Replace !SDCreate with v1.02b. Add InstallHD4 script to help with setting up a...
Jeffrey Lee authored
Replace !SDCreate with v1.02b. Add InstallHD4 script to help with setting up a !Boot sequence on OMAP machines.

  Resources/OMAP3Dev/!SDCreate/!Help, !Run, !Desc - Updated to V1.02b. Only real change is to check for v1.28 of the FrontEnd module, since v1.16 was reported as not working.
  Resources/OMAP3Dev/InstallHD4,fe6, ReadMe.txt, release_autobuild,feb - Added InstallHD4 script, based around Trevor Johnson's script on the wiki
  InstallHD4 script tested on BB-xM; seems to work!

Version 0.15. Tagged as 'ABRelease-0_15'