1. 20 Jul, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Move beep on error option into Sound Setup · 676fc97e
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Part of simplification of the window setup plugin.
      Also, to avoid having to maintain two similar plugins, the differences from the former VIDC oriented Sound Setup are integrated
      * If SoundControl module is running behave as before
      * If no SoundControl but there is a VIDC, adapt to add
        + 16b/8b hardware option
        + oversampling option
        + don't permit muting of the (one and only) mixing channel
        + the mixing channel governs the *VOLUME and corresponding CMOS bits
      * Updated common functions from other plugins
      * Use definitions from HighFSI, OsBytes, CMOS in place of local ones
      Tested on a Risc PC (ie. VIDC style) and Beagleboard xM (ie. mixer style).
      Version 2.07. Tagged as 'SndSetup-2_07'
  2. 17 Jul, 2013 1 commit
  3. 15 Sep, 2012 1 commit
  4. 26 Jun, 2012 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Fix null pointer dereference on startup. Pass command line options through to VIDC plugin. · deee0951
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        c/main - Command line parsing now checks if enough arguments exist before attempting to look for an -openat option
        Resources/UK/!Run,feb - Now passes any command line options through to the VIDC-era plugin if we decide to launch that instead of ourselves
        Tested on Raspberry Pi with high processor vectors
      Version 2.05. Tagged as 'SndSetup-2_05'
  5. 21 Jan, 2012 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Adjust volume slider min/max values to match range supported by hardware · e3976248
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        c/main, c/sound, h/sound - Now uses the additional gain data returned by SoundCtrl_ExamineMixer to alter the volume slider min, max and step values.
        If SoundCtrl_ExamineMixer doesn't return any additional gain data, the sliders will have properties that match those of previous versions of the plugin.
        Tested on Iyonix & BB-xM, both with and without the new gain data being available.
        Note that a bug in previous versions of SndSetup will cause it to crash/malfunction if it encounters the new gain data (i.e. SoundCtrl 1.01+ used with a mixer device which implements HAL mixer API 0.1+)
      Version 2.04. Tagged as 'SndSetup-2_04'
  6. 14 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  7. 19 Dec, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Allow SoundControl-based sound setup plugin to fall back to VIDC-based plugin... · 92e0c558
      Jeffrey Lee authored
      Allow SoundControl-based sound setup plugin to fall back to VIDC-based plugin if SoundControl isn't present. Use AwkVers script instead of custom BASIC file.
        Makefile - Modified to use standard AwkVers script to insert version number into messages file instead of the custom PatchVers script
        PatchVers,ffb - Deleted
        Resources/UK/!Run,feb - Updated to look for a copy of the VIDC sound setup plugin in !SndSetup.VIDC if SoundControl isn't present. This is a quick and dirty way of allowing the plugin to work on IOMD machines.
        Builds and runs, but functionality untested
      Version 2.02. Tagged as 'SndSetup-2_02'
  8. 24 Oct, 2009 1 commit
  9. 28 Feb, 2003 3 commits
  10. 24 Feb, 2003 2 commits
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Changed Resources structure. · 7c3112cd
      Ben Avison authored
      Note that, contrary to previous log message, this is still just the Phoebe
      code base, but with build changes. The Ursula-RiscPC version put together
      by RISCOS Ltd is in RiscOS/Sources/SystemRes/Configure2/PlugIns/SndSetupVIDC.
      Version 0.06. Tagged as 'SndSetup-0_06'
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Changed Resources structure. · 42522828
      Ben Avison authored
      Note that, contrary to previous log message, this is still just the Phoebe
      code base, but with build changes. The Ursula-RiscPC version is in
      Version 0.06. Tagged as 'SndSetup-0_06'
  11. 14 Dec, 2002 2 commits
    • Steve Revill's avatar
      New sprites · 3602cb5a
      Steve Revill authored
      Makefile tweaks
      Note this is the version which doesn't use SoundCtrl module
      As featured on disc image accompanying RISC OS 5.00
      Version 0.05. Tagged as 'SndSetup-0_05'
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Addition of VersionNum · 5f4c42ae
      Robert Sprowson authored
  12. 28 Aug, 1998 2 commits
  13. 06 Jul, 1998 2 commits
  14. 10 Jun, 1998 2 commits
  15. 26 May, 1998 2 commits
  16. 12 May, 1998 2 commits
  17. 01 May, 1998 2 commits
  18. 14 Apr, 1998 1 commit