Commit 4843ce7e authored by Jeffrey Lee's avatar Jeffrey Lee
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Fix detection of ARMv7 minimum cache line lengths

  s/ARMops - Replace the code to calculate the minimum cache line lengths with something much simpler which reads the values directly from the cache type register.
  The old code was buggy in two ways:
  (a) the cache size identification register stores the line length as log2(num words)-2, whereas the code throughout the kernel was expecting it to be log2(num bytes)-2
  (b) the loop is structured so that it will try and read the details of a non-existent cache level. although it doesn't read anything from CP15, it does result in the minimum cache line length values getting clobbered
  The net result of the above two bugs being that the OS would treat the CPU as if the minimum line length was just 4 bytes (although other than slowing down cache maintenance ops, this shouldn't have had any bad side-effects)
  The cache type register directly contains the minimum line lengths as log2(num bytes)-2, so by switching over to use that everything is now fine.
  Tested on BB-xM, Pandaboard
  Fixes issue spotted by Willi Theiss

Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_251'
parent 16c00596
......@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
GBLS Module_ComponentPath
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.35"
Module_Version SETA 535
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "21 Dec 2014"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "21-Dec-14"
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "09 Jan 2015"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "09-Jan-15"
Module_ComponentName SETS "Kernel"
Module_ComponentPath SETS "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Kernel"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.35 ("
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.35 (21 Dec 2014)"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.35 ("
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.35 (09 Jan 2015)"
......@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.35
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 21 Dec 2014
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 09 Jan 2015
#define Module_MajorVersion "5.35"
#define Module_Version 535
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "21 Dec 2014"
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "09 Jan 2015"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "21-Dec-14"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "09-Jan-15"
#define Module_ComponentName "Kernel"
#define Module_ComponentPath "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Kernel"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.35 ("
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.35 (21 Dec 2014)"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.35 ("
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.35 (09 Jan 2015)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "5:35"
......@@ -528,32 +528,32 @@ Analyse_WB_CR7_Lx
TST v5, #CPUFlag_SplitCache
BEQ WeirdARMPanic ; currently, only support harvard caches here
; Read smallest instruction & data/unified cache line length
MRC p15, 0, a1, c0, c0, 1 ; Cache type register
MOV v2, a1, LSR #16
AND a4, a1, #&F
AND v2, v2, #&F
STRB a4, [v6, #ICache_LineLen] ; Store log2(line size)-2
STRB v2, [v6, #DCache_LineLen] ; log2(line size)-2
; Read the cache info into Cache_Lx_*
MRC p15, 1, a1, c0, c0, 1 ; Cache level ID register
MOV v2, v6 ; Work around DTable/ITable alignment issues
STR a1, [v2, #Cache_Lx_Info]!
ADD a2, v2, #Cache_Lx_DTable-Cache_Lx_Info
MOV a3, #0
MOV a4, #256 ; Smallest instruction cache line length
MOV v2, #256 ; Smallest data/unified cache line length (although atm we only need this to be the smallest data cache line length)
ANDS v1, a1, #6 ; Data or unified cache at this level?
MCRNE p15, 2, a3, c0, c0, 0 ; Program cache size selection register
myISB ,v1
MRCNE p15, 1, v1, c0, c0, 0 ; Get size info (data/unified)
STR v1, [a2]
AND v1, v1, #7 ; Get line size
CMP v1, v2
MOVLT v2, v1
ADD a3, a3, #1
ANDS v1, a1, #1 ; Instruction cache at this level?
MCRNE p15, 2, a3, c0, c0, 0 ; Program cache size selection register
myISB ,v1
MRCNE p15, 1, v1, c0, c0, 0 ; Get size info (instruction)
STR v1, [a2, #Cache_Lx_ITable-Cache_Lx_DTable]
AND v1, v1, #7 ; Get line size
CMP v1, a4
MOVLT a4, v1
; Shift the cache level ID register along to get the type of the next
; cache level
; However, we need to stop once we reach the first blank entry, because
......@@ -569,8 +569,6 @@ Analyse_WB_CR7_Lx
CMP a3, #14 ; Stop after level 7 (even though an 8th level might exist on some CPUs?)
ADD a2, a2, #4
STRB a4, [v6, #ICache_LineLen] ; Store log2(line size)-2
STRB v2, [v6, #DCache_LineLen] ; log2(line size)-2
; Calculate DCache_RangeThreshold
MOV a1, #128*1024 ; Arbitrary-ish
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