Jeffrey Lee
Add support for the new RISC OS 5 style sprite mode word. Add partial support for alpha channel sprite masks. Implement OS_ScreenMode reasons 13-15 Detail: ECFShift/ECFYOffset: - hdr/PublicWS - Add ECFShift and ECFYOffset to list of public exports (SpriteExtend was using hardcoded values). Rearrange exports so that VduWorkspace exports are now labelled as such. - hdr/KernelWS - Make sure ECFShift & ECFYOffset match their exported locations - hdr/OSRSI6, s/Middle - Add OS_ReadSysInfo 6 items 83 & 84, for reading ECFYOffset and ECFShift locations Mode flags/VDU variables: - Makefile - Add hdr/VduExt to the C header exports - hdr/VduExt - Get rid of NotRVVTBarWobblyBits macro and defined VDU variables manually so that Hdr2H will handle them. Begin replacing overly generic 'Flag_*' mode flag definitions with 'ModeFlag_*' instead. Define new flags as required by the new screen/sprite modes. Add OS_ScreenMode reason codes and mode selector format (from s.vdu.vdudecl) - NewModes/NEWF2, NewModes/O...