Commit b9489932 authored by Stewart Brodie's avatar Stewart Brodie
Browse files

Updated build structure to use the shared AAsmModule makefile.

  Updated to build using objasm instead of aasm.
  Sources changed to be objasm-compatible.
  Requires Library 0.72 or later.
  Requires BuildSys 3.09 or later.
  Requires Env 0.65 or later.

Version 1.75. Tagged as 'Colours-1_75'
parent b1137911
......@@ -21,34 +21,21 @@
# ---- ---- -----------
# 25-May-94 AMcC Created.
# 10-Mar-95 GPS Changed method for building ROM tables.
# 14-May-01 SNB Changed to used fragment makefiles
# Paths
EXP_HDR = <export$dir>
COMPONENT = ColourTrans
TARGET = Colours
HEADER1 = ColourTran
RESOURCEEXTRA = resources-colourtrans
# Generic options:
MKDIR = cdir
AS = aasm
CP = copy
CC = cc
RM = remove
WIPE = -wipe
CCFLAGS = -c -depend !Depend -IC:
ASFLAGS = -depend !Depend -Stamp -quit -module -To $@ -From
CPFLAGS = ~cfr~v
CLIB = CLIB:o.stubs
# Program specific options:
SOURCE = MakeNew
TARGET = rm.Colours
EXPORTS = ${EXP_HDR}.ColourTran
include StdTools
include AAsmModule
include AppLibs
# Binary build environment
......@@ -63,50 +50,27 @@ bbe-local: bbe-generic
# Generic rules:
rom: ${TARGET}
@echo ${COMPONENT}: rom module built
export: ${EXPORTS}
@echo ${COMPONENT}: export complete
install_rom: ${TARGET}
@echo ${COMPONENT}: rom module installed
${WIPE} Tables.* ${WFLAGS}
${WIPE} MkTables.o.* ${WFLAGS}
${WIPE} Palettes.* ${WFLAGS}
${RM} MkTables.maketables
@echo ${COMPONENT}: cleaned
resources: Palettes.8desktop
TokenCheck LocalRes:Messages
${CP} LocalRes:Messages ${RESDIR}.${COMPONENT}.Messages ${CPFLAGS}
${CP} Palettes ${RESDIR}.${COMPONENT}.Palettes ${CPFLAGS}
${CP} Tables ${RESDIR}.${COMPONENT}.Tables ${CPFLAGS}
@echo ${COMPONENT}: resource files copied
${EXP_HDR}.ColourTran: hdr.ColourTran
${CP} hdr.ColourTran $@ ${CPFLAGS}
Colours200: MakeOld
${AS} ${ASFLAGS} MakeOld
@echo ${COMPONENT}: Colours200 built
resources-colourtrans: Palettes.8desktop
${CP} Palettes ${RESFSDIR}.* ${CPFLAGS}
${CP} Tables ${RESFSDIR}.* ${CPFLAGS}
@echo ${COMPONENT}: extra resource files copied
MkTables.o.maketables: MkTables.c.maketables
${CC} $(ccflags) -o $@ MkTables.c.maketables
${CC} $(ccflags) -c -o $@ MkTables.c.maketables
MkTables.maketables: MkTables.o.maketables ${CLIB} MkTables.o._dirs
link $(linkflags) -o $@ MkTables.o.maketables ${CLIB}
Palettes.8desktop: MkTables.maketables rm.Colours
rmload rm.Colours
Palettes.8desktop: MkTables.maketables ${ROM_MODULE}
rmload ${ROM_MODULE}
MkTables.maketables @
settype Tables.8greys text
settype Tables.4greys text
......@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
| limitations under the License.
Dir <Obey$Dir>
amu_machine Colours200
amu TARGET=Colours200 ROM_SOURCE=MakeOld
......@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
| limitations under the License.
Dir <Obey$Dir>
amu_machine rom
amu_machine rom THROWBACK=-throwback
......@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
GBLS Module_HelpVersion
GBLS Module_ComponentName
GBLS Module_ComponentPath
Module_MajorVersion SETS "1.74"
Module_Version SETA 174
Module_MajorVersion SETS "1.75"
Module_Version SETA 175
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "07 Dec 2000"
Module_ApplicationDate2 SETS "07-Dec-00"
Module_ApplicationDate4 SETS "07-Dec-2000"
Module_Date SETS "14 May 2001"
Module_ApplicationDate2 SETS "14-May-01"
Module_ApplicationDate4 SETS "14-May-2001"
Module_ComponentName SETS "Colours"
Module_ComponentPath SETS "RiscOS/Sources/Video/Render/Colours"
Module_FullVersion SETS "1.74"
Module_HelpVersion SETS "1.74 (07 Dec 2000)"
Module_FullVersion SETS "1.75"
Module_HelpVersion SETS "1.75 (14 May 2001)"
/* (1.74)
/* (1.75)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 1.74
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 1.75
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 07 Dec 2000
#define Module_Date_CMHG 14 May 2001
#define Module_MajorVersion "1.74"
#define Module_Version 174
#define Module_MajorVersion "1.75"
#define Module_Version 175
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "07 Dec 2000"
#define Module_Date "14 May 2001"
#define Module_ApplicationDate2 "07-Dec-00"
#define Module_ApplicationDate4 "07-Dec-2000"
#define Module_ApplicationDate2 "14-May-01"
#define Module_ApplicationDate4 "14-May-2001"
#define Module_ComponentName "Colours"
#define Module_ComponentPath "RiscOS/Sources/Video/Render/Colours"
#define Module_FullVersion "1.74"
#define Module_HelpVersion "1.74 (07 Dec 2000)"
#define Module_FullVersion "1.75"
#define Module_HelpVersion "1.75 (14 May 2001)"
......@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ multiply_by_row
ORR r9, r9, r10, LSL #8
MOVS r10, r10, ASR #23 ; Top 9 bits of r10 must be the same for no overflow
CMPNE r10, #-1
msr EQ ,CPSR_f,#Z_bit ; clear V, keep EQ
MSREQ CPSR_f,#Z_bit ; clear V, keep EQ
Pull "r7-r8,r10-r11,pc",EQ
; Overflow, so return an error
addr r0, ErrorBlock_CTConvOver
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ best_colour16bpp ROUT
[ vidc20
Debug buildcolours,"best_colour16 in:",R2
Entry "R3,R4"
MOV LR,#&1F ; suitable mask to extract the relevant bits
MOV R3,R2,LSR #8 +3
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ best_colour16bpp ROUT
ENTRY "R0-R1,R3"
Entry "R0-R1,R3"
MOV LR,#&1F ; suitable mask for extracting bits
AND R0,LR,R2,LSR #8+3 ; extracting the red
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ get_physical16bpp ROUT
[ vidc20
Entry "R3,R4"
MOV LR,#2_11111
MOV R3,R2,LSL #3 ; move green, blue to bit 8 and bit 16 respectivly
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ get_physical16bpp ROUT
ENTRY "R0-R1,R3"
Entry "R0-R1,R3"
MOV R0,R2,LSL #28
AND R1,R2,#1:SHL:12
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ save_desktop_to_file ROUT
ColourTransMapSize_Code ROUT
Entry "R1-R7"
BL validateworkspace
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ ColourTransMapSize_Code ROUT
ColourTransMap_Code ROUT
Entry "R1-R7"
BL validateworkspace
EXIT VS ;Give up if unable to validate workspace
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ WriteCalibrationToFile_Code ROUT
Debug input1,"WriteCalibrationToFile: R0,R1",R0,R1
Debug input2,"WriteCalibrationToFile: flag, handle",R0,R1
Entry "R1-R7"
LDR R4,[WP,#Calibration_ptr]
CMP R4,#0 ;Is there a calibration table?
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ WriteLoadingsToFile_Code ROUT
Debug input1,"WriteLoadingsToFile: R1",R1
Debug input2,"WriteLoadingsToFile: file handle",R1
Entry "R1-R5"
MOV R2,#(?loadingcommand)
ADR R3,loadingcommand
......@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ WriteLoadingsToFile_Code ROUT
ColourTransLoadings_Code ROUT
Entry "R1-R3"
BL validateworkspace
EXIT VS ;Attempt to resolve the workspace pointer and exit if fails
......@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ output_number_r3 ROUT
output_string_r3 ROUT
Entry ""
CMP R2,#0 ;End of the string reached yet (clears V)
......@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ output_string_r3 ROUT
getnumber ROUT
Entry "R2"
MOV R0,#10 :OR: (1:SHL:31)
SWI XOS_ReadUnsigned ;Get the number from the line
......@@ -477,9 +477,9 @@ checkbnomatch
advanceRGB ROUT
[ checkluminance
ENTRY "R0-R1,R3"
Entry "R0-R1,R3"
ENTRY "R0-R1,R3-R5"
Entry "R0-R1,R3-R5"
MOV R0,R8,LSL #16
......@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ $l BadMODE $cc
LEADR Module_LoadAddr
AREA |ColourTrans$$Code|, CODE, READONLY, PIC
& 0 ;not an application
......@@ -462,18 +462,14 @@ ModuleStart
& SWIs -ModuleStart
& SWItable -ModuleStart
& 0 ;no special decoding
[ International_Help <> 0
[ international
& Filename -ModuleStart
& 0
& ModuleFlags -ModuleStart
Title = "ColourTrans",0
Help = "Colour Selector",9,"$Module_MajorVersion ($Module_Date)"
[ Module_MinorVersion <> ""
= " $Module_MinorVersion"
Help = "Colour Selector",9,"$Module_HelpVersion"
[ oldos
= " for $whofor"
......@@ -530,14 +526,14 @@ HelpStarCommands
[ work_with_green
= "ColourTrans commands are for internal use only",0
[ International_Help = 0
[ international
= "ColourTrans commands are for internal use only",0
= "HCLTINT", 0
= "ColourTrans", 0
= "SelectTable", 0
......@@ -1075,7 +1071,7 @@ SWIs ROUT
SWI XOS_CallAVector ;Pass down the vector (number in R9)
[ :LNOT: No32bitCode
mrs ,R10,CPSR
TST R10,#2_11100
Pull "R8-R9,PC",NE ;32-bit return
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ SetOppGCOL_Code ROUT
LDRB R2,[WP,#CachedL2BPP] ; R2 on exit contains the depth of the mode
B SetColour_Code ; and then setup the colour for plotting
SetGCOL_Code ENTRY "R1,R4-R7,R10"
SetGCOL_Code Entry "R1,R4-R7,R10"
Debug input1,"SetGCOL: R0,R3,R4",R0,R3,R4
Debug input2,"SetGCOL: Palette entry",R0
Debug input2,"Flags, GCOL action",R3,R4
......@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ selecttable_badflags
; R11 = flags word
; out R10 updated, all others preserved
ret_PixTrans ENTRY "R7"
ret_PixTrans Entry "R7"
; Debug selecttable,"R2 into pixtrans",R2
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