Commit f092f5f5 authored by Ben Avison's avatar Ben Avison
Browse files

Merge of Raspberry Pi support code against latest kernel

  This is a new branch from the current tip of the HAL branch, incorporating
  the changes received from Adrian Lees. The same caveats apply - this is a
  work in progress and will not work on any other platform at present.
  Builds, but not tested.

Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_147_2_1'
parent 105674f6
Things remaining to be tidied:
- The starting in a non-numbered video mode; in s.vdu. Code deliberately
bodged (and flagged with !!!) to force starting in 1920x1080x32bpp.
I guess any HAL_VideoFeatures call that returns inability to handle a
<= 8bpp mode might be a way to activate it? Then I guess the HAL needs to
suggest a suitable default resolution.
Alternatively, with later start.elf images perhaps we will be able to run
in lower resolutions when booting.
- There's code surrounding ARM_Analyse and particularly EvaluateCache
where it didn't determine the correct cachetype and cachelinelen
for this ARM. I've not tidied this properly yet; it should be obvious
what's required.
ARM ID reg &410FB767
MRC 15,1,R0,C0,C0,1
cache info = &1D152152
ARMv6 format...ok
I'm not sure who's best-placed to sort this cleanly; my knowledge of
ARMs from that era is not extensive...I'd have to study the ARM ARM
to ascertain the 'correct' way to determine cache properties.
- The code in vdudriver that reads the framestore properties requires
a GraphicsV claimant if an external framestore is required. I can
knock up a simple asm module to do this, or we can switch to an
internal framestore if that can be made to work. I like the latter
idea because it gives us 'hardware scrolling' and possibly the
screen cacheing (SA), both of which would benefit us with the
currently unaccelerated display.
- the centisecond timer interrupt currently needs to
be a 'pretend Vsync' handler too at the moment. I'm unsure how you'd
like to go about having this workaround used for R-Pi only
......@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
GBLS Module_ComponentPath
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.35"
Module_Version SETA 535
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "26 Apr 2012"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "26-Apr-12"
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "10 May 2012"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "10-May-12"
Module_ComponentName SETS "Kernel"
Module_ComponentPath SETS "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Kernel"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.35 ("
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.35 (26 Apr 2012)"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.35 ("
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.35 (10 May 2012)"
......@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.35
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 26 Apr 2012
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 10 May 2012
#define Module_MajorVersion "5.35"
#define Module_Version 535
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "26 Apr 2012"
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "10 May 2012"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "26-Apr-12"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "10-May-12"
#define Module_ComponentName "Kernel"
#define Module_ComponentPath "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Kernel"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.35 ("
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.35 (26 Apr 2012)"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.35 ("
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.35 (10 May 2012)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "5:35"
......@@ -221,6 +221,12 @@ FindARMloop
; others ...
! 0, "FIXME: temporary code"
MOV ip,#&C0
STR a1,[ip,#&40]
STMIA ip,{a1-ip}
B WeirdARMPanic ; stiff :)
......@@ -566,6 +572,10 @@ Analyse_WB_CR7_Lx
CMP a3, #14 ; Stop after level 7 (even though an 8th level might exist on some CPUs?)
ADD a2, a2, #4
! 0, "FIXME: temporary code"
MOV a4,#32
MOV v2,#32
STRB a4, [v6, #ICache_LineLen] ; Store log2(line size)-2
STRB v2, [v6, #DCache_LineLen] ; log2(line size)-2
......@@ -839,6 +849,12 @@ ARM_Analyse_Fancy
MOV a1, v2, LSR #CT_Dsize_pos
ADD a2, v6, #DCache_Info
BL EvaluateCache
;EvaluateCache isn't doing our job for us....assuming these flags are true! ;)
! 0, "FIXME: temporary code"
ORR v5, v5, #CPUFlag_SynchroniseCodeAreas+CPUFlag_SplitCache
B %FT27
......@@ -838,6 +838,12 @@ MMUon_nol1ptoverlap
MOV v3, #0 ; "MMU is on" signal
BL ARM_Analyse
! 0, "FIXME: temporary code"
MOV a1,#0
MOV a2,#32
STRB a2,[a1,#DCache_LineLen]
STRB a2,[a1,#ICache_LineLen]
ChangedProcVecs a1
......@@ -42,9 +42,13 @@
DebugTX $str
[ DebugHALTX
! 0, "FIXME: temporary code"
STR lr,[sp,#-4]!
BL DebugHALPrint
= "$str", 0
LDR lr,[sp],#4
......@@ -1417,6 +1417,17 @@ TickOne ROUT
STRB R0, [R3, #IOCIRQCLRA] ; clear timer 0 interrupt
! 0, "FIXME: temporary code"
STMFD sp!,{r0-r12}
ADR r0,ret_from_vs
Push r0
B VsyncIRQ_ExtEntry
LDMFD sp!,{r0-r12}
LDR R1, =ZeroPage
LDR R0, [R1, #MetroGnome]
ADD R0, R0, #1
......@@ -1565,6 +1565,7 @@ WallopDuffOnes
MOV r1, #AP_UndStackSoftCam
BL AddCamEntries
DebugTX "InitDynamicAreas"
; let's boogie with the CMOS for a bit
; read info and move as much memory as we can
......@@ -1712,6 +1713,7 @@ WallopDuffOnes
STR R1, [R0, #AplWorkSize]
STR R1, [R0, #MemLimit]
DebugTX "InitVectors"
BL InitVectors ; ready for OsByte to read mode
LDR R1, =ZeroPage+ModuleSWI_HashTab
......@@ -1776,6 +1778,7 @@ ResetPart1Done ; R0 is reset type
Push "R0, R1" ; save until after MOSInit
DebugTX "InitIRQ1"
BL InitialiseIRQ1Vtable
LDR R3, =ZeroPage
......@@ -1826,6 +1829,7 @@ ResetPart1Done ; R0 is reset type
MOV R4, #0
STMIA R2!, {R3,R4}
STMIA R2!, {R3,R4}
DebugTX "IMB_Full"
;we need to do an IMB type thing for modifying code in vector area,
;and for copying irq handler code
......@@ -1914,7 +1918,8 @@ ResetPart1Done ; R0 is reset type
STR R0, [R1, #DeviceTable]
CallHAL HAL_InitDevices ; get HAL to register any devices it has
BL LookForHALRTC ; Check if an RTC was just added. This is currently the only place where HAL RTCs are checked for; if we wanted to check anywhere else (e.g. after ROM module initialisation) then we'd have to listen for Service_Hardware so we can cope with device removal
! 0, "FIXME: we're going to need this back at some point"
; BL LookForHALRTC ; Check if an RTC was just added. This is currently the only place where HAL RTCs are checked for; if we wanted to check anywhere else (e.g. after ROM module initialisation) then we'd have to listen for Service_Hardware so we can cope with device removal
BL L1L2PTenhancements ; little tricks on cacheability etc for performance
......@@ -1091,6 +1091,23 @@ RedirectBadExit ; got an error from BGET
; in: R1 = input buffer id (0 => keyboard, 1 => RS423)
STMFD sp!,{R1-R12,R14}
MOV a1, #0
AddressHAL a1
SUB sp,sp,#4
MOV a2,sp
CallHAL HAL_UARTReceiveByte
LDR a2,[sp],#4
TST a2,#1
LDMFD sp!,{R1-R12,PC}
LDMFD sp!,{R1-R12,PC}
Push R14
; insert check here for ECONET interception of RDCH
......@@ -100,6 +100,12 @@ PreWrchCursor
; state in top bit
STR R0, [WsPtr, #CursorStack]
MOV R2,R14
LDR R14, [WsPtr, #HALVideoFeatures]
TST R14, #2
BLEQ RemovePointer
MOV R14,R2
[ No26bitCode
MSR CPSR_c, R3 ; restore old I bit
MOVCS PC, R14 ; already off, so exit
......@@ -271,7 +277,21 @@ Cursor32loop
; out: R6 = new CursorFlags, R5,R7 preserved, all others undefined
PostWrchCursor ROUT
MOV R6,R14
LDR R14,[WsPtr, #HALVideoFeatures]
TST R14,#2
ORR R3,R4,#I32_bit
BL RestorePointer
MOV R14,R6
LDR R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
LDR R0, [WsPtr, #CursorStack]
MOVS R0, R0, LSL #1
......@@ -365,7 +365,12 @@ InitialiseMode Entry
MOV r0, #1 ; no need to check for soft reset,
SWI XOS_ReadSysInfo ; always use configured value
MOV r1, r0
! 0, "FIXME: temporary code"
ADR r1,mode_defn
; MOV r1, r0
MOV r0, #ScreenModeReason_SelectMode
SWI XOS_ScreenMode
......@@ -377,6 +382,14 @@ InitialiseMode Entry
SWIVC XOS_WriteI+0 ; and if we can't get mode 0, we're really fooked!!!
! 0, "FIXME: temporary code"
mode_defn DCD 1
DCD 1920
DCD 1080
DCD -1
DCD -1
......@@ -744,6 +757,10 @@ VduBadExit ; jumped to if an error in VDU code
ModeChangeSub ROUT
Push lr
! 0, "FIXME: temporary code"
; !!!
ADRL R2,mode_defn
;If its a common mode number (0..49) consider a possible mode number
;substitution, if hardware does not support given bits per pixel.
;We are vaguely assuming h/w supports at least 8 bpp, otherwise we may
......@@ -809,6 +826,7 @@ mchsub_3
TEQ R0, R1 ; if substitute mode
MOVNE R2, #0 ; then don't use shadow
DebugTX "FindOKMode reached"
CMP r1, #&100
BICCC r10, r1, #&80
......@@ -816,6 +834,7 @@ mchsub_3
MOV R11, R10
BL PushModeInfo
BVS %FT07 ; [probably duff mode selector]
DebugTX "PushModeInfo done"
LDR R11, [R13, #wkScreenSize] ; get screen size for this mode
LDR R9, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize] ; maximum allowed amount
......@@ -843,7 +862,9 @@ mchsub_3
[ International
BL TranslateError
DebugTX "Can't grow framestore"
DebugTX "Mode fail"
SETV ; indicate error
Pull PC
......@@ -926,10 +947,20 @@ TV_Mode_string
[ UseGraphicsV
Push "r0-r4"
! 0, "FIXME: temporary code"
MOV r4, #GraphicsV_FramestoreAddress
BL CallGraphicsV
TEQ r4, #0
BNE %FT581
;hardcoded values for R-Pi alpha. external framestore requires a GraphicsV client,
; but still debating the merits of external vs internal
MOV r0,#&2000000
MOV r1,#&0800000
MOV r4,#0
MOV r1, r1, LSR #20 ; round size down to 1MB
MOV r2, r1, LSL #20
ADD r0, r0, #1:SHL:20 ; round addr up to 1MB
......@@ -1214,8 +1245,13 @@ PushModeInfo ROUT
BL ReadMonitorType
MOV r2, r10 ; r2 = original mode
BL OfferModeExtension
BEQ %FT30 ; [service claimed]
! 0, "FIXME: temporary code"
; BL OfferModeExtension
; BEQ %FT30 ; [service claimed]
MOV r3,#0
MOV r4,#0
B %FT30
CMP r2, #&100 ; service not claimed - check if mode selector
MOVCC r10, r11 ; unrecognised mode number, so use substitute
......@@ -1414,9 +1450,11 @@ GenerateModeSelectorVars Entry "r0,r1,r3-r8,r10-r12"
TST r2, #1 ; is it a new format sprite mode word?
BNE %FT50 ; [yes, so skip]
MOV r0, r2
; DebugTX "ValModeSel"
BL ValidateModeSelector
BVS %FT95 ; invalid - return error
LDMIB r2, {r4-r6} ; r4 = xres; r5 = yres; r6 = pixdepth
; DebugTX "Passed"
STR r6, [r9, #wkLog2BPC] ; log2bpc = log2bpp = pixdepth
STR r6, [r9, #wkLog2BPP]
......@@ -604,4 +604,60 @@ FlushMouse ROUT
; *****************************************************************************
; RemovePointer - Remove soft mouse pointer from screen
RemovePointer ROUT
STMFD R13!,{R0-R6,R14}
LDRB R3, [WsPtr, #PointerShapeNumber]
TST R3, #&7F
MOVNE R0, #0
MOVNE R4, #GraphicsV_UpdatePointer
BLNE CallGraphicsV
LDMFD R13!,{R0-R6,PC}
; *****************************************************************************
; RestorePointer - Restore soft mouse pointer to previous state
RestorePointer ROUT
STMFD R13!,{R0-R6,R14}
LDRB R6, [WsPtr, #PointerShapeNumber]
ANDS R6, R6, #&7F
ADD R3, WsPtr, #PointerShapes-4
LDR R3, [R3, R6, LSL #2] ; R3 -> current shape block (R6 = shape 1..4)
MOV R0, #1 ; R0 = flags, set pointer on (bit 0 = 1)
LDR R1, [WsPtr, #PointerShapeLA] ; last shape buffer given to HAL
LDR R4, [R3, #PointerBuffLA] ; shape buffer we're about to give
TEQ R1, R4 ; same as last time?
STRNE R4, [WsPtr, #PointerShapeLA] ; update
ORRNE R0, R0, #2 ; flag new shape (bit 1 = 1)
LDR R1, [WsPtr, #PointerX]
LDR R4, [WsPtr, #PointerXEigFactor]
MOV R1, R1, ASR R4 ; R1 = pointer x, pixels
LDRB R4, [R3, #PointerActiveX]
SUB R1, R1, R4 ; R1 = pointer x, adjusted for active point
LDR R2, [WsPtr, #PointerY]
LDR R4, [WsPtr, #DisplayYEigFactor]
LDR R5, [WsPtr, #DisplayYWindLimit] ; R5 = display height -1
SUB R2, R5, R2, ASR R4 ; R2 = pointer y, pixels, inverted
LDRB R4, [R3, #PointerActiveY]
SUB R2, R2, R4 ; R2 = pointer y, adjusted for active point
; and it's up to the HAL to handle clipping according to h/w capabilities
MOV R4, #GraphicsV_UpdatePointer
BL CallGraphicsV
LDMFD R13!,{R0-R6,PC}
......@@ -698,6 +698,7 @@ NSM_yshftfactor
SWICheckModeValid ROUT
DebugTX "CheckModeValid"
Push "r1,r9,lr"
BL FindOKMode ; out: r1 = substitute mode
......@@ -772,6 +773,11 @@ SWICheckModeValid ROUT
! 0, "FIXME: temporary code"
ADDS R1,R0,#0
MOV pc,lr
Push "r0,r2-r4,r10,r11,lr"
BL ReadMonitorType
CMP r0, #&100 ; if it's a mode number
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