b, HStream * tptr)
/* and remember the image number in the browser_data structure */
image_new_image(b, HtmlBODYbackground(tptr), tptr, 2, NULL);
b->antialias_colour = redraw_backcol(b); /* For the time being, at least */
bg_set = 1;
b->background_image = -1;
b->antialias_colour = redraw_backcol(b);
/* Get the rest of the colour info out */
if (HtmlBODYtext (tptr) != NULL_COLOUR) b->text_colour = HtmlBODYtext (tptr);
if (HtmlBODYlink (tptr) != NULL_COLOUR) b->link_colour = HtmlBODYlink (tptr);
if (HtmlBODYvlink(tptr) != NULL_COLOUR) b->used_colour = HtmlBODYvlink(tptr);
if (HtmlBODYalink(tptr) != NULL_COLOUR) b->followed_colour = HtmlBODYalink(tptr);
if (HtmlBODYtext (tptr) != NULL_COLOUR) fg_set = 1, b->text_colour = HtmlBODYtext (tptr);
if (HtmlBODYlink (tptr) != NULL_COLOUR) fg_set = 1, b->link_colour = HtmlBODYlink (tptr);
if (HtmlBODYvlink(tptr) != NULL_COLOUR) fg_set = 1, b->used_colour = HtmlBODYvlink(tptr);
if (HtmlBODYalink(tptr) != NULL_COLOUR) fg_set = 1, b->followed_colour = HtmlBODYalink(tptr);
/* Pull out the onload and onunload scripts */
if (HtmlBODYonload (tptr)) b->onload = HtmlBODYonload (tptr);
if (HtmlBODYonload(tptr)) b->onload = HtmlBODYonload(tptr);
else b->onload = bg_set ? "" : NULL;
if (HtmlBODYonunload(tptr)) b->onunload = HtmlBODYonunload(tptr);
else b->onunload = bg_set ? "" : NULL;
/* Deal with META... tags */
......@@ -1700,8 +1717,9 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
/* Write to the global history */
if (
b->displayed == Display_Fetched_Page ||
b->displayed == Display_External_Image
b->displayed == Display_Fetched_Page ||
b->displayed == Display_External_Image ||
b->displayed == Display_About_Page
history_record(b, b->urlddata);
......@@ -1747,35 +1765,58 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
b->final_token = NULL; /* Last HStream structure dealt with */
b->last_char = ' '; /* Last character dealt with */
b->background_colour = -1; /* Background colour, or -1 for default */
b->background_image = -1; /* Image no. of background image, 0=none */
b->text_colour = choices.text_colour; /* Body text default colour */
b->link_colour = choices.link_colour; /* Link text default colour */
b->used_colour = choices.used_colour; /* Followed link default colour */
b->antialias_colour = redraw_backcol(b); /* Colour to anti-alias to, or -1=none */
b->followed_colour = choices.followed_colour; /* Following link default colour */
b->selected_colour = choices.selected_colour; /* Selected (highlighted) link colour */
b->onload = NULL; /* <BODY onload> attribute */
b->onunload = NULL; /* <BODY onunload> attribute */
if (b->reloading || (b->onload == NULL && b->onunload == NULL))
b->background_colour = -1; /* Background colour, or -1 for default */
b->background_image = -1; /* Image no. of background image, 0=none */
b->antialias_colour = redraw_backcol(b); /* Colour to anti-alias to, or -1=none */
b->onload = NULL; /* <BODY onload> attribute */
b->onunload = NULL; /* <BODY onunload> attribute */
// Eeek! Needs doing, but not here. The SCRIPT callbacks would have gone off
// by now, so all of the functions just defined for this page are trashed;
// and trashed *after* the scripts have already run with the previous page's
// stuff visible. Fix me, fix me, fix me...
// /* For JavaScript, close down the old context for the window and */
// /* get a new one - we shouldn't be able to access things defined */
// /* in the previous page in this new page. */
// #ifdef JAVASCRIPT
// javascript_lose_context(b);
// if (fetch_chkerror(b, javascript_gain_context(b, b->ancestor))) return;
// #endif
/* If this was a History-based fetch, clear the flag */
b->from_history = 0;
b->from_history = 0;
/* Ensure the nesting level and filling frame counters are reset */
b->nesting_level = 0;
b->filling_frame = 0;
b->nesting_level = 0;
b->filling_frame = 0;
/* Allow scroll bars to be reset */
b->tools_lock = 1;
b->tools_lock = 1;
/* Cancel any pending automatic fetches */
if (b->meta_refresh_at) deregister_null_claimant(Wimp_ENull, (WimpEventHandler *) meta_check_refresh, b);
b->meta_refresh_at = 0;
b->meta_refresh_url = NULL;
......@@ -1829,6 +1870,10 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
/* If forcing a reload, garbage collect immediately */
if (b->reloading) image_gc(b, 0, 1);
/* Flag that images need to be garbage collected later (as */
/* free memory drops down after the fetch), and call the */
/* garbage collector now since we may have exceeded the */
......@@ -1890,18 +1935,6 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
toolbars_cancel_status(b, Toolbars_Status_Connecting);
toolbars_update_status(b, Toolbars_Status_Fetching);
// /* For JavaScript, close down the old context for the window and */
// /* get a new one - we shouldn't be able to access things defined */
// /* in the previous page in this new page. */
// #ifdef JAVASCRIPT
// javascript_lose_context(b);
// if (fetch_chkerror(b, javascript_gain_context(b, b->ancestor))) return;
// #endif
/* Since the new fetch is now official, update the current and previous */
/* page variables */
......@@ -2082,6 +2115,10 @@ _kernel_oserror * fetch_cancel(browser_data * b)
if (b->meta_refresh_at) deregister_null_claimant(Wimp_ENull, (WimpEventHandler *) meta_check_refresh, b);
b->meta_refresh_at = 0;
/* If an onLoad JavaScript specifier was present, cancel it too */
if (b->onload) b->onload = "";
/* If not fetching, exit here */
if (!fetch_fetching(b)) return NULL;
......@@ -2568,7 +2568,6 @@ browser_data * frames_find_target(browser_data * b, const char * target)
/* the relevant browser_data structure with */
/* frames_find_browser_from_index. */
/* */
/* */
/* Parameters: Pointer to a browser_data struct */
/* representing the parent (it and */
/* all its children are searched for */
......@@ -84,10 +84,15 @@ static void image_remove_all_data (int image);
static void image_delay (browser_data * b, int image);
static void image_abandon (browser_data * b, int image);
static void image_prepare (browser_data * b, HStream * token, int image, int background);
static void image_delete_image_entry (int image);
static void image_mark_as_deleted (int i);
static void image_mark_as_gcable (int i);
static void image_destroy (int image);
static int image_renumber (int old, int new);
static int image_purge_deleted_entries (void);
static void image_post_deletion_clearup (void);
static int image_gc_oldest (browser_data * b);
static void image_refetch (browser_data * b, int image, int priority, int redraw);
static _kernel_oserror * image_update_area (browser_data * b, int x, int y, BBox * ubox, int image, int redraw);
......@@ -95,7 +100,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * image_update_image (browser_data * b, int ima
static _kernel_oserror * image_register_filler (int xref);
static int image_data_offset (int image);
//static int image_data_offset (int image);
static int image_count_fetches (browser_data * b);
static int image_get_token_image_xref (browser_data * b, HStream * token);
......@@ -111,7 +116,6 @@ static int image_can_be_saved_as_sprite (browser_data * b, int i);
/* Locals */
static image_info * idata = NULL; /* Flex block for image_info structures (referenced as an array) */
static char * ddata = NULL; /* Flex block for in-transit fetch data, URLs, etc. */
static int nimages = 0; /* Current number of image_info structures in idata array */
static int lastimage = 0; /* Used to work out what image_process_null should handle next */
static int animhandler = 0; /* Flag so code knows when to (de)register GIF animation handler */
......@@ -426,47 +430,21 @@ static _kernel_oserror * image_load_chunk(browser_data * b, int image, char * bu
static void image_remove_data(browser_data * b, int image)
int p, oldsize, remove;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_remove_data: Called for image %d\n",image);
/* Get the current data size */
oldsize = flex_size((flex_ptr) &ddata);
/* The alloc field holds the total amount of data associated */
/* with the image, and the ualloc field holds the amount */
/* that the URL uses. So subtract ualloc from alloc to get */
/* the amount that must be removed. */
remove = idata[image].alloc - idata[image].ualloc;
if (remove)
if (idata[image].flex->fetchdata)
/* Need to shuffle the rest of the flex block */
/* down and shrink the block, if this isn't */
/* the last image (i.e. p != oldsize). */
p = image_data_offset(image) + idata[image].alloc;
if (p != oldsize) memmove(ddata + p - remove, ddata + p, oldsize - p);
flex_extend((flex_ptr) &ddata, oldsize - remove);
#ifdef TRACE
flexcount -= remove;
flexcount -= flex_size(&idata[image].flex->fetchdata);
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
/* Subtract the amount removed from the alloc field */
/* and set isize to zero, i.e. we're not storing */
/* any image data anymore. */
idata[image].alloc -= remove;
idata[image].isize = 0;
idata[image].flex->fetchdata = NULL;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_remove_data: Successful\n");
......@@ -485,45 +463,38 @@ static void image_remove_data(browser_data * b, int image)
static void image_remove_all_data(int image)
int p, oldsize, remove;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_remove_all_data: Called for image %d\n",image);
/* Get the current data size */
oldsize = flex_size((flex_ptr) &ddata);
if (!idata[image].flex) return;
/* The alloc field holds the total amount of data associated */
/* with the image. */
remove = idata[image].alloc;
if (remove)
if (idata[image].flex->urldata)
/* Need to shuffle the rest of the flex block */
/* down and shrink the block, if this isn't */
/* the last image */
p = image_data_offset(image);
#ifdef TRACE
flexcount -= flex_size((flex_ptr) &idata[image].flex->urldata);
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
if (oldsize - p - remove) memmove(ddata + p, ddata + p + remove, oldsize - p - remove);
flex_free((flex_ptr) &idata[image].flex->urldata);
flex_extend((flex_ptr) &ddata, oldsize - remove);
idata[image].flex->urldata = NULL;
if (idata[image].flex->fetchdata)
#ifdef TRACE
flexcount -= remove;
flexcount -= flex_size(&idata[image].flex->fetchdata);
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
/* Subtract the amount removed from the alloc field */
/* and set isize to zero, i.e. we're not storing */
/* any image data anymore. */
idata[image].flex->fetchdata = NULL;
idata[image].alloc = 0;
idata[image].isize = 0;
idata[image].flex = NULL;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_remove_all_data: Successful\n");
......@@ -864,7 +835,7 @@ static void image_prepare(browser_data * b, HStream * token, int image, int back
_kernel_oserror * image_new_image(browser_data * b, const char * url, HStream * token, int background, int * handle)
int size, ok, ulen;
int ok, ulen;
int xref;
int use_xref = 0;
int tried_once = 0;
......@@ -931,15 +902,15 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_new_image(browser_data * b, const char * url, HStream *
/* Can we simply create a cross reference to another image? */
if (
idata[i].alloc && /* The image has data allocated for it */
idata[i].xref < 0 && /* The image doesn't cross reference things itself */
idata[i].background == !!background && /* We're not trying to make a b/g an f/g or vice versa */
!strcmp(url, ddata + image_data_offset(i)) && /* This holds a URL which matches that passed in */
idata[i].flex->urldata && /* The image has an associated URL */
idata[i].xref < 0 && /* The image doesn't cross reference things itself */
idata[i].background == !!background && /* We're not trying to make a b/g an f/g or vice versa */
!strcmp(url, idata[i].flex->urldata) && /* This holds a URL which matches that passed in */
!background || /* This isn't a background image, or... */
!background || /* This isn't a background image, or... */
background && /* If this is a background image, the background */
idata[i].owner->background_colour == b->background_colour /* colours match in the two owner browsers */
background && /* If this is a background image, the background */
redraw_backcol(idata[i].owner) == redraw_backcol(b) /* colours match in the two owner browsers */
......@@ -951,14 +922,10 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_new_image(browser_data * b, const char * url, HStream *
if (xref >= 0) ulen = 0; /* Don't need any extra data for a cross referenced image. */
ulen = (strlen(url) + 1);
ulen = (int) WordAlign(ulen);
/* Don't need to hold the URL for a cross referenced image */
size = ulen;
if (xref >= 0) ulen = 0;
else ulen = strlen(url) + 1;
/* Are we cross-referencing an image which is ready for garbage */
/* collection? If so, we can just claim this one. */
......@@ -1021,7 +988,39 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_new_image(browser_data * b, const char * url, HStream *
while (!ok);
if (ok)
/* Throw back an error if out of memory */
if (!ok)
erb.errnum = Utils_Error_Custom_Message;
lookup_token("NoMemImg:There is not enough free memory for any new images (%0).",
return &erb;
/* Increment the image counter, zero the contents of the image_info structure */
/* and fill in some of the fields where contents are known now. */
memset(&idata[nimages], 0, sizeof(image_info)); /* Precautionary catch-all */
idata[nimages].owner = b;
idata[nimages].x = -1;
idata[nimages].y = -1;
idata[nimages].token = token;
idata[nimages].last_used = time(NULL);
idata[nimages].xref = xref;
idata[nimages].background = !!background;
idata[nimages].hadfiller = 0;
/* Allocate space for the URL */
if (ulen)
tried_once = 0;
......@@ -1029,19 +1028,14 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_new_image(browser_data * b, const char * url, HStream *
/* Allocate space for the image data */
if (ddata)
int oldsize;
idata[nimages].flex = malloc(sizeof(image_flex));
#ifdef TRACE
flexcount += sizeof(image_info);
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
if (!idata[nimages].flex) ok = 0;
else ok = 1;
oldsize = flex_size ((flex_ptr) &ddata);
ok = flex_extend((flex_ptr) &ddata, oldsize + size);
else ok = flex_alloc ((flex_ptr) &ddata, size);
memset(idata[nimages].flex, 0, sizeof(image_flex));
if (ok) ok = flex_alloc((flex_ptr) &idata[nimages].flex->urldata, ulen);
if (!ok && !tried_once)
......@@ -1053,7 +1047,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_new_image(browser_data * b, const char * url, HStream *
while (!ok);
/* Throw back an error if out of memory */
/* Again, throw back an error if out of memory */
if (!ok)
......@@ -1068,30 +1062,10 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_new_image(browser_data * b, const char * url, HStream *
#ifdef TRACE
flexcount += size;
flexcount += ulen;
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
/* Increment the image counter, zero the contents of the image_info structure */
/* and fill in some of the fields where contents are known now. */
memset(&idata[nimages], 0, sizeof(image_info)); /* Precautionary catch-all */
idata[nimages].owner = b;
idata[nimages].x = -1;
idata[nimages].y = -1;
idata[nimages].alloc = size;
idata[nimages].ualloc = ulen;
idata[nimages].isize = 0;
idata[nimages].token = token;
idata[nimages].last_used = time(NULL);
idata[nimages].xref = xref;
idata[nimages].background = !!background;
idata[nimages].hadfiller = 0;
/* Set the 'delayed' flag if it's not a background image and */
/* images are flagged as not being shown right now, or if it */
/* is a backgrond image and backgrounds are flagged to be */
......@@ -1112,11 +1086,11 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_new_image(browser_data * b, const char * url, HStream *
/* If there's data for a URL, copy it into the above allocated block */
/* and ImageLib about the new image. */
/* and inform ImageLib of the new image. */
if (ulen)
strcpy(ddata + image_data_offset(nimages), url);
strcpy(idata[nimages].flex->urldata, url);
#ifdef ALL_FAST
idata[nimages].istore = NewImage(NULL, IMAGE_FAST);
......@@ -1216,32 +1190,43 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_process_null(browser_data * b)
fetches < choices.max_images
const char * referer = browser_current_url(b);
e = html_get(ddata + image_data_offset(image), /* Document to fetch */
NULL, /* Pointer to any extra data */
(int *) &idata[image].handle, /* Place to return the fetch handle */
URL_Method_http_GET, /* Fetch method */
const char * referer = browser_base_url(b);
char * url = malloc(strlen(idata[image].flex->urldata) + 1);
#ifndef SINGLE_USER, /* User name for MailServ, if using */
#else /* a multiuser version */
0, /* 0 = Don't parse fetched data */
!b->reloading, /* 1 = Proxy can be used, 0 = can't */
referer); /* URL of referring page */
if (url)
strcpy(url, idata[image].flex->urldata);
e = html_get(url, /* Document to fetch */
NULL, /* Pointer to any extra data */
(int *) &idata[image].handle, /* Place to return the fetch handle */
URL_Method_http_GET, /* Fetch method */
#ifndef SINGLE_USER, /* User name for MailServ, if using */
#else /* a multiuser version */
0, /* 0 = Don't parse fetched data */
!b->reloading, /* 1 = Proxy can be used, 0 = can't */
referer); /* URL of referring page */
else e = NULL; /* Suppress compiler warning */
if (e)
if (!url || e)
/* Don't report it; countless 'I've failed' reports for */
/* the very beginning of a fetch are not very helpful. */
/* Particularly, 'file not found' for file fetches, can */
/* be major pain. */
/* Particularly, 'file not found' for file fetches can */
/* be major pain! */
image_abandon(b, image);
return NULL;
url = NULL;
while (image != lastimage && !idata[image].handle);
......@@ -1344,7 +1329,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_process_null(browser_data * b)
/* called, the sprite will plot slowly resulting in */
/* (typically) painfully slow redraws. */
if (image == idata[image].owner->background_image)
if (image == b->background_image) // idata[image].owner->background_image)
b->antialias_colour = redraw_backcol(b);
......@@ -1387,8 +1372,12 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_process_null(browser_data * b)
int remn, sofar, waiting;
int realsize;
int oldsize;
HStream * tptr;
void * store;
char * url = malloc(strlen(idata[image].flex->urldata) + 1);
if (url) strcpy(url, idata[image].flex->urldata);
/* Go in with no store; only interested in new data, as */
/* anything fetched so far goes into the ddata block. */
......@@ -1401,28 +1390,32 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_process_null(browser_data * b)
/* block each time, it won't be able to see the whole header */
/* block and the fetch fails (well, the image library keeps */
/* waiting for something to happen). At the time of writing this */
/* is demonstrated by the images at'. */
/* is demonstrated by the images at */
if (idata[image].isize)
if (idata[image].flex->fetchdata)
int p = image_data_offset(image) + idata[image].ualloc;
int isize = flex_size(&idata[image].flex->fetchdata);
/* Complain if the flex allocation fails, else copy the data across */
if (!flex_alloc(&store, idata[image].isize))
if (!flex_alloc(&store, isize))
image_abandon(b, image);
return NULL;
int budge = flex_set_budge(0);
#ifdef TRACE
flexcount += idata[image].isize;
flexcount += isize;
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
memcpy(store, ddata + p, idata[image].isize);
memcpy(store, idata[image].flex->fetchdata, isize);
......@@ -1460,17 +1453,23 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_process_null(browser_data * b)
/* Call the fetch routine */
e = html_get_next_token(b,
ddata + image_data_offset(image),
if (url)
e = html_get_next_token(b,
else e = NULL; /* Suppress compiler warning */
if (e)
if (!url || e)
/* If there's an error, free the store and ditch the image */
......@@ -1490,9 +1489,18 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_process_null(browser_data * b)
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_process_null: Exitting with error\n");
return e;
/* Only return errors in STRICT_PARSER builds for similar reason to */
/* suppression of any errors from html_get above. */
return e;
return NULL;
url = NULL;
if (store)
......@@ -1527,23 +1535,23 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_process_null(browser_data * b)
/* How much data was added? */
if (store) realsize = flex_size(&store) - idata[image].isize; /* We already had 'isize' bytes before the fetcher was entered */
else realsize = 0;
oldsize = idata[image].flex->fetchdata ? flex_size(&idata[image].flex->fetchdata) : 0;
realsize = store ? flex_size(&store) - oldsize : 0;
/* If we've got data in the local store, copy it to the image store. */
if (realsize >= 0)
if (realsize > 0)
int p, oldsize;
int ok;
int amount = flex_size(&store);
int budge;
/* oldsize holds the whole image data block size (for all images) */
/* Make enough room for the extra data */
oldsize = flex_size((flex_ptr) &ddata);
if (idata[image].flex->fetchdata) ok = flex_extend(&idata[image].flex->fetchdata, amount);
else ok = flex_alloc (&idata[image].flex->fetchdata, amount);
/* Allocate 'size' extra bytes, doing the relevant error handling */
/* code if the allocation fails */
if (!flex_extend((flex_ptr) &ddata, oldsize + realsize))
if (!ok)
#ifdef TRACE
flexcount -= flex_size(&store);
......@@ -1573,26 +1581,27 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_process_null(browser_data * b)
/* p points to the first byte after the data used by this image */
p = image_data_offset(image) + idata[image].alloc;
/* Copy the added data from the temporary store into the image's store */
/* Move all data from p up to the end of the block (as was, hence */
/* oldsize) along the block by size bytes, effectively creating */
/* a gap of that many bytes just after this image's data. If p */
/* = oldsize, this was the last image in the block and there's */
/* no data above it to move (so don't do the memmove). */
budge = flex_set_budge(0);
if (p != oldsize) memmove(ddata + p + realsize, ddata + p, oldsize - p);
memcpy(((char *) idata[image].flex->fetchdata) + oldsize,
((char *) store) + oldsize,
/* Copy the new data into that gap */
memcpy(ddata + p, ((char *) store) + idata[image].isize, realsize);
/* Free the temporary store, if it was used */
/* Update the image's image data and total data pointers */
if (store)
#ifdef TRACE
flexcount -= flex_size(&store);
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
idata[image].alloc += realsize;
idata[image].isize += realsize;
/* Act according to the fetch status */
......@@ -1601,54 +1610,45 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_process_null(browser_data * b)
case 1: break; /* Nothing happened yet, or the HTTP response header is still coming in */
case 2: break; /* Redirected, we can ignore and wait for the fetcher to cope */
case 0: /* Not awaiting delivery (shouldn't happen in this context, but here 'just in case') */
case 3: /* We have some data */
case 0: /* Not awaiting delivery (shouldn't happen in this context, but here 'just in case') */
case 3: /* We have some data */
int i, n, n1;
int offset, remaining, this_block;
/* Flag that a fetch has started to happen */
/* Flag that a fetch is in progress (rather than headers still */
/* arriving, waiting, or redirecting) */
idata[image].started = 1;
/* Set 'n' to the size of data that was fetched */
if (store) n = flex_size(&store);
else n = 0;
/* Increment the 'bytes so far' counter for the image */
idata[image].bytesgot += n;
idata[image].bytesgot += realsize;
/* Push the data into the library, in chunks defined by */
/* the size of 'buffer' (allocated as a char[] above). */
/* We do this as we can't be sure the ImageLib Load */
/* function is flex-safe, so the recently fetched data */
/* is copiedied into a temporary, non-movable block. */
i = 0;
offset = oldsize;
remaining = realsize;
while (n)
while (remaining > 0)
n1 = n;
this_block = remaining;
if (n1 > sizeof(buffer)) n1 = sizeof(buffer);
memcpy(buffer, (char *) store + i, n1);
if (this_block > sizeof(buffer)) this_block = sizeof(buffer);
memcpy(buffer, ((char *) idata[image].flex->fetchdata) + offset, this_block);
i += n1;
n -= n1;
offset += this_block;
remaining -= this_block;
e = image_load_chunk(b, image, buffer, n1);
e = image_load_chunk(b, image, buffer, this_block);
if (e)
/* If there's an error, free the store and ditch the image */
if (store)
#ifdef TRACE
flexcount -= flex_size(&store);
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
/* If there's an error, ditch the image */
image_abandon(b, image);
......@@ -1668,18 +1668,6 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_process_null(browser_data * b)
/* Free the temporary store, if it was used */
if (store)
#ifdef TRACE
flexcount -= flex_size(&store);
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
/* Closure of long 'if' that deals with either continuing */
/* to fetch data for an image, or getting the first chunk */
/* of data for a fetch. (The code immediately above is for */
......@@ -1704,105 +1692,98 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_process_null(browser_data * b)
/* image_delete_image_entry() */
/* */
/* Deletes an image_info structure from the */
/* array of structures. The cross reference */
/* image numbers of subsequent images are */
/* adjusted appropriately. */
/* image_mark_as_deleted() */
/* */
/* The idata flex block is not shrunk; this is */
/* expected to be ,one externally, to avoid */
/* possibly freeing many small blocks */
/* consecutively (which can be slow with flex). */
/* E.g. see image_post_deletion_clearup. */
/* Mark an image as deleted, but don't remove it */
/* from the image array yet. When all images */
/* that are to be deleted have been thus marked, */
/* call image_purge_deleted_entries before */
/* continuing. */
/* */
/* NOTE. Since this removes items from the idata */
/* array, if you're calling during a for() loop */
/* scanning that array, count *backwards* from */
/* nimages - 1 to 0. Otherwise, clearly, things */
/* will go horribly wrong. */
/* Does not free any memory at all, in the image */
/* array or any other blocks. Does not cancel */
/* fetches or sort out other image references */
/* such as background_image fields in */
/* browser_data structures either, because this */
/* may be called when images are renumbered */
/* rather than wholly removed. If completely */
/* wiping an image, make sure you do all of that */
/* *before* calling here. */
/* */
/* Parameters: Image number to remove. */
/* Parameters: Number of the image to mark as */
/* deleted. */
static void image_delete_image_entry(int image)
static void image_mark_as_deleted(int i)
browser_data * b;
int i;
/* Try to set the flags up so that if for some horrific */
/* reason this image should end up being processed as a */
/* "live" item, it'll do minimum damage! */
if (lastimage == image) lastimage--;
if (lastimage >= nimages) lastimage = nimages - 1;
idata[i].handle = 0;
idata[i].istore = NULL;
/* Only need to alter xref numbers or move flex data */
/* around if this wasn't the last image in the block */
idata[i].deleted = 1;
if (image < nimages) /* (Not 'nimages - 1' as nimages has been decremented by this point) */
memmove(&idata[image], &idata[image + 1], sizeof(image_info) * (nimages - image));
idata[i].fetched = 1;
idata[i].delayed = 0;
idata[i].success = 1;
for (i = image; i < nimages; i++)
#ifdef TRACE
if (idata[i].xref == image) Printf("JUST DELETED IMAGE %d WHICH WAS XREF'D AND SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN\n", i);
idata[i].hadfirst = 1;
idata[i].reformat = 0;
idata[i].hadfiller = 0;
idata[i].canredraw = 0;
idata[i].priority = 0;
/* Did this cross reference an image which will have changed number? */
if (idata[i].xref > image) idata[i].xref--;
/* Update the associated token */
if (idata[i].token)
idata[i].token->flags &= (1 << FAST_TOKEN_REFERENCE_SHIFT) - 1;
idata[i].token->flags |= ((i + 1) << FAST_TOKEN_REFERENCE_SHIFT);
idata[i].token = NULL;
/* Did this have a filler function registered for it? */
if (idata[i].hadfiller)
/* If so, then provided the filler function is still available, */
/* reregister with the new image number. */
if (!idata[i].istore->RegisterFiller)
idata[i].hadfiller = 0;
/* Need to also alter browser_data structures' background image */
/* number fields. */
/* image_mark_as_gcable() */
/* */
/* Mark an image as suitable for garbage */
/* collection. Such images may exist in the */
/* image array for as long as required and may */
/* be reclaimed as working items by calls to */
/* image_new_image. */
/* */
/* Parameters: Number of the image to mark as */
/* suitable for garbage collection. */
b = last_browser;
static void image_mark_as_gcable(int i)
idata[i].token = NULL;
while (b)
if (b->background_image > image) b->background_image--;
/* Yup, that was all that needs doing for now */
b = b->previous;
/* image_discard() */
/* */
/* Discards all images for a given browser */
/* window, freeing the memory and shutting down */
/* any active fetches. */
/* For a given browser, discard images: */
/* */
/* * Any images which are xrefed by another */
/* browser have their ownership transferred */
/* to that other browser and the xrefing item */
/* is removed instead */
/* */
/* * Any images owned by the given browser which */
/* just xref other images are removed */
/* */
/* * Any remaining images holding actual image */
/* data are marked for garbage collection but */
/* not removed immediately. */
/* */
/* When an image is removed, all data, including */
/* fetches, ImageLib info and external refs to */
/* the image number is sorted out. Remaining */
/* items in the image_info array may end up */
/* renumbered. */
/* */
/* Parameters: Pointer to a browser_data struct */
/* relevant to the images. */
......@@ -1813,7 +1794,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_discard(browser_data * b)
int i, xref;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("\nimage_discard: Called for %p\n\n", b);
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("\nimage_discard: Called for %p. There are %d images.\n\n", b, nimages);
if (!nimages) return NULL;
......@@ -1825,15 +1806,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_discard(browser_data * b)
_swix(Hourglass_Start, _IN(0), 1);
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15))
Printf("image_discard: First pass, checking for cross referencees owned by %p\n", b);
Printf(" There are %d images before this pass.\n\n", nimages);
/* Must go backwards because we can delete items from the array */
/* Must go backwards because we may delete items from the array */
/* during the loop itself */
for (i = nimages - 1; i >= 0; i--)
......@@ -1930,51 +1903,48 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_discard(browser_data * b)
/* Delete the cross referencer */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_discard: Deleting entry owned by %p that cross references image %d\n", idata[i].owner, idata[i].xref);
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_discard: Deleting entry owned by %p that cross references image %d\n\n", idata[i].owner, idata[i].xref);
/* Safe because we're counting through the array backwards */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15))
Printf("\nimage_discard: First pass complete, there are now %d images\n", nimages);
Printf(" Second pass, removing remaining images owned by %p\n\n", b);
/* OK, so this image isn't owned by another browser but cross referencing */
/* one owned by ourselves. A simpler case is where we own an image that */
/* just cross references another - we can delete those straight away */
/* Now delete any remaining images owned by the given browser */
/* - count backwards as we might remove items from the idata */
/* array during the loop. */
for (i = nimages - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (idata[i].owner == b)
else if (idata[i].owner == b)
if (idata[i].istore)
if (idata[i].xref >= 0)
/* Mark the image as suitable for garbage collection */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_discard: Image %d is a simple cross-referencer, deleting it\n\n", i);
idata[i].token = NULL;
/* Next case; this is owned by us but holds real data. In this case, mark */
/* it as suitable for garbage collection but not as deleted. */
else if (idata[i].bytesgot)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("\nimage_discard: Image %d marked for GC but not deleted\n", i);
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_discard: Image %d being marked for GC\n", i);
/* Last case: Not a cross referencer, but has no data yet - get rid of it */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("\nimage_discard: Image %d deleted\n", i);
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_discard: Image does not cross reference but has no bytes fetched for it yet; so deleting it\n\n", i);
......@@ -1982,13 +1952,13 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_discard(browser_data * b)
_swix(Hourglass_Off, 0);
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("\nimage_discard: Second pass complete, there are now %d images\n\n", nimages);
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_discard: Delete pass complete; there are %d images. Calling clearup function.\n\n", nimages);
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_discard: Successful\n\n");
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("\nimage_discard: Successful. Post-clearup, there are %d images.\n\n", nimages);
return NULL;
......@@ -1997,39 +1967,26 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_discard(browser_data * b)
/* image_destroy() */
/* */
/* image_discard gets rid of cross referencing */
/* images and transfers ownership of items that */
/* are owned by the given browser but cross */
/* referenced by another to that other. It does */
/* not delete actual, non-cross-referencing */
/* images owned by the given browser though, but */
/* instead marks them as suitable for later */
/* garbage collection. */
/* */
/* image_delete_image_entry is used to remove an */
/* item from the idata array but does not deal */
/* with ImageLib data or ongoing fetches. */
/* */
/* To actually kill an image off completely, use */
/* this function. It's called by the garbage */
/* collector image_gc and used to be part of */
/* image_discard before the image garbage */
/* collection system existed. */
/* */
/* Be careful what you delete (!) and remember */
/* to call image_post_deletion_clearup when all */
/* the images you want to get rid of have been */
/* removed by this function. */
/* */
/* NB - this calls image_delete_image_entry, so */
/* the same restrictions on scanning through */
/* the idata array as for that function apply. */
/* Close down any fetch associated with an */
/* image, deal with any references to it (e.g. */
/* the background_image field of a browser_data */
/* structure), and remove all data except for */
/* the actual image_info array entry. The item */
/* is marked as deleted. */
/* */
/* Callers should be aware of the need to call */
/* image_post_deletion_clearup as soon as */
/* possible after a round of image deletions. */
/* */
/* Parameters: Number of the image to remove. */
static void image_destroy(int image)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_destroy: Called for image %d\n", image);
/* If the image was being fetched, close that session */
if (idata[image].handle)
......@@ -2061,71 +2018,289 @@ static void image_destroy(int image)
idata[image].istore -> Delete(idata[image].istore);
idata[image].istore = NULL;
/* Get rid of associated data except the image_info struct */
/* Clear the background image field of the owner if necessary */
if (idata[image].owner->background_image == image)
idata[image].owner->background_image = -1;
/* Mark the image as deleted */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("\nimage_destroy: Image %d deleted\n", image);
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_destroy: Image %d deleted\n\n", image);
/* image_post_deletion_clearup() */
/* image_renumber() */
/* */
/* After deleting a set of images or image_info */
/* structures which had no associated data in */
/* ImageLib, call this to tidy up - deregister */
/* the animation handler, resize the idata flex */
/* block, etc. */
/* Move an image in the image array. Copies */
/* over the structure from new position to old */
/* and marks the old as deleted. */
/* */
/* Destination image number must be a deleted */
/* image! */
/* */
/* Parameters: Image's current number; */
/* */
/* Image's desired number. */
/* */
/* Returns: 1 if the item was renumbered, 0 */
/* if there was a problem (e.g. */
/* parameters out of range, */
/* destination image not deleted, */
/* etc.). */
static void image_post_deletion_clearup(void)
static int image_renumber(int old, int new)
int newsize, i;
if (
old < 0 ||
new < 0 ||
old >= nimages ||
new >= nimages ||
old == new
return 0;
_swix(Hourglass_Start, _IN(0), 1);
if (!idata[new].deleted)
#ifdef TRACE
/* If there is an animation handler present, but no animated */
/* images remain, remove that handler. */
erb.errnum = Utils_Error_Custom_Normal;
if (animhandler)
int found = 0;
"In image_renumber, %d can't be renumbered to %d as the latter has not been deleted!",
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_post_deletion_clearup: There is an animation handler present; checking to see if it can be removed\n");
return 0;
/* First off, repoint any images which xref this one, if this */
/* image has image data (else it can't be xref'd) */
if (idata[old].istore)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nimages; i++)
if (idata[i].istore && idata[i].istore->animated)
if (idata[i].xref == old) idata[i].xref = new;
/* Sort out background images */
if (idata[old].owner->background_image == old) idata[old].owner->background_image = new;
/* Copy the old structure into the new position */
idata[new] = idata[old];
/* Reregister filler functions, if necessary */
if (idata[new].hadfiller)
/* If so, then provided the filler function is still available, */
/* reregister with the new image number. */
if (!idata[new].istore->RegisterFiller)
idata[new].hadfiller = 0;
/* Update the associated token */
if (idata[new].token)
idata[new].token->flags &= (1 << FAST_TOKEN_REFERENCE_SHIFT) - 1;
idata[new].token->flags |= ((new + 1) << FAST_TOKEN_REFERENCE_SHIFT);
/* Mark the old item as deleted. */
/* Finished */
return 1;
/* image_purge_deleted_entries() */
/* */
/* Gets rid of items in the image array which */
/* are marked as deleted by renumbering things */
/* to fill holes and then shrinking the image */
/* array block. */
/* */
/* Assumes nimages is set up to include all of */
/* the image array entries (i.e. it hasn't been */
/* decremented yet) and decrements it before */
/* exitting. */
/* */
/* Images marked as deleted but still in the */
/* image array MUST ALWAYS BE REMOVED by this */
/* function before anything else goes on after a */
/* round of deleting things. Deleted images will */
/* cause significant problems if run through the */
/* rest of the image system...! */
/* */
/* This function does not touch any allocation */
/* blocks other than idata, holding the array of */
/* image_info structures. The caller should */
/* clean up any other image related data when */
/* going through images marking them as deleted. */
/* */
/* Returns: 1 if any items were deleted (so */
/* nimages will have been */
/* decremented appropriately), else */
/* 0. */
static int image_purge_deleted_entries(void)
int first_space = -1;
int last_live = -1;
int finished = 0;
int i;
int newsize;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl && (1u<<15)) Printf("image_purge_deleted_entries: Called\n");
/* Shuffle non-deleted items from higher in the image */
/* array down into free places currently held by */
/* deleted items lower down. On the whole, we're */
/* likely to shuffle less data and renumber fewer */
/* images this way than by a dumb "shuffle data down */
/* over the deleted hole" approach. */
/* Find the first deleted item in the array */
for (
i = first_space == -1 ? 0 : first_space;
i < nimages;
if (idata[i].deleted)
found = 1;
first_space = i;
if (!found)
if (first_space == -1)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_post_deletion_clearup: Removing animation handler\n\n");
if (tl && (1u<<15)) Printf("image_purge_deleted_entries: No images are marked as deleted, exitting\n");
deregister_null_claimant(Wimp_ENull, (WimpEventHandler *) image_animate_images, NULL);
animhandler = 0;
return 0;
#ifdef TRACE
/* Find the last non-deleted (live) item in the array */
for (
i = last_live == -1 ? (nimages - 1) : last_live;
i >= 0;
if (!idata[i].deleted)
last_live = i;
/* If we can find a live image, proceed */
if (last_live != -1)
if (first_space > last_live)
/* If the first space is above the last live item, we */
/* can just shrink the array. */
nimages = first_space; /* I.e. last_live + 1 */
#ifdef TRACE
if (first_space - last_live != 1)
erb.errnum = Utils_Error_Custom_Normal;
"You're imagining this error from image_purge_deleted_entries, because it is impossible for it to occur.");
finished = 1;
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_post_deletion_clearup: The handler is still required\n\n");
/* If the first space is below the last live item, must start */
/* moving things around. Ho hum. */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl && (1u<<15)) Printf("image_purge_deleted_entries: Renumbering %d to %d\n", last_live, first_space);
image_renumber(last_live, first_space);
/* If there are no live images, can exit the loop */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl && (1u<<15)) Printf("image_purge_deleted_entries: There are no images left\n");
nimages = 0;
finished = 1;
while (!finished);
/* Check lastimage is OK */
if (lastimage >= nimages) lastimage = nimages - 1;
/* Ensure the image_info data block matches the size of the images now present */
......@@ -2144,10 +2319,85 @@ static void image_post_deletion_clearup(void)
if (idata)
if (newsize) flex_extend((flex_ptr) &idata, newsize);
else flex_free((flex_ptr) &idata);
if (newsize) flex_extend ((flex_ptr) &idata, newsize);
else flex_free ((flex_ptr) &idata);
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl && (1u<<15)) Printf("image_purge_deleted_entries: Successful, nimages now %d\n", nimages);
return 1;
/* image_post_deletion_clearup() */
/* */
/* After deleting a set of images or image_info */
/* structures which had no associated data in */
/* ImageLib, call this to tidy up - deregister */
/* the animation handler, resize the idata flex */
/* block, etc. */
static void image_post_deletion_clearup(void)
int i;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_post_deletion_clearup: Called\n");
_swix(Hourglass_Start, _IN(0), 1);
/* Compact the image_info array and shrink the idata flex block; */
/* if the function returns 0 we've no work to do here */
if (image_purge_deleted_entries())
/* If there is an animation handler present, but no animated */
/* images remain, remove that handler. */
if (animhandler)
int found = 0;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_post_deletion_clearup: There is an animation handler present; checking to see if it can be removed\n");
for (i = 0; i < nimages; i++)
if (idata[i].istore && idata[i].istore->animated)
found = 1;
if (!found)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_post_deletion_clearup: Removing animation handler\n\n");
deregister_null_claimant(Wimp_ENull, (WimpEventHandler *) image_animate_images, NULL);
animhandler = 0;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_post_deletion_clearup: The handler is still required\n\n");
/* Trace build sanity check */
#ifdef TRACE
......@@ -2169,6 +2419,10 @@ static void image_post_deletion_clearup(void)
_swix(Hourglass_Off, 0);
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_post_deletion_clearup: Successful\n");
......@@ -2187,6 +2441,12 @@ static void image_post_deletion_clearup(void)
/* caller must remember to invoke */
/* image_post_deletion_clearup. */
/* */
/* It is assumed that for any images marked as */
/* suitable for GC, the owner browser still */
/* exists. Consequently, this function MUST be */
/* called for a given browser if that browser is */
/* about to be shut down. */
/* */
/* Parameters: Pointer to a browser_data struct */
/* relevant to the images to collect */
/* or NULL to remove any images */
......@@ -2227,8 +2487,6 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_gc(browser_data * b, unsigned int uid, int remove_js_too
clearup = 1;
if (clearup) image_post_deletion_clearup();
/* Find the given unique ID */
......@@ -2288,6 +2546,8 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_gc(browser_data * b, unsigned int uid, int remove_js_too
if (clearup) image_post_deletion_clearup();
return NULL;
......@@ -3028,8 +3288,8 @@ static _kernel_oserror * image_update_image(browser_data * b, int image, BBox *
/* Ignore errors, this isn't vital */
imghistory_record((const char **) &ddata,
imghistory_record((const char **) &idata[i].flex->urldata,
......@@ -3088,8 +3348,8 @@ static _kernel_oserror * image_update_image(browser_data * b, int image, BBox *
/* Ignore errors, this isn't vital */
imghistory_record((const char **) &ddata,
imghistory_record((const char **) &idata[i].flex->urldata,
......@@ -3407,23 +3667,10 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_fill_background(void * handle, int * i)
/* The image may exist in a table, and we should check what */
/* background colour to draw if this is the case. */
if (idata[image].token && idata[image].token->parent)
if (idata[image].token && b->use_source_cols)
table_headdata * head = idata[image].token->parent;
table_row * row = NULL;
table_stream * table = NULL;
if (head) row = head->parent;
if (row) table = row->parent;
if (table)
if (TABLE_HAS_BGCOL(table)) bgcolour = TABLE_BGCOL(table), noplot = 1;
/* Individual cells can override the table */
if (TD_HAS_BGCOL(head)) bgcolour = TD_BGCOL(head), noplot = 1;
int effective_bgcolour = tokenutils_background_colour(b, idata[image].token);
if (effective_bgcolour > -1) bgcolour = effective_bgcolour, noplot = 1;
/* We may still have no defined background colour, in which */
......@@ -3551,6 +3798,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_fill_background(void * handle, int * i)
float tempx, tempy;
float tempw, temph;
int htop;
int oimage;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_fill_background: Plotting scaled background\n");
......@@ -3602,12 +3850,18 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_fill_background(void * handle, int * i)
for (x = redraw.xmin; x <= redraw.xmax; x += w)
oimage = image_redrawing;
image_redrawing = bimage;
e = (idata[bimage].istore -> Render(idata[bimage].istore,
image_redrawing = oimage;
if (e) break;
......@@ -3620,6 +3874,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_fill_background(void * handle, int * i)
BBox redraw;
int htop;
int oimage;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_fill_background: Plotting unscaled background\n");
......@@ -3654,12 +3909,17 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_fill_background(void * handle, int * i)
for (x = redraw.xmin; x <= redraw.xmax; x += w)
oimage = image_redrawing;
image_redrawing = bimage;
e = (idata[bimage].istore -> Render(idata[bimage].istore,
image_redrawing = oimage;
if (e) break;
......@@ -3716,11 +3976,10 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_redraw(browser_data * b, WimpRedrawWindowBlock * r, HStr
/* image for the given token, which may cross reference 'image', which */
/* holds the actual render data. */
image = image_get_token_image_actual(b, token);
image = actual = image_get_token_image_actual(b, token);
if (image < 0) return NULL;
actual = image;
if (idata[actual].xref >= 0) image = idata[actual].xref;
/* If the image has a fetched width and height, */
......@@ -3890,7 +4149,7 @@ int image_tile_window(browser_data * b, WimpRedrawWindowBlock * r, int xorigin,
for (x = xmin; x <= r->redraw_area.xmax; x += w)
browser_redrawing = b;
image_redrawing = image;
image_redrawing = b->background_image;
e = idata[image].istore -> Render(idata[image].istore,
......@@ -4055,38 +4314,6 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_mode_change(void)
return NULL;
/* image_data_offset() */
/* */
/* Returns the offset into the ddata block of */
/* the data associated with a given image. */
/* */
/* Parameters: An image number, from 0 to */
/* nimages - 1. */
/* */
/* Returns: Pointer to the data associated */
/* with that image (as a char *). */
static int image_data_offset(int image)
int i, count = 0;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_data_offset: Called for image %d\n",image);
if (image <= 0) return 0; /* Image 0's data offset will be zero... */
for (i = 0; i < image; count += idata[i].alloc, i++);
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<15)) Printf("image_data_offset: Successful\n");
return count;
/* image_count_fetches() */
/* */
......@@ -4263,7 +4490,7 @@ int image_total_bytes_fetched(browser_data * b)
for (image = 0; image < nimages; image++)
if (idata[image].owner == b) count += idata[image].bytesgot;
if (idata[image].owner == b && idata[image].token) count += idata[image].bytesgot;
......@@ -4501,7 +4728,7 @@ static int image_get_token_image_xref(browser_data * b, HStream * token)
/* is the one with render data attached, not */
/* just a cross reference image. */
if (found >= 0)
if (found >= 0 && found < nimages)
if (idata[found].xref >= 0) found = idata[found].xref;
......@@ -4870,8 +5097,8 @@ static _kernel_oserror * image_get_image_size(browser_data * b, int image, BBox
if (real_width <= 0 && real_height <= 0)
imghistory_return_size((const char **) &ddata,
imghistory_return_size((const char **) &idata[actual].flex->urldata,
......@@ -5300,7 +5527,6 @@ int image_set_token_image_position(browser_data * b, HStream * t, int x, int y)
void image_get_background_image_url(browser_data * b, char * buffer, int size)
int offset;
int old_budge;
int image = b ? b->background_image : -1;
......@@ -5310,17 +5536,13 @@ void image_get_background_image_url(browser_data * b, char * buffer, int size)
if (size < 2 || image < 0 || image >= nimages) return;
/* Find the offset of the URL in the 'ddata' block */
offset = image_data_offset(image);
/* Lock flex */
old_budge = flex_set_budge(0);
/* Copy the URL in, ensuring termination */
strncpy(buffer, ddata + offset, size);
strncpy(buffer, idata[image].flex->urldata, size);
buffer[size - 1] = 0;
/* Restore flex's previous budge state */
......@@ -5367,7 +5589,7 @@ void image_convert_to_pixels(browser_data * b, HStream * token, int * x, int * y
/* If the library has got enough information to fill in the */
/* width of the image, proceed with the conversion */
if (image >= 0 && idata[image].istore->width > 0)
if (image >= 0 && idata[image].istore && idata[image].istore->width > 0)
*x = *x * idata[image].istore->width / idata[image].istore->width_os;
*y = *y * idata[image].istore->height / idata[image].istore->height_os;
......@@ -5557,7 +5779,8 @@ int image_token_can_be_saved_as_sprite(browser_data * b, HStream * image)
_kernel_oserror * image_export_sprite(char * path, browser_data * b, HStream * image)
int i;
int im, i;
_kernel_oserror * e;
if (!path || !*path) return NULL;
......@@ -5565,8 +5788,11 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_export_sprite(char * path, browser_data * b, HStream * i
/* Find the image number */
if (!image) i = b->background_image;
else i = image_get_token_image_xref(b, image);
if (!image) im = b->background_image;
else im = image_get_token_image_actual(b, image);
if (idata[im].xref >= 0) i = idata[im].xref;
else i = im;
/* Must have image data... */
......@@ -5588,9 +5814,17 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_export_sprite(char * path, browser_data * b, HStream * i
/* Export the image */
return idata[i].istore -> DumpSprite(idata[i].istore,
browser_redrawing = b;
image_redrawing = im;
e = idata[i].istore -> DumpSprite(idata[i].istore,
browser_redrawing = NULL;
image_redrawing = -1;
return e;
......@@ -5637,7 +5871,7 @@ int image_sprite_size(browser_data * b, HStream * image)
_kernel_oserror * image_export_original(char * path, browser_data * b, HStream * image)
char url[Limits_URL];
int i, offset;
int i;
if (!path || !*path) return NULL;
......@@ -5650,9 +5884,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_export_original(char * path, browser_data * b, HStream *
/* Must have image data... */
offset = image_data_offset(i);
if (!ddata[offset])
if (!idata[i].flex->urldata)
#ifdef TRACE
......@@ -5670,7 +5902,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_export_original(char * path, browser_data * b, HStream *
/* Start a fetch for this URL */
strncpy(url, ddata + offset, sizeof(url));
strncpy(url, idata[i].flex->urldata, sizeof(url));
url[sizeof(url) - 1] = 0;
......@@ -5886,9 +6118,6 @@ int image_to_draw_file(browser_data * b, WimpRedrawWindowBlock * r, HStream * to
// int image_size = 0;
browser_redrawing = b;
image_redrawing = actual;
if (!dont_create || !unique_name)
unique_name = malloc(Limits_OS_Pathname);
......@@ -5899,9 +6128,15 @@ int image_to_draw_file(browser_data * b, WimpRedrawWindowBlock * r, HStream * to
/* Output the sprite, skipping the first 12 bytes of sprite area header */
browser_redrawing = b;
image_redrawing = actual;
e = idata[image].istore -> DumpSprite(idata[image].istore,
browser_redrawing = NULL;
image_redrawing = -1;
......@@ -5957,6 +6192,9 @@ int image_to_draw_file(browser_data * b, WimpRedrawWindowBlock * r, HStream * to
unique_name = NULL;
// browser_redrawing = b;
// image_redrawing = actual;
// e = idata[image].istore -> StartExport(idata[image].istore, &image_size);
// ok = 1;
......@@ -5974,12 +6212,12 @@ int image_to_draw_file(browser_data * b, WimpRedrawWindowBlock * r, HStream * to
// }
// e = idata[image].istore -> EndExport(idata[image].istore);
// browser_redrawing = NULL;
// image_redrawing = -1;
/* Flag if we succeeded */
browser_redrawing = NULL;
image_redrawing = -1;
if (!e && ok) plotted = 1;
......@@ -6070,9 +6308,15 @@ int image_draw_file_size(browser_data * b, HStream * token, int dont_delete)
protocols_util_make_unique_name(unique_name, Limits_OS_Pathname);
browser_redrawing = b;
image_redrawing = actual;
e = idata[image].istore -> DumpSprite(idata[image].istore,
browser_redrawing = NULL;
image_redrawing = -1;
if (!e && unique_name)
......@@ -6164,8 +6408,8 @@ int image_tile_to_draw(browser_data * b, WimpRedrawWindowBlock * r, int xorigin,
/* Work out the coordinates over which to tile the image */
xmin = coords_x_toworkarea(r->redraw_area.xmin,r);
ymax = coords_y_toworkarea(r->redraw_area.ymax,r);
xmin = coords_x_toworkarea(r->redraw_area.xmin, r);
ymax = coords_y_toworkarea(r->redraw_area.ymax, r);
xmin -= ((xmin - xorigin) % w);
ymax -= ((ymax - yorigin) % h) + 1;
......@@ -6195,10 +6439,16 @@ int image_tile_to_draw(browser_data * b, WimpRedrawWindowBlock * r, int xorigin,
protocols_util_make_unique_name(name, sizeof(name));
browser_redrawing = b;
image_redrawing = b->background_image;
e = idata[image].istore -> DumpSprite(idata[image].istore,
browser_redrawing = NULL;
image_redrawing = -1;
if (!e)
e = _swix(OS_File,
......@@ -6270,14 +6520,7 @@ int image_tile_to_draw(browser_data * b, WimpRedrawWindowBlock * r, int xorigin,
/* Write out the image */
browser_redrawing = b;
image_redrawing = image;
ok = savedraw_write_bytes(block, image_size);
browser_redrawing = NULL;
image_redrawing = -1;
if (!ok) goto image_tile_to_draw_exit;
......@@ -391,7 +391,6 @@
// JSObject *obj;
......@@ -1215,7 +1214,11 @@
if (decoder->opener && !JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*vp)) decoder->opener = NULL;
if (
decoder->opener &&
decoder->opener = NULL;
......@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ _kernel_oserror * javascript_body_onload(browser_data * b)
if (tl & (1u<<24)) Printf("javascript_body_onload: Called\n");
if (!b->onload || !*b->onload) return NULL;
/* Only call customer_ functions if on the customer's site */
......@@ -125,7 +127,19 @@ _kernel_oserror * javascript_body_onload(browser_data * b)
b->onload = NULL;
/* This is a bit unusual as the Customer hack existed before any real */
/* JS support, hence the function itself being 'live' even in non JS */
/* builds. */
e = javascript_process_script(b, b->onload);
/* Prevent multiple script executions... */
b->onload = "";
return e;
......@@ -2866,6 +2866,24 @@ static int reformat_reformatter_r(unsigned int flags, browser_data * b, reformat
if (!newchunks) bottom = y;
/* If this is the first line for a whole page, see if we should */
/* now clear the background colour and image */
if (!d->table && !d->nlines)
if (!b->onload && !b->onunload)
b->background_colour = -1; /* Background colour, or -1 for default */
b->background_image = -1; /* Image no. of background image, 0=none */
b->antialias_colour = redraw_backcol(b); /* Colour to anti-alias to, or -1=none */
browser_update_bottom(b, 0);
b->onload = "";
b->onunload = "";
/* Add the new line structure */
e = reformat_add_line(b, d);
......@@ -1025,3 +1025,51 @@ int tokenutils_within_distance(browser_data * b, HStream * t1, HStream * t2, int
return (check <= distance);
/* tokenutils_background_colour() */
/* */
/* See what background colour should be used for */
/* a body text token; deals with tables, going */
/* down through the structure until something */
/* with a background colour is found (just */
/* checking the immediate local table or cell is */
/* not good enough as a background colour from */
/* an outer level table as part of a nested set */
/* of cells may be what is showing through). */
/* */
/* Parameters: Pointer to a browser_data struct */
/* relevant to the token; */
/* */
/* Pointer to the HStream struct */
/* who's background colour should be */
/* returned. */
/* */
/* Returns: Background colour as BBGGRR00, */
/* or -1 if none was found (so you */
/* should use redraw_backcol() or */
/* any page background image). */
int tokenutils_background_colour(browser_data * b, HStream * t)
while (t && t->parent)
table_headdata * head = t->parent;
table_row * row = NULL;
table_stream * table = NULL;
if (head) row = head->parent;
if (row) table = row->parent;
if (table)
if (TD_HAS_BGCOL(head)) return TD_BGCOL(head);
if (TABLE_HAS_BGCOL(table)) return TABLE_BGCOL(table);
t = (HStream *) table;
return -1;
......@@ -1804,7 +1804,7 @@ void urlutils_set_displayed(browser_data * b, char * iurl)
/* Urlutils_check_protocols() */
/* urlutils_check_protocols() */
/* */
/* Checks a given URL to see if the fetch */
/* protocol it specifies can be handled. */
......@@ -531,9 +531,18 @@ _kernel_oserror * windows_create_browser(const char * url, browser_data * real_p
/* Get an execution context for this window */
if (save_type == Windows_CreateBrowser_AsJSChild && real_parent)
/* Get an execution context using the parent */
RetError(javascript_gain_context(b, real_parent));
/* Get an execution context using any ancestor */
RetError(javascript_gain_context(b, b->ancestor));
RetError(javascript_gain_context(b, b->ancestor));
......@@ -1129,11 +1138,16 @@ int windows_open_browser(int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * b, IdBlock * idb, browse
b->open_window_request.visible_area.xmin = s.visible_area.xmin;
b->open_window_request.visible_area.xmax = s.visible_area.xmax;
int add, rmarg;
convert_to_os(choices.right_margin, &rmarg);
if (s.visible_area.xmax - s.visible_area.xmin > handle->display_extent) add = s.visible_area.xmax - s.visible_area.xmin;
else if (s.visible_area.xmax - s.visible_area.xmin < handle->display_extent) add = handle->display_extent + rmarg * 2; /* To give a reasonable right border gap */
else add = handle->display_extent;
w.xmin = s.visible_area.xmin;
w.xmax = s.visible_area.xmax;
w.xmin = b->open_window_request.visible_area.xmin = s.visible_area.xmin;
w.xmax = b->open_window_request.visible_area.xmax = s.visible_area.xmin + add;
b->open_window_request.visible_area.ymin = s.visible_area.ymin - o.outline.ymin + (shift ? 128 : 0);
......@@ -42,6 +42,18 @@
#define ImageDefaultOSSize_X 48
#define ImageDefaultOSSize_Y 48
/* The image_flex structure is used to hold flex anchors. It is */
/* attached to image_info (below) in a small malloc block; since */
/* image_info structs are held in a flex area they cannot hold */
/* the flex anchors directly. */
typedef struct image_flex
char * urldata;
void * fetchdata;
/* The image_info structure is used for the image handling code, */
/* where each image has associated data about its size, fetch */
/* status and so-on. */
......@@ -59,10 +71,7 @@ typedef struct image_info
int x; /* X position on the page for the owner */
int y; /* Y position on the page for the owner */
int dataoffset; /* Offset of image data within image data block */
int alloc; /* Total space allocated in flex block */
int ualloc; /* Space allocated to url in flex block */
int isize; /* Size of image storage used */
image_flex * flex; /* For URL data, fetch data etc. */
HStream * token; /* Token this image appears in - may be NULL (pending GC) */
time_t last_used; /* Time when the image was last used (for GC purposes) */
......@@ -73,6 +82,8 @@ typedef struct image_info
int bytesgot; /* Total bytes fetched for this image so far */
unsigned int deleted :1; /* Image is marked as deleted (so remove it from array ASAP!) */
unsigned int started :1; /* The fetch has started to happen */
unsigned int fetched :1; /* Flag indicating the image is fetched */
unsigned int delayed :1; /* Flag indicating the image is delayed (by delayimages option) */
......@@ -44,3 +44,5 @@ reformat_cell * tokenutils_find_cell (reformat_cell * cell, int depth,
void tokenutils_token_offset (browser_data * b, token_path * path, int * offset_x, int * offset_y);
reformat_cell * tokenutils_token_cell (browser_data * b, HStream * token);
int tokenutils_within_distance (browser_data * b, HStream * t1, HStream * t2, int distance);
int tokenutils_background_colour (browser_data * b, HStream * t);
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