Commit a88b55f4 authored by ROOL's avatar ROOL 🤖
Browse files

Add ABRelease resources for OMAP5 and Titanium

  OMAP5Dev based on OMAP4Dev, minus the SD card instructions.
  Titanium based on OMAP4Dev, plus flash programming instructions.
  Lined up OMAP3 & 4 readme's to 80 columns.

Version 0.71. Tagged as 'ABRelease-0_71'
parent f1723a50
......@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ memory chip so that they are kept when the power is turned off. This
requires a small carrier board to be plugged in, which you can obtain for
a few pounds from your favourite supplier.
If this carrier board is not detected it is possible to have 'read only' settings in one of two ways
If this carrier board is not detected it is possible to have 'read only'
settings in one of two ways
* Add a CMOS file to the SD card
Make any configuration settings changes desired than use the *SaveCMOS
......@@ -33,9 +33,13 @@ RISC OS Open wiki:
An important note about CMOS RAM
The OMAP port of RISC OS now supports saving configuration settings in a CMOS memory chip so that they are kept when the power is turned off. This requires a small carrier board to be plugged in, which you can obtain for a few pounds from your favourite supplier.
The OMAP port of RISC OS now supports saving configuration settings in a CMOS
memory chip so that they are kept when the power is turned off. This
requires a small carrier board to be plugged in, which you can obtain for
a few pounds from your favourite supplier.
If this carrier board is not detected it is possible to have 'read only' settings in one of two ways
If this carrier board is not detected it is possible to have 'read only'
settings in one of two ways
* Add a CMOS file to the SD card
Make any configuration settings changes desired than use the *SaveCMOS
......@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ memory chip so that they are kept when the power is turned off. This
requires a small carrier board to be plugged in, which you can obtain for
a few pounds from your favourite supplier.
If this carrier board is not detected it is possible to have 'read only' settings in one of two ways
If this carrier board is not detected it is possible to have 'read only'
settings in one of two ways
* Add a CMOS file to the SD card
Make any configuration settings changes desired than use the *SaveCMOS
10REM Turn off alignment exceptions on ARMv7 machines
20DIM code% 256
40[ OPT 0
50SWI "OS_EnterOS"
60MRC CP15,0,R0,C1,C0,0
70BIC R0,R0,#2
80MCR CP15,0,R0,C1,C0,0
90MSR CPSR_c,#&10
100MOV PC,R14
120CALL code%
*changedynamicarea -ramfssize 48M
10REM Turn on alignment exceptions on ARMv7 machines
70ORR R0,R0,#2
10REM Create and save a text file of instructions
30REM Assumes a RAM disc is present
80WHILE line$<>""
130*settype RAM::RamDisc0.$.HD4instruct &fff
1000DATA" Creating your HardDisc4 boot disc"
1010DATA" ================================="
1020DATA" "
1030DATA"1. Connect the new device you want to format, and"
1040DATA" note its drive number on the icon bar."
1050DATA"2. Unplug the FAT formatted device you used to get"
1060DATA" to this point, if you wish."
1070DATA"3. To reformat this new device, run HForm from"
1080DATA" its shortcut placed on the Pinboard."
1090DATA"4. In the RAM::RamDisc0.$.HardDisc4 directory"
1100DATA" display, click Menu -> Select all."
1110DATA"5. Drag the selection onto the iconbar drive icon"
1120DATA" for the newly formatted device."
1130DATA"6. When copying is complete (i.e. Copying files"
1140DATA" window disappears), click Menu -> Dismount on"
1150DATA" the iconbar drive icon."
1160DATA"7. You are now free to restart the machine, which"
1170DATA" will boot from the newly installed HardDisc4"
1180DATA" !Boot sequence."
10REM Run self-extracting HardDisc4 image
20REM which provides the !Boot sequence and
30REM FileCore formatter
50REM Assumes a RAM disc of minimum size 48MB is present
61DIM drive% 32
62SYS"OS_GBPB",5,,drive%:REM Read current drive name
70OSCLI"copy SCSI::"+$(drive%+1)+".HardDisc4/util RAM::RamDisc0.$.HD4 ~c"
80*dismount :0
90*settype RAM::RamDisc0.$.HD4 &ffc
100*key0|m*delete RAM::RamDisc0.$.HD4|m*pin RAM::RamDisc0.$.HardDisc4.Utilities.Caution.!HForm 32 152|m*filer_opendir RAM::RamDisc0.$|m*filer_opendir RAM::RamDisc0.$.HardDisc4|m*filer_run RAM::RamDisc0.$.HD4instruct|m
110*key1|m|m|m|m|m|mREM **********************|mREM * Finished. *|mREM * You may safely *|mREM * CLOSE this window. *|mREM **********************|m|mQUIT|mshellcli_taskquit|m
160*/ RAM::RamDisc0.$.HD4
RISC OS Open Release Archive
This is the OMAP5 (OMAP543x, ISEE IGEPv2) development ROM image. It is a
bleeding-edge build which comes from the latest revisions of all the
relevant sources in our source code repository and is completely untested.
Using this ROM image in your board should only be done if you are confident
that you know what you are doing! It is likely to be functionally incomplete
and probably unstable in various ways.
Some components in this archive are released under the licence (included in
this archive as Licence_v1_1.pdf), or see:
This build of RISC OS utilises "zero page relocation", a change to the
standard memory map which is designed to increase the stability of the OS and
your software. However, there is a catch - a lot of existing software is buggy,
and this change will expose those bugs, causing the software to crash.
To help with the transition to having zero page relocation enabled by default,
a compatibility/logging module called 'ZeroPain' has been developed. See the
readme file in the ZeroPain folder for more information. It is recommended that
you install the module before you install this new ROM image, otherwise you may
have difficulty booting your system.
The 'InstallHD4' script, and setting up a !Boot sequence
For details of how to setup up a !Boot sequence for your OMAP5 machine, please
see the 'Putting the HardDisc4 image onto a USB drive' section of this wiki
The 'InstallHD4' script supplied with this archive is intended to be used in
conjunction with the installation steps given on the above page.
An important note about CMOS RAM
The OMAP port of RISC OS now supports saving configuration settings in a CMOS
memory chip so that they are kept when the power is turned off. This
requires a small carrier board to be plugged in, which you can obtain for
a few pounds from your favourite supplier.
If this carrier board is not detected it is possible to have 'read only'
settings in one of two ways
* Add a CMOS file to the SD card
Make any configuration settings changes desired than use the *SaveCMOS
command to capture them in a file, put this file on the SD card alongside
the RISC OS ROM image.
* Do nothing
If the hardware is not present, and you haven't put a CMOS file on the
SD card, you'll get the built in defaults.
-- RISC OS Open
| Copyright 2015 Castle Technology Ltd
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
| You may obtain a copy of the License at
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
| limitations under the License.
| Set up and/or override some system variables
Set ab_local$zip rom-omap5-dev/zip
| Remove any old crud from our resources directory
x Wipe <ab_res$dir>.zip ~cfr~v
Remove <ab_res$dir>.<ab_local$zip>
\ No newline at end of file
| Copyright 2015 Castle Technology Ltd
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
| You may obtain a copy of the License at
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
| limitations under the License.
| If there is no ROM image (e.g. the build failed), exit here
IfThere <Build$Dir>.Images.<Build$ImageName> Then Else Obey
| Run our clean script
Run <ab_res$dir>.clean
| Create an empty directory to hold the files that will be zipped up
CDir <ab_res$dir>.zip
| Copy the Castle licence file into the zip directory
Copy ab_res:Licence_v1_1/pdf <ab_res$dir>.zip.Licence_v1_1/pdf ~cf~r~v
| Copy the ReadMe for this build into the zip directory
Copy ab_res:ReadMe/txt <ab_res$dir>.zip.ReadMe/txt ~cf~r~v
| Copy the ROM image into the zip directory
Copy <Build$Dir>.Images.<Build$ImageName> <ab_res$dir>.zip.riscos ~cf~r~v
| Copy the InstallHD4 script into the zip directory
Copy ab_res:InstallHD4 <ab_res$dir>.zip.InstallHD4 ~cf~r~v
| Copy ZeroPain into the zip directory
Copy ab_res:ZeroPain <ab_res$dir>.zip.ZeroPain ~cfr~v
| Set the zip directory as the current directory
Dir <ab_res$dir>.zip
| Create a zip archive with the required files in it
Do zip -9qr ^.<ab_local$zip> *
| Return the CSD to its original state
| Delete any pre-existing zip archive on the autobuild server
Remove <ab_zip$file>
| Copy the template zip archive onto the autobuild server
SetType <ab_res$dir>.<ab_local$zip> &A91
Copy <ab_res$dir>.<ab_local$zip> <ab_zip$file> ~cfr~v
Access <ab_zip$file> rw/r
\ No newline at end of file
File added
RISC OS Open Release Archive
This is a Cortex-A15 Titanium (from Elesar Ltd) development ROM image. It is a
bleeding-edge build which comes from the latest revisions of all the relevant
sources in our source code repository and is completely untested.
Programming this into the flash of your motherboard should only be done if
you are confident that you know what you are doing and have a good backup
strategy in place! A failed ROM may need unplugging from its socket and
reprogramming in a chip programmer.
To program the ROM image into the QSPI boot flash, set the directory to be
this archive and type the command
*FlashQSPI -file riscos
and wait for the erase/program/verify cycle to complete. This will take
around 30 seconds single tasking.
Some components in this archive are released under the licence (included in
this archive as Licence_v1_1.pdf), or see:
This build of RISC OS utilises "zero page relocation", a change to the
standard memory map which is designed to increase the stability of the OS and
your software. However, there is a catch - a lot of existing software is buggy,
and this change will expose those bugs, causing the software to crash.
To help with the transition to having zero page relocation enabled by default,
a compatibility/logging module called 'ZeroPain' has been developed. See the
readme file in the ZeroPain folder for more information. It is recommended that
you install the module before you install this new ROM image, otherwise you may
have difficulty booting your system.
-- RISC OS Open
| Copyright 2015 Castle Technology Ltd
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
| You may obtain a copy of the License at
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
| limitations under the License.
| Set up and/or override some system variables
Set ab_local$zip rom-ti22-dev/zip
| Remove any old crud from our resources directory
x Wipe <ab_res$dir>.zip ~cfr~v
Remove <ab_res$dir>.<ab_local$zip>
| Copyright 2015 Castle Technology Ltd
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
| You may obtain a copy of the License at
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
| limitations under the License.
| If there is no ROM image (e.g. the build failed), exit here
IfThere <Build$Dir>.Images.<Build$ImageName> Then Else Obey
| Run our clean script
Run <ab_res$dir>.clean
| Create an empty directory to hold the files that will be zipped up
CDir <ab_res$dir>.zip
| Copy the Castle licence file into the zip directory
Copy ab_res:Licence_v1_1/pdf <ab_res$dir>.zip.Licence_v1_1/pdf ~cf~r~v
| Copy the ReadMe for this build into the zip directory
Copy ab_res:ReadMe/txt <ab_res$dir>.zip.ReadMe/txt ~cf~r~v
| Copy the boot ROM programmer tool into the zip directory
Copy ab_res:FlashQSPI <ab_res$dir>.zip.FlashQSPI ~cf~r~v
| Copy the ROM image into the zip directory
Copy <Build$Dir>.Images.<Build$ImageName> <ab_res$dir>.zip.riscos ~cf~r~v
| Copy ZeroPain into the zip directory
Copy ab_res:ZeroPain <ab_res$dir>.zip.ZeroPain ~cfr~v
| Set the zip directory as the current directory
Dir <ab_res$dir>.zip
| Create a zip archive with the required files in it
Do zip -9qr ^.<ab_local$zip> *
| Return the CSD to its original state
| Delete any pre-existing ROM build zip archive on the autobuild server
Remove <ab_zip$file>
| Copy the ROM build zip archive onto the autobuild server
SetType <ab_res$dir>.<ab_local$zip> &A91
Copy <ab_res$dir>.<ab_local$zip> <ab_zip$file> ~cfr~v
Access <ab_zip$file> rw/r
\ No newline at end of file
/* (0.70)
/* (0.71)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
* Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 0.70
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 0.71
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 02 Oct 2015
#define Module_Date_CMHG 07 Nov 2015
#define Module_MajorVersion "0.70"
#define Module_Version 70
#define Module_MajorVersion "0.71"
#define Module_Version 71
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "02 Oct 2015"
#define Module_Date "07 Nov 2015"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "02-Oct-15"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "07-Nov-15"
#define Module_ComponentName "ABRelease"
#define Module_ComponentPath "castle/RiscOS/Utilities/Autobuild/ABRelease"
#define Module_FullVersion "0.70"
#define Module_HelpVersion "0.70 (02 Oct 2015)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "0:70"
#define Module_FullVersion "0.71"
#define Module_HelpVersion "0.71 (07 Nov 2015)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "0:71"
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