- 11 Jul, 2017 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Detail: c/edidsupport: - Make readedid() check that the EDID has a valid header. Previously only the checksum was checked, which is wholly insufficient (e.g. an EDID block full of null bytes would be considered valid). loadedid() also updated for consistency, although with the current code the header will have already been detected by loadmodefile(). - Add some extra checks to readedidblock() to cope with more situations in which the GraphicsV call could fail. Fix confusing comment/code ordering. h/errors, Resources/Germany/Messages, Resources/UK/Messages - Add new "Invalid EDID block" error, for use when no valid header is found Admin: Tested on Raspberry Pi 3 Booting an EDID-enabled Pi without a monitor (and with the broken BCMVideo 0.47) no longer results in an (unintelligible) error box on entry to the desktop + system stuck in mode 0 However, note that other issues in the boot sequence mean that booting with EDID enabled and no monitor still isn't 100% working (PreDesk Repeat will terminate early, potentially skipping some directories) Version 0.67. Tagged as 'ScrModes-0_67'
- 01 May, 2017 1 commit
John Ballance authored
Detail: ReadEDID command removed. New subreason code added to reason code 0 of Service_DisplayChanged to oblige ScrModes to load the EDID based modes it discovered. Required because current behaviour would ignore any EDID based modes once a LoadModeFile command had been issued. Admin: Tested on iMx6 Version 0.64. Tagged as 'ScrModes-0_64'
- 12 Mar, 2017 1 commit
John Ballance authored
Detail: Admin: tested on iMx6 Version 0.62. Tagged as 'ScrModes-0_62'
- 05 Mar, 2017 1 commit
ROOL authored
Detail: Export the EDID raw data as a file in ResourceFS. This allows the Screen Setup plugin to scan that directory to pick up the currently connected monitor, and similarly select it from !Boot.Choices.PreDesk. The EDID data can also be drag & drop copied or exported for offline analysis. Add SaveModeFile command. This differs in that it works on the current set, to be symmetrical with LoadModeFile which loads the current set. Also fixes issues of losing the original mode names given; NULL pointer dereference when the EDID block contains no modes (eg. VIDCDriver); and no long writes out malformed MDFs which can't be loaded into !MakeModes (this seems to be because the CreateModeFile command was based on a stale copy of EDIDDecode which fixed the same bug circa 2012). Query the current GraphicsV driver for the deepest colour depth for the preferred mode, rather than assuming 32bpp is always possible (eg. because of bandwidth or graphics controller constraints). If the configured MonitorType is EDID but no EDID could be read, or it was corrupt, substitute a safe VESA monitor to allow the kernel to select something close to MODE 28. Add ScreenModes_Features SWI so the Screen Setup plugin knows whether it's safe to offer EDID in its dialogues. Retire the ReadEDID command (no longer needed since LoadModeFile can load the exported EDID blob, or one from disc) and CreateModeFile commands (see SaveModeFile). Internationalise the default monitor title ("Unidentified") used when EDID doesn't contain one. Admin: New file - doc/BootStates documents all possible situations, and their recovery, for both the MDF and (non-hotplug) EDID schemes. New file - doc/EDIDGoals states the aims of the EDID support from both a user and support perspective. Submission for the EDID bounty. Version 0.61. Tagged as 'ScrModes-0_61'
- 14 May, 2016 1 commit
ROOL authored
Detail: Move the 500+ lines of tables into a new source file and remove storage inferred by former CEAModes.h. Tame some of the rampant style from various authors, even within 1 function, to something reasonably consistent. Uppercase the 'debug' macro to 'IFDEBUG'. Relocate ScrModes specific defines out of EDIDModes header, rename to edidmemory.h. Add monitor type 6 to monitors.h. Fix for unguarded debug printout "Can't allocate space for monitor list" in parseedid. Admin: Tested briefly, functionality unchanged. Submission for the EDID bounty. Tagged as ScrModes-0_53-tables
- 29 Nov, 2015 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Detail: Makefile - Export a C version of hdr/ScrModes Resources/Germany/Messages, Resources/UK/Messages, h/errors - Add new error message cmhg/ScrModesv, hdr/ScrModes - Declare existence of ScreenModes_EnumerateAudioFormats SWI. Declare ScreenModes_ReadInfo reason codes. h/modex - Extend MonitorDefinition struct to allow it to store the speaker mask & audio format information that's extracted from the EDID c/ScrModes - Extend support for processing of CEA extension blocks. All block revisions > 0 should now be accepted, and rudimentary parsing of CEA data block collections is implemented (currently, only extracts information from audio related blocks). Add SWI ScreenModes_EnumerateAudioFormats to allow details of the supported formats to be returned in either "raw" or "friendly" forms. Add ScreenModes_ReadInfo reason code 1 to allow reading of the speaker mask (+ validity bits). Also fix *LoadModeFile to allow EDID blocks to be loaded without first having to issue *ReadEDID first (EDIDEnabled flag issue). Admin: Tested on iMX6 with assorted EDID blocks German messages file in need of translation Version 0.49. Tagged as 'ScrModes-0_49'
- 20 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Detail: c/ScrModes, h/modex - Added support for CVT 3 byte codes & VTB-EXT blocks. Add framework for sorting modes by EDID priority. Move CEA extension block handling into its own function & increase error checking. Resources/Germany/CmdHelp, Resources/UK/CmdHelp - Fix missing message token & incorrect syntax of syntax message Admin: Code submission from William Harden Tested on Raspberry Pi Version 0.47. Tagged as 'ScrModes-0_47'
- 16 Feb, 2015 1 commit
John Ballance authored
Added 'CreateModeFile' instead of optional file name on ReadEDID now needs a file path for where to save the created mdf. It'll use the name in the EDID for the file name Admin: tested in iMx6 Version 0.45. Tagged as 'ScrModes-0_45'
- 11 Feb, 2015 1 commit
John Ballance authored
Detail: Added several things 1) Readedid routine not called in module initialise. 2) Flag added to determine whether old loadmodefile usage, or new readedid usage. Defaults to loadmodefile mode until a readedid command with no parameters, then swirches to edid reading mode. Reverts again if loadmodefile command is used. 3) Tidied up error message when graphicsv fails to read the edid due to connectivity issues. 4) Added hex dump of edid data blocks read to end of a saved mdf file. 5) Implemented read of second ans subsequent 128 byte edid blocks, if required. Admin: tested in imx rom Version 0.41. Tagged as 'ScrModes-0_41'
- 10 Feb, 2015 1 commit
John Ballance authored
Detail: For field support it is extremely helpful to determine what a customer's monitor reports. Whilst (hopefully) this module will correctly produce modes the monitor can handle and the computer generate, when that doesn't happen support types need to be able to find out why, ideally using the same exact information that is generated. So: The ReadEDID command, if called with a full file name, will now save the discovered mdf information to that file instead of loading it. The resultant mdf can be used directly, or used as the basis for further modifications. It exports additional information in the header section which may prove helpful to 'mdf tweakers'. Admin: Tested in imx rom. In 'advertised' use it is the same code as before. It is only when the filename is given to the readedid command that different paths are invoked. Further enhancements may be desirable. Version 0.40. Tagged as 'ScrModes-0_40'
- 08 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Steve Revill authored
This should be considered beta-quality work-in-progress code that gives us a new *command (ReadEDID) that attempts to read the list of supported display mode information from a connected monitory and configure the system for it, as if an MDF file had been loaded containing that information. Admin: Community testing is required for this feature. Please try replacing the LoadModeFile line in your !Boot.Choices.Boot.PreDesk.Configure.Monitor file with a line saying "ReadEDID". If you get a sensible looking list of modes when the machine boots, then things should be OK. If you see an error, please get in touch with ROOL on the "Bounties - ReadEDID" topic. You'll clearly need to be running a ROM with this version of ScreenModes in it! Version 0.39. Tagged as 'ScrModes-0_39'
- 12 Aug, 2012 1 commit
Robert Sprowson authored
Was previously for internal use only, but largely irrelevant as the majoirty of targets don't contain a VIDC, and those that do use a GraphicsV driver anyway. * CMHG and resources updated to remove the command from the command/syntax table * Don't bother probing OS_ReadSysInfo 2 for the video controller, assume it's always GraphicsV * Don't try vetting modes based on VIDC limitations (leave that to VIDC20Video module) * Don't listen to the kernel's bandwidth limit suggestion, always use INT32_MAX Also * Fix potential null pointer dereference if there's not enough RAM to build an ICONSPRITES command * Rather than setting up an atexit() handler in the module init, just use a module finalisation handler * Makefile tickled to not use Norcroft specific flags Version 0.33. Tagged as 'ScrModes-0_33'
- 14 Jul, 2012 1 commit
Robert Sprowson authored
* Makefile recreated from fragments * Swap to C99 types, remove 'machtypes.h' * Use centralised SWI and service call definitions, remove 'newswis.h' and 'services.h' * Error E21 taken out of resources, CMHG generates this one for free * Compiler warnings squashed Version 0.32. Tagged as 'ScrModes-0_32'
- 21 Sep, 1998 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
German resources imported. Spinner branch merged. Changed to use srccommit. Version 0.20. Tagged as 'ScrModes-0_20'
- 05 Nov, 1996 1 commit
Neil Turton authored