Commit 5e6f38c9 authored by Stewart Brodie's avatar Stewart Brodie
Browse files

Initial Import of tool frontend resources.

parent 6a4d2fff
IconSprites <Obey$Dir>.!Sprites
\ No newline at end of file
Purpose: Binary file compactor
Icon Action/Meaning Default
---- -------------- -------
Input Name of file to be squeezed nil
(typed or dragged).
Try harder Try harder to squeeze unpleasant off
Verbose Output messages and compression off
*If "<System$Path>" = "" Then Error 0 System resources cannot be found
*WimpSlot -Min 128k -Max 128k
*IconSprites <Obey$Dir>.!Sprites
*Set Squeeze$Dir <Obey$Dir>
*RMEnsure UtilityModule 3.10 Error This application only runs on RISC OS 3 (version 3.10) or later
*RMEnsure SharedCLibrary 3.99 Error This application requires the Shared C Library module (is it unplugged?)
*RMEnsure FPEmulator 2.87 Error This application requires the FP Emulator module (is it unplugged?)
*RMEnsure TaskWindow 0.47 Error This application requires the Task Window module (is it unplugged?)
*RMEnsure FrontEnd 0 System:modules.frontend
*RMEnsure Frontend 1.15 Error You need version 1.15 of the FrontEnd module to run !Squeeze
*RMEnsure DDEUtils 0 System:modules.ddeutils
*RMEnsure DDEUtils 1.52 Error You need version 1.52 of the DDEUtils module to run !Squeeze
*WimpSlot -Min 32k -Max 32k
*FrontEnd_Start -app Squeeze -desc <Squeeze$Dir>.desc
*Set squeeze$Dir <Obey$Dir>
*RMEnsure FrontEnd 0 System:modules.frontend
*RMEnsure Frontend 1.13 Error You need version 1.13 of the FrontEnd module to set the Squeeze options from Make
*WimpSlot -min 16k -max 16k
*FrontEnd_SetUp -app %0 -desc %1 -task %2 -handle %3 -toolflags %4
File added
File added
# This is a description of the wimp interface for squeeze
name "Squeeze";
version "5.00";
wimpslot 32k;
has_auto_run on;
has_auto_save leafname from icn 3;
output_dft_is produces_output;
icn 3 maps_to string not_saved;
icn 6 maps_to "-f"; # try harder to squeeze unpleasant things
icn 7 maps_to "-v"; # verbose
icn 3 "",
icn 6 off,
icn 7 off;
drag_to icn 3 inserts icn 3;
drag_to any inserts icn 3;
drag_to iconbar inserts icn 3;
make_excludes icn 3;
make_order_is icn 6, icn 7, "-o $@";
# First section of messages file is general to all applications
# Third parties can change FEinterr1 to their company name so that
# internal error messages will come up "Please report to <your name>"
FECmd1:String too long (limit %d current %d addition %d)
FECmd2:You cannot change the command used to run this tool
FEdbox1:Can't import from other applications when invoked from !Make
FEdbox2:Unable to start up -- not enough space (or too many windows)
FEinterr2:%s: internal error: %s (%s/%d)
FEinterr3:Please report this error to %s
FEmem1:Out of memory, on request for %d bytes
FEmenu1:>Info,Save options,Options,Help,Quit
FEmenu3:Auto Run,Auto Save,Display
FEmenu6:>Command line
FEmenu7:>Info,>Cmd Line,>Save,Abort,Pause,Continue
FEmenu8:>Info,>Cmd Line,>Save
FEmenus9:Task(s) active: are you sure you want to quit?
FEmsg1:Wimp$Scrap must be set to do this transfer
FEmsg2:Invalid DataSave (filename != Wimp$Scrap)
FEoutput1:No more memory for output display - requesting %d bytes
FEoutput6:Task active: abort and close?
FEoutput7:Output file produced but not saved and will be lost. OK to continue?
FEsaveas1:Directories can only be saved to a filer viewer
FEsaveas2:To save, drag the icon to a directory viewer.
FEtask1:Task window not active
FEtask2:Application needs at least %dK to start up
FEtask3:Command line too long for task window module
utils1:Field is too long
utils2:Save failed %s -> %s
FEOpts1:Unable to write choices file %s
# General help messages
CMDLINE:This dialogue box displays the command line equivalent of dialogue box and menu settings.
CMDLINE1:This is the command line equivalent of dialogue box and menu settings.
CMDLINE0:Click here to Run/ReRun the tool or to send options back to !Make.
SETUP:This dialogue box sets commonly used options.
SETUP0:Click here to run the application with the current options.
SETUP1:Click here to return to the previous set of options for this application.
SUMMARY:This dialogue box gives a summary of the command which has been run or is running.
SUMMARY1:This is the icon for this application.
SUMMARY2:Click here to abort a running task.
SUMMARY3:Click here to pause/continue a task.
SUMMARY4:This gives the number of lines produced by this task.
SUMMARY5:This gives the time at which a task was run.
SAVE:This dialogue box is used to save the file output of a command.
SAVE0:Click here to save the file output.
SAVE2:Filename for output appears here.
SAVE3:Drag this icon to save file output.
# Tool-specific messages follow here
SETUP3:Enter name of file to be squeezed here.
SETUP6:Try harder to squeeze unpleasant things.
SETUP7:Output messages and compression statistics.
File added
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