Commit a1e222d1 authored by Ben Avison's avatar Ben Avison
Browse files

Window object gadgets now sorted in component order.

Bugfix: encoding information is no longer stored in Wimp$Font, so the alphabet
can be set independently.
parent f40788bd
......@@ -12,3 +12,7 @@ Version Date Who Change
first Message_PlugInQuit
0.04 22/07/1998 BJGA "Desktop font" label was getting truncated when
NewHall.Bold was selected as the desktop font
0.05 28/08/1998 BJGA Window object now sorted in component order.
Bugfix: encoding information is no longer
stored in Wimp$Font, so the alphabet can now be
set independently
_TaskName:Fonts Setup
_Purpose:Configuring fonts
_Author: Acorn Computers Ltd, 1998
_Version:0.04 (22-Jul-98)
_Version:0.05 (28-Aug-98)
_ConfigHelp:Click SELECT to open the font configuration window.
No preview for this file type
......@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ Date Who Change
27/05/1998 BJGA Initial faded-out values are now forcibly constrained
by "parent" fontmax setting
28/05/1998 BJGA Implemented settings_write
28/08/1998 BJGA Strips encoding information from font identifier
returned by fontmenu_get_font()
......@@ -142,6 +144,32 @@ BOOL settings_write (void)
char string [256];
throw (fontmenu_get_font (0, fontmenu_id, string, sizeof(string), NULL));
/* Strip out the encoding information ("\E" and/or "\e") */
const char *rd = string;
char *wr = string;
if (*rd == '\\' && (*(rd+1) == 'E' || *(rd+1) == 'e'))
/* Skip qualifier */
while (*rd != '\\' && *rd >= ' ');
/* Copy byte down */
*wr = *rd;
while (*rd >= ' ');
*wr = '\0';
DeskFont_Set (status_file, string);
throw (numberrange_get_value (0, mainwindow_id, mainwindow_cachelimit, &fontmax));
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