• Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
    Big steps forward in vertical white space handling as a result of improvements... · 5db9badc
    Andrew Hodgkinson authored
    Big steps forward in vertical white space handling as a result of improvements in HTMLLib in this area ( -> all versions now 1.22 beta-2).
    As a result, the 'last_space' field in browser_data struct has been
    removed. Note that this relies quite heavily on setting of the PCDATA
    bit in the 'style' field of an HStream and the automatic collapsing
    of (for example) multiple P tags inside HTMLLib.
    Trace.c improved to recognise various bits in the 'style' field of an
    HStream structure.
    Phoenix defaults altered to a more 'standard' set of choices; Trinity
    as the serif font, with a slightly larger default font size. This is
    because there's a good chance it might get released to a wider audience
    than Acorn internal (though the animation and icon bar sprites will
    have to change before then...).
    MiscDefs updated for new SWI numbers in HTTP module; !Run[D] files thus
    updated to require HTTP 0.42 or later. At this point, all earlier
    modules are not backwards compatible in terms of direct calls to the
    HTTP module, though this only affects cookies_process_cookie at present.
    At the same time, checks for System$Path, InetDBase$Path, and setting
    of Inet$MimeMappings if not already defined have been added to the Run
    files along with RMEnsures of Resolver and MimeMap.
    Object and PlugIn c/h pairs created to handle OBJECT, EMBED and APPLET,
    and the RISC OS Plug-In interface respectively. Not part of the build
    process yet. Addition of 'odata' field in browser_data struct and
    definition of chunk CK_OBJB for memory_set_chunk_size() are in support
    of this.
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