Commit b8267d5d authored by Jeffrey Lee's avatar Jeffrey Lee
Browse files

Add hdr.Variables to the C header export, fix ARMv6 issues

  Makefile - Added hdr.Variables to the C header export list
  hdr/ARMops, s/ARMops - Added ARM1176JZF-S to the list of known CPUs
  s/ARMops - Fix unaligned memory access in ARM_PrintProcessorType
  hdr/Copro15ops, s/ARMops, s/HAL, s/VMSAv6, s/AMBControl/memmap - Fixed all myDSB/myISB/etc. macro instances to specify a temp register, so that they work properly when building an ARMv6 version of the kernel
  Fixes build errors with the latest Draw module.
  Should also allow the kernel to work properly with the new S3C6410 port.
  ARMv6 version builds OK, but no other builds or runtime tests have been made.

Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_38'
parent 1bd9c9e0
......@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ EXPORTS = ${EXP_HDR}.EnvNumbers \
${C_EXP_HDR}.HALEntries \
${C_EXP_HDR}.HALDevice \
${C_EXP_HDR}.OSEntries \
# Generic rules:
......@@ -191,6 +192,10 @@ ${C_EXP_HDR}.OSEntries: hdr.OSEntries
perl Build:Hdr2H hdr.OSEntries $@
${C_EXP_HDR}.Variables: hdr.Variables
perl Build:Hdr2H hdr.Variables $@
o.Global.h.HALDevice: hdr.HALDevice
${MKDIR} o.Global.h
dir o
......@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
GBLS Module_ComponentPath
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.35"
Module_Version SETA 535
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "22 May 2011"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "22-May-11"
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "04 Jun 2011"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "04-Jun-11"
Module_ComponentName SETS "Kernel"
Module_ComponentPath SETS "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Kernel"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.35 ("
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.35 (22 May 2011)"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.35 ("
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.35 (04 Jun 2011)"
......@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.35
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 22 May 2011
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 04 Jun 2011
#define Module_MajorVersion "5.35"
#define Module_Version 535
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "22 May 2011"
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "04 Jun 2011"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "22-May-11"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "04-Jun-11"
#define Module_ComponentName "Kernel"
#define Module_ComponentPath "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Kernel"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.35 ("
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.35 (22 May 2011)"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.35 ("
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.35 (04 Jun 2011)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "5:35"
......@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ ARM922T # 1
X80200 # 1
X80321 # 1
Cortex_A8 # 1
ARM1176JZF_S # 1
ARMunk * 255
; These flags are stored in ProcessorFlags and returned by OS_PlatformFeatures 0 (Read code features)
......@@ -559,36 +559,42 @@ C15 CN 15
; Provided here are ISB, DSB and DMB macros suitable for ARMv6+
; Although ARMv4 & v5 do provide CP15 ops that are compatible with the ARMv6 ops, it's implementation defined whether each processor implements the ops or not (and the ops are unpredictable if unimplemented)
; So to play it safe these macros will complain if used on pre-ARMv6
; For all the macros, set the $quick to something if the value of $temp is
; already zero (this will cut out a pointless MOV)
; Instruction Synchronisation Barrier - required on ARMv6+ to ensure the effects of the following are visible to following instructions:
; * Completed cache, TLB & branch predictor maintenance operations
; * CP14/CP15 writes
myISB $cond,$temp
[ NoARMv6
myISB $cond,$temp,$option,$quick
[ NoARMv6
! 1, "Don't know what to do on pre-ARMv6!"
[ NoARMv7
[ NoARMv7
; ARMv6, use legacy MCR op
[ "$quick"="q"
MOV$cond $temp,#0
MCR$cond p15,0,$temp,c7,c5,4
; ARMv7+, use ISB instruction (saves on temp register, but instruction is unconditional)
; Shouldn't hurt too much if we just ignore the condition code
; Data Synchronisation Barrier - aka drain write buffer/data write barrier. Stalls pipeline until all preceeding memory accesses (including cache/TLB/BTC ops complete.
myDSB $cond,$temp,$option
myDSB $cond,$temp,$option,$quick
[ NoARMv6
! 1, "Don't know what to do on pre-ARMv6!"
[ NoARMv7
; pre-ARMv7, use legacy MCR op
[ "$quick"=""
MOV$cond $temp,#0
MCR$cond p15,0,$temp,c7,c10,4
; ARMv7+, use DSB instruction
......@@ -631,13 +637,15 @@ C15 CN 15
; Data Memory Barrier - More lightweight DSB, ensures memory accesses behave correctly without stalling the pipeline to wait for preceeding accesses to complete. I.e. it's only good for synchronising load/store instructions.
myDMB $cond,$temp,$option
myDMB $cond,$temp,$option,$quick
[ NoARMv6
! 1, "Don't know what to do on pre-ARMv6!"
[ NoARMv7
; ARMv6, use legacy MCR op
[ "$quick"=""
MOV$cond $temp,#0
MCR$cond p15,0,$temp,c7,c10,5
; ARMv7+, use DMB instruction
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ AMB_LazyFixUp ROUT
ARM_write_FAR r5 ;restore FAR
ARM_write_FSR r6 ;restore FSR
[ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
myISB ; Not sure if this is necessary or not; do it just in case
myISB ,r0 ; Not sure if this is necessary or not; do it just in case
......@@ -695,6 +695,7 @@ $var SETA $var+(CT_M_$sz:SHL:CT_M_pos)
; CPUDesc table for ARMv3-ARMv6
; /------Cache Type register fields-----\
; ID reg Mask Arch Type S Dsz Das Dln Isz Ias Iln
......@@ -717,9 +718,10 @@ KnownCPUTable
CPUDesc ARM922T, &029220, &0FFFF0, ARMv4T, WB_CR7_LDa, 1, 8K, 64, 8, 8K, 64, 8
CPUDesc X80200, &052000, &0FFFF0, ARMv5TE, WB_Cal_LD, 1, 32K, 32, 8, 32K, 32, 8
CPUDesc X80321, &69052400, &FFFFF700, ARMv5TE, WB_Cal_LD, 1, 32K, 32, 8, 32K, 32, 8
CPUDesc ARM1176JZF_S, &00B760, &00FFF0, ARMv6, WB_CR7_LDa, 1, 16K, 32, 16,16K, 32, 16
DCD -1
; Simplified CPUDesc table for Fancy ARMs
; Simplified CPUDesc table for ARMv7 only
; The cache size data is ignored
CPUDesc Cortex_A8, &00C080, &00FFF0, ARMvF, WB_CR7_Lx, 1, 16K, 32, 16, 16K, 32, 16
......@@ -744,7 +746,8 @@ KnownCPUFlags
DCD 0, 0 ; ARM 922T
DCD CPUFlag_ExtendedPages+CPUFlag_XScale, 0 ; X80200
DCD CPUFlag_XScale, 0 ; X80321
DCD CPUFlag_ExtendedPages, 0 ; Cortex_A8
DCD 0, 0 ; Cortex_A8
DCD 0, 0 ; ARM1176JZF_S
[ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -1878,8 +1881,7 @@ Cache_CleanAll_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
MOVS a1, a1, LSR #3
MOV a1, #0
myDSB ; Wait for cache cleaning to complete
myDSB ,a1 ; Wait for cache cleaning to complete
Pull "a2,a3,a4,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,pc"
......@@ -1925,11 +1927,11 @@ Cache_CleanInvalidateAll_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
MOV a1, #0
myDSB ; Wait for cache clean to complete
myDSB ,a1,,y ; Wait for cache clean to complete
MCR p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0 ; invalidate ICache
MCR p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6 ; invalidate branch predictors
myDSB ; Wait for cache/branch invalidation to complete
myISB ; Ensure that the effects of the completed cache/branch invalidation are visible
myDSB ,a1,,y ; Wait for cache/branch invalidation to complete
myISB ,a1,,y ; Ensure that the effects of the completed cache/branch invalidation are visible
Pull "a2,a3,a4,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,pc"
......@@ -1975,11 +1977,11 @@ Cache_InvalidateAll_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
MOV a1, #0
myDSB ; Wait for invalidation to complete
myDSB ,a1,,y ; Wait for invalidation to complete
MCR p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0 ; invalidate ICache
MCR p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6 ; invalidate branch predictors
myDSB ; Wait for cache/branch invalidation to complete
myISB ; Ensure that the effects of the completed cache/branch invalidation are visible
myDSB ,a1,,y ; Wait for cache/branch invalidation to complete
myISB ,a1,,y ; Ensure that the effects of the completed cache/branch invalidation are visible
Pull "a2,a3,a4,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,pc"
......@@ -1990,33 +1992,40 @@ Cache_RangeThreshold_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
myDSB ; Ensure the page table write has actually completed
myISB ; Also required
myDSB ,a1 ; Ensure the page table write has actually completed
myISB ,a1,,y ; Also required
TLB_InvalidateAll_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
MOV a1, #0
MCR p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0 ; invalidate ITLB and DTLB
MCR p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6 ; invalidate branch predictors
myDSB ; Wait for cache/branch invalidation to complete
myISB ; Ensure that the effects of the completed cache/branch invalidation are visible
myDSB ,a1,,y ; Wait for cache/branch invalidation to complete
myISB ,a1,,y ; Ensure that the effects of the completed cache/branch invalidation are visible
MOV pc, lr
; a1 = page affected (page aligned address)
myDSB ; Ensure the page table write has actually completed
myISB ; Also required
[ NoARMv7
Push "a2"
myDSB ,a2 ; Ensure the page table write has actually completed
myISB ,a2,,y ; Also required
Pull "a2"
TLB_InvalidateEntry_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
MCR p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 1 ; invalidate ITLB & DTLB entry
MCR p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6 ; invalidate branch predictors
myDSB ; Wait for cache/branch invalidation to complete
myISB ; Ensure that the effects of the completed cache/branch invalidation are visible
myDSB ,a1 ; Wait for cache/branch invalidation to complete
myISB ,a1,,y ; Ensure that the effects of the completed cache/branch invalidation are visible
MOV pc, lr
WriteBuffer_Drain_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
myDSB ; DSB is the new name for write buffer draining
myISB ; Also do ISB for extra paranoia
myDSB ,a1 ; DSB is the new name for write buffer draining
myISB ,a1,,y ; Also do ISB for extra paranoia
MOV pc, lr
......@@ -2064,11 +2073,11 @@ IMB_Full_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
MOV a1, #0
myDSB ; Wait for clean to complete
myDSB ,a1,,y ; Wait for clean to complete
MCR p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0 ; invalidate ICache
MCR p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6 ; invalidate branch predictors
myDSB ; Wait for cache/branch invalidation to complete
myISB ; Ensure that the effects of the completed cache/branch invalidation are visible
myDSB ,a1,,y ; Wait for cache/branch invalidation to complete
myISB ,a1,,y ; Ensure that the effects of the completed cache/branch invalidation are visible
Pull "a2,a3,a4,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,pc"
; a1 = start address (inclusive, cache line aligned)
......@@ -2090,7 +2099,7 @@ IMB_Range_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
ADD a1, a1, lr
CMP a1, a2
myDSB ; Wait for clean to complete
myDSB ,a1 ; Wait for clean to complete
Pull "a1" ; Get start address back
MOV lr, #0
LDRB lr, [lr, #ICache_LineLen] ; Use ICache line length, just in case D&I length differ
......@@ -2101,28 +2110,28 @@ IMB_Range_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
CMP a1, a2
MCR p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6 ; invalidate branch predictors
myDSB ; Wait for cache/branch invalidation to complete
myISB ; Ensure that the effects of the completed cache/branch invalidation are visible
myDSB ,a1 ; Wait for cache/branch invalidation to complete
myISB ,a1,,y ; Ensure that the effects of the completed cache/branch invalidation are visible
Pull "a3,pc"
MMU_Changing_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
Push "lr"
myDSB ; Ensure the page table write has actually completed
myISB ; Also required
myDSB ,a1 ; Ensure the page table write has actually completed
myISB ,a1,,y ; Also required
BL Cache_CleanInvalidateAll_WB_CR7_Lx
MOV a1, #0
MCR p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0 ; invalidate ITLB and DTLB
myDSB ; Wait TLB invalidation to complete
myISB ; Ensure that the effects are visible
myDSB ,a1,,y ; Wait TLB invalidation to complete
myISB ,a1,,y ; Ensure that the effects are visible
Pull "pc"
; a1 = page affected (page aligned address)
MMU_ChangingEntry_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
Push "a2, lr"
myDSB ; Ensure the page table write has actually completed
myISB ; Also required
MOV lr, #0
myDSB ,lr,,y ; Ensure the page table write has actually completed
myISB ,lr,,y ; Also required
LDRB lr, [lr, #DCache_LineLen] ; log2(line len)-2
MOV a2, #4
MOV lr, a2, LSL lr
......@@ -2132,8 +2141,8 @@ MMU_ChangingEntry_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
ADD a1, a1, lr
CMP a1, a2
myDSB ; Wait for clean to complete
MOV lr, #0
myDSB ,lr,,y ; Wait for clean to complete
LDRB lr, [lr, #ICache_LineLen] ; Use ICache line length, just in case D&I length differ
MOV a1, #4
MOV lr, a1, LSL lr
......@@ -2146,8 +2155,8 @@ MMU_ChangingEntry_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
SUB a1, a1, #PageSize
MCR p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 1 ; invalidate DTLB and ITLB
MCR p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6 ; invalidate branch predictors
myDSB ,a1
myISB ,a1,,y
Pull "a2, pc"
; a1 = first page affected (page aligned address)
......@@ -2155,8 +2164,8 @@ MMU_ChangingEntry_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
MMU_ChangingEntries_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
Push "a2, a3, lr"
myDSB ; Ensure the page table write has actually completed
myISB ; Also required
myDSB ,lr ; Ensure the page table write has actually completed
myISB ,lr,,y ; Also required
MOV a2, a2, LSL #Log2PageSize
MOV a3, #0
LDR a3, [a3, #DCache_RangeThreshold] ;check whether cheaper to do global clean
......@@ -2173,8 +2182,8 @@ MMU_ChangingEntries_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
ADD a1, a1, a3
CMP a1, a2
myDSB ; Wait for clean to complete
MOV a3, #0
myDSB ,a3,,y ; Wait for clean to complete
LDRB a3, [a3, #ICache_LineLen] ; Use ICache line length, just in case D&I length differ
MOV a1, #4
MOV a3, a1, LSL a3
......@@ -2190,39 +2199,38 @@ MMU_ChangingEntries_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
CMP lr, a2
MCR p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6 ; invalidate branch predictors
myDSB ,a1
myISB ,a1,,y
Pull "a2, a3, pc"
BL Cache_CleanInvalidateAll_WB_CR7_Lx
MOV a1, #0
MCR p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0 ; invalidate ITLB and DTLB
myDSB ; Wait TLB invalidation to complete
myISB ; Ensure that the effects are visible
myDSB ,a1,,y ; Wait TLB invalidation to complete
myISB ,a1,,y ; Ensure that the effects are visible
Pull "a2, a3, pc"
; a1 = first page affected (page aligned address)
; a2 = number of pages
MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries_WB_CR7_Lx ROUT
myDSB ; Ensure the page table write has actually completed
myISB ; Also required
Push "a2,lr"
myDSB ,lr ; Ensure the page table write has actually completed
myISB ,lr,,y ; Also required
CMP a2, #32 ; arbitrary-ish threshold
MCRHS p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0 ; invalidate ITLB and DTLB
Push "a2"
MCR p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 1 ; invalidate DTLB & ITLB entry
ADD a1, a1, #PageSize
SUBS a2, a2, #1
Pull "a2"
MCR p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6 ; invalidate branch predictors
MOV pc, lr
myDSB ,lr,,y
myISB ,lr,,y
Pull "a2,pc"
] ; MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
......@@ -2239,9 +2247,8 @@ ARM_PrintProcessorType
Push "lr"
ADR a2, PNameTable
LDR a1, [a2, a1, LSL #1]
MOV a1, a1, LSL #16
ADD a1, a2, a1, LSR #16
LDHA a1, a2, a1, a3
ADD a1, a2, a1
BL Write0_Translated
......@@ -2265,6 +2272,7 @@ PNameTable
DCW PName_X80200 - PNameTable
DCW PName_X80321 - PNameTable
DCW PName_Cortex_A8 - PNameTable
DCW PName_ARM1176JZF_S - PNameTable
= "600:ARM 600 Processor",0
......@@ -2298,6 +2306,8 @@ PName_X80321
= "X80321:80321 Processor",0
= "CortexA8:Cortex-A8 Processor",0
= "ARM1176JZF_S:ARM1176JZF-S Processor",0
......@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ RISCOS_InitARM
; Off we go.
ARM_write_control a3
MOV a2, #0
[ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
myISB ; Ensure the update went through
myISB ,a2,,y ; Ensure the update went through
; In case it wasn't a hard reset
MOV a2, #0
[ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
CMP a1, #ARMvF
; Assume that all ARMvF ARMs have multi-level caches and thus no single MCR op for invalidating all the caches
......@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ RISCOS_InitARM
MCREQ ARM_config_cp,0,a2,ARMv3_TLBflush_reg,C0 ; flush TLBs
MCRNE ARM_config_cp,0,a2,ARMv4_TLB_reg,C7 ; flush TLBs
[ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
myDSB ,a2,,y
myISB ,a2,,y
; We assume that ARMs with an I cache can have it enabled while the MMU is off.
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ RISCOS_InitARM
ORRNE a3, a3, #MMUC_I
ARM_write_control a3, NE ; whoosh
[ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
myISB ; Ensure the update went through
myISB ,a2,,y ; Ensure the update went through
......@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ MMU_activation_zone
CMP ip, #ARMv6
MCRGE p15, 0, lr, c2, c0, 2 ; Ensure only TTBR0 is used (v6)
MCRGT p15, 0, lr, c12, c0, 0 ; Ensure exception vector base is 0 (Cortex)
myISB ,lr,,y
ORRGE v5, v5, #MMUC_XP ; Extended pages enabled (v6)
BICGT v5, v5, #MMUC_TRE+MMUC_AFE ; TEX remap, Access Flag disabled (Cortex)
BICGE v5, v5, #MMUC_EE+MMUC_TE+MMUC_VE ; Exceptions = nonvectored LE ARM
......@@ -703,19 +703,19 @@ MMU_activation_zone
ARM_write_control v5
[ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
myISB ; Just in case
MOV lr, #0
myISB ,lr,,y ; Just in case
MOVEQ sp, v5
MSREQ CPSR_c, #F32_bit+I32_bit+SVC32_mode
[ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
CMP ip, #ARMvF
MOV lr, #0 ; junk MMU-off contents of I-cache
MCRNE ARM_config_cp,0,lr,ARMv4_cache_reg,C7 ; (works on ARMv3)
MCRNE ARM_config_cp,0,lr,ARMv4_cache_reg,C7 ; junk MMU-off contents of I-cache (works on ARMv3)
MCREQ p15, 0, lr, c7, c5, 0 ; invalidate instruction cache
MCREQ p15, 0, lr, c8, c7, 0 ; invalidate TLBs
MCREQ p15, 0, lr, c7, c5, 6 ; invalidate branch predictor
myISB ; Ensure below branch works
myISB ,lr,,y ; Ensure below branch works
BLEQ HAL_InvalidateCache_ARMvF ; invalidate data cache (and instruction+TLBs again!)
MOV lr, #0 ; junk MMU-off contents of I-cache
......@@ -1057,8 +1057,8 @@ HAL_InvalidateCache_ARMvF
MCR p15, 0, r8, c7, c5, 0 ; invalidate instruction cache
MCR p15, 0, r8, c8, c7, 0 ; invalidate TLBs
MCR p15, 0, r8, c7, c5, 6 ; invalidate branch target predictor
myDSB ; Wait for completion
myDSB ,r8,,y ; Wait for completion
myISB ,r8,,y
MRC p15, 1, r8, c0, c0, 1 ; Cache level ID register
BIC r8, r8, #&FF000000 ; Discard unification/coherency bits
MOV r9, #0 ; Current cache level
......@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ HAL_InvalidateCache_ARMvF
TST r8, #7 ; Get flags
BEQ %FT10 ; Cache clean complete
MCR p15, 2, r9, c0, c0, 0 ; Program cache size selection register
myISB ,r8,,y
MRC p15, 1, r10, c0, c0, 0 ; Get size info
AND r11, r10, #&7 ; log2(Line size)-2
BIC r10, r10, #&F0000007 ; Clear flags & line size
......@@ -1096,13 +1096,13 @@ HAL_InvalidateCache_ARMvF
; Wait for clean to complete
MOV r8, #0
myDSB ,r8,,y
MCR p15, 0, r8, c7, c5, 0 ; invalidate instruction cache
MCR p15, 0, r8, c8, c7, 0 ; invalidate TLBs
MCR p15, 0, r8, c7, c5, 6 ; invalidate branch target predictor
myDSB ; Wait for completion
myDSB ,r8,,y ; Wait for completion
myISB ,r8,,y
; All caches clean; switch back to SVC, then recover the stored PSR from ip (although we can be fairly certain we started in SVC anyway)
MSR CPSR_c, #F32_bit+I32_bit+SVC32_mode
MSR CPSR_cxsf, ip
......@@ -376,15 +376,12 @@ MMUControl_ModifyControl ROUT
CMP r1,#0
BEQ MMUC_modcon_readonly
MOV r3,#0
LDRB r5,[r3, #ProcessorArch]
MOV r3,#ZeroPage
ASSERT ZeroPage = 0 ; r3 assumed to be zero for CP15 ops
PHPSEI r4 ; disable IRQs while we modify soft copy (and possibly switch caches off/on)
CMP r5,#ARMv4
LDRLO lr, [r3, #MMUControlSoftCopy]
ARM_read_control lr,HS
; MOVHS lr,lr,LSL #19
; MOVHS lr,lr,LSR #19 ; if ARMv4 or later, we can read control reg. - trust this more than soft copy
; We're ARMv6+, just read the real control reg and ignore the soft copy
ARM_read_control lr
AND r2, r2, lr
EOR r2, r2, r1
MOV r1, lr
......@@ -398,44 +395,30 @@ MMUControl_ModifyControl ROUT
Push "r0"
MOV r0, #0
ARMop Cache_InvalidateAll,,,r0
Pull "r0"
ARMop Cache_InvalidateAll,,,r3
BIC lr, r1, r2 ; lr = bits going from 1->0
TST lr, #MMUC_C ; if cache turning off then clean data cache first
Push "r0"
MOV r0, #0
ARMop Cache_CleanAll,,,r0
Pull "r0"
ARMop Cache_CleanAll,,,r3
ARM_write_control r2
myISB ; Must be running on >=ARMv6, so perform ISB to ensure CP15 write is complete
myISB ,r3,,y ; Must be running on >=ARMv6, so perform ISB to ensure CP15 write is complete
BIC lr, r1, r2 ; lr = bits going from 1->0
TST lr, #MMUC_C ; if cache turning off then flush cache afterwards
Push "r0"
MOV r0, #0
ARMop Cache_InvalidateAll,,,r0
Pull "r0"
ARMop Cache_InvalidateAll,,,r3
PLP r4 ; restore IRQ state
Pull "r3,r4,r5,pc"
MOV r3, #0
LDRB r5, [r3, #ProcessorArch]
CMP r5, #ARMv4
LDRLO lr, [r3, #MMUControlSoftCopy]
ARM_read_control lr,HS
; MOVHS lr,lr,LSL #19
; MOVHS lr,lr,LSR #19 ; if ARMv4 or later, we can read control reg. - trust this more than soft copy
STRHS lr, [r3, #MMUControlSoftCopy]
MOV r1, lr
MOV r2, lr
; We're ARMv6+, just read the real control reg and ignore the soft copy
ARM_read_control r1
STR r1, [r3, #MMUControlSoftCopy]
MOV r2, r1
Pull "r3,r4,r5,pc"
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