• Steve Revill's avatar
    Now sets environment variables based upon options. · e16bc1e2
    Steve Revill authored
      You can now rely on the options passed in the components file to
      adjust the "Locale", "UserIF" and "Machine" environment variables
      for a component. This allows you to build components which use
      paths like "LocalRes:", "LocalUserIFRes:" in their Makefiles and
      get the correct resources out.
      I also fixed the install rule in the Makefile.
      Builds and quite thoroughly tested.
      As an aside, I do occasionally see data aborts during builds, but
      this has been seen for a couple of years and on various build
      machines. An example is:
      INSTDIR = 'ADFS::Slayer2.$.Builds.Baseline.InstallAMU: *** Internal
      error: abort on data transfer at &0380D278 ***
      (line split for clarity). I don't know if this is amu's fault or
      scrbuild not terminating strings correctly. This is always where
      things seem to fail, i.e. the Kernel outputting a string which
      aborts before reaching the terminator - at the byte which should
      be it. Maybe it is the OS_NewLine code triggers callbacks in a
      task window which occasionally causes some nasty abort?
    Version 0.37. Tagged as 'srcbuild-0_37'
!MkInstall,fd7 656 Bytes