HALEntries 10.5 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
; Copyright 2000 Pace Micro Technology plc
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; The layout of the HAL descriptor

                        ^       0
HALDesc_Flags           #       4
HALDesc_Start           #       4
HALDesc_Size            #       4
HALDesc_Entries         #       4
HALDesc_NumEntries      #       4
HALDesc_Workspace       #       4
HALDesc_VideoRAMSize    #       4
25 26
HALDesc_size            #       4

HALFlag_NCNBWorkspace   *       1:SHL:0
HALFlag_LimitVideoRAM   *       1:SHL:1

30 31 32
; Entries to the HAL from the OS

                                ^       0
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
EntryNo_HAL_Init                #       1 ; 0

EntryNo_HAL_IRQEnable           #       1 ; 1
EntryNo_HAL_IRQDisable          #       1 ; 2
EntryNo_HAL_IRQClear            #       1 ; 3
EntryNo_HAL_IRQSource           #       1 ; 4
EntryNo_HAL_IRQStatus           #       1 ; 5
EntryNo_HAL_FIQEnable           #       1 ; 6
EntryNo_HAL_FIQDisable          #       1 ; 7
EntryNo_HAL_FIQDisableAll       #       1 ; 8
EntryNo_HAL_FIQClear            #       1 ; 9
EntryNo_HAL_FIQSource           #       1 ; 10
EntryNo_HAL_FIQStatus           #       1 ; 11

EntryNo_HAL_Timers              #       1 ; 12
EntryNo_HAL_TimerDevice         #       1 ; 13
EntryNo_HAL_TimerGranularity    #       1 ; 14
EntryNo_HAL_TimerMaxPeriod      #       1 ; 15
EntryNo_HAL_TimerSetPeriod      #       1 ; 16
EntryNo_HAL_TimerPeriod         #       1 ; 17
EntryNo_HAL_TimerReadCountdown  #       1 ; 18

EntryNo_HAL_CounterRate         #       1 ; 19
EntryNo_HAL_CounterPeriod       #       1 ; 20
EntryNo_HAL_CounterRead         #       1 ; 21
EntryNo_HAL_CounterDelay        #       1 ; 22

EntryNo_HAL_NVMemoryType        #       1 ; 23
EntryNo_HAL_NVMemorySize        #       1 ; 24
EntryNo_HAL_NVMemoryPageSize    #       1 ; 25
EntryNo_HAL_NVMemoryProtectedSize #     1 ; 26
EntryNo_HAL_NVMemoryProtection  #       1 ; 27
EntryNo_HAL_NVMemoryIICAddress  #       1 ; 28
EntryNo_HAL_NVMemoryRead        #       1 ; 29
EntryNo_HAL_NVMemoryWrite       #       1 ; 30

EntryNo_HAL_IICBuses            #       1 ; 31
EntryNo_HAL_IICType             #       1 ; 32
EntryNo_HAL_IICSetLines         #       1 ; 33
EntryNo_HAL_IICReadLines        #       1 ; 34
EntryNo_HAL_IICDevice           #       1 ; 35
EntryNo_HAL_IICTransfer         #       1 ; 36
EntryNo_HAL_IICMonitorTransfer  #       1 ; 37

77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
EntryNo_HAL_VideoFlybackDevice       #  1 ; 38
EntryNo_HAL_VideoSetMode             #  1 ; 39
EntryNo_HAL_VideoWritePaletteEntry   #  1 ; 40
EntryNo_HAL_VideoWritePaletteEntries #  1 ; 41
EntryNo_HAL_VideoReadPaletteEntry    #  1 ; 42
EntryNo_HAL_VideoSetInterlace        #  1 ; 43
EntryNo_HAL_VideoSetBlank            #  1 ; 44
EntryNo_HAL_VideoSetPowerSave        #  1 ; 45
EntryNo_HAL_VideoUpdatePointer       #  1 ; 46
EntryNo_HAL_VideoSetDAG              #  1 ; 47
EntryNo_HAL_VideoVetMode             #  1 ; 48
EntryNo_HAL_VideoPixelFormats        #  1 ; 49
EntryNo_HAL_VideoFeatures            #  1 ; 50
EntryNo_HAL_VideoBufferAlignment     #  1 ; 51
EntryNo_HAL_VideoOutputFormat        #  1 ; 52

Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
93 94 95 96 97 98
EntryNo_HAL_IRQProperties            #  1 ; 53 (was HAL_MatrixColumns)
EntryNo_HAL_IRQSetCores              #  1 ; 54 (was HAL_MatrixScan)
EntryNo_HAL_IRQGetCores              #  1 ; 55 (was HAL_TouchscreenType)
EntryNo_HAL_CPUCount                 #  1 ; 56 (was HAL_TouchscreenRead)
EntryNo_HAL_CPUNumber                #  1 ; 57 (was HAL_TouchscreenMode)
EntryNo_HAL_SMPStartup               #  1 ; 58 (was HAL_TouchscreenMeasure)
99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125

EntryNo_HAL_MachineID           #       1 ; 59, ReadSysInfo 2
EntryNo_HAL_ControllerAddress   #       1 ; 60, Memory 9
EntryNo_HAL_HardwareInfo        #       1 ; 61, ReadSysInfo 2
EntryNo_HAL_SuperIOInfo         #       1 ; 62, ReadSysInfo 3
EntryNo_HAL_PlatformInfo        #       1 ; 63, ReadSysInfo 8
EntryNo_HAL_CleanerSpace        #       1 ; 64

EntryNo_HAL_UARTPorts           #       1 ; 65
EntryNo_HAL_UARTStartUp         #       1 ; 66
EntryNo_HAL_UARTShutdown        #       1 ; 67
EntryNo_HAL_UARTFeatures        #       1 ; 68
EntryNo_HAL_UARTReceiveByte     #       1 ; 69
EntryNo_HAL_UARTTransmitByte    #       1 ; 70
EntryNo_HAL_UARTLineStatus      #       1 ; 71
EntryNo_HAL_UARTInterruptEnable #       1 ; 72
EntryNo_HAL_UARTRate            #       1 ; 73
EntryNo_HAL_UARTFormat          #       1 ; 74
EntryNo_HAL_UARTFIFOSize        #       1 ; 75
EntryNo_HAL_UARTFIFOClear       #       1 ; 76
EntryNo_HAL_UARTFIFOEnable      #       1 ; 77
EntryNo_HAL_UARTFIFOThreshold   #       1 ; 78
EntryNo_HAL_UARTInterruptID     #       1 ; 79
EntryNo_HAL_UARTBreak           #       1 ; 80
EntryNo_HAL_UARTModemControl    #       1 ; 81
EntryNo_HAL_UARTModemStatus     #       1 ; 82
EntryNo_HAL_UARTDevice          #       1 ; 83
EntryNo_HAL_UARTDefault         #       1 ; 84
127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141

EntryNo_HAL_DebugRX             #       1 ; 85
EntryNo_HAL_DebugTX             #       1 ; 86

EntryNo_HAL_PCIFeatures         #       1 ; 87
EntryNo_HAL_PCIReadConfigByte   #       1 ; 88
EntryNo_HAL_PCIReadConfigHalfword #     1 ; 89
EntryNo_HAL_PCIReadConfigWord   #       1 ; 90
EntryNo_HAL_PCIWriteConfigByte  #       1 ; 91
EntryNo_HAL_PCIWriteConfigHalfword #    1 ; 92
EntryNo_HAL_PCIWriteConfigWord  #       1 ; 93
EntryNo_HAL_PCISpecialCycle     #       1 ; 94
EntryNo_HAL_PCISlotTable        #       1 ; 95
EntryNo_HAL_PCIAddresses        #       1 ; 96

142 143 144
EntryNo_HAL_PlatformName        #       1 ; 97, ReadSysInfo 9 subreason 7 (was HAL_ATAControllerInfo)
                                #       1 ; 98 (was HAL_ATASetModes)
                                #       1 ; 99 (was HAL_ATACableID)
145 146 147

EntryNo_HAL_InitDevices         #       1 ; 100

148 149 150 151
EntryNo_HAL_KbdScanDependencies #       1 ; 101
                                #       1 ; 102 (was HAL_KbdScan)
                                #       1 ; 103 (was HAL_KbdScanFinish)
                                #       1 ; 104 (was HAL_KbdScanInterrupt)
152 153 154

EntryNo_HAL_PhysInfo            #       1 ; 105

EntryNo_HAL_Reset               #       1 ; 106

EntryNo_HAL_IRQMax              #       1 ; 107 (was HAL_MonitorLeadID)

EntryNo_HAL_USBControllerInfo   #       1 ; 108
EntryNo_HAL_USBPortPower        #       1 ; 109
161 162
EntryNo_HAL_USBPortIRQStatus    #       1 ; 110
EntryNo_HAL_USBPortIRQClear     #       1 ; 111
EntryNo_HAL_USBPortDevice       #       1 ; 112
164 165 166 167 168 169

EntryNo_HAL_TimerIRQClear       #       1 ; 113
EntryNo_HAL_TimerIRQStatus      #       1 ; 114

EntryNo_HAL_ExtMachineID        #       1 ; 115, ReadSysInfo 10

EntryNo_HAL_VideoFramestoreAddress   #  1 ; 116
EntryNo_HAL_VideoRender         #       1 ; 117
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Jeffrey Lee committed
EntryNo_HAL_VideoStartupMode    #       1 ; 118
EntryNo_HAL_VideoPixelFormatList #      1 ; 119
EntryNo_HAL_VideoIICOp          #       1 ; 120

176 177
EntryNo_HAL_Watchdog            #       1 ; 121

KnownHALEntries                 #       0 ; Used inside Kernel

180 181
; Various flags and constants

182 183 184 185 186 187 188
; OS_Hardware subreasons
                                ^ 0
OSHW_CallHAL                    # 1
OSHW_LookupRoutine              # 1
OSHW_DeviceAdd                  # 1
OSHW_DeviceRemove               # 1
OSHW_DeviceEnumerate            # 1
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Ben Avison committed
OSHW_DeviceEnumerateChrono      # 1
190 191
OSHW_MaxSubreason               # 1       ; Used in despatch inside Kernel

192 193 194 195 196 197
; PhysInfo
                                ^ 0
PhysInfo_GetTableSize           # 1
PhysInfo_WriteTable             # 1
PhysInfo_HardROM                # 1

Dan Ellis's avatar
Dan Ellis committed
198 199
; NVMemory

200 201 202 203
NVMemoryFlag_None               * 0
NVMemoryFlag_MaybeIIC           * 1
NVMemoryFlag_IIC                * 2
NVMemoryFlag_HAL                * 3
Ben Avison's avatar
Ben Avison committed
NVMemoryFlag_Provision          * &FF ; mask for provision
205 206 207 208
NVMemoryFlag_ProtectAtEnd       * 1:SHL:8   ; Protected region at end
NVMemoryFlag_Deprotectable      * 1:SHL:9
NVMemoryFlag_LowRead            * 1:SHL:10  ; locations 0-15 are readable
NVMemoryFlag_LowWrite           * 1:SHL:11  ; locations 0-15 are writeable
Dan Ellis's avatar
Dan Ellis committed

210 211

212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227
IICFlag_LowLevel                * 1:SHL:0
IICFlag_HighLevel               * 1:SHL:1
IICFlag_MultiMaster             * 1:SHL:2
IICFlag_Slave                   * 1:SHL:3
IICFlag_Background              * 1:SHL:4
IICFlag_Fast                    * 1:SHL:16
IICFlag_HighSpeed               * 1:SHL:17
IICFlag_ProtocolVersionShift    * 20
IICFlag_ProtocolVersionMask     * &FFF      ; IIC protocol version x100
                                ^ 0
IICStatus_Completed             # 1         ; High level API return codes
IICStatus_InProgress            # 1
IICStatus_NoACK                 # 1
IICStatus_Busy                  # 1
IICStatus_Slave                 # 1
IICStatus_Error                 # 1

229 230

231 232 233 234 235 236
                                 ^ 0
HALUSBControllerInfo_Type        # 4 ; As below
HALUSBControllerInfo_Flags       # 4 ; As below
HALUSBControllerInfo_HW          # 4 ; Hardware base address
HALUSBControllerInfo_DevNo       # 4 ; IRQ device number
HALUSBControllerInfo_SizeOf      # 0 ; Size of base structure
237 238 239 240 241
                                 ^ HALUSBControllerInfo_SizeOf
HALUSBControllerInfo_DMAOffset   # 4 ; Offset from ARM physical -> DMA addresses
HALUSBControllerInfo_HW_MPHI     # 4 ; Message based Parallel Host Interface base address
HALUSBControllerInfo_DevNo_MPHI  # 4 ; IRQ device number
HALUSBControllerInfo_SizeOfType3 # 0 ; Size of extended structure for Synopsys DWC

243 244 245 246
HALUSBControllerType_OHCI        * 0
HALUSBControllerType_EHCI        * 1
HALUSBControllerType_MUSBMHDRC   * 2
HALUSBControllerType_SynopsysDWC * 3
HALUSBControllerType_XHCI        * 4

249 250 251 252
HALUSBControllerFlag_HAL_Port_Power   * 1 ; Use HAL_USBPortPower
HALUSBControllerFlag_HAL_Over_Current * 2 ; Use HAL_USBPortDevice/IRQStatus/IRQClear
HALUSBControllerFlag_32bit_Regs       * 8 ; Must use 32bit access for all registers
HALUSBControllerFlag_EHCI_ETTF        * &80000000 ; EHCI controller has embedded TT

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Jeffrey Lee committed
254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261

HALIRQ_Shared                    * &80000000 ; Used with some APIs to indicate device/IRQ number is shared by multiple devices

; HAL_IRQProperties flags:
HALIRQProperty_Multicore         * &80000000 ; Interrupt can be routed to multiple cores at once
HALIRQProperty_Private           * &40000000 ; Interrupt enable/disable will only have an effect if it's called on a core which the interrupt is routed to, and if it's routed to multiple cores it may not affect them all
