• Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
    Now handles PARAM tags. Sorted out Plug-In bug that was related to Java... · 2093c108
    Andrew Hodgkinson authored
    Now handles PARAM tags. Sorted out Plug-In bug that was related to Java setting a 0 by 0 graphics window before calling Wimp_Poll (fixed in Java).
    Implemented queue for Plug-Ins so multiple broadcasts aren't sent for
    several Objects in one data chunk.
    Added Docs directory with some documentation in it. More things to keep
    checking for stylistic consistency, horray ;-)
    Corrected !Run[D] for Ursula build to need AcornURI but not TaskModule
    (URI handler needed for !Mail to pick up mailto: links).
    Added display_height field to browser_data, analogous to display_width,
    to cope with % sized objects by width and height (see how HRs are
    handled in Redraw.c for an example of how it was always fairly easy
    with width, but not height until this addition). Though you do have
    to reload to get a new size; reformat isn't enough. Must see to this
    some time...
    Fixed bug where basic typefaces were claimed *before* the Choices file
    had been read. For unusual Choices settings, this could create some
    'interesting' problems now and again. This was part of narrower scope
    work in the Choices code to allow font changing without leaking font
    handles (now done; fm_shutdown only ditches fonts, it keeps internal
    structures - must then call  fm_lose_fonts for all browsers to get the
    bitfields up to date, then rewrite the typeface definitions and reclaim
    basic fonts). Noticed that fm_claim_basic_typefaces would claim multiple
    instances of the same font if there were several cases of the same font
    mapped to different typeface styles - fixed.
    Implemented PlugInControl settings, but not SupportObject (fully).
PlugIn 41.2 KB