Commit e3976248 authored by Jeffrey Lee's avatar Jeffrey Lee
Browse files

Adjust volume slider min/max values to match range supported by hardware

  c/main, c/sound, h/sound - Now uses the additional gain data returned by SoundCtrl_ExamineMixer to alter the volume slider min, max and step values.
  If SoundCtrl_ExamineMixer doesn't return any additional gain data, the sliders will have properties that match those of previous versions of the plugin.
  Tested on Iyonix & BB-xM, both with and without the new gain data being available.
  Note that a bug in previous versions of SndSetup will cause it to crash/malfunction if it encounters the new gain data (i.e. SoundCtrl 1.01+ used with a mixer device which implements HAL mixer API 0.1+)

Version 2.04. Tagged as 'SndSetup-2_04'
parent d6a6112d
/* (2.03)
/* (2.04)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
* Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 2.03
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 2.04
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 14 Jan 2012
#define Module_Date_CMHG 21 Jan 2012
#define Module_MajorVersion "2.03"
#define Module_Version 203
#define Module_MajorVersion "2.04"
#define Module_Version 204
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "14 Jan 2012"
#define Module_Date "21 Jan 2012"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "14-Jan-12"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "21-Jan-12"
#define Module_ComponentName "SndSetup"
#define Module_ComponentPath "castle/RiscOS/Sources/SystemRes/Configure2/PlugIns/SndSetup"
#define Module_FullVersion "2.03"
#define Module_HelpVersion "2.03 (14 Jan 2012)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "2:3"
#define Module_FullVersion "2.04"
#define Module_HelpVersion "2.04 (21 Jan 2012)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "2:4"
......@@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ static void open_configure_window(int at_x, int at_y)
((Gadget *)gadget)->hdr.flags |= (channel[i].category >= 0 ? 10 : 11) << Slider_BarColourShift;
if (channel[i].fixed) ((Gadget *)gadget)->hdr.flags |= Gadget_Faded;
error_trap(window_add_gadget(0, config_window_id, (Gadget *)gadget, NULL), 0);
error_trap(slider_set_bounds(7, config_window_id, 2+i*4, channel[i].mingain, channel[i].maxgain, channel[i].step), 0);
memcpy(gadget, gadget_template[3], gadget_template_size[3]);
......@@ -47,6 +47,15 @@ unsigned int nchannels;
static int menu_to_voice_map[16];
static int cmos_voice, cmos_volume;
typedef struct
unsigned short flags;
signed short category;
int mingain;
int maxgain;
int step;
} mixer_features;
* sound_read_channel_info *
* *
......@@ -65,19 +74,49 @@ void sound_read_channel_info(void)
&block_size), 1);
nchannels = -space_needed / block_size;
if (nchannels > MAX_CHANNELS) nchannels = MAX_CHANNELS;
struct { unsigned short flags; signed short category; } info[nchannels];
char buffer[nchannels*block_size];
error_trap(_swix(SoundCtrl_ExamineMixer, _INR(0,2)|_OUT(4),
sizeof info,
sizeof buffer,
&nchannels), 1);
for (int i = 0; i < nchannels; i++)
channel[i].category = info[i].category;
mixer_features *info = (mixer_features *) (buffer+(block_size*i));
channel[i].category = info->category;
channel[i].index = -1;
channel[i].muted_by_default = info[i].flags & 4;
channel[i].fixed = info[i].flags & 1;
channel[i].mono = info[i].flags & 2;
channel[i].muted_by_default = info->flags & 4;
channel[i].fixed = info->flags & 1;
channel[i].mono = info->flags & 2;
if (block_size >= 16)
channel[i].mingain = info->mingain;
channel[i].maxgain = info->maxgain;
channel[i].step = info->step;
/* Use old limits of +0/-34.5, step 24 */
channel[i].mingain = (int) (-34.5*16);
channel[i].maxgain = 0;
channel[i].step = 24;
if (channel[i].step <= 0)
channel[i].step = 1;
/* Limit minimum gain to arbitrarily chosen value of -40dB
This is to avoid too much of the bar being taken up by negative
values if the mixer is capable of high attenuation (e.g. OMAP3 can
go from -80 to +24, but the +ve range is the one we're interested in
since it's a quiet system overall) */
if (channel[i].mingain < -40*16)
/* Ensure new value is still a multiple of the step size */
int steps = (40*16+channel[i].step-1)/channel[i].step;
channel[i].mingain = -steps*channel[i].step;
/* Sanity check */
if (channel[i].mingain >= channel[i].maxgain)
channel[i].mingain = channel[i].maxgain-16;
while (nchannels > 0)
......@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ extern struct channel
bool fixed;
bool mono;
bool muted_by_default;
int mingain;
int maxgain;
int step;
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