Services 19.8 KB
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; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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; This header file is autogenerated from the files maintained by the
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        SUBT    Service call info. => &.Hdr.Services

OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List

; <<<search marker>>>

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; All the service call reason codes

; Name                   Value Beeb Elk  Mast Arc  Description
; ====                  * === ;    ;    ;    ;    ;
Service_Serviced        * &00 ; X  ; X  ; X  ; X  ; Terminates processing
Service_Static0E00      * &01 ; X  ; X  ; X  ;    ; Claim space at &E00
Service_Dynamic0E00     * &02 ; X  ; X  ; X  ;    ; Dynamic space above &E00
Service_AutoBoot        * &03 ; X  ; X  ; X  ;    ; Cause filing system to boot
Service_UKCommand       * &04 ; X  ; X  ; X  ; X  ; Do you know what this is??
Service_UnknownIRQ      * &05 ; X  ; X  ; X  ;    ; Process IRQ
Service_Error           * &06 ; X  ; X  ; X  ; X  ; A 'BRK' has occured, use ErrorV on Archimedes
Service_UKByte          * &07 ; X  ; X  ; X  ; X  ; Unknown OSBYTEs go thru here
Service_UKWord          * &08 ; X  ; X  ; X  ; X  ; Unknown OSWORDs go thru here
Service_Help            * &09 ; X  ; X  ; X  ; X  ; Issued at the start of the *Help
Service_Claim0E00       * &0A ; X  ; X  ; X  ;    ; Claim the use of space at &E00
Service_ReleaseFIQ      * &0B ; X  ; X  ; X  ; X  ;
Service_ClaimFIQ        * &0C ; X  ; X  ; X  ; X  ; May only be issued from foreground !
Service_StartROMFS      * &0D ; X  ; X  ; X  ;    ; Initialise ROM filing system
Service_ROMFSGetByte    * &0E ; X  ; X  ; X  ;    ; ROM filing system get byte
Service_ClaimFSVectors  * &0F ; X  ; X  ; X  ;    ; A new FS has claimed the vectors
Service_CloseSpoolExec  * &10 ; X  ; X  ; X  ;    ; Closeure warning for Spool/Exec files
Service_Memory          * &11 ; X  ; X  ; X  ; X  ; Font change, Memory movement
Service_StartUpFS       * &12 ; X  ; X  ; X  ; X  ;
Service_RS423Char       * &13 ;    ; X  ;    ;    ; Character written to RS423 buffer
Service_PrinterChar     * &14 ;    ; X  ;    ;    ; Character written to printer buffer
Service_PollingInterupt * &15 ;    ; X  ; X  ;    ; Offered every centi-second
Service_ExternalBell    * &16 ;    ; X  ;    ;    ; Offer the bell to external sound
Service_ExternalPurge   * &17 ;    ; X  ;    ;    ; Purge external sound buffers
Service_Post_Help       * &18 ;    ;    ; X  ; X  ; Passed round at the end of the *Help code

Service_StaticC000      * &21 ;    ;    ; X  ;    ; Static space claim at &C000
Service_DynamicC000     * &22 ;    ;    ; X  ;    ; Dynamic workspace claim, above &C000
Service_InformTopOfC000 * &23 ;    ;    ; X  ;    ; Inform top of &C000 static space
Service_TestDynamicC000 * &24 ;    ;    ; X  ;    ; Dynamic space test
Service_InformFilingSys * &25 ;    ;    ; X  ;    ; Return filing system name, handles, and number
Service_ShutAllFiles    * &26 ;    ;    ; X  ;    ; Shut all files, in response to *Shut
Service_Reset           * &27 ;    ;    ; X  ; X  ;
Service_UKConfig        * &28 ;    ;    ; X  ; X  ;
Service_UKStatus        * &29 ;    ;    ; X  ; X  ;
Service_NewApplication  * &2A ;    ;    ; X  ; X  ; Passed round before application/language is loaded/run
Service_DisplayBanner   * &2B ;    ;    ; X  ;    ; Display startup banner
Service_CumanaBackup    * &2C ;    ;    ; X  ;    ; Cumana removable cartidge drive

Service_BondIntKboard1  * &30 ;    ;    ; X  ;    ; Indirected international keyboard service (Internat'nl PRB/COM)
Service_BondIntKboard2  * &31 ;    ;    ; X  ;    ; Reserved for Paul Bond

Service_Tube            * &FE ; X  ; X  ; X  ; X  ; Means "Tube changing state"
Service_TubeMainInit    * &FF ; X  ; X  ; X  ;    ;

; RISC OS specific ones

Service_FSRedeclare                     * &40   ; Add yourselves as Filing Systems again please
Service_Print                           * &41   ; Printer Driver is being turned on/off (R2=0/1)
Service_LookupFileType                  * &42   ; Do you know this file type ?
Service_International                   * &43   ; Translate country/alphabet numbers/names or define set of chars
Service_KeyHandler                      * &44   ; Offered when keyboard id ascertained
Service_PreReset                        * &45   ; Offered after pressing the 'Break Key'
Service_ModeChange                      * &46   ; Offered after a screen MODE change
Service_ClaimFIQinBackground            * &47   ; Claim if you are FIQ owner and can release FIQ straight away.
Service_ReAllocatePorts                 * &48   ; Econet is being started up again
Service_StartWimp                       * &49   ;
Service_StartedWimp                     * &4A   ;
Service_StartFiler                      * &4B   ;
Service_StartedFiler                    * &4C   ;
Service_PreModeChange                   * &4D   ; Offered before mode changes, if claimed then returns if R0=0, else R0 -> error block
Service_MemoryMoved                     * &4E   ; Offered at end of ChangeDynamic
Service_FilerDying                      * &4F   ;
Service_ModeExtension                   * &50   ; To allow soft modes
Service_ModeTranslation                 * &51   ; For unknown monitor types
Service_MouseTrap                       * &52   ; For non-click mouse warnings
Service_WimpCloseDown                   * &53   ; for trapping Wimp_CloseDown calls
Service_Sound                           * &54   ; Something's happening ... sub-rc's in Hdr.Sound
Service_NetFS                           * &55   ; Either a *Logon or a *Bye has happened, or NetFS has started
Service_EconetDying                     * &56   ; Econet is leaving Abandon all Tx/RxCBs
Service_WimpReportError                 * &57   ; Wimp is opening/closing a ReportError window
Service_MIDI                            * &58   ; MIDI is initialising or dying. Sub reason codes in Hdr.MIDI
Service_ResourceFSStarted               * &59   ; comes after ResourceFSStarting (for clients)
Service_ResourceFSDying                 * &5A   ; when ResourceFS is killed / reloaded
Service_CalibrationChanged              * &5B   ; when the calibration for the screen is changed
Service_WimpSaveDesktop                 * &5C   ; when a save desktop to file is requested by the user
Service_WimpPalette                     * &5D   ; on every Wimp_SetPalette
Service_MessageFileClosed               * &5E   ; from MessageTrans module
Service_NetFSDying                      * &5F   ; NetFS is going to heaven, interceptors beware!
Service_ResourceFSStarting              * &60   ; when ResourceFS is reloaded / reinited
Service_NFS                             * &61   ; when NFS has mounted/dismounted or just loaded
Service_DBoxModuleDying                 * &62   ; when the DBox module is rmkilled or succesfully tidied
Service_DBoxModuleStarting              * &63   ; when the DBox module is rmloaded or reinitted
Service_TerritoryManagerLoaded          * &64   ; when the territory manager is rmloaded or reinitted
Service_PDriverStarting                 * &65   ; when the PDriver sharer module starts up
Service_PDumperStarting                 * &66   ; when the PDumper module starts up
Service_PDumperDying                    * &67   ; when the PDumper module dies
Service_CloseFile                       * &68   ; when somebody wants to open a file (eg FileSwitch or PCEmulator)
Service_IdentifyDisc                    * &69   ; when FileCore wants a disc format to be identified
Service_EnumerateFormats                * &6A   ; when ADFSFiler wants some format submenu entries
Service_IdentifyFormat                  * &6B   ; when ADFS wishes to identify a format identifier from a *format command
Service_DisplayFormatHelp               * &6C   ; when ADFS wishes to display the list of available formats
Service_ValidateAddress                 * &6D   ; when OS_ValidateAddress called with an apparently invalid address range
Service_FontsChanged                    * &6E   ; when Font_ListFonts/Font_FindFont detects new Font$Path
Service_BufferStarting                  * &6F   ; when Buffer manager installed (RMReinited, etc..).
Service_DeviceFSStarting                * &70   ; when devices to register with DeviceFS.
Service_DeviceFSDying                   * &71   ; when DeviceFS is dying.
Service_SwitchingOutputToSprite         * &72   ; when output switched to sprite or sprite mask or screen (inc. on mode change)
Service_PostInit                        * &73   ; called after all modules have been initialised
Service_BASICHelp                       * &74   ; called before printing BASIC help text ( r2 = Token).
Service_TerritoryStarted                * &75   ; called when a new territory is starting
Service_MonitorLeadTranslation          * &76   ; to translate a monitor lead ID to a default monitortype, mode and sync
Service_SerialDevice                    * &77   ; Passing of serial device handle (in r0) to all support module.
Service_PDriverGetMessages              * &78   ; Get printer driver modules common Messages file info.
Service_DeviceDead                      * &79   ; Device has been killed by DeviceFS, r0 =0, r2 =handle / =0 if all.
Service_ScreenBlanked                   * &7A   ; Screen blanked by screen blanker.
Service_ScreenRestored                  * &7B   ; Screen restored by screen blanker.
Service_DesktopWelcome                  * &7C   ; Desktop about to start, display welcome message.
Service_DiscDismounted                  * &7D   ; Disc has just been dismounted - close your viewers etc.
Service_ShutDown                        * &7E   ; Switcher is shutting down.
Service_PDriverChanged                  * &7F   ; PDriver has changed via PDriver_SelectDriver.
Service_ShutDownComplete                * &80   ; Switcher has completed the shutdown.
Service_DeviceFSCloseRequest            * &81   ; Opening a device which already has maximum number of streams open
Service_InvalidateCache                 * &82   ; ColourTrans has invalidated its cache
Service_ProtocolDying                   * &83   ; Tells the world that a protocol is dying
Service_FindNetworkDriver               * &84   ; Issued when a protocol module is looking for device drivers
Service_WimpSpritesMoved                * &85   ; Window Managers sprite areas have moved.
Service_WimpRegisterFilters             * &86   ; Window Manager has defaulted the filter owners.
Service_FilterManagerInstalled          * &87   ; Please register with the Filter Manager now
Service_FilterManagerDying              * &88   ; Filter Manager has just disappeared
Service_ModeChanging                    * &89   ; Issued after Service_PreModeChange when a mode change is inevitable
Service_Portable                        * &8A   ; Issued when various bits of power are removed or applied
Service_NetworkDriverStatus             * &8B   ; Issued when various driver modules startup or die
Service_SyntaxError                     * &8C   ; Issued by OS_CLI if syntax incorrect - for internationalisation
Service_EnumerateScreenModes            * &8D   ; Enumerate which screen modes are available
Service_PagesUnsafe                     * &8E   ; Physical memory pages are moving
Service_PagesSafe                       * &8F   ; Physical memory pages have moved
Service_DynamicAreaCreate               * &90   ; Dynamic area just created
Service_DynamicAreaRemove               * &91   ; Dynamic area just removed
Service_DynamicAreaRenumber             * &92   ; Dynamic area just renumbered
Service_ColourPickerLoaded              * &93   ; when the colour picker is rmloaded or reinitted
Service_ModeFileChanged                 * &94   ; when a new mode description file is loaded
Service_FreewayStarting                 * &95   ; Freeway starting
Service_FreewayTerminating              * &96   ; Freeway terminating
Service_ShareDStarting                  * &97   ; ShareD starting
Service_ShareDTerminating               * &98   ; ShareD terminating
Service_ModulePostInitialisation        * &99   ; Notification that a Module has just started
Service_ModulePreFinalisation           * &9A   ; Notification that a Module is about to die
Service_EnumerateNetworkDrivers         * &9B   ; Enumaration of network drivers
Service_PCMCIA                          * &9C   ; PCMCIA system parts are starting and/or terminating
Service_DCIDriverStatus                 * &9D   ; Issued when DCI 4 driver modules startup or die
Service_DCIFrameTypeFree                * &9E   ; Issued by DCI 4 driver modules when a frame type is relinquished
Service_DCIProtocolStatus               * &9F   ; Issued when DCI 4 protocol modules startup or die
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Service_OmniAction                      * &A0   ; Apollo service call from ANT Ltd.
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175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297
Service_MbufManagerStatus               * &A2   ; ANT Ltd. / Acorn (DCI 4)
Service_SamplerSupport                  * &A3   ; Jonathan Allin
Service_AccessLockKey                   * &A4   ; Issued when 'Access Lock' key pressed on Stork
Service_RedrawManagerInstalled          * &A5   ; ART kb
Service_RedrawManagerDying              * &A6   ; ART kb
Service_URI                             * &A7   ; ART rce
Service_NCDialUIStatus                  * &A8   ; ANC ol
Service_ScreenBlanking                  * &A9   ; ANC ol
Service_IRDirectorStarting              * &AA   ; ANC cb
Service_Standby                         * &AD   ; ANC Steve Cormie
Service_NCAccessManager                 * &AE   ; ANC Ant Skelton
Service_InternetStatus                  * &B0   ; Issued by Internet module when address is configured
Service_Sleeping                        * &B1   ; Online Media Set-Top Box
Service_TimeShare                       * &B2   ; Alan Glover, Acorn, for SkyNet
Service_CDNewDrivePoll                  * &B3   ; Timothy Roddis, Acorn, for CDFS
Service_Dialler                         * &B4   ; ART Dialler
Service_UnknownPlatformFeature          * &B5   ; ART WTurner
Service_CountATAPIDevices               * &B6   ; ART MChallis
Service_UKCompression                   * &B7   ; ART WTurner
Service_CacheManager                    * &B8   ; ART TRoddis
Service_ModulePreInit                   * &B9   ; ART MStephens
Service_NCRegistry                      * &BA   ; ANC Ant Skelton
Service_SCTransportStarting             * &BB   ; ANC Rich Buckley
Service_NCRegistrySupport               * &BC   ; ANC Ant Skelton
Service_MachineAddress                  * &BD   ; ANC Steve Cormie
Service_CSFSStarting                    * &BE   ; ANC Rich Buckley
Service_JavaStarting                    * &BF   ; ANC Piers Wombwell
Service_PPPTimingOut                    * &C0   ; ART Ben Laughton
Service_IRDirector                      * &C1   ; Chris Berry
Service_PortMan                         * &C2   ; Neil Turton
Service_PCI                             * &C3   ; William Turner
Service_Diallerb                        * &C4   ; Ben Laughton
Service_ManagedAccess                   * &C5   ; Ant Skelton
Service_MIDIMgr                         * &C6   ; Tim Roddis
Service_MPEGControlStarting             * &C7   ; Tim Dobson
Service_IME                             * &C8   ; Andrew Hodgkinson
Service_SVBmip                          * &C9   ; Steve Revill
Service_VideoControl                    * &CA   ; Andrew Hodgkinson
Service_VideoControl_ProtocolModule     * &CB   ; Andrew Hodgkinson
Service_NCMA				* &D1	; Pace
Service_USB				* &D2	; Pace
Service_PRISM_Core			* &D3	; Pace
Service_ConfigUpdate			* &D4	; Pace
Service_PRISM_Client			* &D5	; Pace
Service_Hardware			* &D9	; RO5
Service_ModulePostInit			* &DA	; RO5
Service_ModulePostFinal			* &DB	; RO5
Service_NVRAM                           * &E0   ; Steve Cormie (This used to be isolated, but allocations have now caught up)

; Alias (should not be used)

Service_PDriverGetSharedMessagesFile * Service_PDriverGetMessages

; International service sub-reason codes

Inter_CNaToCNo  * 0
Inter_ANaToANo  * 1
Inter_CNoToCNa  * 2
Inter_ANoToANa  * 3
Inter_CNoToANo  * 4
Inter_Define    * 5
Inter_Keyboard  * 6
Inter_DefineUCS * 7
Inter_UCSTable  * 8
Inter_Highest   * 9             ; highest reason code +1

; Sub-reason codes (in r2) for Service_Portable

ServicePortable_PowerDown       *       0       ; Power about to be removed from some ports
ServicePortable_PowerUp         *       1       ; Power has been reapplied to some ports
ServicePortable_TidyUp          *       2       ; Issued by Econet if it can't powerdown due to outstanding RxCBs
ServicePortable_Freeze          *       3       ; Issued on entry to SWI Portable_Stop
ServicePortable_Unfreeze        *       4       ; Issued on exit from SWI Portable_Stop
ServicePortable_FreezeRequest   *       5       ; Preceedes ServicePortable_Freeze

                                ^       &10800  ; ADFS Service calls
Service_ADFSPodule              #       1       ; &10800 locates ST506 podule
Service_ADFSPoduleIDE           #       1       ; &10801 locates IDE podule
Service_ADFSPoduleIDEDying      #       1       ; &10802 tells ADFS podule is dying

                                ^       &20100  ; SCSIDriver Service calls
SCSIDriverService               #       64

                                ^       &400c0
Service_ErrorStarting           #       1       ; new wimp error extension system
Service_ErrorButtonPressed      #       1
Service_ErrorEnding             #       1

                                ^       &40100
Service_CM_State_PreSleep       #       1
Service_CM_State_PostWake       #       1

                                ^       &40200
Service_NetPrintCheckD1         #       1       ; Used to find the SJ printer server

                                ^       &41200  ; Internet/Networking Service calls
Service_Internet                #       1       ; &41200 tells the world that Internet is dying

                                ^       &41580  ; Acorn TIP Service calls
Service_FindProtocols           #       1       ; &41580    Called to find which protocols are available
Service_FindProtocolsEnd        #       1       ; &41581    Called when all protocols have been found.
Service_ProtocolNameToNumber    #       1       ; &41582    Called to convert a protocol name to its SWI base.

                                ^       &44EC0  ; Aquarius Toolbox services
Service_ToolboxUnused           #       1       ; &44EC0
Service_ToolboxStarting         #       1       ; &44EC1
Service_ToolboxTaskBorn         #       1       ; &44EC2
Service_ToolboxTaskDied         #       1       ; &44EC3
Service_ToolboxDying            #       1       ; &44EC4
Service_WindowDeleted           #       1       ; &44EC5

				^	&4D480  ; ModeFiles
Service_SafeAreaChanged		#	1	; &4D480

; Third party services start at &80000 and they get 64 each

                                ^       &80000

                                ^       &80540
AcornProtocols                  #       64      ; &80540, ART rce
298 299
                                ^       &81040
SDIODriverService               #       64      ; &81040, ROOL / Ben Avison
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300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314

                                ^       &82880  ; Aquarius Window services
Service_WindowModuleUnused      #       1       ; &82880
Service_WindowModuleStarting    #       1       ; &82881
Service_WindowModuleDying       #       1       ; &82882
Service_GadgetRegistered        #       1       ; &82883
Service_GadgetDeregistered      #       1       ; &82884

                                ^       &83E00
URLModuleService                #       64      ; &83E00, Acorn, Stewart Brodie

        OPT     OldOpt