Commit 15db9127 authored by Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar Andrew Hodgkinson
Browse files

Load balancer pulled apart. DebugLib support. Temporary debug in place.

  This is in the middle of some load balancer changes, but I'm checking it
  in as there's a sweeping source code change to use DebugLib. See Global.c
  for full details. Temporary debug code for the load balancer stuff is
  currently held under undocumented area "test".
  This build now identifies itself as 2.08 i2-4 and says Pace on the about:
  page. Run for some time with no unexpected problems. Tried a mixture of
  debug levels successfully.

Version 2.08. Not tagged
parent 1c9291d7
......@@ -54,4 +54,8 @@ ahodgkin_208_i2 Intermediate 2.08 build. Printing headers and
features (25-Feb-2000).
ahodgkin_208_i3 Intermediate 2.08 build. Printing headers and
footers now work... (01-Mar-2000).
ahodgkin_208_i4 Intermediate 2.08 build. Various fixes over i3.
ahodgkin_208_i4 Intermediate 2.08 build. Various fixes over i3
ahodgkin_208_i4_2 The Phoenix variant identifies itself as 2.08
i2-4. Source changed to use DebugLib, not that
much else changed (14-Nov-2000).
......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ SeeFetches:yes
# high you might want to set UnusedImageLimit.
# FreeRAMLimit - If free memory falls below this amount when a new image is
# to be created, the garbage collection system is run to try
# and get more RAM. The amount is specified in kilobytes.
# and get more RAM. The amount is specified in bytes.
# Only as many images as need to be deleted to maintain the
# required free memory, are deleted. So, use 0 for unlimited
# (UnusedImageLimit becomes the only constraint).
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">zlib&nbsp;1.1.2</a></strong></font></td>
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">zlib&nbsp;1.1.2</a></strong></font></td>
<font size="2">Copyright &copy; 1995&ndash;1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.</font>
<tr valign="top">
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">libpng&nbsp;1.0.0</a></strong></font></td>
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">libpng&nbsp;1.0.0</a></strong></font></td>
<font size="2">
Copyright &copy; 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.;
......@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
<tr valign="top">
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">zlib&nbsp;1.1.2</a></strong></font></td>
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">zlib&nbsp;1.1.2</a></strong></font></td>
<font size="2">Copyright &copy; 1995&ndash;1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.</font>
<tr valign="top">
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">libpng&nbsp;1.0.0</a></strong></font></td>
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">libpng&nbsp;1.0.0</a></strong></font></td>
<font size="2">
Copyright &copy; 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.;
......@@ -231,7 +231,6 @@ LeftIndent:38400
# SupportObject - If 'yes', OBJECT, EMBED and APPLET will be handled,
# else if 'no' they will be ignored (so any alternative
# HTML in an OBJECT tag, say, will always be shown).
# SupportJS - Support JavaScript (in JavaScript capable builds only).
# PlugInControl - Controls when Plug-Ins are started, relative to page
# loading - 'never' for never, 'viewed' for when the bit of
# page in which a Plug-In lies is viewed (i.e. redrawn for
......@@ -261,7 +260,6 @@ MaxImages:2
......@@ -278,7 +276,7 @@ Faith:sometimes
# high you might want to set UnusedImageLimit.
# FreeRAMLimit - If free memory falls below this amount when a new image is
# to be created, the garbage collection system is run to try
# and get more RAM. The amount is specified in kilobytes.
# and get more RAM. The amount is specified in bytes.
# Only as many images as need to be deleted to maintain the
# required free memory, are deleted. So, use 0 for unlimited
# (UnusedImageLimit becomes the only constraint).
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Version:2.08 (intermediate)
FullName:Acorn Phoenix
Version:2.08 i2-4 (10 Nov 2000)
DAGen:- General
DAJSc:- JavaScript
......@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ NoData:The server returned a blank page.
pemptydoc:<html><head><title>Empty document</title></head><body><h2>The server returned an empty document.</h2></body></html>
pabouthdr:<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>About this software</title></head><body bgcolor="#dddddd" text="#000000" background="file:/Phoenix:About/Background"><center><table border="0" cellspacing="2">
paboutbrw:<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><h2>Acorn Phoenix %%s</h2><tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><h5>Copyright &copy; Acorn Computers Ltd. 1994</h5><tr><td colspan="2"><hr noshade size="2">
paboutbrw:<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><h2>Phoenix %%s</h2><tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><h5>Copyright &copy; Pace Micro Technology PLC 2000</h5><tr><td colspan="2"><hr noshade size="2">
paboutpl1:<tr><td align="center"><td valign="middle">
paboutpl2:<tr><td align="center" valign="middle"><img src="%%s"><td valign="middle">
paboutpl3:<tr><td align="center" valign="middle"><img src="%%s" width="%%d" height="%%d"><td valign="middle">
......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ SeeFetches:no
# high you might want to set UnusedImageLimit.
# FreeRAMLimit - If free memory falls below this amount when a new image is
# to be created, the garbage collection system is run to try
# and get more RAM. The amount is specified in kilobytes.
# and get more RAM. The amount is specified in bytes.
# Only as many images as need to be deleted to maintain the
# required free memory, are deleted. So, use 0 for unlimited
# (UnusedImageLimit becomes the only constraint).
......@@ -5,11 +5,18 @@
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 2.08
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 31 May 2000
#define Module_Date_CMHG 14 Nov 2000
#define Module_MajorVersion "2.08"
#define Module_Version 208
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "31 May 2000"
#define Module_Date "14 Nov 2000"
#define Module_ApplicationDate2 "14-Nov-00"
#define Module_ApplicationDate4 "14-Nov-2000"
#define Module_ComponentName "Browse"
#define Module_ComponentPath "RiscOS/Sources/Apps/Browse"
#define Module_FullVersion "2.08"
#define Module_HelpVersion "2.08 (14 Nov 2000)"
......@@ -44,11 +44,6 @@
#include <tboxlibs/window.h>
#include <tboxlibs/gadgets.h>
#ifdef TRACE
#define DEBUGLIB
#include <debuglib/debuglib.h>
#include "Global.h"
#include "Utils.h"
......@@ -38,11 +38,6 @@
#include <tboxlibs/window.h>
#include <tboxlibs/gadgets.h>
#ifdef TRACE
#define DEBUGLIB
#include <debuglib/debuglib.h>
#include "Global.h"
#include "Utils.h"
......@@ -41,11 +41,6 @@
#include "NestWimp.h"
#ifdef TRACE
#define DEBUGLIB
#include <debuglib/debuglib.h>
#include "Global.h"
#include "FromROSLib.h"
#include "MiscDefs.h"
......@@ -503,9 +498,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_top_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
if (!cell || !cell->nlines || !cell->ldata || !cell->cdata) return NULL;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_top_r: Proceeding for %p, cell %p\n", b, cell);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_top_r: Proceeding for %p, cell %p\n", b, cell));
/* Work out where the visible page region starts and ends */
......@@ -526,9 +519,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_top_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
ytop = s->yscroll - htop;
ybot = s->yscroll - (s->visible_area.ymax - s->visible_area.ymin) + hbot;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_top_r: ytop, ybot: -%d, -%d\n",-ytop,-ybot);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_top_r: ytop, ybot: -%d, -%d\n",-ytop,-ybot));
/* Go through the cell's chunks, getting tokens for as long */
/* as the chunk holding lines are in the visible area. */
......@@ -586,9 +577,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_top_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
while (line < cell->nlines && y_origin + cell->ldata[line].y + cell->ldata[line].h > ybot && !exit)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_top_r: Line %d\n",line);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_top_r: Line %d\n",line));
chunk = cell->ldata[line].chunks;
chunkmax = cell->ldata[line].n + chunk;
......@@ -601,11 +590,8 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_top_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
if (!t) break;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22))
Printf("browser_find_selectable_top_r: Chunk %d of %d, token %p\n", chunk, chunkmax, t);
if (t == last) Printf("browser_find_selectable_top_r: t = last, so won't deal with this chunk\n");
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_top_r: Chunk %d of %d, token %p\n", chunk, chunkmax, t));
if (t == last) dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_top_r: t = last, so won't deal with this chunk\n"));
/* Several chunks can represent the same token - don't want to */
......@@ -620,9 +606,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_top_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
if (!*current && CanBeSelected(t) && browser_check_visible(b, s, t))
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_top_r: ** Found %p **\n", t);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_top_r: ** Found %p **\n", t));
exit = 1;
......@@ -661,9 +645,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_top_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
int cellindex;
int xorg, yorg;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_top_r: Dealing with table\n");
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_top_r: Dealing with table\n"));
/* Proceed if the cell array can be found */
......@@ -693,9 +675,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_top_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
c = &cellarray[cellindex];
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_top_r: Cell index %d, cell %p\n",cellindex,cellarray);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_top_r: Cell index %d, cell %p\n",cellindex,cellarray));
convert_pair_to_os(c->x, c->y, &xorg, &yorg);
......@@ -707,9 +687,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_top_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
cell->ldata[line].y + cell->ldata[line].h + y_origin + yorg,
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_top_r: Cell index %d, cell %p - Found: %p\n",cellindex, cellarray, found);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_top_r: Cell index %d, cell %p - Found: %p\n",cellindex, cellarray, found));
......@@ -734,15 +712,13 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_top_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
t = found;
exit = 1;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_top_r: ** Found %p in table, exitting **\n",t);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_top_r: ** Found %p in table, exitting **\n",t));
#ifdef TRACE
else if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_top_r: Nothing found in table\n");
else dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_top_r: Nothing found in table\n"));
......@@ -767,9 +743,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_top_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
/* Return the found value, be it NULL or a valid selectable token */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_top_r: -- Returning %p --\n", t);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_top_r: -- Returning %p --\n", t));
return t;
......@@ -811,9 +785,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_bot_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
if (!cell || !cell->nlines || !cell->ldata || !cell->cdata) return NULL;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_bot_r: Proceeding for %p, cell %p\n", b, cell);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_bot_r: Proceeding for %p, cell %p\n", b, cell));
/* Work out where the visible page region starts and ends */
......@@ -834,9 +806,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_bot_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
ytop = s->yscroll - htop;
ybot = s->yscroll - (s->visible_area.ymax - s->visible_area.ymin) + hbot;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_bot_r: ytop, ybot: -%d, -%d\n",-ytop,-ybot);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_bot_r: ytop, ybot: -%d, -%d\n",-ytop,-ybot));
/* Go through the cell's chunks, getting tokens for as long */
/* as the chunk holding lines are in the visible area. */
......@@ -891,9 +861,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_bot_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
while (line >= 0 && y_origin + cell->ldata[line].y < ytop && !exit)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_bot_r: Line %d\n",line);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_bot_r: Line %d\n",line));
chunkmin = cell->ldata[line].chunks;
chunk = cell->ldata[line].n + chunkmin - 1;
......@@ -906,11 +874,8 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_bot_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
if (!t) break;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22))
Printf("browser_find_selectable_bot_r: Chunk %d of %d minimum, token %p\n", chunk, chunkmin, t);
if (t == last) Printf("browser_find_selectable_bot_r: t = last, so won't deal with this chunk\n");
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_bot_r: Chunk %d of %d minimum, token %p\n", chunk, chunkmin, t));
if (t == last) dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_bot_r: t = last, so won't deal with this chunk\n"));
/* Several chunks can represent the same token - don't want to */
......@@ -925,9 +890,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_bot_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
if (!*current && CanBeSelected(t) && browser_check_visible(b, s, t))
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_bot_r: ** Found %p **\n", t);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_bot_r: ** Found %p **\n", t));
exit = 1;
......@@ -967,9 +930,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_bot_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
int cellindex;
int xorg, yorg;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_bot_r: Dealing with table\n");
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_bot_r: Dealing with table\n"));
/* Proceed if the cell array can be found */
......@@ -1009,9 +970,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_bot_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
c = &cellarray[cellindex];
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_bot_r: Cell index %d, cell %p\n",cellindex,cellarray);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_bot_r: Cell index %d, cell %p\n",cellindex,cellarray));
convert_pair_to_os(c->x, c->y, &xorg, &yorg);
......@@ -1023,9 +982,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_bot_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
cell->ldata[line].y + cell->ldata[line].h + y_origin + yorg,
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_bot_r: Cell index %d, cell %p - Found: %p\n",cellindex, cellarray, found);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_bot_r: Cell index %d, cell %p - Found: %p\n",cellindex, cellarray, found));
......@@ -1050,15 +1007,13 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_bot_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
t = found;
exit = 1;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_bot_r: ** Found %p in table, exitting **\n",t);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_bot_r: ** Found %p in table, exitting **\n",t));
#ifdef TRACE
else if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_bot_r: Nothing found in table\n");
else dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_bot_r: Nothing found in table\n"));
......@@ -1083,9 +1038,7 @@ HStream * browser_find_selectable_bot_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * cell,
/* Return the found value, be it NULL or a valid selectable token */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<22)) Printf("browser_find_selectable_bot_r: -- Returning %p --\n", t);
dprintf(("KeyC", "browser_find_selectable_bot_r: -- Returning %p --\n", t));
return t;
......@@ -1648,9 +1601,9 @@ void browser_destroy_source(browser_data * b)
if (b->source)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("browser_destroy_source: flex_free block %p which held page source\n",&b->source);
dprintf(("LMem", "browser_destroy_source: flex_free block %p which held page source\n",&b->source));
flexcount -= flex_size((flex_ptr) &b->source);
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
dprintf(("CFle", "** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount));
flex_free((flex_ptr) &b->source);
......@@ -1906,9 +1859,9 @@ int browser_add_match_list_entry(flex_ptr match_list, const char * add)
else (*((char **) match_list))[0] = '\0';
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("browser_add_match_list_entry: flex_alloc match_list block for first (terminating) entry");
dprintf(("LMem", "browser_add_match_list_entry: flex_alloc match_list block for first (terminating) entry"));
flexcount += 1;
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
dprintf(("CFle", "** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount));
......@@ -1927,17 +1880,15 @@ int browser_add_match_list_entry(flex_ptr match_list, const char * add)
old_size + ulen)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("browser_add_match_list_entry: flex_extend of match_list failed!\n");
dprintf(("LMem", "browser_add_match_list_entry: flex_extend of match_list failed!\n"));
return 0;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("browser_add_match_list_entry: flex_extend of match_list block to %d bytes successful", old_size + ulen);
dprintf(("LMem", "browser_add_match_list_entry: flex_extend of match_list block to %d bytes successful", old_size + ulen));
flexcount += ulen;
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
dprintf(("CFle", "** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount));
/* Lock flex whilst copying in the entry */
......@@ -1971,9 +1922,9 @@ void browser_empty_match_list(flex_ptr match_list)
if (match_list && *((char **) match_list))
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("browser_empty_match_list: flex_free block %p\n",match_list);
dprintf(("LMem", "browser_empty_match_list: flex_free block %p\n",match_list));
flexcount -= flex_size(match_list);
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount));
......@@ -2474,25 +2425,26 @@ static HStream * browser_get_pointer_token_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * c
tp = cell->cdata[cell->ldata[line].chunks + n].t;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<3))
static tracelastchunk = -1;
if (tracelastchunk != cell->ldata[line].chunks + n)
Printf("Chunk : %d, token: %d\n",cell->ldata[line].chunks + n,cell->cdata[cell->ldata[line].chunks + n].t);
Printf("Text : '%s'\n",tp->text);
Printf("Style : %p\n",(void *) tp->style);
dprintf(("Wind", "Chunk : %d, token: &%08X\n",cell->ldata[line].chunks + n, (int) cell->cdata[cell->ldata[line].chunks + n].t));
dprintf(("Wind", "Text : '%s'\n",tp->text));
dprintf(("Wind", "Style : %p\n",(void *) tp->style));
if (ISLINK(tp))
Printf("Link : '%s'\n",tp->anchor);
Printf("Target: '%s'\n",tp->target);
dprintf(("Wind", "Link : '%s'\n",tp->anchor));
dprintf(("Wind", "Target: '%s'\n",tp->target));
tracelastchunk = cell->ldata[line].chunks + n;
/* If the token represents a table... */
......@@ -3416,9 +3368,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * browser_update_bottom(browser_data * b, int top_y)
_kernel_oserror * e;
WimpRedrawWindowBlock r;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<9)) Printf("\nbrowser_update_bottom: Called, -top_y = %d\n",-top_y);
dprintf(("Redr", "\nbrowser_update_bottom: Called, -top_y = %d\n",-top_y));
/* Fill in the visible area and scroll info from the */
/* GetWindowState call */
......@@ -3450,9 +3400,11 @@ _kernel_oserror * browser_update_bottom(browser_data * b, int top_y)
#ifdef TRACE
else if (tl & (1u<<9)) Printf("\nbrowser_update_bottom: Nothing to redraw\n");
if (tl & (1u<<9)) Printf("\nbrowser_update_bottom: Successful\n");
else dprintf(("Redr", "\nbrowser_update_bottom: Nothing to redraw\n"));
dprintf(("Redr", "\nbrowser_update_bottom: Successful\n"));
return NULL;
......@@ -38,11 +38,6 @@
#include <tboxlibs/wimplib.h>
#include <tboxlibs/event.h>
#ifdef TRACE
#define DEBUGLIB
#include <debuglib/debuglib.h>
#include "Global.h"
#include "FromROSLib.h"
#include "MiscDefs.h"
......@@ -50,11 +50,6 @@
#include <ImageLib/imagetrans.h>
#ifdef TRACE
#define DEBUGLIB
#include <debuglib/debuglib.h>
#include "Global.h"
#include "FromROSLib.h"
#include "Utils.h"
......@@ -64,7 +59,6 @@
#include "FetchPage.h"
#include "FontManage.h"
#include "History.h"
#include "Limits.h"
#include "Menus.h"
#include "NestWimp.h"
#include "Redraw.h"
......@@ -277,9 +271,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_show_subwindow(ObjectId choices_window, int sub
/* Adjustments for different types of window */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_show_subwindow: Wimp flags = %x\n", state.flags);
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_show_subwindow: Wimp flags = %x\n", state.flags));
RetError(window_get_wimp_handle(0, subwindows[subwindow], &state.window_handle));
......@@ -358,9 +350,7 @@ int choices_to_be_shown(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void
ObjectId window;
int subwindow_tobeshown;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_to_be_shown: Called\n");
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_to_be_shown: Called\n"));
/* In multiuser builds, need to be logged in - otherwise, close */
/* the dialogue! */
......@@ -1667,9 +1657,7 @@ static int choices_colour_closed_handler(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, Id
e = toolbox_delete_object(0, idb->self_id);
if (e) {show_error_ret(e); return 1;}
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_colour_closed_handler: Colour DBox deleted\n");
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_colour_closed_handler: Colour DBox deleted\n"));
return 1;
......@@ -1895,9 +1883,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_save_field(ObjectId obj, ComponentId comp,
_kernel_oserror *e;
char *tempstring;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_set_display_field: Called\n");
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_set_display_field: Called\n"));
RetError(choices_get_menu_entry_text("ChSave", state, &tempstring));
......@@ -1920,9 +1906,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_display_field(ObjectId obj, ComponentId com
_kernel_oserror *e;
char *tempstring;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_set_display_field: Called\n");
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_set_display_field: Called\n"));
RetError(choices_get_menu_entry_text("ChDisplay", state, &tempstring));
......@@ -2955,9 +2939,7 @@ static int choices_font_closed_handler(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBl
e = toolbox_delete_object(0, idb->self_id);
if (e) {show_error_ret(e); return 1;}
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_font_closed_handler: FontMenu deleted\n");
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_font_closed_handler: FontMenu deleted\n"));
return 1;
......@@ -2974,13 +2956,10 @@ static int choices_font_selected_handler(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, Id
int found;
fm_typeface * target;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29))
Printf("choices_font_selected_handler: called\n");
Printf("Selected font = %s\n", ((FontMenuSelectionEvent*)event)->font_id);
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_font_selected_handler: called\n"
"choices_font_selected_handler: Selected font = %s\n",
((FontMenuSelectionEvent *) event)->font_id));
p2 = font[0];
......@@ -2998,15 +2977,15 @@ static int choices_font_selected_handler(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, Id
choices_modified_font(font[0], getenv("Font$Bold"), font[2]); /* Get bold version of base font */
choices_modified_font(font[2], getenv("Font$Italic"), font[3]); /* Get italic version of bold font */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29))
Printf("Base font = %s\n", font[0]);
Printf("Italic version = %s\n", font[1]);
Printf("Bold version = %s\n", font[2]);
Printf("Bold-Italic version = %s\n", font[3]);
dprintf(("Choi", "Base font = %s\n"
"Italic version = %s\n"
"Bold version = %s\n"
"Bold-Italic version = %s\n",
/* Set display field to name of new font */
/* Ignore error as the display isn't */
......@@ -3077,9 +3056,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_plugin_field(void)
ObjectId destwind;
char * tempstring;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_set_plugin_field: Called\n");
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_set_plugin_field: Called\n"));
/* Find which window the plugin display is in */
......@@ -3340,9 +3317,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_uri_field(void)
ObjectId destwind;
char * tempstring;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_set_uri_field: Called\n");
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_set_uri_field: Called\n"));
/* Find which window the URI display is in */
......@@ -3469,9 +3444,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_cookie_field(void)
ObjectId destwind;
char * tempstring;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_set_cookie_field: Called\n");
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_set_cookie_field: Called\n"));
/* Find which window the cookie display is in */
......@@ -3596,9 +3569,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_jpeg_field(void)
ObjectId destwind;
char * tempstring;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_set_jpeg_field: Called\n");
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_set_jpeg_field: Called\n"));
/* Find which window the JPEG display is in */
......@@ -3723,9 +3694,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_referer_field(void)
ObjectId destwind;
char * tempstring;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_set_referer_field: Called\n");
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_set_referer_field: Called\n"));
/* Find which window the referer display is in */
......@@ -3855,9 +3824,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_referer_field(void)
ObjectId destwind;
char * tempstring;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_set_win_open_field: Called\n");
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_set_win_open_field: Called\n"));
/* Find which window the win_open display is in */
......@@ -3985,9 +3952,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_referer_field(void)
ObjectId destwind;
char * tempstring;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_set_win_close_field: Called\n");
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_set_win_close_field: Called\n"));
/* Find which window the win_close display is in */
......@@ -4252,9 +4217,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_timetype_field(int timetype, ComponentId co
ObjectId menu_id;
char * tempstring;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_set_timetype_field: Called\n");
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_set_timetype_field: Called\n"));
/* Find which window the time display is in */
......@@ -4573,9 +4536,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_table_border_field(ObjectId obj, ComponentI
_kernel_oserror *e;
char *tempstring;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_set_table_border_field: Called\n");
dprintf(("Choi", "choices_set_table_border_field: Called\n"));
RetError(choices_get_menu_entry_text("ChTabBord", state, &tempstring));
......@@ -37,11 +37,6 @@
#include <tboxlibs/wimplib.h>
#include <tboxlibs/event.h>
#ifdef TRACE
#define DEBUGLIB
#include <debuglib/debuglib.h>
#include "Global.h"
#include "Utils.h"
......@@ -38,11 +38,6 @@
#include <tboxlibs/wimplib.h>
#include <tboxlibs/event.h>
#ifdef TRACE
#define DEBUGLIB
#include <debuglib/debuglib.h>
#include "Global.h"
#include "FromROSLib.h"
#include "Utils.h"
......@@ -152,23 +147,17 @@ void dragbox_plot_eor_box(WimpRedrawWindowBlock * r, BBox * rect)
/* Set the dash pattern */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<27)) Printf("Set dotdash\n");
dprintf(("Drag", "Set dotdash\n"));
/* Set the colour and plot the box */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<27)) Printf("Set colour\n");
dprintf(("Drag", "Set colour\n"));
_swix(Wimp_SetColour, _IN(0), 0x3f);
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<27)) Printf("Draw over %d, %d, %d, %d\n",box.xmin,box.ymin,box.xmax,box.ymax);
dprintf(("Drag", "Draw over %d, %d, %d, %d\n",box.xmin,box.ymin,box.xmax,box.ymax));
_swix(OS_Plot, _INR(0,2), 4, box.xmin, box.ymin);
_swix(OS_Plot, _INR(0,2), 5 | 24, box.xmax, box.ymin);
......@@ -219,9 +208,7 @@ void dragbox_update_eor_box(int handle, BBox * rect)
while (more)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<27)) Printf("Plot EOR\n");
dprintf(("Drag", "Plot EOR\n"));
dragbox_plot_eor_box(&r, rect);
......@@ -263,21 +250,15 @@ void dragbox_end_rotate_box(void)
void dragbox_draw_box(void)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<27)) Printf("Draw\n");
dprintf(("Drag", "Draw\n"));
void dragbox_remove_box(void)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<27)) Printf("Remove\n");
dprintf(("Drag", "Remove\n"));
void dragbox_move_box(void)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<27)) Printf("Move\n");
dprintf(("Drag", "Move\n"));
......@@ -42,11 +42,6 @@
#include <tboxlibs/ScrollList.h>
#include "TextArea.h"
#ifdef TRACE
#define DEBUGLIB
#include <debuglib/debuglib.h>
#include "Global.h"
#include "Utils.h"
......@@ -710,7 +705,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * eventlogs_update_log_structure(browser_data * b, int co
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount += sizeof(eventlogs_log);
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (eventlogs_update_log_structure): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (eventlogs_update_log_structure): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount));
found->b = b;
......@@ -924,7 +919,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * eventlogs_log_message_known(eventlogs_log * found, brow
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount += news + 1;
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (eventlogs_log_message): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (eventlogs_log_message): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount));
strcat(found->text, full);
......@@ -941,7 +936,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * eventlogs_log_message_known(eventlogs_log * found, brow
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount += size;
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (eventlogs_log_message): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (eventlogs_log_message): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount));
strcpy(found->text, full);
......@@ -1017,7 +1012,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * eventlogs_url_changed(browser_data * b, unsigned int ok_to_cle
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount -= (strlen(found->text) + 1);
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (eventlogs_browser_died): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (eventlogs_browser_died): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount));
free(found->text), found->text = NULL;
......@@ -1118,7 +1113,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * eventlogs_browser_died(browser_data * b)
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount -= (strlen(found->text) + 1);
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (eventlogs_browser_died): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (eventlogs_browser_died): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount));
......@@ -1141,7 +1136,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * eventlogs_browser_died(browser_data * b)
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount -= sizeof(eventlogs_log);
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (eventlogs_browser_died): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (eventlogs_browser_died): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount));
return eventlogs_update_list(b);
......@@ -45,11 +45,6 @@
#include <tboxlibs/wimplib.h>
#include <tboxlibs/event.h>
#ifdef TRACE
#define DEBUGLIB
#include <debuglib/debuglib.h>
#include "Global.h"
#include "MiscDefs.h"
#include "Utils.h"
......@@ -113,9 +108,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * fetch_start(browser_data * b)
const char * referer;
int handle, method;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("\nfetch_start: Called\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "\nfetch_start: Called\n"));
/* (Order of evaluation ensures the check for the contents of */
/* the memory pointed to by browser_fetch_url only occurs if */
......@@ -183,7 +176,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * fetch_start(browser_data * b)
if (b->post_data)
flexcount -= flex_size((flex_ptr) &b->post_data);
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount));
......@@ -207,11 +200,10 @@ _kernel_oserror * fetch_start(browser_data * b)
/* so the full trace code is being left in for now */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6))
if (e) Printf("fetch_start: Exiting with error\n");
else Printf("fetch_start: Successful\n");
if (e) dprintf(("Fetc", "fetch_start: Exiting with error\n"));
else dprintf(("Fetc", "fetch_start: Successful\n"));
return e;
......@@ -1275,9 +1267,7 @@ void fetch_preprocess_token(browser_data * b, HStream * tptr)
b->background_colour = HtmlBODYbgcolour(tptr);
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("fetch_preprocess_token: Background colour set to %d\n", b->background_colour);
dprintf(("Fetc", "fetch_preprocess_token: Background colour set to %d\n", b->background_colour));
/* If there's no actual background image, set the anti-alias */
/* colour to be the same as the background colour. */
......@@ -1357,9 +1347,10 @@ void fetch_preprocess_token(browser_data * b, HStream * tptr)
void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
HStream * tptr;
int start = -1;
int i, remain, sofar, waiting;
HStream * tptr;
int start = -1;
int remain, sofar, waiting;
unsigned int now, beginning;
/* It really helps to understand this function if you realise that */
/* it's coded more or less backwards (Merlyn was weird...). For */
......@@ -1371,15 +1362,18 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
/* */
/* BS stands for Browser Status, by the way, and nothing else ;-) */
for (i = 0; i < 10; i ++) /* Get several tokens on each null event */
/* For BS_DATAFETCH, save the file */
if (b->fetch_status == BS_DATAFETCH)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("fetch_fetcher: fetch_status = BS_DATAFETCH / BS_DATAWHERE.\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "fetch_fetcher: fetch_status = BS_DATAFETCH / BS_DATAWHERE.\n"));
/* This code gets called by the stuff further down advancing */
/* the status to BS_DATAFETCH. */
......@@ -1463,9 +1457,7 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("fetch_fetcher: Get next token\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "fetch_fetcher: Get next token\n"));
/* Get the next token, with fetch_chkerror allowing us to exit */
/* relatively cleanly should an error occur. */
......@@ -1529,9 +1521,7 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("fetch_fetcher: fetch_status moved to BS_DATAFETCH\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "fetch_fetcher: fetch_status moved to BS_DATAFETCH\n"));
b->fetch_status = BS_DATAFETCH;
......@@ -1602,9 +1592,7 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
char * url;
int internal = 0;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("fetch_fetcher: Redirect to %s\n",(char *) remain);
dprintf(("Fetc", "fetch_fetcher: Redirect to %s\n",(char *) remain));
/* Get the new URL pointed to by 'url' */
......@@ -1616,9 +1604,7 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
/* Allocate space for new URL and copy it into that space */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("fetch_fetcher: Chunk CK_FURL set to %d\n",strlen(url) + 1);
dprintf(("LMem", "fetch_fetcher: Chunk CK_FURL set to %d\n",strlen(url) + 1));
if (fetch_chkerror(b, memory_set_chunk_size(b, NULL, CK_FURL, strlen(url) + 1))) return;
strcpy(b->urlfdata, url);
......@@ -1630,9 +1616,7 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
/* Allocate space for new URL plus old URL and separator, */
/* and copy them into that space */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("fetch_fetcher: Chunk CK_FURL set to %d\n",strlen(url) + strlen(furl) + 2);
dprintf(("LMem", "fetch_fetcher: Chunk CK_FURL set to %d\n",strlen(url) + strlen(furl) + 2));
StrNCpy0(furl, browser_fetch_url(b));
......@@ -1693,9 +1677,7 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
/* Allocate memory for it, and copy the string across */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("fetch_fetcher: Chunk CK_DURL set to %d\n",l + 1);
dprintf(("LMem", "fetch_fetcher: Chunk CK_DURL set to %d\n",l + 1));
if (fetch_chkerror(b, memory_set_chunk_size(b, NULL, CK_DURL, l + 1))) return;
......@@ -1745,9 +1727,7 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
/* Initialise various things inside the browser_data structure */
/* to do with colours and so-forth */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<18)) Printf("New fetch for %p, stream %p\n",b,tptr);
dprintf(("Stre", "New fetch for %p, stream %p\n",b,tptr));
b->stream = tptr; /* Pointer to list of HStream structures */
b->final_token = NULL; /* Last HStream structure dealt with */
......@@ -1828,24 +1808,14 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
b->selected = NULL; /* No tokens are selected */
b->selected_owner = NULL;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("\nfetch_fetcher: Document colours etc. set to default values\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "\nfetch_fetcher: Document colours etc. set to default values\n"));
/* Clear the status bar contents block for an ancestor */
/* window beginning a new fetch. */
if (!b->ancestor && b->nstatus)
#ifdef TRACE
if (
(tl & (1u<<1)) ||
(tl & (1u<<6))
Printf("fetch_fetcher: Freeing status_contents array\n");
dprintf(("Fetc,TBar", "fetch_fetcher: Freeing status_contents array\n"));
b->nstatus = 0;
memory_set_chunk_size(b, NULL, CK_STAT, 0);
......@@ -1991,9 +1961,7 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
reformat_format_from(b, b->cell->nlines - 2, 1, -1);
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("\nfetch_fetcher: Finished, so stopping and exiting.\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "\nfetch_fetcher: Finished, so stopping and exiting.\n"));
fetch_stop(b, 1);
......@@ -2012,8 +1980,14 @@ void fetch_fetcher(browser_data * b)
/* of the code deals with a conventional fetch. */
/* Closure of for loop that deals with several fetches per null */
/* Closure of loop that deals with several fetches per null */
while (now > beginning && now - beginning < 25);
/* If start is >= 0, there is data that can be used for */
/* displaying the page; so start a reformat based on that */
......@@ -2227,9 +2201,7 @@ void fetch_stop(browser_data * b, int keep_source)
/* Discard the URL being fetched */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("fetch_stop: Chunk CK_FURL set to 0\n");
dprintf(("LMem", "fetch_stop: Chunk CK_FURL set to 0\n"));
memory_set_chunk_size(b, NULL, CK_FURL, 0);
......@@ -2476,6 +2448,9 @@ _kernel_oserror * fetch_get_raw_data(browser_data * b, unsigned int handle, char
return &erb;
dprintf(("temp", "For %p (%p), handle &%08X, fetching %d\n",b,up,handle,up->fetching));
/* If we're not fetching, some earlier fetch process must have */
/* shut things down; so say that we're finished and exit. */
......@@ -41,11 +41,6 @@
#include <tboxlibs/wimp.h>
#include <tboxlibs/event.h>
#ifdef TRACE
#define DEBUGLIB
#include <debuglib/debuglib.h>
#include "Global.h"
#include "MiscDefs.h"
#include "Utils.h"
......@@ -121,9 +116,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * html_allocate_fetch_buffer(void)
if (!fetch_buffer)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("html_allocate_fetch_buffer: Exiting with error\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "html_allocate_fetch_buffer: Exiting with error\n"));
return make_no_cont_memory_error(8);
......@@ -325,9 +318,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get(char * url, char ** extradata, int * handle, int meth
int ok;
unsigned int h;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("html_get: Called\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "html_get: Called\n"));
*handle = 0;
......@@ -365,9 +356,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get(char * url, char ** extradata, int * handle, int meth
urlstat * up;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("html_get: Session registered, ID is %d\n",h);
dprintf(("Fetc", "html_get: Session registered, ID is %d\n",h));
e = urlstat_add_entry(1, &up);
......@@ -400,9 +389,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get(char * url, char ** extradata, int * handle, int meth
/* Allocate space for the extra data, the anchor stored in up->extradata */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("html_get: flex_alloc %d for 'extradata' store\n",len + 3);
dprintf(("LMem", "html_get: flex_alloc %d for 'extradata' store\n",len + 3));
if (!flex_alloc((flex_ptr) &up->extradata, len + 3))
......@@ -416,7 +403,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get(char * url, char ** extradata, int * handle, int meth
#ifdef TRACE
flexcount += (len + 3);
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
dprintf(("CFle", "** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount));
/* CR+LF into the top of the new block of memory */
......@@ -552,6 +539,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get(char * url, char ** extradata, int * handle, int meth
if (p) c = *p, *p = 0;
dprintf(("temp", "url_get_url for %p, url = '%s'\n",up,url));
e = url_get_url(URL_GetURL_AgentGiven, /* Should use a custom User Agent */
h, /* Session handle */
method, /* Fetch method */
......@@ -567,11 +555,10 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get(char * url, char ** extradata, int * handle, int meth
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6))
if (!e) Printf("html_get: Successful\n");
else Printf("html_get: Exitting with an error\n");
if (!e) dprintf(("Fetc", "html_get: Successful\n"));
else dprintf(("Fetc", "html_get: Exitting with an error\n"));
return e;
......@@ -616,11 +603,8 @@ int html_insert_header(const char * header, flex_ptr data)
/* block was allocated, else it holds the old block size. */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12))
if (s) Printf("html_insert_header: flex_extend to %d for header store\n",len + s);
else Printf("html_insert_header: flex_alloc %d for header store\n",len + 1);
if (s) dprintf(("LMem", "html_insert_header: flex_extend to %d for header store\n",len + s));
else dprintf(("LMem", "html_insert_header: flex_alloc %d for header store\n",len + 1));
if (s) ok = flex_extend(data, len + s);
......@@ -631,15 +615,13 @@ int html_insert_header(const char * header, flex_ptr data)
#ifdef TRACE
if (s) flexcount += len;
else flexcount += (len + 1);
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
dprintf(("CFle", "** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount));
/* Shuffle the header data down to make room for the new */
/* stuff at the top, if there was any data there to move. */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<18)) Printf("\0213html_insert_header: memove from %p to %p for %d bytes\0217\n",((int) (*data)) + len, *data, s);
dprintf(("Stre", "\0213html_insert_header: memove from &%08X to &%08X for %d bytes\0217\n",((int) (*data)) + len, (int) (*data), s));
if (s) memmove((void *) (((int) (*data)) + len), *data, s);
......@@ -679,9 +661,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_close(int handle)
urlstat * up;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("html_close: Called\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "html_close: Called\n"));
url_deregister(0, handle);
......@@ -710,9 +690,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_close(int handle)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("html_close: Exiting with error\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "html_close: Exiting with error\n"));
return &erb;
......@@ -785,8 +763,8 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_close(int handle)
#ifdef TRACE
if (up->stream)
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("html_close: Calling HtmlStreamFree on %p\n",up->stream);
if (tl & (1u<<18)) Printf("\0212Closing stream %p\0217\n",up->stream);
dprintf(("LMem", "html_close: Calling HtmlStreamFree on %p\n", up->stream));
dprintf(("Stre", "\0212html_close: Closing stream %p\0217\n", up->stream));
......@@ -797,9 +775,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_close(int handle)
if (up->context)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("html_close: free block %p for 'context' field of 'urlstat' structure\n",up->context);
dprintf(("LMem", "html_close: free block %p for 'context' field of 'urlstat' structure\n",up->context));
up->context = NULL;
......@@ -808,9 +784,9 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_close(int handle)
#ifdef TRACE
if (up->extradata)
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("html_close: flex_free block %p for 'extradata' field of 'urlstat' structure\n",&up->extradata);
dprintf(("LMem", "html_close: flex_free block %p for 'extradata' field of 'urlstat' structure\n",&up->extradata));
flexcount -= flex_size((flex_ptr) &up->extradata);
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
dprintf(("CFle", "** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount));
......@@ -822,9 +798,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_close(int handle)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("html_close: Successful\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "html_close: Successful\n"));
return NULL;
......@@ -1233,9 +1207,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * html_build_internal_page(browser_data * b, flex_ptr sou
if (!ok)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("html_build_internal_page: Exiting with error\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "html_build_internal_page: Exiting with error\n"));
return make_no_cont_memory_error(1);
......@@ -1325,9 +1297,9 @@ static _kernel_oserror * html_transfer_to_store(browser_data * b, flex_ptr sourc
if (!up->fetched && *source)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("html_transfer_to_store: (1) flex_free block %p which held page source\n",source);
dprintf(("LMem", "html_transfer_to_store: (1) flex_free block %p which held page source\n",source));
flexcount -= flex_size(source);
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
dprintf(("CFle", "** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount));
......@@ -1343,11 +1315,8 @@ static _kernel_oserror * html_transfer_to_store(browser_data * b, flex_ptr sourc
/* a new buffer to hold the data. */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12))
if (*source) Printf("html_transfer_to_store: flex_extend by %d to %d for page source store\n",r,flex_size(source) + r);
else Printf("html_transfer_to_store: flex_alloc %d for page source store\n",r);
if (*source) dprintf(("LMem", "html_transfer_to_store: flex_extend by %d to %d for page source store\n",r,flex_size(source) + r));
else dprintf(("LMem", "html_transfer_to_store: flex_alloc %d for page source store\n",r));
if (*source)
......@@ -1363,7 +1332,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * html_transfer_to_store(browser_data * b, flex_ptr sourc
#ifdef TRACE
flexcount += r;
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
dprintf(("CFle", "** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount));
if (size) *size = oldsize + r;
......@@ -1372,9 +1341,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * html_transfer_to_store(browser_data * b, flex_ptr sourc
if (!ok)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("html_transfer_to_store: Exiting with error\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "html_transfer_to_store: Exiting with error\n"));
return make_no_cont_memory_error(1);
......@@ -1382,9 +1349,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * html_transfer_to_store(browser_data * b, flex_ptr sourc
/* The data block has been created/extended successfully, so copy the */
/* data from the url_read_data call into it. */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<18)) Printf("\0216html_transfer_to_store: memcpy from %p to %p for %d bytes\0217\n",((char *) (*source)) + oldsize, fetch_buffer, r);
dprintf(("Stre", "\0216html_transfer_to_store: memcpy from %p to %p for %d bytes\0217\n",((char *) (*source)) + oldsize, fetch_buffer, r));
memcpy(((char *) (*source)) + oldsize, fetch_buffer, r);
......@@ -1458,9 +1423,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get_next_token(browser_data * b, unsigned int handle, int
/* Entry point - set up initial state information */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("html_get_next_token: Called\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "html_get_next_token: Called\n"));
/* Start in the default state of having no HStream to pass back */
/* through *token. Signal that we're waiting for now, and */
......@@ -1499,9 +1462,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get_next_token(browser_data * b, unsigned int handle, int
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6)) Printf("html_get_next_token: Exiting with error\n");
dprintf(("Fetc", "html_get_next_token: Exiting with error\n"));
return &erb;
......@@ -1557,6 +1518,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get_next_token(browser_data * b, unsigned int handle, int
&read, /* Number of bytes read */
remaining); /* Number of bytes left to get */
dprintf(("temp", "Read data within %p, %d read\n",up,read));
/* Deal with the size information */
if (*remaining > 0 && !b->data_size) b->data_size = *remaining + read;
......@@ -1745,9 +1707,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get_next_token(browser_data * b, unsigned int handle, int
up->stream = new;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<18)) Printf("\0211(New stream for %p, %p)\0217\n", b, up->stream);
dprintf(("Stre", "\0211(New stream for %p, %p)\0217\n", b, up->stream));
if (!new)
......@@ -1916,12 +1876,10 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get_next_token(browser_data * b, unsigned int handle, int
if (o != flex_size(source))
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<18)) Printf("\0213html_get_next_token: memove from %p to %p for %d bytes\0217\n",
(char*) (((int) *source) + o),
flex_size(source) - o);
dprintf(("Stre", "\0213html_get_next_token: memove from %p to %p for %d bytes\0217\n",
(char*) (((int) *source) + o),
flex_size(source) - o));
(char*) (((int) *source) + o),
......@@ -1931,9 +1889,9 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get_next_token(browser_data * b, unsigned int handle, int
/* and shrink the source store to this size. */
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("html_get_next_token: flex_extend to shrink source code store by %d to %d\n",o,flex_size(source) - o);
dprintf(("LMem", "html_get_next_token: flex_extend to shrink source code store by %d to %d\n",o,flex_size(source) - o));
flexcount -= o;
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
dprintf(("CFle", "** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount));
......@@ -2018,9 +1976,9 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get_next_token(browser_data * b, unsigned int handle, int
url_stop(0, handle);
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("html_get_next_token: (2) flex_free block %p which held page source\n",source);
dprintf(("LMem", "html_get_next_token: (2) flex_free block %p which held page source\n",source));
flexcount -= flex_size(source);
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
dprintf(("CFle", "** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount));
......@@ -2074,7 +2032,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get_next_token(browser_data * b, unsigned int handle, int
int rmv = flex_size((flex_ptr) &up->extradata) - len;
flexcount -= rmv;
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount));
......@@ -2535,9 +2493,9 @@ parse_the_page:
url_stop(0, handle);
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("html_get_next_token: (2) flex_free block %p which held page source\n",source);
dprintf(("LMem", "html_get_next_token: (2) flex_free block %p which held page source\n",source));
flexcount -= flex_size(source);
if (tl & (1u<<14)) Printf("** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount);
dprintf(("CFle", "** flexcount: %d\n",flexcount));
......@@ -2648,6 +2606,7 @@ parse_the_page:
if (s & URL_Status_Done)
dprintf(("temp", "Shutting down %p, status = %08x\n",up,s));
up->fetching = 0;
*waiting = 0;
......@@ -2659,15 +2618,14 @@ parse_the_page:
if (size) *size = (*source) ? flex_size(source) : 0;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<6))
if (!e) Printf("html_get_next_token: Successful\n");
else Printf("html_get_next_token: Exitting with an error\n");
if (!e) dprintf(("Fetc", "html_get_next_token: Successful\n"));
else dprintf(("Fetc", "html_get_next_token: Exitting with an error\n"));
/* Exit, passing on any error if there is one */
......@@ -46,11 +46,6 @@
#include <tboxlibs/window.h>
#include <tboxlibs/gadgets.h>
#ifdef TRACE
#define DEBUGLIB
#include <debuglib/debuglib.h>
#include "Global.h"
#include "FromROSLib.h"
#include "MiscDefs.h"
......@@ -107,9 +102,9 @@ int fetchpage_fetch(int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * b, IdBlock * idb, browser_dat
static oldstatus;
if ((tl & (1u<<6)) && (handle->fetch_status != oldstatus))
if (handle->fetch_status != oldstatus)
Printf("\nfetchpage_fetch: Called with new status %d\n",handle->fetch_status);
dprintf(("Fetc", "\nfetchpage_fetch: Called with new status %d\n",handle->fetch_status));
oldstatus = handle->fetch_status;
......@@ -155,7 +150,7 @@ int fetchpage_fetch(int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * b, IdBlock * idb, browser_dat
else priority = 0;
// do
/* If fetching, call the reformatter. */
......@@ -178,10 +173,10 @@ int fetchpage_fetch(int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * b, IdBlock * idb, browser_dat
_swix(OS_ReadMonotonicTime, _OUT(0), &tf_now);
while (
tf_now - tf_start < priority &&
(fetching || formatting)
// while (
// tf_now - tf_start < priority &&
// (fetching || formatting)
// );
/* Process images on a lower priority */
......@@ -219,86 +214,86 @@ int fetchpage_fetch(int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * b, IdBlock * idb, browser_dat
if (!reformat_formatting(handle))
if (
!reformat_formatting (handle) &&
!image_count_specific_pending (handle)
if (!image_count_specific_pending(handle))
/* There are no pending images, so we seem to have finished - */
/* but is there a reformat pending? */
if (handle->refo_time)
/* Yes, so flush the queue */
reformat_format_from(handle, handle->refo_line, 1, -1);
/* No; get rid of null claimants (the call will *install* a new */
/* animation drift handler if the Controls require it). */
/* There are no pending images, so we seem to have finished - */
/* but is there a reformat pending? */
if (handle->fetch_handler) fetchpage_release_nulls(handle);
if (handle->refo_time)
/* Yes, so flush the queue */
/* If flagged to do so, call the image garbage collector */
/* again - after fetching everything free memory may be */
/* getting low. */
reformat_format_from(handle, handle->refo_line, 1, -1);
/* No; get rid of null claimants (the call will *install* a new */
/* animation drift handler if the Controls require it). */
if (handle->clear_images)
handle->clear_images = 0;
if (handle->fetch_handler) fetchpage_release_nulls(handle);
/* We may have a pending messages to send */
/* If flagged to do so, call the image garbage collector */
/* again - after fetching everything free memory may be */
/* getting low. */
e = protocols_atats_send_any_pendings(handle);
if (handle->clear_images)
handle->clear_images = 0;
/* If this is a small fetch window, close it */
/* We may have a pending messages to send */
if (handle->small_fetch)
int close = 1;
e = protocols_atats_send_any_pendings(handle);
/* If this is a fetch for a Plug-In, tell the Plug-In about it */
/* If this is a small fetch window, close it */
if (
handle->pstream &&
handle->pstream->active &&
if (handle->small_fetch)
int close = 1;
/* Only close the window if the stream won't close itself */
/* If this is a fetch for a Plug-In, tell the Plug-In about it */
if (handle->pstream->will_close_itself) close = 0;
if (
handle->pstream &&
handle->pstream->active &&
/* Close the window *afterwards* - or you've */
/* just freed up message structures etc. that */
/* need to be dealt with first. */
/* Only close the window if the stream won't close itself */
if (close) windows_close_browser(handle);
if (handle->pstream->will_close_itself) close = 0;
/* Otherwise, proceed as normal */
/* Close the window *afterwards* - or you've */
/* just freed up message structures etc. that */
/* need to be dealt with first. */
/* Check the page's vertical extent is correct */
if (close) windows_close_browser(handle);
/* Otherwise, proceed as normal */
/* Update the status bar */
/* Check the page's vertical extent is correct */
toolbars_update_status(handle, Toolbars_Status_Viewing);
/* Report any errors from the pending message sends */
/* Update the status bar */
toolbars_update_status(handle, Toolbars_Status_Viewing);
/* Report any errors from the pending message sends */
/* Sort out window tool presence */
......@@ -591,7 +586,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * fetchpage_process_internal(browser_data * b)
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount -= strlen(url_buffer) + 128;
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (fetchpage_process_internal): \0212%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (fetchpage_process_internal): \0212%d\0217\n",malloccount));
......@@ -603,7 +598,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * fetchpage_process_internal(browser_data * b)
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount += (strlen(alt_url) + 128);
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (fetchpage_process_internal): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (fetchpage_process_internal): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount));
/* Copy the new URL into the buffer */
......@@ -685,9 +680,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * fetchpage_preprocessed(browser_data * b, int record, in
char * url_copy = malloc(strlen(url_buffer) + 1);
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<24)) Printf("fetchpage_preprocessed: JavaScript URL found:\n'\0216%s\0217'\n", url_buffer);
dprintf(("JScr", "fetchpage_preprocessed: JavaScript URL found:\n'\0216%s\0217'\n", url_buffer));
/* The script may well open a new window, which could run through these */
/* very fetch routines. They aren't multithreaded! So, we need to take */
......@@ -733,7 +726,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * fetchpage_preprocessed(browser_data * b, int record, in
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount -= strlen(url_buffer) + 128;
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (fetchpage_preprocessed): \0212%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (fetchpage_preprocessed): \0212%d\0217\n",malloccount));
......@@ -744,7 +737,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * fetchpage_preprocessed(browser_data * b, int record, in
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount += (strlen(alt_url) + 128);
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (fetchpage_preprocessed): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (fetchpage_preprocessed): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount));
/* Copy the new URL into the buffer */
......@@ -868,9 +861,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * fetchpage_postprocessed(browser_data * b, int record)
_kernel_oserror * e;
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<12)) Printf("fetchpage_postprocessed: Chunk CK_FURL set to %d\n",strlen(url_buffer) + 128);
dprintf(("LMem", "fetchpage_postprocessed: Chunk CK_FURL set to %d\n",strlen(url_buffer) + 128));
e = memory_set_chunk_size(b, NULL, CK_FURL, strlen(url_buffer) + 128);
if (e) return e;
......@@ -940,7 +931,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * fetchpage_postprocess_uri(browser_data * b, char * uri, int re
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount -= strlen(url_buffer) + 128;
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (fetchpage_postprocess_uri): \0212%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (fetchpage_postprocess_uri): \0212%d\0217\n",malloccount));
......@@ -952,7 +943,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * fetchpage_postprocess_uri(browser_data * b, char * uri, int re
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount += (strlen(uri) + 128);
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (fetchpage_postprocess_uri): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (fetchpage_postprocess_uri): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount));
/* Copy the URI over and fetch it */
......@@ -1002,7 +993,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * fetchpage_new(browser_data * b, const char * url, int record,
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount -= strlen(url_buffer) + 128;
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (fetchpage_new): \0212%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (fetchpage_new): \0212%d\0217\n",malloccount));
......@@ -1014,7 +1005,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * fetchpage_new(browser_data * b, const char * url, int record,
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount += (strlen(url) + 128);
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (fetchpage_new): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (fetchpage_new): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount));
strcpy(url_buffer, url);
......@@ -1089,7 +1080,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * fetchpage_new_add(browser_data * b, const char * url, int reco
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount -= strlen(url_buffer) + 128;
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (fetchpage_new_add): \0212%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (fetchpage_new_add): \0212%d\0217\n",malloccount));
......@@ -1101,7 +1092,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * fetchpage_new_add(browser_data * b, const char * url, int reco
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount += (strlen(url) + strlen(add) + 128);
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (fetchpage_new_add): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (fetchpage_new_add): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount));
strcpy(url_buffer, url);
......@@ -1186,7 +1177,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * fetchpage_new_raw(browser_data * b, const char * url, int reco
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount -= strlen(url_buffer) + 128;
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (fetchpage_new_raw): \0212%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (fetchpage_new_raw): \0212%d\0217\n",malloccount));
......@@ -1198,7 +1189,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * fetchpage_new_raw(browser_data * b, const char * url, int reco
#ifdef TRACE
malloccount += (strlen(url) + 128);
if (tl & (1u<<13)) Printf("** malloccount (fetchpage_new_raw): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount);
dprintf(("CMal", "** malloccount (fetchpage_new_raw): \0211%d\0217\n",malloccount));
strcpy(url_buffer, url);
......@@ -39,11 +39,6 @@
#include <tboxlibs/toolbox.h>
#include <tboxlibs/window.h>
#ifdef TRACE
#define DEBUGLIB
#include <debuglib/debuglib.h>
#include "Global.h"
#include "Utils.h"
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