RISC OS Open Release Archive

This is the !System distribution of modules to update machines prior to 
those running RISC OS 5. If you already use RISC OS 5 then this distribution 
will do nothing since the disc image and ROM already contain the 
same (or later) versions.

Do not use the merge dialogue in 

  !Boot > Configuration > System Merge

because part of the update must refresh files in a directory that the merge 
dialogue cannot reach. Instead, a simple obey file is included call !SysMerge.

Double click on !SysMerge.

!SysMerge should take a couple of seconds to run and it will only display a
message if it fails for any reason. It will copy each module into 
your !System directory (unless an even later version is already installed).

Some components in this archive are released under the licence (included in
this archive as Licence_v1.pdf), or see:


-- RISC OS Open