When !18 (merged) was merged, the entries for the personal use types were removed, but the extensions for the various application/x-zmachine
entries weren't added to the one that was kept. This merge request fixes that.
the various
entries weren't added
Is this going to do what you expect? A very quick look at Zip2000 shows all of z1-z8 map to the same RunType (and that's also the same as RunType &11A) and the filetype has no significance within the interpreter itself - all stories are loaded in the same manner by the same function.
For example, you have a LanManFS mount with "MyStory.z5" shared, that will appear in the Filer as type &11A and a double click run will load Zip2000 and be listed as type Z-Code. A round trip via MIME types will, in effect, re-type z1-z8 to &11A as well because they all go via application/x-zmachine
A round trip via MIME types will, in effect, re-type z1-z8 to &11A as well because they all go via
This should only be an issue for people editing the MimeMap file to add entries for file types &061-&068. At the moment, a file with the extension ".z5" won't be mapped to &065 or &11a, and will instead just use a generic default type.
added 5 commits
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